Classifieds PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have it billed to your account. Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small invest ment bring big returns* EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 r MasterCard X CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main Desk RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change. Minimum charges are $1.50 for the first insertion and $1.20 for consecutive insertions. DEADLINES: Contract and open rate line ads: 1 p.m. the day before publication Contract and open rate display classified ads: 1 p.m. two days before publication for the first insertion of new art. 1 p.m. the day before publication for each insertion thereafter unless new art is requested. The Oregon Daily Emerald is publish ed Monday through Friday during the academic year (September-June) and Tuesday and Thursday during summer session (June-August). We do not publish during vacations. PAYMENT: All ads must be paid for in advance unless a billing agreement has been established with us For billing ar rangements, please call 686-4343 or stop by the Emerald offices, 300 EMU. To qualify for a billed account, you must have several valid credit references, and leave a $15 deposit. Garage Sales YARD SALE 12 - 6, Sunday, July 8. Couch, bed, fridge, clothes, household items. ONE DAY ONLY. 3097 Floral Hill Drive. 7-5 For Sale OLIVETTI PORTABLE typewriter and case. Praxis 35 Electronic, almost new. $350 or best offer. Phone, 345-6382.7-5 YAMAHA CLASSIC Guitar, 1975 model and case. 484-5610.7-5 MOVING, MUST SELL: 40 pints, Ken more dehumidifier. In excellent condi tion, only 8 months old. Paid $300. Ask ing $225. Call before 10 am, or after 9 pm 726-3038. 7-12 Instruction SUMMER OPENINGS GUITAR, piano, bass lessons, John Sharkey, 344-5530. 16 years teaching experience. All ages, all styles. 7-5 Services RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge. Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU. Students 10% discount with current ID. tfn &*/'**Resume from ODE hZ'&.Graphic Services! Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 40-50% off list prices •Textbooks*Clift Notes«Magazines» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 362:tfn Typing T&C PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels. Graduate school approved. 687-9326, Cyndi 2178:UH TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 575:UH TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical. Law papers. Resume Composition. & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast, Profes sional, Quality Service, Guaranteed. WordStyles & Typescripts BRANDY 484-6044 CINDY 484-5454 1098:tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate 484-1646 _748:ttn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE TYPING, PHOTO COPY and SERVICE our Speciality. Pick up and Delivery Avsildhlp Ken or Penny 485-3914583:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge. Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU. Students 10% dis count with current ID. tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations. 5 blocks from UO. No job too small. Jennifer 485-3883 898:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345-2289 __^168:tfn FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong - 484-9405 2539:tfn WORD PROCESSING Guaranteed - Graduate School approved TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara - 345-3414 _8-9 PROFESSIONAL, ECONOMICAL typing proves word processing superfluous. Typed copy always proofed by Ruth. 345-5614.1449:UH PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr. Sel. Grad, approv ed. Near campus. 344-0759 3019:tfn TYPING - Experienced, fast, efficient. Reasonable rates. Editing included. 345-4379. 3028 UH GRADUATE APPROVED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III. Call Mina between 3 and 10 pm at 726-9824. 851:H JUNE’S TYPING SERVICE Fast, Ac curate, Reliable. Call 689-1724 Morn ings - Evenings. 9-27 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers. 361 West 5th 613:M-F Bicycles SECOND vT\ NATURE BICYCLES • Nishiki/Cycle Pro Colnago Dealer • Full Line BMX/Cruiser • Reconditioned Bikes Our Specialty • Expert repairs • Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups • Frame Repair 343-5362 1712 Willamette St. BUY«SELL*TRADE RECYCLED BIKE WORKS We offer a complete selection of parts and service at low everyday prices. All our repairs are guaranteed. Why spend more when you don’t have to? 774 E. 11th 485-5886 Only two blocks from campus WE SPEAK FLUENT BICYCLE 7-5 23V2" HANDBUILT Condor British rac ing frame. Never used, 531 DB including Campy Headset. $285, 343-2205. 7-5 Cars & Cycles 1972 PINTO, 3 door, 4 spd., 4 cylinder, excellent condition -- $900 or offer 689-5369 7-5 WANT A SMOOTH RIDE? 1974 CUTLASS 4-DOOR is for you. Runs excellent. Air conditioning, power steering and brakes, automatic transmission. 