Oregon Sen. Mark Hatfield commemorated the University library Sunday for serving as a repository of government documents for 100 years. Speaking at the Valley River Inn to a meeting of The Friends of the Library, Hatfield con gratulated the library, represented by University Librarian George Shipman, and then shared some documents from his own personal library with the crowd. Foremost in Hatfield's collec tion are memorobilia of presidents, most notably Abraham Lincoln, including a commission signed by Lincoln for Oregon's Cape Perpetua. Hatfield has a copy of the only known photograph of Lincoln from Gettysburg. Also notable is his copy of a Lincoln biography authored by the president's secretary and signed by Lin coln's descendant, Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith. Beckwith is the sole survivor of the Lincoln line, and Hatfield, a history buff, said he was torn $10CK? 50 & 80 ST • Yamaha quality • 3 models 50-80 180 cc • Over 100 miles per gallon* on 50 • Automatic transmission does all the shifting for you • Electric start *EPA Testing For City Riding — Mileage May Vary Depending On The Way You Ride 50 CC.Reg. >649.95 NOW $54995 80 CC.Reg. >899.95 NOW $799®5 180 cc $149995 SINCE 1947 - Nomoneydown /f /Jl/J ft SIA O.A.C. easy low cost 7Y CAvt*vt/frVl/V' financing available. 20th South A & Main. SpnntjfieJd open Mon.-sat. 747-9354 9 a m.-6 p.m. What is Lily Tomlin doing in Steve Martin’s body? When rich, eccentric Edwina Cutwater died, a crazy guru tried to transport her soul into the body of a beautiful young woman. But the guru goofed. And Edwina’s soul has accidentally taken over the entire right side of her lawyer, Roger Cobb. He still controls what’s left. Now, Edwina and Roger are living together in the same body. He’s losing his job. He’s losing his girlfriend. And he just can’t seem to get her out of his system. No matter how hard he tries. »STEPHEN FRIEDMAN feta a CARL REINER on "ALL Of ME" Swing VICTORIA TENNANTm faiv HostoTl Screenplay by PHIL ALDEN ROBINSON Adaptation by HENRY OLEK teed on the nowl 'ME W by ED DAVIS Music by PATRICK WILLIAMS Associate Producer PHIL ALDEN ROBINSON Produced by STEPHEN FRIEDMAN O.ecled by CARL REINER FREE SCREENING Courtesy of Kodak WEDNESDAY, MAY 30TH 7:30 PM Seating is can a first come, first admitted basis. VALLtT KIVcK TWIN CINEMA 1077 VALLEY RIVER ROAD sponsored by EMU CULTURAL FORUM UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Hatfield honors University library Speaks on his collection of Abe Lincoln memorabilia when Beckwith, now 90 and ail ing in a Vermont rest home, was hit by a paternity suit several years ago. “I had ambivalent feelings about whether he'd win or lose," he said. Hatfield's collection includes biographies of former Yugosla vian Pres. Marshall Tito and socialist Norman Thomas, who ran for president in 1936. Hat field's copy of each book respectively contains the last signatures penned by Tito and Thomas, both dead. "I was aquainted with Nor man Thomas," Hatfield said of the renowned U.S. socialist. "Tell my conservativ-e Republican friends that." Hatfield, in Oregon this week for the Memorial Day recess, said his hobby as a bibliophile is a nice change of pace from the rigors and pressures of being a U.S. senator. "It's a relaxing sort of excer cise I slip into to shift my gears and clear my mind," he said. File photo Sen. Mark Hatfield told an au dience honoring the Universi ty library of his personal col lection of Lincoln memorabilia. State wants to regulate toxic wastes PORTLAND (AP) — A hearing is scheduled today in Portland on Oregon's plan to ask the government for permission to take over the regulation of hazardous wastes. The state wants to assume responsibility for regulating waste generation, transport and disposal. The responsibility is now shared between the DEQ and the U.S. Environmental Pro tection Agency. A hearing on the takeover plan is scheduled at 9 a.m. at the DEQ headquarters in Portland. r STORE IT THIS SUMMER Check these features: e- Live-in Management ^■Security Fencing ^Lighted Paved Grounds ix-A Varied Selection Of Sizes (some heated) Present this ad and receive our special student rate! WAREHOUSE 689-9230 OPEN 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Just South of the Gilbert Shopping Center 1026 Highway 99N Eugene, OR 97402