XJ Oregon's Kathy Hayes (middle) and Eryn Forbes (far left) started in the pack in Wednesday's NCAA 10,000-meter final at Hayward Field. Neither stayed there though — Hayes clocking a collegiate record 32:43.81 and Forbes falling to 13th. 10,000 belongs to Hayes By Steve Turcotte and John Healy Of the Emerald While almost everything went like it was supposed to for the Oregon men's track team Wednesday at the NCAA track and field championships at Hayward Field, things went bet ter than anyone could have im agined for Kathy Hayes. Hayes, the Oregon junior who nearly had to redshirt this season because of a stress frac ture in her right foot, clocked a collegiate-record 32:43.81 to win the 10,000 meters. Hayes' time bettered the 1983 record (32:49.1) held by nonaa s Beth Farmer, who was six seconds behind Hayes for fifth place. Hayes' mark also left her in fourth place on the American all-time 10,000 list — behind names like )oan Benoit and Mary Decker. Continued on Page 8 ... .""I Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main Desk SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one working day prior to publication. Display classified ads that require camera work must be placed by 1 pm two working days prior to publication. DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available in the ODE office. 300 EMU. PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA or MASTERCARD EMERALP CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 For Sale QUEEN-SIZED WATERBED with mattress, liner and heater. Like new. Am moving soon and need to sell. Will take best offer. Call 485-3139 in eveningsHn 1000 WATT SUPER HALIDE $147 and up Guaranteed Agrilite. 998-3218. _2788:6-4 DYNASTAR OMESOFT 190cm SKIS Soloman 727 Bindings $125. Pair of 180cm Spalding Equipe with Solomon 222 bindings, $40. USD Bouyancy Compensator $50. Call evneings 683-6555.___5-31 DIAMOND RING SALE Quality 1/5 Carat dia mond ring and band Only $325. Grant's Jewelry 343-3842.5^1 SUPER SINGLE WATERBED 10 speed, 2 end tables, dining table and 2 chairs, 5 drawer desk. 345-61815-31 KINGSIZED WATERBED, mattress, sheets, frame, liner, heater $75. 342-6391 6-1 B & W TV, $30, Manual typewriter $85, SONY Micro tape recorder $30, Vacuum cleaner $30 (10-12 p.m. only) 344-82915-31 1966 FENDER PRECISION BASS $599 Akai reel to reel, $299. Tandberg cassette. $299. 13" RGA color TV with remote, $299. 344-5330. 2932:6-4 6 CUBIC FOOT BAR SIZED refrigerator. Clean with freezer compartment, crisper. Great for bar or dorm room, $100 485-9562, ask for Bryan._ 5-30 4^LAURIE ANDERSON concert tickets, box seats. 484-3163.6-_1 SCHWINN VARSITY 10 speed, $65. See this beauty at the EMU Craft Center, ground floor. EMU. 686-4361. 2937:6-4 OHAUS GRAM SCALE $65~ 484-3163.2938:6-1 FLOPPIES FOR SALE Three for $5, ten for $15. 345-7910. 5-31 EARLY WINTERS POCKET HOTEL. One per son gortex tent. Excellent condition, $85. Call Peter. 686-4570 5-31 MAIL YOUR SURVEY TODAY! The traffic/parking survey of the West University Area must be in immediately. If you are one of the students who received a random survey, please fill it out and return it today. The survey takes just five minutes. The post-paid envelope makes it easy. Your input is needed so the study can reflect input from all groups. THANK YOU Skylight Refectory Food Service Featuring: French Roast Coffee Yoplait Yogurt Hot Soup Vegetarian Sandwiches Gyros Sandwiches Open 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. “Reminder:" Diners have first priority for Skylight Refectory tables between 11:30 a m -1:30 p.m. HAPPY TRAILS personal ads are a perfect way to tell your friends "So Long" for the summer. Only $1.50 for 15 words. So get along little dogies! Place your ad by 1 p.m. june 1 at 300 EMU, EMU Main Desk, the SUAB Booth, and the UO Stamp Counter. Regular rates apply for additional words. The ad will appear in the last issue , Monday June 4. Add a unique touch with special Happy Trails art, only $1.25 each. □ Page 5