University Players Present To The Chicago Abyss by Ray Bradbury Survivors of a devastated world gather to har the reminiscences of an old man May 24, 25, 8 PM $1 donation at the door Pocket Theatre Villard Hall 2883:5 25 THE RACE FINISH AND YOU COULD WIN A RENAULT ENCORE 2 TRIPS TO EUROPE 2 TRIPS IN THE U.S. 2 TRIPS TO MEXICO A RALEIGH GRAN PRIX 4 KODAK “8000” CAMERAS ENTER NOW NIKE EUGENE SPORTSTOWN FEETS PLUS 5-25 ananua marga presents REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE James Dean, who during his short career epitomized the musunderstood and rebellious youth of the 50's, vividly created this image on the screen in his dramatization of a teenager caught in a web of aliena tion and juvenile violence. "It was this film which led to the posthumous cult of James Dean: the identification of a dead actor with the spirit of a generation." -Sight and Sound. Fri/May 25 150 Geo 7& 9:15 pm S1.50/$1 2879:5-25 Reggae Music from Seattle SUNDANCE at the GARDEN Fri, May 25 4-7 pm in the EMU dining room ID required FREE FREE FREE 2868:5-25 MAX’S presents JAY WALKERS This Saturday 9:30 pm 550 E. 13th 2888:5-25 at E0ISON$ BAIL* Friday SUNDANCE (Reggae band from Seattle) 9:30 pm-2 am ★★★★★★★★ Saturday PAUL DELAY (The best of Rhythm & Blues) 9:30 pm-2 am i }T 4740 MAIN in Springfield f 747-7900 minCEftlCKLEin ICECREAM OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT 13th « Hilyerd 619F »» kzam KZAM Welcomes BONNIE RAITT Live & In Concert June 12 8 pm Silva Concert Hall Reserve tickets $12.50 $11.50 Available at: Everybody's Records (Eugene. Albany and Corvallis). Valley River Records and the Hult Center Box Office Produced by Double Tee CINE/HA7 STo'S Premiere through May 31 STREAMERS FRI-SAT 7:30 SUN-THURS 7 pm All shows Sunday reduced admis sion with 2 pm matinee. PLUS Joseph Heller s classic satire CATCH-22 FRI-SAT 9:40 SUN-THURS 9:10 SUN Matinee 4:10 FRI-SAT MIDNITE Strangers in Love XXX-Over 18-separate admission k THE BIJOU f |»-«yyerf fy, 492 E. 13lh 686-2458 Now New Seats!! Coming Soon-Expresso Bar, Posters, Magazines, Books!! Every Tuesday is Greek Night. Wear your letters for $1 off general admission. Director Diane Kurys has crafted an intricate, teasingly subtle drama about two women (played with chic and delicacy by Isabelle Huppert and Miou-Miou) in the "man's world" of 1950s France. FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:45 pm SAT-SUN Matinee 4 pm ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE LIQUID SKY The funniest, craziest, dirtiest, most perversely beautiful, science fiction film ever made. WED-THURS 11 pm FRI-SAT midnite _ •FRIDAY THE DISCREET CHARM OF THE BOURGEOISIE A surrealistic comedy about a group of chic Parisians who spend most of the film trying, unsuccessfully, to dine together. Directed by Luis Bunuel. French with English subtitles. MAY 25 180 PLC 7 and 9 pm -SUNDAY CABARET in the early 30's, Berlin is a hotbed of vice and anti-Semitism. In the Kitkat Klub, singer Sally Bowles shares her English lover with a homosexual Ger man baron. Liza Minelli. Joel Grey and Michael York star. Directed by Bob Fosse. MAY 27 180 PLC 8 pm ONLY Students-Adults $1.50 Children $1 15® COFFEE 15* COFFEE 15® COFFEE 15® COFFEE 15® COFFEE 15* COFFEE Freshly ground gourmet coffee On ly 15® a cup. . 10® refills. THE BIG DIPPER DOES IT AGAIN! 1473 E. 19th 343-8023 Personals DEBBIE BALSLEY HAPPY 20th You Sexual Mama Your Sexual Friends .5-25 Leslie C. Hazlett Congratulations! You're nearly through let's meet at Rennie's and celebrate soon! Love, Prego, Pruno and all the Grandmas. 5-2£ Julie “Pinko” Hesse Though our room is sometimes a mess you are still the roommate I love the best! Congratulations and good luck! We ll all miss you! Love. Kelli 5-25 MAYNERD, Shasta was fun! Thanks again, MO._ 5-25 THETA SENIOR KELLY Although I'm sad to see you go I'm glad that I got to know what a warm and special person you are! Good luck! Theta Love, Kris. 5-25 THANKS BRUCE For your great idea KEN’S MOBILE TUNE-UP rsjr BEAT THE DRUM FOR THE UO Here’s two reasons why! 1 The National Science Foundation has designated the UO as one of the three original centers of excellence in science. 