Film explores child’s view By Sean Axmaker Of the Emerald Vibeke Lokkeberg’s “Kamilla” is an emo tionally powerful look at the disintegration of a marriage as seen through the eyes of the 7-year old daughter. The setting is Bergen, a small coastal town in Norway, just after World War II. Kamilla’s father runs a shoe repair shop and her mother (played by writer-director Lokkeberg) a laundry. As the film begins we become aware of the problems in the marriage, but the cleft that develops is in the form of the sexy blonde Siri, whom father has hired to run the counter in front. Across the street from the family lives Kamilla’s best friend Svein, whose father has run out on the family. His mother attempts to hold the family together despite interference from self righteous neighbors and the state welfare board. Caught in between these battles are Kamilla and Svein, innocent young children who observe the ensuing anarchy but are unable to understand why it is occuring. In one of the film’s most powerful moments the children try to create their own “ideal” love that becomes the only pure relationship in the story. Nina Knapskog is perfect as Kamilla; her range of emotion is extraordinary for a child her age. She captures the pain and anger of a helpless child while still preserving the essential in nocence and curiosity that makes Kamilla come alive. Even when her father leaves the family and moves into the shop with mistress Siri, Kamilla attempts to console herself with her picture book and her friendship with Svein. Lokkeberg’s vision is a miserable, depressing one. The numerous point-of-view shots let us view the world from Kamilla’s helpless position, a small girl in a towering world. The shame the family lives under for allegedly dealing with the Nazis during the war, the English lessons the father undergoes (so he can become a lumberjack Photo courtesy New Line Cinema in Canada), and the American sailors that wander in and out of the plot are all carefully calculated elements that seem to reinforce the corruption of society and family that World War II has brought on. The beauty of the town and the visual splen dor of the film are in sharp contrast to the hopelessness of life. The only hope offered is in innocent Kamilla, who futilely attempts to recon cile her parents’ marriage. Beautiful and sad, “Kamilla” is a powerful film with the sharpest portrayal of a child’s attempts to cope with a marital breakup I’ve ever seen. Norwegian with English subtitles. Starts Friday at Cinema 7. Folk duo to play Eugene Jim Ringer and Mary Mc Caslin, folk and country western singers, will return to Eugene for a Friday concert at the W.O.W. Hall. McCaslin sings a curious blend of cowgirl laments and Motown pop hits from the 1960s, while Ringer rumbles out ballads of “drinking, dash ed hopes and death.” Together, the San Bernardino, Calif, cou ple have perfected an appealing close-harmony style of singing, as evidenced on their album, “Bramble and the Rose,” of a few years ago. They have released a dozen solo or duo albums, mostly on the Philo or Flying Fish labels, including McCaslin’s “Prarie in the Sky” and ‘‘Way out West” and Ringer’s recent album, “Endangered species.” Ringer has a rugged charisma that lends total credibility to his singing, but he uses that gruff exterior to make his warm hearted, touching songs take you that much more by sur prise. “I used to be a logger and a construction worker until I found out 1 could make a living doing this and having fun,” he said. Many of McCaslin’s songs take a wistful look at the West, and what might have been. She moved to the Los Angeles area from Indianapolis when she was a young girl and was disap pointed at finding more sequins there than sagebrush. Friday’s concert will begin at 8:30 p.m., with the doors open ing at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 in advance, $6 the day of the show, and are available at Earth River Records, EMU Main Desk, Balladeer Music, House of Record, Literary Lion and the W.O.W. Hall, at Eighth Avenue and Lincoln Street. Economical Excitement Sale $535.00 Reg. $595.00 • Gets up to 90 miles per gallon on regular gasoline. • Cruises at 45 miles per hour on city streets. Faster than a moped! • 5-speed transmission for quick and easy getaways. • Weighs only 165 poundS for easy handling at stops. • Small, but powerful engine (49cc two-stroke) YAMAHA OF SPRINGFIELD INC. COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT 423 Q STREET, SPRINGFIELD While Quantity Lasts. YAMAHA 747-1839 FsRzza £ CouPon hLS'^..p'.aa’ Regu/ar „ SY p*»“";;z?upon srS„cSR" 'K 2 Topping* 2™« **• Coke,. CALL 686-9590 5:30Midn^ay.fu;® 1211 Alder on cainpus J —Summer Term Workshopj Academic Speed Reading Improve your rate, comprehension, and recall of academic materials. 1) M/W 8:30-11:00 a.m. June 25-July 30 2) U/H 1:30-3:00 p.m. July 3-August 2 jpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag Research indicates that preparation can improve your score. GRE (Next Test, August 13) July 0 - Aug. 1 MW 4-5:30 p.m. GMAT (Next Test, Oct. 20) July 17 - Aug. 9 UH 4-5:30 LSAT (Next Test, Sept. 29 July 9 - Aug. 1 MW 3:30-5:00 p.m. GRAMMAR REVIEW: To be announced. ■■aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Graduate School Admission Tests laMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER 5 Friendly Hall • 686-3226 -emu Main Desk EMU Check Cashing Information The Erb Memorial Union Main Desk Store cashes checks as a service for students, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon. Students must present a current certificate of registration and a plastic identification card with picture; faculty/staff must present their plastic identification card with picture and current validation sticker. There is a 15 cent service charge per check. Make checks payable to the Erb Memorial Union and include Eugene address and phone number (or department and extension for faculty/staff) on the check. The limit on checks is $10.00 unless otherwise posted. When writing checks, double-check your bank balance. Make sure what you think will be a “good check” doesn’t turn out to be a “bad check.” If your check is returned, there is a service charge of $7.50. This is in addition to any service charge charged by your bank. You will also lose the privilege of cashing checks at the Erb Memorial Union for the remainder of the year (July 1 - June 30). To abide by policies set forth by the banks: 1) We cannot accept counter checks, 2) There can be no alterations or changes made on checks, 3) We cannot accept personal second party checks and 4) If you do not have personalized checks additional I.D. must be presented. I D. FOR CASHING CHECKS PRIOR TO LAST DAY TO PAY FEES WITHOUT PENALTY. New Students 1. U of O statement of admission with student ID number. 2. Valid ID with signature and description. Returning Students 1. Previous term’s certificate of registration. 2. U of O plastic ID card with picture. Students who intend to register Fall Term and will be working on campus this Summer inquire at the EMU Main Desk ✓ Available Now The Ashlane Apartments 475 Lindale Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 747-5411 One Bedroom Two Bedroom L_I Three Bedroom *155.50 *182.50 *200.50 On-Site Features All Apartments Feature • Laundry Facilities • Appliances • Playground & Equipment • Draperies • On-site bus stop • Wall to wall carpeting Below the market rates allow you to enjoy the active college atmosphere of your own student community while maintaining the privacy of an individual apartment.