FOOtSRIOOf niton baker park I? lone counkq pre> trail v!_ looiimou Acre prefontaine parcour/c 0Al(» 100P I MU •••• RIO IRAK ?6 AH •••• UUOR IRAK 06 IR llUi FRAIl H «« fOO'WtOll lHU 01 IH MU 600NDARY PAKOWH IHKISl SIAIWK O Running trails abound in city Although Eugene’s ability to attract big-name meets like the current NCAA track and field championships have con tributed to the city’s label as the “Running Capital of the World,” there are other at tributes which have con tributed to that honor. Chief among them are the running trails that crisscross the interior of Eugene. The "grandaddy” of Eugene running trails is Pre’s Trail, which has achieved national recognition. The trail is named after former Oregon distance star Steve Prefontaine, who died in a car crash in Eugene in 1975. The 6.4 kilometer cedar-chip trial loops alongside the Willamette River between Alton Baker Park and the 1-5 bridge. There are four different trails which make up Pre’s Trail, and they range in length from six-tenths of a kilometer to 2.6 kilometers. The four routes offer enough variety that you could run 10 miles on Pre’s Trail and still see new things in the last mile. A small billboard-sized map of the trail is located just south of Autzen Stadium next to a small footbridge. Pre’s Trail was renovated last summer with $100,000 in donations. Volunteers install ed a new drainage system and poured new cedar chips over the length of the trail. The trail also feature a “par course,” a system of exercise stations along a running path. The idea originated in Europe, and Pre’s Trail features six dif ferent stations, each offering the runner a different excer cise that will stretch and strengthen a different muscle group. The Adidas Oregon Trail, formerly known as the Amazon Parkway Run, was also recent ly renovated. Adidas installed a new drainage system and then added a wood-chip cover Continued on Page 19 ( get"twofree TOKENS with every $100 purchase one coupon per person Offer Valid Tuesday. May 29th & Wednesday. May 30th Only 13th Street Game Room 880 13th St. • 345-5566 You’ve gotta run. Everybody's running in America’s Love Run. You don't have to be an Olympic champion to join. Set a reasonable goal then ask friends, neighbors, and business associated to pledge 5‘ or more to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for every mile you run during June. Run anywhere you'd like — and at any time. Send in the registration form below along with your $5.00 tax deducti ble entry fee (check payable t MDA). and we II send you an official T Shirt. Sponsorship Form. Runner's Log. and complete instructions. Registration Form Name_ j Address_;_1_ * City__ State Zip_ I Running Club Affiliation (if any)_| AMERICAS T-shirt Size (circle one) S M L XL LOVE RUN w Return Registration with your S5.00 tax deductible entry lee (check payable lo MDA) to: MDA. 1670 Willamette St.. Eugene. OR 97401 _I America's Love Run. To benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association THE TYPE OF FOOT YOU HAVE INFLUENCES YOUR CHANCE OF INJURY. If you are engaged in a running activity, you will want to know the type of foot you have so that you can choose the right shoe. This choice will often influence whether you stay healthy or are in jured. For instance, a very flexible foot is unstable, causing the foot to roll in (pronate), which will increase the stress through the foot, lower leg, and knee. This type of foot needs to be controlled by wearing firm shoes. To this, an or thotic device placed in the shoe is sometimes needed to increase the control of foot motion. On the other hand, a rigid foot needs more shock absorbancy, as this foot, being firm, will not ab sorb the impact of foot-strike very well. Therefore, get to know your foot type — it will help you choose the right type of shoe for your foot, thereby decreasing your chances of injury. This information is brought to you as a service of... Sports Injuries & Running Clinic of Eugene, P.C. Eugene Medical it Professional Center 132 East Broadway, Suite 830 Eugene. OR 97401 Tel: (503) 683-4703 < \ f f r MAKE YOUR SELECTION < BELOW OfCTTOBUROERS Great charbroiled 1/3 Lb. Hamburgers, featuring fresh sliced tomato, crisp green lettuce and our specially blended sauce, served on a grilled sesame seed bun A • PACIFIC BLEUS BURGER (Real Bleu Cheese Crumbles) B • MUSHROOM BURGER; Sauted in seasoned butter) C • SOUTHSIDE BURGER (Mild Ortega green chili & cheese) Dm ROSIES BURGER (Sliced avocado, salsa, cheese) £ • PARKSIDE BURGER (Lean Bacon & Swiss) AND MORE! cherry cokes • chocolate velvet cokes • vanilla cokes Gotne, & Cnjeup the, 50'4, - a, tune* i4jhe*v ti^e, uloA, ilmple cumH pesiAesial /JAMIE’S GREAT HAMBURGERS 2445 Hilyard • 342-2206 • Eugene