BIG BUCKS QUICK Now hiring signature canvassers No experience necessary ... we train We pay 50* per valid signature Hurry, job ends July 1 Call Today - collect if needed ... Fair Pay Committee 646-3346 11200 SW Allen Blvd. Beaverton, Or 97005 *l¥oMVtcL 4 20th S. “A” & Main, Springfield 747-9354 Open: Mon.-Sai., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. by YAMAHA $100 OFF 50 & 80 Models Only No Money Down O.A.C. low cost financing available Own your own business Can you beg, borrow, or finagle $1,200 With this initial investment you can pay for your entire college career and have extra earning power for years to come. You will own your own business and people will come to you. A legitimate offer from an established Portland firm. A limited amount of sunglass dealerships are available. This program is our contribution to the college students of America. Come to the Green wood Inn, Pacific Room, in Beaverton on Thursday, June 7, at 6 p.m. EVERCLEAR PRSIER OFFER For your full color 18" x 22" Everclear poster, send $3.00 in check, money order or use your Mastercard or Visa to: Everclear Foster Offer 500 3rd Avenue West Seattle, WA 98119 25 r>ii