TfCUlen. 4 (Sn&cwiti Pepsi V2 Liters 6 pack s239 dep. Individual bottles 50° Includes Mug Rootbeer, Dr. Pepper, Sunkist, Mt. Dew, Squirt, and Diet varieties 1% Milk Gallon Jugs $1.69 Expires June 3, 1984 1065 E. 20th, Between Harris & Potter 345-6727 Quality Copies ^ ‘Binding ‘Thesis •Lamination ‘Reduction •Enlargement ‘Self-Service Copies •Resumes ‘Self-Service Word Processing 344-7894 ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Do You Need Your Telephone Service Disconnected??? Here's What To Do To Save Time!!! • Fill out the attached form and mail it to: