I m Bookstore— IDibon championship regular feu IDibon TENNIS BALLS 3 BALL CAN $L99 CAN REG. $3.49/CAN * Limit 6 cans/customer Serving the Needs of Our Members Since 1920 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 BOOKSTORE Supplies 686-4331 Ya got the ‘Final’ Blues Blow it off with the LAST CSs BEER ; GARDEN N Fri. June 1 4-7 p.m. EMU Ballroom Tickets $1 at the EMU Main Desk Only I D. Required Senior & Grad Student: Work-Study Recipients 1984-1985 Our program is hiring MOW for next year. Secure a position that directly relates to your area(5) of expertise AMD learn new skills. In addition, we pay you to review and to prepare for the student you will be assigned. WE MEED: • Subject area tutors (2-20 hrs/wk) • Study skill specialists (5-20 hrs/wk) • Study table tutors (2-10 hrs/wk-nights) 1. your hours are flexible 2. your work sharpens your knowledge and skills 5. your starting pay is 4.91 and your are paid for *• training • reporting • meetings with staff • meetings with students • preparation consider the possibilities Pick up an application at 23 Friendly Hall 9m f 4 inter/national From Associated Press Reports House OKs defense bill WASHINGTON — The House passed 324-75 on Wednesday night sweeping new rules designed to open wide the com petition for the manufacture of military spare parts and preclude the defense industry from charging exhorbitant prices for common tools and other items. The critical vote came on an amendment proposed by Rep. Berkley Bedell, D-lowa, that would allow any manufacturer — rather than just those on the Pentagon's "qualified sup pliers" list — to sell replacement parts. And it requires those sellers to offer items at prices comparable to commercial rates, when applicable. Bedell's proposal was fiercely opposed by senior members of the Armed Services Committee, who argued it went too far and could endanger the lives of military men and women by put ting inferior products in their hands. The House also adopted 396-0 a related measure, sponsored by Rep. Bill Nichols, D-Ala., that would prohibit prime contrac tors from hiding the true manufacturer of certain parts and establish "competition ad vocates" in all defense agencies. The Nichols proposal also would bar industry from restric ting technical data or retaining monopoly rights on the manufacture of any item for more than seven years. Rep. Jack Brooks, D-Texas, wore a 45-cent alien wrench in his lapel for which the Pentagon paid $9,000. And Bedell re counted how the Navy paid $436 for a $7 claw hammer, and $466 for a $1.49 socket. But Brooks, who supported the Nichols proposal, unsuc cessfully argued against adop tion of Bedell's amendment, saying that "This would eliminate qualified bidders. If we killed every program that ex perienced some little horror story, we wouldn’t have a Department of Defense.” Iraq attacks Iran oil base BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi jet fighters attacked a "big naval target" Wednesday south of Kharg Island, Iran's main oil ter minal in the Persian Gulf, an Ira qi military spokesman announced. The unidentified spokesman, reading a communique over Baghdad state television, said all jetfighters "returned safely to base after carrying out the suc cessful attack this evening." The spokesman said the at tack "underlines our determina tion to tighten the blockade im posed on all Iranian ports, in cluding Kharg Island,” which is about 125 miles south of Iraq. There was no immedate con firmation of an attack. US protests Soviet attack WASHINGTON — The United States has lodged a strong pro test with Soviet authorities over an incident in which an American diplomat in Leningrad was beaten by a group of young men, the State Department said Wednesday. A U.S. official, speaking on condition he not be identified, said he believes the attack last month on U.S. Consul Roland Harms was ordered by Soviet authorities. State Department spokesman John Hughes said Harms was at tacked as he was leaving a restaurant on April 17. In Moscow, a U.S. Embassy spokesman, who asked not to be identified, said Harms was "knocked to the ground and kicked" by the assailants. Hughes said Harms, 35, did not require hospitalization and plans to complete his tour of du ty in Leningrad. Harms, reached by telephone Wednesday in Leningrad, said he could confirm only that an incident took place in which he was accosted by Soviets. He would not make any other comment. et al. MEETINGS CONSTITUTION COURT meets today at 3:30 p m Check the EMU Schedule Board for room number. CIRCLE K SERVICE CLUB will hold its final meeting tonight in conjunction with our sponsoring Kiwanis Club We will meet at 6:15 p m to drive over together Dinner will be $4 Call Laura at 485-3692 lor more information. MISCELLANEOUS ELEGANT STEW is a group of local poets who will present their poetry to the Eugene community June 1 at 8 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum. ASCENSION DAY: Episcopal Campus Ministry will hold a service for Ascension Day at 4:30 p.m. today at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid Everyone is invited to attend. For more information call 484-1707 INTERVARSITY’S END-OF THE-YEAR PICNIC: will be held Friday from 4 to 6 p.m at Alton Baker Park Bring your own meat to BBQ and join the fun. In case of rain, site changed to Sandy and Helen’s. HEALTH EDUCATION MAJORS: are in vited to attend a piano recital by Ray Tricker and potluck tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. at Gerlinger Lounge. This is a great opportunity to spend a few pleasant hours before finals and meet peers, faculty, and friends in the Health Education depart ment. Please join us! Call 683-6484 for more information. ONLY OREGON APPEARANCE “This Sunday Night” JUNE 3 8:30 p.m. HULT CENTER ■ SILVA HALL Reserved seats s1250 & $1150 Available at Everybody s Records and the Hult Center Box Office Supported by P C V A STORE IT THIS SUMMER Check these features: e" Live-in Management ^Security Fencing ^Lighted Paved Grounds ^A Varied Selection Of Sizes (some heated) Present this ad and receive our special student rate! WAREHOUSE 689-9230 OPEN 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Just South of the Gilbert Shopping Center 1026 Highway 99N Eugene, OR 97402