Travis backs females ticket By Paul Ertelt Of the Emerald A woman on the Democratic presidential ticket will give that party its best chance at beating Pres. Ronald Reagan and will give women a long-deserved place in the political process, Alice Travis told members of the Oregon Women’s Political Caucus Saturday. Travis, a member of the Democratic National Committee and the National Women’s Political Caucus’s represen tative to the Democratic Na tional Convention, addressed an enthusiastic audience at the annual meeting of the OWPC. Putting a woman on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate is “politically smart, morally right, a hell of a lot of fun, and we deserve it.” Travis said. “A woman vice president will change the whole course of history” and add interest to a ticket that may not be too ex Travis outlined the work her group has done, in conjunction with other women’s groups, to get the party to consider a woman as vice presidential can didate. She also discussed strategies to be used at the convention. The group began lobbying presidential hopefuls last sum mer, sending them profiles of possible female candidates. Many members of the group will attend the convention as delegates and may nominate a woman from the floor if the party’s presidential candidate does not pick a woman, she said. Although there are many qualified women in the party, the caucus is not endorsing any specific female candidate, Travis said. A woman on the ticket will not only ‘‘galvanize’’ Democratic women and men, but will win over many in “A woman vice president will change the whole course of history. ” —Alice Travis citing, she said. Although Reagan has alienated many women because of his stance on the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion and other issues, the Democrats cannot take women’s votes for granted, Travis said. ‘‘Women will not automatically vote against Ronald Reagan.” dependents and moderate Republican women, Travis said. Although former Vice Presi dent Walter Mondale — the party’s probable candidate — is not politically strong in the West, a woman will be a greater advantage than “balancing” the ticket with a man from the West, Travis said. Alice Travis “There are women from every state and from every region,’’ Travis said. But there are many obstacles to getting a woman on the Democratic ticket, Travis admitted. Mondale already has con sidered several women as possi ble running mates. If he “toys” with the idea of a female run ning mate and then chooses a man, he may be perceived as a candidate who makes promises he does not keep, Travis said. There also is the problem of Sen. Gary Hart, whose many primary victories give him a strong claim to the vice presidential spot. Travis does not believe Hart wants that position, however. If he does, he may decide it would be best for the party and for his • own political future to step aside for a woman. Locals evaluate party chances By Paul Ertelt Of the Emerald Oregon’s Democratic Sen. Margie Hen driksen and Republican Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer both showed the politician’s in herent optimism Friday as they discussed their respective parties’ chances in November’s general election. Speaking at the closing banquet of the University’s Taft Seminar, Hendriksen and Frohnmayer also were frank in outlining their parties’ vulnerabilities. “The conventional wisdom says Ronald Reagan can’t be beaten,” Hendriksen said. “But I don’t subscribe to the conventional wisdom.” Reagan was elected president “not because he received a mandate from the people,” but because so few voters turned out in 1980, Hen driksen said. Hendriksen stressed her party’s need to con duct widespread voter registration. Of the 38 million unregistered voters, many are women, minorities, union members and others likely to vote Democratic, she said. But the Democrats also need to nominate a female vice presidential candidate if they expect to beat Reagan, she said. “There could be some dramatic action on the floor to put forth a woman vice presidential can didate,” Hendriksen said. i v liauuiuaic i live, u.u. i\c-p.; Geraldine Ferraro could give a lot of excitement to the campaign,” Hendriksen said. But Frohnmayer said this comment showed the Democrats’ major weakness: they lack a can didate who will turn voters on. Both Hendriksen and Frohnmayer agreed that Reagan’s greatest asset is his ability to com municate, but the mounting federal deficit and the “gender gap” could work against him, they said. The war and peace issue could “cut both ways,” Frohnmayer said. “I think the outcome depends on whether people vote their hopes or vote their fears,” Frohnmayer said. “If they vote their hopes, Ronald Reagan will be elected; if they vote their fears, it will be close.” Frohnmayer was optimistic about his own chances in November and said he expected to be re-elected attorney general. Hendriksen admitted she was facing a tough fight in her race to unseat Republican Sen. Mark Hatfield, but said she has a good chance of winning. “The Senate is very, very crucial in respect to the Supreme Court and treaties,” Hendriksen said. Presently, the Democrats need to capture only six seats to regain control of the Senate. —““-“COUPON TAKE ADVANTAGE! FREE WEEK’S MEMBERSHIP at HEAVEN’S RECORD RENTAL Expires 7/30/84 11th & Alder .......COUPON 345-7625 Grand Re-Opening All Espresso Drinks V2 Price! July 4-9th Featuring: Espresso - coffee, Italian Soda, Shortbread Cookies & now — Fresh-squeezed O.J. 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