et at. MEETINGS SUAB meets today at 3:30 p.m. in Room 337 EMU. Im portant issues will be discussed and prompt attendance is mandatory. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS will have their year-end meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in EMU Century Room D. Sum mer campaign strategies will be discussed LECTURES “ARCHITECTURE SWITZERLAND," an international exhibition, will be on display from May 21 through June 1 in the Lobby of Lawrence Hall “DIVINE LOVE: THE MEANING OF LIFE,” will be discussed by Jack Thornton, member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, on Tuesday, June 19 at 8 p m at the Senior Adult Activity Center, West C and Water Streets, Springfield MARGIE HENDRIKSEN will speak on "Women'sVoice in Foreign Policy” at the Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America, 1236 Kincaid St.. Wednesday at 7:30 p m JIM WEAVER will speak on Reagan's foreign policy r todav at 12:30p.m. in the EMU Forum Room MISCELLANEOUS CHINA FOR A YEAR? The Tianjin Institute of Economics and Finance is accepting aplications for teachers in the following subjects: Economics, Interna tional Economics, Management, International Business, Marketing, International Mercantile Law Ph D or MA desirable but not required; practice and experience necessary. For details call Dr. Jung, x4006 ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE CIS MAJORS: Stiffer CIS Dept BA/BS degree requirements will go into effect Fall 1984 If you are planning to major in Computer Science and have not yet formally declared your major, you should do so before August 15, 1984. Go the the CIS Dept (64 PLC) for more details JOURNALISM MAJORS: If you are a junior or senior next fall interested in news/ed and wondering about an internship should come to the news/ed internship workshop today at 3:30 p.m. in the Allen Reading Room. Prof. Roy Halverson will be handling all the hot info. This could change your entire career, so be there. Clash Continued from Page 7 overproduction. Emerald: You haven't made any overt political statements since 'Sandinista.' Clash LPs have always had a political edge, are you going to keep that edge? Strummer: Well... in one way or another, yeah. Emerald: It's the last week of a long tour — does it ever get to you? Strummer: Before I see you, between now and then, We'll have spent three days sitting in a Greyhound bus. Emerald: You're seeing a lot of America. Strummer: (wearily) I've seen a lot of America. I've seen (slowly) a lot of it. Emerald: What do you think of America these days? Strummer: Well, I think they've manag ed to crush any individuality out of everyone. They've managed to make all of America look identical. Emerald: Do all of your audiences look identical? Strummer: Not the audiences. Certain ly, the buildings, the chain stores and the food stores are identical.. .and the city centers. Emerald: Well, thanks a lot for the in terview. Take care, there's only a week left. Strummer: OK. . .thank you. Classifieds For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater. Like new. Am moving soon and need to sell Will take best offer Call 485-3139 in evenings ttn FUN COTTON CLOTHES great COLORS AND STYLES also FUTONS Plus a wide assortment of accessories Eugene Trading Co 651 E. 13th 344-7006 2 blocks west of campus 10% off clothing with this ad _2755:6-1 1000 WATT SUPER HALIDE $147 and up Guaranteed Agrilite 998-3218 _2788:6-4 DYNASTAR OMESOFT 190cm SKIS Soloman 727 Bindings $125 Pair of 80cm Spalding Equipe with Solomon 222 bindings. $40 USD Bouyancy Com pensator $50 Call evneings 683-6555 _5-SI This is your last chance to buy TREY GUNN’S Cassette-LP Food for thought Only 20 copies left Available at Face the Music and Earth River Records _ 5-29 SUPER SINGLE WATERBED w bookcase headboard padded rails, and accessories $85 485-3046 5-29 DIAMOND RING SALE Quality 1/5 Carat diamond ring and band Only $325 Grant's Jewelry 343-3842. 5 31 FLAWLESS NAKAMICHI BX1 cassette deck Black Some warranty left $210 Scott 485-4528 5-30 SUPER SINGLE WATERBED 10 speed 2 end tables, dining table and 2 chairs. 5 drawer desk. 345-6181 5 31 KINGSIZED WATERBED, mattress, sheets, frame, liner, heater $75 342-6391 6-1 B & W TV, $30. Manual typewriter $85. SONY Micro tape recorder $30, Vacuum cleaner $30 (10-12 p m only) 344 8291 _5-31 TRADE: My kingsize waterbed bookcase headboard for your Full or Supertwin waterbed. Anne 746-3410 evenings 5-29 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th _613 M-F Services ??MOVING?? YOU LOAD WE DRIVE Pace in EDITING BY PROFESSIONAL WRITER. MBA Extensive academic writing ex perience. $10 hr. $50 minimum. 