Olum refuses to restore Commentator funds By Jim Moore Of the Emerald Unless the publisher of the Oregon Commentator can find a new method of receiving in cidental fees, the paper will have to seek other methods of funding for next year. Stating an obligation to the present and future staff of the paper, Commentator publisher Dane Claussen unsuccessfully appealed to University Pres. Paul Olum to overturn ASUO Pres. Mary Hotchkiss' veto of an Incidental Fee Committee vote to fund the paper with $5,000. In a letter to Claussen, Olum said: “The procedure followed was, I gather, totally regular and in conformity with the legisla tion governing student affairs, and Mary had the legal right to veto the Incidental Fee Commit tee's decision. Consequently, I do not propose to take any ac tion with respect to that decision." While not satisfied with the decision, Claussen said it was not unexpected. “I'm disap pointed, generally, but not sur prised," he said. According to Claussen, Olum's decision was consistent with previous deci sions by the president to not in tervene in student government. "I fully appreciate and unders tand his point of view," Claussen said. Claussen didn't speculate where future funding for the Commentator might come from, but expressed doubt about receiving incidental fees. "I assume that (the appeal to Olum) exhausts all of our avenues for incidental fee fun Davis fills seven ASUO staff positions ASUO Pres. Julie Davis has hired seven staff members for the 1984-85 year. "We have a good group of uniquely qualified people," said Marc Spence, ASUO vice presi dent and a member of the hiring committee. "Through their ef forts, we're looking forward to a very productive year." Joining Davis and Spence will be executive assistant Sherri Schultz, a junior in French and political science. Schultz served as executive assistant for the Hotchkiss administration and has been an intern for Con gressman Jim Weaver. Rebecca Roby, a junior in planning, public policy and management, and Scott Seibert, an international studies junior, will coordinate state affairs, in cluding a lobbying effort in Salem. Roby served as the Survival Center's energy coordinator and has been a legislative intern in Salem. Seibert is the presi dent of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, a member of Univer sity Democrats, and a former member of the State Board of Education. Bill Snyder, Hotchkiss' stu dent events coordinator, will hold that position in the Davis administration as well. Snyder is a sociology junior and a member of the Student Univer sity Affairs Board. Assistant events coordinator will be Nilofar Kermanshahche, a graduate student in psychology who has worked with the Foreign Student Organization. Tim Jordan will be coor dinator of ASUO publications, including the ASUO news magazine Off the Record and the Survival Center's Oregon Advocate this year. Ellen Nakamura, a finance junior, will coordinate this year's Minority Affairs Task Force. Nakamura is the current director of the Asian American Student Union. The Davis administration will select coordinators of university affairs and finance by today, Spence said. Forum Lecture set The last University Forum Lecture of the year will take place Tuesday, June 5, at 8 p.m., in the Eugene Conference Center in the Hilton Hotel lobby. University Art History Prof. Leland Roth will show slides and play tapes of music by Johann Sebastian Bach, who composed his pieces to be performed in a specific building in mind. Roth will play a tape of the same piece per formed in a Cathedral and in a Chamber. He will also talk about how performers adjusted to the buildings they play in. A. A. Correction Those eager to wish Donald Duck a happy birthday will have to wait a few hours today to sign his giant card and video-tape a per sonal greeting. The scroll and taping will be available from 1 to 3 p.m. in the EMU lobby — not 9:30 to 11 a.m. as previously printed in the Emerald. The Emerald regrets any confusion this may have caused. LEASE PROBLEMS? LANDLORD HASSLES? OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING Landlord-Tenant Counseling ^ Renter’s Handbooks Renter’s Rebate Forms MWF9-1; T&TH 11-1, 2:30-4 Suite 3, EMU • 686-3731 4 ding," he said. Olum made two other points in his letter: that his decision was not based on personal opi nion and that he does not rule out taking action regarding a decision of the student govern ment. "Whatever private views I may have in this matter, they are ir relevant to the central issue which is respect for an ap propriate level of autonomy for student government," Olum said. Also, "So that there be no misunderstanding, I should add that I do not mean to imply that I would never take any action with respect to a decision of stu dent government. It might some time be necessary to do so, but that would only be in a case where I felt that a decision of student government had created some major jeopardy for University programs or for the future of student activities." Available Now The Ashlane Apartments 475 Lindale Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 One Bedroom *155.50 *182.50 *200.50 On-Site Features All Apartments Feature • Laundry Facilities • Appliances • Playground & Equipment • Draperies • On-site bus stop • Wall to wall carpeting Below the market rates allow you to enjoy the active college atmosphere of your own student community while maintaining the privacy of an individual apartment. Double Your FUN t | Dance to top 40 Rock -n- Roll El Mon. • Sat. N All Week Long E 2 for 1 ^ well drinks, C wine and draft 11:30 a.m. • 7:00 p.m./8:30 • 10:00 p.m. I NO COVER Mon. - Thurs. 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