17 mpg on highway. $950 o.b.o. Carrie, 686-4343 days or 484-9620 eves. 1984 FERRARI 308 GTi Not really, but this is the next best thing! 1975 VW BUG. Strong 1600cc engine. AM/FM Cassette. Very straight and dependable. Call ANYTIME 485-3110 or 686-5511 and ask for Russ. $2,400 or talk to meltfn Wanted MODELS WANTED for advanced educa tion classes in the art of hair design. Participation will be in exchange for free hair services. Call Creative Id, 342-1751. 7-5 HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE In ex change for room and board. Good references. Will care for plants/animals. Call Elizabeth, 343-5134. 7-5 Help Wanted CLASSIFIED AD MANAGER The successful applicant will have a background in office management and newspaper production, and will be able to work at least 30 hours per week. The applicant will run entire department and manage sales staff. Mail resume to: PO Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403, or pick up application in Room 300, EMU, Universi ty of Oregon campus, from 9-4. The Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affir mative Action Employer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Ap plications close July 6. 7-5 EUGENE FAMILY YMCA has childcare positions open for trade for a family or single membership. Apply at 2055 Pat terson.3039:7-17 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: Yarder engineer for 071 M ad ill. Call 447-5891 evenings._ 7-5 MANAGER NEEDED for 16 unit studio apt. complex. Experience preferred with references. Send resume to P.O. Box 10342 Eugene, 97440. 3049:tfn Roommates $81.25 ROOM IN WASHINGTON St. house with fireplace, roofdeck, huge kitchen, basement and parking. Musician OK. Homebrewing. Mature student prefer red. 683-9194. 7-3 BEAUTIFUL HENDRICKS PARK home, with deck, fireplace, quiet. Only $117/mo. Available now. Call 484-7215. __7-5 WOMAN TO JOIN woman and child and architecture student in large semi-rural home near UO and LCC. Quiet, con siderate, stable. $125, Diana 345-3269. 7-5 For Rent ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building -Walking distance to campus -Spacious apartments -New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care. For appointment call 484-7441. 21 S6:tf n UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom $142/mo., 1 bedroom $113/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $118/mo. Future openings expected all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept. 686-4277.2449:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house. $109 and $119. Manager 345-1037. I PM, 1111 Pearl, 485-8258.1681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished. Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning. Private refrigerator. Dishwasher. Near campus. Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn $145 SUMMER RENT Reserve now a nice quiet campus one bedroom. Carpet, drapes, storage, park ing. Gary 683-3377. 2787:tfn For Rent STUDIOS FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE $135/mo., 1'/2 blocks from cam pus. laundry facilities, call 345-8493. _2642:tfn The following are 1-6 blocks from the U of O and may be seen by appointment only. FURNISHED S150/170 - 1 bedroom. Laundry, off street parking. 1630 Ferry. $160 ■ Large studio. 1342 Alder. UNFURNISHED $150 - 1-bedroom. 1359 Pearl. $175 - 1 bedroom, quiet. 1715 High. $195 - 1-bedroom, lots of light. Patio, garden. 967 (rear) Patterson. $250 ■ 2-bedroom. Delightful vintage with fireplaces, laundry. 967 Patterson. $230 - 2-bedroom duplex. Fireplace. 2640 Harris. $330 - Elegant 3-bedroom duplex. Fireplace, garden. Utilities included. 2140 Harris. No pets allowed. Call Joy for appoint ment. 686-1130. Lamson Associates. 2978:tfn RIDGEWOOD APARTMENTS Renting for summer and fall. Furnished units near music building. Studio, one and two bedrooms, and a house. 688-5769.2811 :tfn LOW SUMMER RATES At the Student's Cooperative Associa tion. Rates include quality conventional and vegetarian meals and all utilities. 8 weeks - Double $350, Single $430. 11 weeks - Double $450, Single $530. Campbell Club, 683-3453 or Janet Smith House, 683-3777, ask for membership coordinator.7-19 Reserve your apartment NOW for the summer 1331 High Street FURNISHED STUDIOS Campus downtown area, private bath, share kitchen with one other. UTILITIES PAID $125 Manager, 343-2613, Apt. No. 6A. Bennett Management Co. 485-6991. 2864:tfn ONE AND TWO BEDROOM furnished units. Walk to U of O. 542 E. 12th, 12th & Ferry, Manager 343-33183005:tfn SUMMER RATES 1414 E. 18th. 1 & 2 bedrooms from $150. Call Sabin, 683-2160.2995:tfn TWO BEDROOM, furnished apartments one block from campus. Summer rates, call 342-3019.M2 ROOM WITH kitchen, share bath, in older house, three blocks from campus. Off-street parking. $90/month includes utilities during summer. Call John, 345-5506.7-10 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion, carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry. Call manager 345-7419. IPM REALTOR 485-8258 1827:tfn SUMMER RATES 3 bedroom U of O across from Hayward Field. 