343-0399. evenings 5-31 STORAGE CLEAN SECURE STORAGE FACILITIES. Student discounts available. Call-683-5453 6-4 Instruction HEAVENLY VISIONS INVESTIGATING THE LINKS BETWEEN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY Thjis SEARCH workshop begins Wednesday Juen 20. 137 Gilbert at 7 pm Beginning with a journey through slides into the outskirts of the Universe, the class will settle back down to a perspective of the heavens from the surface of the Earth Specifically, the constellations that have come down to us from at least 300 B C will be examin ed. both in and out of the classroom The impact of thse figures on ancient thougth and their relation to the birth of civilization and the ‘ mysteries' will be the focus of the instruction The in structor is a local inventor, writer and UO law student To sign up, call SEARCH. 686-4305. or simply attend the first class Open to non-students. __ 2912:611 SAIL THIS SUMMER Three 6 week workshops June 19 July 27 co-sponsoreed by Club Sports and SEARCH Hands-on instruction To sign up. call SEARCH (686 4305) or simply at tend the first class RECREATIONAL SAILING: first class is June 19 7 pm 107 Essl inger Maximum 10 studenmts. S60 boal rental fee ADVANCED SAILING: first class in June 21. 7 pm 248 Gerl inger Maximum 10 students. $60 boat rental fee RACING SAILING: first class is June 22, 6 pm. 107 Essl mgei Maximum 10 students $60 boat rental fee For more information, call Doug Forster. 344 3410 or SEARCH 6864305 SAIL THIS SUMMER 2913 8 1 Typing PROFESSIONAL, ECONOMICAL typing proves word processing as superfluous Typed copy always proof ed by Ruth 345 5614 1449 UH WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST ly work Correcting Selectnc II Various type elements Graduate School ap proved Cell Oorts 484 1094 1041 UWH TAC PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels. Graduate school approved 887 9326. Cyndi ___ 2176 MWF TYPING/EDITINQ Call Sara 666 0739 _ 575 WHFM SUPER TYPING Fast, accurate near campus Norma 345-6005 666 3672 (message) _ 2751 MWF DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE TYPING PHOTO COPY and SERVICE or speciality Pick gp and Delivery avertable an of Penny 485 3814 583 tin TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical Law papers, Resume Composition. & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast. Profes sional Quality Service, Guaranteed WordStyles & TypeScripts BRANDY 484 6044 CINDY 484-5454 ■1098:tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed Accurate 484-1646 748:tfn TYPING: 15 years experience. Papers, dissertations, editing. Graduate School approved. IBM Selectric. Pickup and delivery Call Carole al 688-3983.51 Attn Carol’s Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345 2289 _2168:tfn MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings form letters 343-3924 _2638:6 4 FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484 9405 _£_2539:11n PROFESSIONAL TYPIST REASONABLE RATES 344 6502 Best reached eady evenijng until 10 30 pm6-4 BEST TYPING-WORD-PROCESSING Papers, resumes; Low cost, fast, 686 0812 5-29 NO! It's not too late Thesis. Disserta tions, Copies--Fasl personal service Famous Kodak copy quality only 6*/page on cotton bond OPEN Memorial Day 10-4 KRAZY KATS, 1219 Alder, 344-KATS. _ 2868:5-29 PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No job loo small Jennifer 485-3883. _898:tfn TYPING Fast. Accurate Relaible Pickup and delivery available 689 1724 _:___<5-1 •ORIGINALS PLUS TYPING SERVICE Professional typing with special stu dent rates Memory typewriter with quality printing Sue. 689-0336, 2:30-9 P and weekends 5-29 NEAR CAMPUS! Typing and PROFESSIONAL EDITING grammar usage sentence structure; 683-2125 or 345-8644 (leave message! __ __ 5 29 TYPING Low-cost fast 3 blocks from campus Carbon Ribbon John. 683*8657 6 4 Instruments TOP OF THE LINE Takamine Classical Guitar (Hirade) $300 344 2486 5 29 RUCKLE OBOE REED MAKING KIT celent conditions $25 o b o 342 8652, Keep trying_5 29 LUDWIGS 6 Drums, Oregon Duck col- 1 ors! Zildjlans excellent. $750 Fine Cohn trombone $125 Brad 686 9635 _5 30 GUITAR, GUILD G37 excellent w/hard case $550 firm MO 485 3309 6 1 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK ! All selling 40 50% oil list prices •Textbooks»Cliff Noles*Magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362l!n 1 Cars & Cycles I i 1970 DODGE STATION WAGON Good ! condition. V 8 new tires $750 , 666 5008, 485-0010 5.2g 1974 WAGONEER Radial all terrain TAs f extras $1400 Mo 485 3309 6-1 EUROPEAN MOPED Molobecane runs 1 well $110 Call Marc 485 9854 5-31 ( 1975 PLYMOUTH VALIANT $996 “j» J Poors, 8 cylinder, 345 1486 5-30 C 1983 CELICA GT Sport loaded. 