Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 04, 1984, Page 3, Image 3

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    Board appointments delayed
By Doug Nash
Of the Emerald
Gov. Vic Atiyeh's annual luncheon Wednes
day with the state's newly elected student body
presidents may not be as cordial as he might
At issue is the selection of a student position
on the State Board of Higher Education. The posi
tion is currently held by student member Randall
Gill, whose term expires June 30. Atiyeh, mean
while, has yet to select a new student member.
And that rankles Oregon Student Lobby
Director Sherry Oeser, who points out that two
other, non-student positions were filled about a
month ago.
"We're very concerned that he hasn't made
the appointment," she says. "It almost makes it
look as if this isn't as important an appointment as
the other positions on the board."
Student leaders say the delay also indicates
that Atiyeh probably isn't paying much attention
to a list of 11 possible appointees recommended
by the student body presidents.
Scott Seibert, a University student and one of
those on the list, says the governor's office told
him that none of the recommended students
would be interviewed for the position.
“I wouldn't be surprised," Seibert says of
Atiyeh's apparent disinterest in the student rec
"He's basically out searching around for so
meone more suitable to him," ASUO Pres. Julie
Davis says. "His refusal to even interview them is
really frustrating."
The delay could also have a negative impact
on student representation at a very crucial time,
Davis says. The Senate must confirm Atiyeh's ap
pointment, but will not meet again until late July
to do so, she says. Thus, the delay might mean
that the student member will miss one, maybe
two board meetings.
"It's leaving people without one of the
students on the board for a couple of months,"
Davis says. "In a year where students are asked to
testify for higher education and participate active
ly in the lobbying process, it's difficult to effec
tively do that when you're precluded from it."
Davis, Oeser and the other student leaders
will voice their concern with Atiyeh at their
meeting Wednesday.
Davis completes staff selection
ASUO Pres. Julie Davis hired
the last of her staff members for
the 1984-85 year on Friday. The
new staff members join Marc
Spence, ASUO vice president,
and seven others selected last
Karin Keutzer, a junior in
political science and rhetoric
and communication, will be
coordinator of University af
fairs. Keutzer is currently a
member of the Student Univer
sity Affairs Board. Marcia
Schmaedick, an undeclared
freshman who has been active
in dormitory government, will
be assistant coordinator of
University affairs.
John Dreezen, beginning
graduate work in business ad
ministration next fall and
presently a research assistant in
the College of Business, will be
coordinator of program ad
ministration and finance. Kevin
Lewis, a finance junior, will be
budget assistant. Michael West,
a sophomore in English who
was active in University of
Washington's student govern
ment last year, will be assistant
for program development.
"These people are dynamic
and energetic individuals who
will round out this year's Ex
ecutive staff,” Davis says. "I'm
looking forward to working with
them, and am excited about the
skills they will bring to student
In its announcement of
the new ASUO executive
staff, the Emerald listed
the Survival Center's mon
thly Oregon Advocate as
an ASUO publication,
which it is not. The
Emerald apologizes for
any misunderstanding
this may have caused.
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