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In addition, we pay you to review and to prepare for the student you will be assigned. WE MEED: • Subject area tutors (2-20 hrs/wk) • Study skill specialists (5-20 hrs/wk) • Study table tutors (2-10 hrs/wk-nights) 1. your hours are flexible 2. your work sharpens your knowledge and skills 5. your starting pay is 4.91 and your are paid for • training • reporting • meetings with staff • meetings with students • preparation CONSIDER THE POSSIBILITIES Pick up an application at 23 Friendly Mall in ter/na tional _ From Associated Press Reports Holidays in Moscow-town MOSCOW — The Soviet Union on Monday honored its young troops, many of whom have died in Afghanistan, for courage and heroism and told young party members in the military to heighten combat readiness. Pres. Konstantin Chernenko presented the Order of the Red Banner to army and navy Kom somol groups at what was said to be the first conference of Komsomol military leaders in more than 20 years. The order was the first in stituted by Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet state, to honor Bolshevik fighters. The Soviet Union says the order, which features an unfurled scarlet banner depicting blood shed by revolutionaries, is reserved for those "most courageous, most staunch and best prepared for sacrifice." There was no mention of Afghanistan in the announce ment of the award to Kom somol, the youth branch of the Communist Party. Some Soviet soldiers and their families have written letters to newspapers asking why there was not more public recogni tion of troops' valor. A few Soviet soldiers have detected in Afghanistan and talked about poor troop morale. The Soviet public is told there is a limited number of troops in Afghanistan doing mostly civilian duties. The Pentagon estimates there are 108,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan now, that 20,000 troops have been wounded and 10,000 have died since the in tervention began in December 1079. There have been uncon firmed reports of high casualties in a recent Soviet offense against Afghan insurgents. According to Radio Moscow, Chernenko presented the Order of the Red Banner to the Komsomol "for courage and heroism displayed in battle for the motherland and for success in educating young servic emen." An official at Komsomol head quarters said as far as workers there knew, the last conference of Komsomol military leaders was in 1%1. Soviet leaders have been call ing tor a greater role by the Komsomol in promoting the party's ideals and combatting Western influences among young people — aims referred to by Chernenko in his speech. I he Komsomol is lor people ag ed 14 to 28 and is a stepping stone to full Communist Party membership. r— Chernenko and Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov warned at the meeting of heightened in ternational tensions and the need for vigilant combat readiness, Tass said. "Of course this award arouses the leeling of sincere joy," Chernenko said. "But I am sure it will not prevent us from con ducting a serious and businesslike conversation about major tasks facing the army Komsomol. The more so, since they have to be tackled in a complex international situation, in the conditions of a notably heightened military danger, the threat of nuclear war and very acute ideological struggle." He said imperialist reac tionaries launched an un precedented arms buildup, but that the Soviets would strive for better relations. Solon says taxes to rise ASTORIA — Pres. Ronald Reagan will seek tax increases to cut the federal deficit if he is re elected, Sen. Bob Packwood predicts. In messages to Senate Republicans, Reagan has im plied several times that he will ask for ''revenue enhancements" to cut the deficit, Packwood said in an in terview Sunday. Congress probably would follow Reagan's lead and ap prove the taxes, the Oregon Republican said. The president hasn't said what form the tax increases would take, Packwood said. He predicted, however, that Reagan would try to reduce spending as much as possible before asking for new taxes. "We haven't had a president as conservative as this in a long, Icang time,” Packwood said. "He's going to squeeze as much out as c an." Packwood said tax increases would show that the administra tion is serious about cutting deficits, generate confidence among investors and lead to lower interest rates. Packwood arrived in Astoria Saturday afternoon and left for Portland by U.S. Coast Guard jet after touring Air Station Astoria Sunday morning. The big light gets snuffed WASHINGTON — The light will dim over most of the United States on Wednesday when, as Eskimo legend has it, the sun and moon leave the sky to c hec k up on earthly activities. To the more scientifically in clined, the event is an annual eclipse of the sun, and it will be at least partly visible in every state except Alaska, according to astronomers at the U.S. Naval Observatory. The Southeast will be the best place to watch — with 99.8 per cent of the sun covered for viewers along a line from just north of New Orleans to just south of Richmond, Va. But ex perts warn against looking directly at the eclipse. Officials of the Naval Obser vatory stressed that at no time will it be safe to look directly at the sun. The sun will never com pletely disappear and the inten sity of the light from even the small visible area can severely damage the eyes. Use of a cardboard with a pinhole to focus the image of the sun on a second sheet of cardboard is recommended. But do not look through the pinhole at the sun. As a safe alternative, they suggest, watch the event on television. The eclipse isn't total because the path of the moon around Earth is not a perfect circle. The (loser the moon is to Earth, the bigger it appears; the farther away the smaller. Thus, sometimes the moon blocks out the whole sun and sometimes, as this time, it doesn't. The eclipse will begin out in the Pacific Ocean at 6:54 a.m., and will move eastward across Mexico and into the United States. It will be most visible in the late morning and early after noon. It will peak, for example, at Petersburg, Va., at 9:43 p.m. PST. Can't fool us he didn't talk CINCINNATI (AP) — Marcel Marceau, the renowned mime, calls painting his "second life." Marceau, 61, visited an art gallery in this Ohio River city Sunday to exhibit 15 of his original lithographs. He also signed autographs and discuss ed his painting. "The reason I came to Cincin nati was to bring, through this exhibition, an acquaintance to the public that Marcel Marceau is not only the foremost mime in the world, but also a painter," he said. "I show in the theater the essence of those visions, but through the invisible. But here, I show the visible. "And also I have the gift of painting, and painting is my se cond life." He started painting at age 7. As a teen-ager, he considered mime his hobby and painting his career, but he has since swit ched priorities. Jean Steichen, president of the Art 21 gallery, brought Marceau to the gallery. JL\1 ■ £2. «*— - Before you hit the road this year, say "HAPPY TRAILS" to a friend with a special Emerald personal ad. 15 words for *1.50* * Regular rates apply for additional words. See our ad on Wednesday and Thursday, May 30 and 31. Happy Trails! If placed by 1 p.m. June 1 at 300 EMU, EMU Main Desk or the UO Bookstore Stamp counter. SSSf===£S»=