9 mon [ lbs old 11000 miles, perfect $2950 0 plus $210 per month 752-9651 5-29 g SCHOOL BUS 895-2188 6-1 Auto Repair I’ll Tune-up Any Car for $10 plus parts Complete car care foreign and domestic KENS MOBILE TUNEUP 689-7170 6 4 Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Eurailpasses, Int'l stu dent ID cards. AYH cards. Work abroad. Language Centers and much more Write or call for free travel catalog Council Travel 1314 NE 43rd street, No 210. Seattle. WA 98105 (206)632-2448 5-31 Rides & Riders RIDER TO MICHIGAN wanted Leaving June 6 Share gas 342 7050 6 1 Wanted MOTHERS. Separated or divorcing? The Oregon social Learning Center is studying the effect of divorce on the family If you have separated within the past 3-12 months and have a son 6-12 years old. you can participate and earn $200 Call Judy, 485-2711 2892:6-4 WANTED: GRADUATION TICKET will pay $5 484 9542 caJJJjelore 9 am 5-29 WANTED small dorm size refrigerator. Call Dale at 687 5316 6-4 Opportunities NTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Fall and winter terms (2 term commitment 3 :redi!s per term) Will develop skills in locational counseling, job search •Kills group tacilitating and career banning Qualifications Graduate stu lent or upperclass student in related ield effective communication skills •end resume and cover letter to Kathy Neinmnan or Tom Fauna Career Plann ng and Placement, 244 Hendricks Hall leadline Wednesday May 30 2838 5-29 VLTERNATIVE TO GRADUATION For lesired details call David M Wagner ___5-29 SPRING TERM STUDENTS! 'our spring ID gets you student rates his summer at the EMU CRAFT IENTER, ground floor, EMU 686 4361 lome see what we have to offer! 2914 5 31 Help Wanted COLLEGE STUDENTS NEEDED. Part ime opportunity with new national narketmg co in the health field latural herb formulas Earn an extra 400-500 a month. No experience need d. we train fully. For interview call 854012 2891:5-31 GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOW ’osition available in University Child •are Centert 40 FTE. Major duties m lude assisting administrative and eachmg staff with hiring, orientation ind training of student aides, includes ilanning workshops: also assisting nth development of parent education pportunities 9 month position, begin ing Sept. 17. 1984 Information and ap lication packet available at 1511 Moss. 864384 Application deadline. Mon une 4. An Equal Opportunity/Affir tative Action Employer _ 2908 6-1 ORRECTIONS ASSISTANT with lultnomah County Corrections ounseling or program evaluation op ortunity Monthly stipend plus credit, or complete description of this and Iher jobs call Yolanda at UCA. _ 530 SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION We are a national software company based in Eugene. This summer we will be undertaking a major revision of manuals for our software line. For this project we need temporary, full-time personnel to work as: - Copy editors. For these positions, you should have good writing skills and editorial experience You should also be familiar with computers and word processing software. - Technical editors. For these positions, you should have experience with ap plications software In addiion, you should have good oral and written com munications skills. We need people who can work with a minimum ol supervision, yet meet deadlines If you meet these re quirements, please send a resume and writing samples to Documentation: Temporary P O Box 1479 Eugene. Oregon 97440 5-29 Organize! Are you interested in gaining valuable experience in a small group setting with other highly motivated and con cerned students in the environmental field? The Survival Center is offering just such an experience for the 1984-85 school year Staff positions/internships available •Director •Lands Coordinator •Toxic Coordinator •Recycling Coordinator Applications can be found in the Survival Center office in EMU Suite One Come in and talk to a staff member for more info. Applications are due May 30, 1984 at 4 pm Work Study is available The Survival Center is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer Women, minorities and Nature enthusiasts are encouraged to apply. Interviews begin May 30 at 7 pm, see you then. Survival^ Centers SEARCHING FOR A MORE REWAR DING WORK-STUDY JOB NEXT