letters Econ notes Let's have a big round of ap plause for American ingenuity. We Americans seem to have a certain 'knack' at creating new economic markets. We sell weapons to Israel who sells them for us to Iran. We sell weapons to Iraq who is fighting Iran. Then when Iraq and Iran start using these weapons, we sell more weapons to other countries to protect themselves from the weapons we have sold to their neighbors. We even of fer to establish military bases in their country to protect them from our weapons. It's a good thing that we are a peaceful lov ing nation or I might be wor ried. I mean as long as Americar corporations are making money off the war they are perpetuating, it must be OK Right? lames Myer> Thanks, thanks I would like to thank the Oregon Daily Emerald for its en dorsement of my candidacy for re-election as Lane County Commissioner, South Eugene District. I would also like tc thank the voters of South Eugene and the many people who gave time, money, and energy to my campaign. In the months prior to the November election, I wil demonstrate why 1 should be re elected to office. I will discuss my record and a c complishments of the past anc outline what I intend to ac complish in the next four years In responding to an un precedented financial crisis Lane County's record of fisca management has been sound Today, Lane County is fiscally and administratively stable. The continued improvement of ; $100 million operation is cer tainly an issue. In response to the problem o jail overcrowding, I will con tinue to play a leading role ir devising cost-effective alter natives to incarceration for non violent offenders. This become; especially critical as we ap proach the July 1 date — wher drunk drivers will receive man datory sentences and Count' jails will bear the costs. County government plays . vital role in diversifying anc strengthening our loca economy. Seeking adequate funding for higher education providing quality training pro r SY'S NEW YORK PIZZA FREE CAMPUS DELIVERY WEEKLY SPECIAL 6864598 Just order any size delicious pizza and receive 2 FREE Toppings! Your choice of Regular or Sicilian crust. Delivery hours: 5:30-Midnight Two Free Drinks with every delivery Coupon good for weekdays Monday-Thursday 1211 Alder • On Campus • 686-9598 1 1 I Coupons in the Emerald save you money. ■ Check every page, every day. It pays. grams for a badly dislocated work force, implementing speedy permit processing, developing adequate infrastruc ture, and support for our small business community are essen tial elements of economic recovery. I will also lead the discussion of our environmental agenda, which includes sound land use planning, recycling programs, solid waste disposal, solar energy development, and the protection of our wildlife habitat, estuaries, and groundwater. I am looking forward to discussing these issues and others. Voters of South Eugene will have a clear choice in deciding who will represent them on the Board of County Commissioners. Jerry Rust Friends I have missed the “Oliver" strip in recent issues of the Emerald. Friends and I have come to enjoy his everyday an tics which seem to always bring out the humor in our own lives. I enjoy "Oliver" much more than the nationally run "Bloom County" and certainly more than what appears to be "Oliver's" replacement, "Ver satile Cow." "Versatile Cow" is so far fetched and out of place for a college newspaper that it's not funny (no pun intended). Bring back "Oliver" even if you have to keep this other strip. I feel you have more than adequate space to run "Oliver" especially after seeing anti-American editorial cartoons (without editorials) in the middle of your paper. I am appalled to see my IFC money, which supports the Emerald, going toward biased i political views. I feel anti American views and editorial cartooning should at very least be balanced with pro-American editorials, or otherwise be cut. i The "Emerald" goes out of its way to put down the national government and lets many of i the campuses everyday issues and activities slide by with little i or no coverage. As a campus newspaper the Emerald should t stick to covering issues, articles, editorials, and cartoons here at i the University; and let real I newspapers like the "Guard" I and the "Oregonian" cover ? state, national, and world news. , Dan Martin pre-business conversation overheard on campus Why don't we sit down and talk...work out the flaws in our relationship? Not at Burton's again! Why not? It's the best restaurant Because you'll just lose yourself in one of those hamburgers with the great sauce, the grilled onions, and the obvious slice of tomato, hugged lovingly by melted cheese... Followed by one of those raspberry shakes made with real milk and fruit toppings instead of artificial syrups? / had a truly fresh salad, with chilled tomatoes, sauteed cucumbers, and creamy roquefort dressing. Oh, yes, and an apricot Italian soda... Let's go. We'll talk there. Let's eat first. We can talk anywhere. What about our relationship? You could start by picking up the tab. Busdo+v'i, Resitautoant 854 E. 13th • 342-2241 8% Loans available for first , • time borrowers.* x ' It takes more than a good mind to get through college or vocational school. It takes a lot of money. But money should be the least of your worries, and that’s where Far West Federal Bank can help. 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It’s the FAR WEST way MAIN OFFICE: SW 5th & Washington, Portland, Oregon. Telephone 224-4444 or Oregon Toll Free 1-800-452-1659, ext. 3251. Convenient offices throughout Oregon. * If you already haye an outstanding Guaranteed Student Loan 1 *" I at 7% or 9%, any future loans will be at that interest rate TYPING HABITS lOF THE WORLD i ittt-.h I’l.khic r print QIIAI M V Actual sample of the EP-44 typeface brother PERSONAL ELECTRONIC PRINTER BUILT-IN RS-232 COMPUTER INTERFACE Connects < directly to the computer. Here’s high-tech engineering at its best. The EP-44 is the world’s smallest and lightest electronic featuring letter perfect print quality, an extra capacity jumbo cassette ribbon and a built-in RS-232 computer interface. It has every portable feature plus many office functions including a 15 character visual display, 4000 character memory, automatic centering, underscore and carrier return, correction system, 88 character keyboard and built-in calculator. It also functions as a portable communications terminal and operates on AC or batteries. It will change your typing habits, too. Available at leading retailers everywhere. Brother International Corporation 8 Corporate Place, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Less than 5 i a lbs. Only 2%" high. brother ep-44 now $299 00 Reg. $449.00 • Limited to stock on hand. • Cash register sales only—no charges. UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-5:30 SAT 10:00-3:00 Supplies 686-4331