Looking Glass is seeking professionally-oriented people from the fields of • Human Services • Recreation • Business • Public Relations Who can earn College Credit while volunteering. For More Information Call 686-2688 self SERVE WORd PROCESS iNq IBM personal computers Epson RX-80 printers Diablo 630 printer and featuring... Perfect WriterT“Software inko's copies What famous writers think who’ve eaten at Burton’s • r■■••v- v . mr • '^ir ^ Ernest Hemingway: /» h 'iljr A well-lighted place! ' F. Scott Fitzgerald: “Had (iatsby ever eaten one of Horton's hamburgers he wouldn't have wound up in that piatl.” (Gertrude Stein: "A hamburger is not a hamburger is not a hamburger unless you've eaten at Burton's!” Eugene O’Neill: “/ don’t see how Burton's makes any profit with his prices. He should turn off some of those lights and save on his electric hill” Robert Frost: "The best road I ever conquered was when I jumped my neighbor's fence and went to Burton \ for a double-cheese burger. ” EDI TOR’S NOTE: He talked to Mr. Burton about the authenticity of the above quotes and his rather glib rejoinder was: "So I lied inter/national From Associated Press Reports Iran warns Arabs, U.S. MANAMA, Bahrain — Iran's president pledged on Tuesday to fight any U.S. military in tervention in the Persian Gulf and said Arab states that don't remain neutral in the Iran-lraq conflict risk retaliation. His comments came on the day the State Department con firmed Pres. Ronald Reagan sent 400 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and a KC-10 tanker plane to Saudi Arabia to improve Saudi defenses against attacks on Per sian Gulf shipping. "If the Americans are prepared to sink in the depths of the Persian Gulf waters for nothing, thousands of miles away from their country, then let them come,'' Pres. AM Khamenei told Iranian officers and troops at the port town of Bandar Abbas, near the Strait of Hormuz. Iran and Iraq, fighting a 44-month war, began attacking civilian vessels in the gulf in April. The attacks, mostly on oil tankers, have slowed oil exports from the gulf. International concern has centered on the Strait of Hor muz, the narrow southern en trance to the Persian Gulf through which 20 percent of the non-Communist world's oil flows. The United States has vowed to keep the strait open if Iran tries to close it. The American arms shipments were to bolster Saudi Arabian defenses in the gulf region. State Department spokesman Alan Romberg said Americans will train the Saudis to fire the missiles, but it will be up to the Saudis to decide where to deploy them. Iraq, seeking to reduce Iran's oil revenue, declared a blockade zone around Iran's main oil terminal at Kharg Island and attacked shipping in the area. Iran, retaliating for the Ira qi attacks, has conducted air raids against shipping in the southern sector of the gulf. US detects nuclear test WASHINGTON — A Soviet underground nuclear test, the sixth reported by U.S. officials this year, was detected late last week, the Energy Department said Tuesday. Department spokesman Jim Cannon said the U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System discovered seismic signals presumably caused by the test at 11:13 p.m. EDT Friday. He said the signals were trac ed to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test area in Siberia. The United States has an nounced four underground nuclear tests of its own this year under an international treaty that permits such activity. Above-ground nuclear tests are forbidden under international law. Job closed to women SALEM — Cultural differences justify excluding women in recruiting someone to head Oregon's new trade office in Japan, Gov. Vic Atiyeh's affir mative action officer says. Kay Toran said Tuesday that while it normally would be il legal to discriminate in hiring based on sex, the practice was proper in the case of the overseas trade office because of Japanese traditions. Business officials say women in Japan have made gains but still hold second-class status. "Because it's in a different country with a different culture and different traditions, I think it's appropriate and would hold up in a court of law if one takes sex into consideration," Toran said. The Legislative Emergency Board last week authorized spending $250,000 to open the office at a site already chosen in Tokyo. Toran said her office had not received any complaints about the fact that no women were considered for the trade office job. et al. MEETINGS THE CHEMICAL PEOPLE TASK FORCE will meet tonight from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the Eugene Family YMCA. This is a continuing community effort around the issue of teenage substance abuse The Junior league will present its public school drug information program Service providers and the community are encouraged to at tend For more information call Voluntary Action Center/YMCA at 342 4451 PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIE TY OF AMERICA will meet Thursday, May 31 at 4:30 p.m in 301 A Allen Hall SCUBA CLUB meeting will be tonight at 7 p.m in 101 EMU Topic: night diving Constitution Court meets Thursday at 3 p.m Room to be announced LECTURES "SOCIAL CHANGE, PLANNING AND BANALITY" is the title of a lecture to be presented by Prof. Patrick Jobes today at 12:30 p.m. in 714 PLC “ARCHITECTURE SWITZERLAND," an international exhibition, will be on display from through June 1 in the Lobby of Lawrence Hall INTERVIEWS Please sign up immediately if interested In interviewing with the following recruiters: May 30 Lincoln County School District (For 1 Elementary (1-6); 2 Secondary — Language Arts/Math/Science May 30 Tillamook County Education Ser vice District (For HLN Teachers and Evaluation Specialists June 1 Yergen & Meyer, Astoria (For En try level Accountant) June 4 Longview School District 122 MISCELLANEOUS MASTER OF FINE ARTS DEGREE The University of Oregon Museum of Art and The School of Architecture and Allied Arts are pleased to announce the annual exhibi tion of works by candidates for the MASTER OF FINE ARTS DEGREE. Exhibi tion runs through June 10 The closing reception will be June 10 from 3 to 5 p.m Museum hours are noon to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Closed holidays ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE CIS MA JORS: Stiffer CIS Dept BA/BS degree re quirements will go into effect Fall 1984 If you are planning to major in Computer Science and have not yet formally declared your major, you should do so before August 15, 1984 Go the the CIS Dept (64 PLC) for more details. CIS PEER ADVISING: We are recruiting Peer Advisors for Fall Term 1984 If you en joy working with CIS students and will have completed CIS 315 by Spring 84. drop by 34 PLC and see what Peer Advis ing is all about PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS: Meet and talk with your psychology faculty in an in formal setting at the Spring Student/Facul ty Fireside. Professors Myron Rothbart, Bob Weiss, and Robyn Dawes will be speaking on their current research. Join us at The Faculty Club today at 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served Call Psychology Peer Advising x4936 for more information. AMERICA’S LOVE RUN: A 30 DAY RUN NING PROGRAM will be held the entire month of June all across Oregon to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association. America's Love Run is a 30-day running program in which participants obtain pledges for every mile they will run during the month of June Running shoes, warm ups, shorts, and tops are some of the great prizes being offered Watch for entry coupons at local running stores, or call 686-2753 Grand Prize is a trip for one to the New York Marathon. Sponsored by 7-Up Bottlers. Psychology Club & Psychology Peer Advising Present Student - Faculty Fireside Wednesday, May 30th, 4:00 p.m. Faculty Club (Collier House) Guest Speakers: Speaking on current research Robyn Daves Myron Rothbart Robert Weiss Refreshments provided Pa*** 4 S-&IM Breezeway Cafe for students on their way! Breeze in — Take out! Now Featuring: Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt Yogurt Sandwiches PASTRIES muffins, donuts, croissants, etc. Gourmet Coffee 3o