1 Photo courtesy of Epic Records Clash to rock Mac Court The Clash just keep on happenin' — in spite of the odds stack ed heavily against them. The Clash will be in Eugene to play Mac Court on Tuesday, May 29. Tickets are still available priced $10 and $11 for the dance floor and $9 and $10 for balcony seats. The Clash are the sole survivors of the 1976-77 rock'n'roll revolt that splashed color onto and gave substance to the blanched face of British pop music. Oi*c»$jon Bimjei-Compiinjj j-> Tired of Chain Garbage Food? Come to the Great Oregon Burger Co. for a quality product. Probably the Best Burger in Town. _i Open Daily Till Midnight Located close to Campus Inside-Outside Seating Call ahead for faster service Great Oregon Burger Company 13th Ave. at High St., Eugene 344 5221 Join Barney under the bridge for great food, good times, Coors on tap and other spirits. also... • Pool Tables • Backgammon • Darts • Pinball • Three People in a Bed • Friday Night Hors d’Oeuvres 4:30-8 p.m. lainey Cables 375 E. 7th (Under the Ferry St. Bridge) 484-7085 You’ve gotta run. Everybody's running in America’s Love Run. You don t have to be an Olympic champion to join. Set a reasonable goal ... then ask friends, neighbors, and business associated to pledge 5‘ or more to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for every mile you run during June. Run anywhere you'd like — and at any time. Send in the registration form below along with your JS.00 tax deducti ble entry fee (check payable t MDA). and we II send you an official T Shirt. Sponsorship Form, Runner's Log, and complete instructions. Registration Form Mama_ Adrir... _.... .... . City... .... Stale Zip____ Punning Club Affiliation (H any) __ __ T ehkt S4m (circle one) S M L XL *. Datum ftegixlretton with your It 00 lax deductible entry fee (check payable to MOA) to MDA, U70 Willamette SI., Eugene. OR #740) America's Love Run. to benef* the Muscular Dystrophy Association Republicans look to November When they need to get out the Republican voters Dy DIUUKS Udr Cl I Of the Emerald Last week's local election figures give Republicans cause to worry, according to one of Oregon's three Republican National Committee persons. For the first time in history, Oregon Republicans — already outnumbered by Democrats statewide — voted at a lower rate than Democrats, said Peter Murphy, who addressed about 30 members and guests of the Rubicon Society at the Colonial Inn Restaurant in Eugene Thursday. Statewide figures are not yet available, but in Lane County, 55.5 perecnt of registered Democrats voted May 15, compared to 53.68 per cent of registered Republicans. Republicans will be cutting as fine a line with a comparable turnout in the general election this fall, Murphy said. "If we're only going to send 50 percent to the polls," he said, "we're going to find out Nov. 6 we've been thrown out." Owless he conducts a vigorous campaign, Murphy "said, one of those casualties could be Sen. Mark Hatfield, who received 207,735 votes in the Republican primary. Hatfield's opponent in the general election is Eugene Sen. Margie Hen ri riksen, who won 243,011 votes May 15. "No incumbent is safe. I think even Sen. Hat field realizes that," Murphy said. Murphy urged Republicans not to take any I race ror granted, dui would not concede any races to Democratic incumbents either — including five-term Fourth District Rep. )im Weaver, who faces Douglas County Commissioner Bruce Long in November. "I think he (Long) is ahead of where Ross was two years ago at this stage," Murphy said, in reference to Ross Anthony, who lost to Weaver by 20 percentage points in 1982. Murphy said Republicans should be proud of the quality of the primary winners, on the local, state and national levels. "But the Democrats have done almost as good a job," he said. "Despite what we hear about infighting bet ween Mondale, Hart and Jackson, from the top to the bottom they are as well organized as any op position party I've seen," said Murphy, who was first elected to the National Committee in 1980, when with Jimmy Carter in the White House, the Republicans were the opposition party. Murphy predicted that, if nominated, Mon dale would choose Hart as his running mate — and that Hart would accept. Ronald Reagan and George Bush (in 1980), and John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (in 1960) were considered ir reconcilable, he said, but as teams both sets of primary opponents were able to win the presidency. "That was the mistake (Former Pres. Gerald) Ford made by not asking Ronald Reagan to be his running mate in 1976," Murphy said. 1 The EMU Cultural Forum Presents THE ONLY OREGON APPEARANCE OF Tuesday, May 29, 1984 8 p.m. McArthur Court U of O, Eugene Tickets on Sale Now! (All tickets general admission) Open Dance Floor $10.00 UO Students s11.00 General Public Balcony: $9.00 UO Students $10.00 General Public Tickets available at the EMU Main Desk; Earth River Records & Valley River Records; Everybody’s Records, Eugene, Portland, Corvallis, Salem, Albany and Bend; Singles Going Steady, Portland. Listen to KZEL 96.1 FM for Details Sit down....take a load off your feet....with an ODE