FALL? If you're interested in alternatives to the standard University curriculum and/or experimental and innovative teaching texhniques. consider working for SEARCH SEARCH, a student-run ASUO agency, offers students the op portunity to teach a class to their peers, and helps organize and present non credit workshops We are looking for two people to fill the positions of DIRECTOR/UNIVERSITY RELATIONS COORDINATOR and EDUCATION COORDINATOR We need individuals with initiative, responsibility in dependence and thoroughness Ex perience in teaching or education ad ministration is helpful byt not essential. These jobs offer a high level of respon sibility and hands-on experience in education and management Respon sibilities include DIRECTOR/UNIVERSITY RELATIONS COORDINATOR: program develop ment, liaison between University ad ministration ASUO and SEARCH, management, trouble-shooting, public relations $4 70/hr or $100/mo stipend Stipend is available over the summer EDUCATION COORDINATOR: leaches course preparer's seminar, coor dinating course approval with academic departments and administrative agen cies oversees student-run classes and procedures $4.70/hr or $50/mo sti pend For information, call SEARCH 686-4305. mitt, EMU 2911:6-1 Interested in VIDEO or AUDIO VISUAL Internships available in video and AV productions: summer and school year. Experience necessary, appreciation of wilderness helpful. U of O Outdoor Pro gram 686-3730. 2875:5-30 Roommates ROOMMATE NEEDED House in Wes Eugene. $164 plus utilities, prefer female. 344-2473 evenings/weekends. _ 2696:6-4 FEMALE ROOMATE wanted to share unique 2 bedroom apt. June 8th until? ( $125/mo plus utilities Lots of win- t dows, close to campus. Call 484-5197 r jkeep trying)._ 5.31 ( ROOMATES: Beautiful house in Hen dricks Park Sundecks. yard, dishwasher, etc. $80 plus utilities 344 17215-29 SHARE HOUSE in West Eugene with one $110 a month, utilities included. Big room in back yard or use as workshop. Female or male welcome. Tracy 68701932910:5-31 FEMALE WANTED Share apt Own room $100month plus utilities On bike path 485-0208 Tuesday. 5-29 FREE RENT in exchange for early AM childcare Non-smoker must have own car Start June. Call Nancy, 344-9025 eves._ 6-1 GRADUATE WOMEN Looking for an in expensive place to live next year? A women's living organization is offering room and board for $195/mo. if you secure your place before July 1, 1984 for the next school year Call now to guarantee your housing. 6-4 For Rent close IN Completely furnished quads close to UO campus. Clean and very quiet with plenty of off street parking. FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 12 block to buslines. STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! KINCADE QUADS (1863 KINCAID) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home _2833:64 EXCLUSIVE DELUXE Completely furnished quads Sign up now for summer and save! Quiet and clean with off street parkinq and FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES. SUMMER RATES ONLY $80 Close to UO and downtown TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD ST. QUADS (1742 Hilyard) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home -—-2848:6-4 SUNDECK BEAUTIFUL QUADS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Completely furnished with private V2 baths. FREE UTILITIES, FREE CABLE covered parking and laundry facilities. SUMMER RATES ONLY $99 Across the street from U of O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE (1436 ALDER) 344-8302 fA JP North Apartment Home 2825:6-4 TWO BEDROOM townhouse Near cam pus. quiet Private patio, carport, laun dry, dishwasher. Reasonable. Also 1-bedroom. Nice! 344-74375 29 FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished apartments. Summer rates One block from campus. 1414 Alder, Call 342-3019 _____6-4 SUMMER SUBLET fully furnished one bedroom Garden space Olive and 15th area Utilities included $195 negotiable. Call Carol. 342-4700 6-1 DRASTICALLY REDUCED TERRIFIC COMPLETELY FURNISHED One and two bedroom apartments. Ex tra large, quiel FREE CABLE complete with laundry facilities and off street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RATES FROM ONLY $155 -ocated next to UO campus. On direct pus line to LCC and downtown. TALK AfITH US TODAY STUDENT COURT(95i e 19th) 344-5503 A JP North Apartment Home - _ 2846:6-4 1414 E. 18th SUMMER RATES -lean, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. 2 'locks from campus Furnished, unfur ished From $150 Call Sabin, 83-2160. Lamson Associates 2689 6-4