2. Two graduates have been awarded Nobel prizes, in physics and medicine OREGON CARES SEWERSTEIN Thanks for the job, the commie shoes, and the many fun times. May the Arizona sun shine on you always. Best of luck, my friend. I'll miss you tons. Theta love, Joni HE CONGRATULATIONS MODEL U N. OFFICERS 1984-85 President - Carlos LaMadrid Vice-Pres. - Anne Myers Secretary - Shirene Hayes Treasurer - George Prior Publicity Dir. - Mike Schor 5-25 axo Seniors Congrats on an unbroken record! Greek Week Champs 4th year in a row! this one is for you! Love, Alpha Chi 5-25 WE HAVE THE LOWEST AIRFARES TO EUROPE! For free color brochure, Write to: Campus Travel - Box 11387, St. Louis, Mo. 631055-25 GET READY to have the time of your life, Katrina. Hawaii will never be the same after Luau Eighty-four. We'll have a great time, I promise. Kevin 5-25 LOOK OUT! NSTP CALLERS ERIC LYNN CATHERINE MARIE ROBIN & CHRIS ON THE LOOSE AND READY TO CELEBRATE THANKS GANG. LOVE YA, FAITH KAT. 5-25 “ELVIRA" I stole the rose for you. but you stole my heart. Let's get together and exchange keys. Your escaped convict. Love Andy_ TO THE BUNNY. Happy Anniversary I Love You! YOUR HONEY5-25 Stepfamily Workshop June 9Jh 9:30-3:30. Cost $15. Call Marian West, 746-6263_5-25 Chaz: Just one look at you and I know it's go ing to be a lovely day . ' Welcome home I love you. JACKIE “O'* 5-25 xiy RANDY, TIM, JIM, DAVE. FRANK AND PAT. Looking forward to some tropical fun at the Luau Saturday night. Love. YOUR ALPHA CHI HOUSE DANCE DATES. 525 AD TEAM Andrea, David, Jerry, Laura, Scott, Dawn. Bob. Denver's just around the corner, and you're already history! Best of luck! THE FRESHMAN 5-25 Happy Birthday Michelle Leonard Signed.. .a long forgotten friend. VICTORIA __5-25 IT’S MICKEY, IT’S MICHAEL-no, it’s DEBBIE WALL! You're leaving U of O, but not til next, fall. Apartment life, Europe, maybe law school awaits. So go for it Debbie, we all think you're great! Love, SARAH 5-25 FALL FORMAL SORORITY RUSH All currently enrolled freshmen and sophomores can sign up now. Pick up a registration book at Suite 5, EMU . 2893:6 -4 OX TUESDAY NIGHT MADNESS was great Let's do it again Love, THE ALPHA CHIS 2896:5-25 THANKS FOR HELPING us show our parents how to party. PS. Our float should have received honorable men tion. It looked great on the news. Love, THE ALPHA CHIS 2899:5-25 JAMES ‘EDWARD’ AUSLEN The Whipmaster Commands You To Have A SMASHING BIRTHDAY There’s only one 21 What A Concept _2904 5-25 MAG AWAY Come on, who’s your friend? Looking forward to coasting with you Love, WAR III 5-25 IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright. Free testing. 687-8651 623:F FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral - call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F 468:MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488 358 MF MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11 th _>_001WHF SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. TELEVISION & TYPEWRITER RENTALS by week, month or term UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 DID YOU KNOW Even though you are enrolled Spring Term, you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD if you're planning to attend courses during the SUMMER SESSION. There is still time to do it, so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's office 2795:5-25 PLANNING TO ncuuai tnrun SUMMER SESSION? Don't forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office 2794:5-25 IT’S READY THE SUMMER SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pick one up today! Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office 2855:6-4 FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registar’s Office 2856:6-4 IT’S NOT TOO LATE To file you INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for the SUMMER SESSION Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office.2857:6-4 BLOOM COUNTY'S Penguin Opus, on sale now at Hirons, also Garfield, Ner tnal, Arlene and Odie 5-25 ATTENTION STUDENTS UO Dead Week Policy No exams worth more than 20% of final grade No final exams under any guise No projects due unless specified on syllabus No take home exams due earlier than assigned test time 2798:5-25 COPIES OF THESIS Dissertaion. Try our fast, personal service! Super Kodak copies, low prices. Krazy Kats, 1219 Alder, 344-KATS 2885:5-29 LORI Happy Birthday to you, Let's put down a few. We ll both miss you a ton, but you'll have loads of fun In the Arizona sun you'll lay dreaming of Al-cohol all day. So, here's to you at 22 Just because we love you. Kelly and Liz 5-25 SALE! MAY 21-MAY 26 20% to 50% off selected items from our large stock of: •stuffed animals*poslers* •cards*stationery»mobiles* • wind-up toys«art supplies* •t-shirts«stickers»etc« 3ftBBEHWOCK\ CARDS • GIFTS MON FRI 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484 0530 SCUBA CLUB Last meeting Wed. May 30. Room 101 EMU. Topic: Night Diving. 5-25 KYOKO We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other. HAPPY 21 Charles 5-25 HILARY • It's been nice getting to know you You're very special We re going to miss you. Good luck and success in future years. THETA LOVE, Meri 5-25 DEBBIE BALSLEY HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SEXUAL WOMAN HEATHER 525 GRANDMA JOHNSTON - One more year until you're the next VonFursten burg! Good luck, sleep lots, we re gon na miss you. Theta love, Sue. 5-25 THETA PAMELA Congratulations! Good luck in England! Love. Pam and Lori 5-25 SPT Congratulations on Graduation! and good luck next year Hope this week has been fun! Love, Annie LYNNE LABRAUSSER, You re too much fun Only two weeks left what to do! Have a super weekend! JIM 5-25 THRASHMASTER: Thanks for the poetic personal. What's next, a novel? It'll be pure fiction! HAZEMASTER5-25 Free Delivery New Sale Buy 1 topping, get 1 free on any size of our thick-crust pizza. PLUS 2 FREE DRINKS! TOPPINGS Canadian bacon tomato pepperoni ’onions green pepper olives pineapple "mushrooms extra cheese Italian sausage ‘cost less "extra charge PRICES Small.$4.70 (with 2 toppings) Medium.$6.90 (with 2 toppings) Large.$9.10 (with 2 toppings) Extra Large.$11.30 (with 2 toppings) FREE DELIVERY CALL 343-8023 after 5 pm Olfer good through May 31, 1964 THETA KIM STRADLEY Thanks for sharing Sydney Sheldon and Danielle Steele with me! You're a great person and I'm going to miss you I hope you've enjoyed your week LOVE, SHARON _525 RICHARD HEISTER (alias Tall,. Dark & Handsome), I've been trying to say this for days: HI! 5-25 KRISTAN MEREDITH:’ 'I can't believe they're playing the BeeGees!” 2 AM: "Are you awake?” "Do you have any money?” “Melt cheese on it!” "Oooo J, my foot - omygod!" "Dead Lion!" "Let's take a nooze!” Just saying hi - Study hard next week! -- "I'LL TIME YOU!" LOVE MUFFY525 JERRY: Saturday I learned the value of football players! (or is it ping-pong?) How's the jacket? You and your buddy 6-3, Sunday, chow be there or pay up for blackjack. We'll hear from you here. Love, SKIN DIVER. P S. Check for me in June '83 p. 49. P.P.S. Pay up anyway! 5-25 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE I LOVE YOU Moofy 5-25 BOAT 10E "S.S. Tequila," thanks for a fantastic vacation at SHASTA. YourTe quila Straightshot partners.5-25 THANKS JONI, SHELLEY,SP’s, SOPH'S, SURC, and all the rest who _ have shown you care. No one culd asK for better friends! LOVE, Theta Sr. SPT _5^ THETAS - Thanks so much for ap preciating us! It's you, ourfriends, that make it all worth it. Thanks for a very special week We ll miss you. Love, the Seniors 5-25 SURF - Only 14 days to go! Hang in there. Love you, ME 5-25 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed r_IJ BLOOM COUNTY StR'MMLAS/ a cum' wve GOT A OBIT' mi UP/LOT'S GO'/ ACAse/ACfise/ HUPf PUP" up.' up' levs beTmmeo." ji/srice.' cum / tmiwiNG THe MPIRPOG.' PPDTeCVNb m poor.' Pimm im WONGS ' Y6AH/LOT'S, mr/m/m'm' by Berke Breathed