1290 E. 18th. $325. 344-3713, 484-1405, 484-1238.7-5 CHRISTUS HOUSE. Student Christian Living is seeking Fall applicants, single rooms, inexpensive rates, call 687-0145 (evenings) or visit us at 1834 Potter Street, Eugene. 8-9 UNFURNISHED, BASEMENT, One bedroom apartment, three blocks from campus, off street parking. Summer rate: $150 per month INCLUDES utilities. Phone John, 345-5506. 7-10 ROOM & BOARD $150 mo. 1910 University 484-9434 eves. 7-17 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075. 821:tfn LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month, 485-8859.2700:tfn $99 Month Large Modern Quads next to University 1866 Harris, 343-0981 __2862:tfn HAVE FUN THIS SUMMER Don't waste your time with housekeep ing. Live across from campus at Cam pus Court Quads and enjoy free maid service. Cable TV, parking and utilities included tool Call or stop by now! CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder 686-1075 3000:tfn Quads FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus. See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271. $130. 1666:t»n Lost & Found WANTED: GERMAN SHEPHARD PUP picked up by Orange VW Camper-Van JULY 2 at Arco Station on Franklin Blvd. Reward ottered - Call 683-3607 or 485-2936. 7-12 Food & Drink 25* HOT DOG NIGHT THURS. 6-9 pm Beer, wine & good sandwiches Enjoy our outdoor patio ARNOLD’S HIDEAWAY 1461% E. 19th (Near 19th & Agate) woaaaadjBBrbaacz aaaaacjoaaaa ^UULbcooaocoooo PHI M S Mandarin aaoaaaoaaaaaaaaaaooaoaoaaa Da||y Special Chinese Lunch j£ 5195 Full Course Chinese Dinner y>* J $3.95 -rT ;§• 13th & Hilyard ’ll 11 am - 10 pm ^ 343-6234 ^ Entertainment at E0XSON& BAR,: Friday and Saturday rf* ■ fcj mr ^ A Atrium ftldoT ■ fo0T-0733 FINAL SHOW TONIGHT at 7:30 Bogart and Hepburn in THE AFRICAN QUEEN with Hitchcock's Thriller at 9:20 STRANGERS ON A TRAIN Oregon Premiere Starting Fri. July 6 French Oscar winner and Academy Award Nominee Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:40 Sun. ■ Thurs 7:00 & 9:10 Sun. matinee 2:00 pm All shows Sunday reduced admission with 2 pm matinee THE MOUSE THAT ROARED UNDONE BY a California wine monopoly, the tiny duchy of Grand Fenwick attempts revenge by losing a hopeless war with the United States. Through major bungling they accidentally win. A wild comedy starring Peter Sellers. Thurs., July 5th THE TERRY ROBB BAND Rock ’n Roll 9:30 pm ■ 2 am $2.00 cover LE BAL S.C.D. Presents 7:30 & 9:30 pm 150 GEOLOGY $1.50/$1 ar» at *■»-Jr m jr m » * $r it I>»\ '492 E. 13lh 686 2458 FINAL WEEK! Fri. & Sal. 7:15 & 9:30 pm Sat.-Sun. bargain matinee 4 pm Sun.-Thurs. 6:30 & 8:45 pm Basileus Quartet A young, extraordinarily talented, sexually impulsive violinist brings challenge and crisis to a musical ensemble touring the magnificent cultural centers of Europe. Here is a complex, sensitive study of adult relationships that is riveting, haun ting, unique. Features the music of Starring Harrison Ford playing deadly hide-and-seek with Pris (Darryl Hannah - SPLASH!!) Et al. Tburs., 11 pm $1.96 Fri. & Sat. Midnite $2.50 Next Week Ravel, Schubert, DeBussy and others KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATE NITE BLADE RUNNER ROCKY HORROR Events NORTHWEST CLIMBING A slide show that takes a look at the variety of alpine climbing available in the northwest. Thurs., July 5, noon, in the Outdoor Program Room in base ment of EMU. Sponsored by U of O Out door Program, 686-3730. 7-5 Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral • call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F. 468:UH PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confidential Call 686-4488358 UH MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11 th 001 :UH PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call for appt. 344-9411. 2992 H Cards & Postcards Stickers • Stationery Posters • Party Favors Wind-up Toys Stuffed Toys Mugs • Gift Wrap ET CETERA! BBBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS MON.-FRI. 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484-0530 (Across from Dairy Queen) BLOOM COUNTYby Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed HM, UH...AU. OF VW MurmmuRi Temp TO M5T mm "mmsy? p HI HO/ HI'HO/ A IT'S Off To ? mmMto... /n lT'50ff1&TO M GO... /\ u tvt CAN I U\\t, * mm-t-ujtb' j\Moftenfot i--a Hence, m mighty am county peumoN mceem w speep wesnmp tdwarp SAN FRANCISCO. ONWARP MY W6NT.'...THROUGH M SUNO.eSSCO WARMTH OF M KANSAS HCART CANP... . past m msom granpcur OF WF COLORADO ROCKieS... ...THROUGH we SUNBLCSSeP WARMTH OF we KANSAS KART— j?°yeBopy J&OPr zzrfcr/; cars $&J¥r'i*rr'iW‘ \L. <[