FACULTY LOOKING for drive-away to East Coast mid-July — AAA Member Call J. Stroman, Evenings, 345-8542 M5 STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights, Eurailpasses. Int'l stu dent ID cards, AYH cards, Work abroad, Language Centers and much more. Write or call for free travel catalog Council Travel 1314 NE 43rd street, No 210, Seattle. WA 98105 (206)632-2448 5-31 f\ jMfvn. si iv IP AW i 744 E.13th • second floor Smith Family Book building ONE WAY BARGAIN FARES EugeneOklahoma City $125 Eugene-Chicago $199 Eugene-Atlanta $220 683-5577 Wanted MOTHERS. Separated or divorcing? The Oregon social Learning Center is studying the effect of divorce on the family If you have separated within the past 3-12 months and have a son 0-12 years old, you can participate and earn $200 Call Judy, 485-2711. 2892:6-4 JOB WANTED: Graduate in history desires employment as recep tionist/secretary, experienced telephone, typing, bookkeeping, wage negotiable. Call Ms. Jodie Carter. 344-9068 5-25 WANTED: GRADUATION TICKET will pay $5 484-9542, call before 9 a m.5-29 Opportunities INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Fall and winter terms (2 term commitment, 3 credits per term). Will develop skills in vocational counseling, job search skills, group facilitating and career planning Qualifications: Graduate stu dent or upperclass student in related field, effective communication skills. Send resume and cover letter to Kathy i Weinmnan or Tom Fauria, Career Plann ing and Placement, 244 Hendricks Hall Deadline Wednesday, May 30 2838:5-29 STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMA MENT (former S.N.u.F.F.) is now accep ting applications for the position of coordinator for 1984-85 Job descrip- ! tions and application forms are / available at the S.C.D. office in Suite 1, EMU Deadline for applications is May 30, 1984, 5 pm S C O. is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 2867:5-25 ALTERNATIVE TO GRADUATION For desired details call David M Wagner. 5-29 Help Wanted OIRECTOR U of 0 Crisis Center 40 GTF September 1984-June 1985 Prior Crisis counseling and supervisory experience Job description and applications available at Counseling Center x 3227 Application deadline May 28 An equal opportunity employer 2719:5-25 CRISIS COUNSELORS Work study. U of O Crisis Center Summer and Fall posi tions available Prior crisis counseling experience $5.50/hr Job description and applications available at Counsel ing Center: x3227 Application deadline: May 25 An equal opportunity employer 2718:5 25 Organize! Are you interested in gaining valuable experience in a small group setting with other highly motivated and con cerned students in the environmental field? The Survival Center is offering just such an experience for the 1984-85 school year Staff positions/internships available •Director • Lands Coordinator • Toxic Coordinator • Recycling Coordinator Applications can be found in the Survival Center office in EMU Suite One Come in and talk to a staff member for more info Applications are due May 30. 1984 at 4 pm Work Study is available The Survival Center is an Affirmative ActionfEqual Opportunity employer Women, minorities and Nature enthusiasts are encouraged to apply Interviews begin May 30 at 7 pm, see you then Survivals^ Center THE 1984-84 ASUO Executive is cur rently seeking applicant lor: COORDINATOR OF PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COORDINATOR OF UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Positions are stipended and offer ex cellent experience and responsibility Applications and job descriptions are available In The ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU They are due no later than 5 pm May 30 ASUO is an affirmative ac tton/equal opportunity employer _2873 525 MUSICIANS WANTED tor all girl bend 937 3753 ___2880 5 25 SHORT ORDER COOK 8 am 2 pm Ex penance in cooking necessary Wilt work into higher position 5 days a week Send resume to Barney Carnes PO Box 11234 Eugene Oregon 3/401 28835-28 LOVING BABYSITTER wanted for my 10-month old, on campus. References Call Jackie at 686-3531 before 2:305-25 Interested in VIDEO or AUDIO VISUAL Internships available in video and AV productions; summer and school year Experience necessary, appreciation of wilderness helpful. U of O Outdoor Pro gram 686-3730 2875:5-30 SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION We are a national software company based in Eugene. This summer we will be undertaxing a major revision of manuals for our software line For this project we need temporary, full-time personnel to work as: Copy editors. For these positions, you should have good writing skills and editorial experience. You should also be familiar with computers and word processing software - Technical editors. For these positions, you should have experience with ap plications software. In addiion, you should have good oral and written com munications skills. We need people who can work with a minimum of supervision, yet meet deadlines If you meet these re quirements, please send a resume and writing samples to: Documentation: Temporary P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, Oregon 97440 5-29 CORRECTIONS ASSISTANT with Multnomah County Corrections. Counseling or program evaluation op portunity Monthly stipend plus credit For complete description of this and other jobs call Yolanda at UCA, 686-3813.5-30 U of O CHILD CARE CENTERS is seek ing applicants for a GTF position, 40 FTE Major duties include assisting ad ministrative and teaching staff with hir ing, orientation and training of student aides, includes planning workshops: also assisting with development of parent education opportunities. 9 month position, beginning Sept. 17, 1984 Information and application packet available at 1511 Moss, 686-4384 Application deadline, Mon. June 4 An Equal Opportunity/Affir mative Action Employer. 2908:6-1 Roommates ROOMMATE NEEDED House in West Eugene. $164 plus utilities, prefer female, 344-2473 evenings/weekends _2696:6-4 ROOMATE NEEDED. Two bedroom apartment Six blocks from campus Air-conditioned Utilities paid $80 Call Ken, 342-5176 evenings 5-25 TWO ROOMATES NEEDED $90 and $100 rent. $60 deposit, no lease Fall price same Don 344-7591 5-25 FEMALE ROOMATE wanted to share unique 2 bedroom apt June 8th until? $l25/mo plus utilities Lots of win dows. close to campus. Call 484 5197 (keep trying). _ _ _ J5-3J SHARE 2 BDRM HOUSE close to cam pus Fireplace, great location. Utilities paid $13250 3426351 Susan/EII/abeth 5-25 ROOMPERSON WANTED TO SHARE I 2-bedroom furnished home Close to j campus Available June 15 $152 a month Call Tom 343 643! or ' 386-4903 5 25 ROOMATES: Beautiful house in Hen dricks Park Sundecks. yard dishwasher, etc, $80 plus utilities. 344 1721 529 For Rent DON’T WAIT Reserve for fall and sum mer now Summer rales $160 All apart ments, 2 Bedroom, large, very clean Wholly furnished, disposal, dishwasher, laundry, sundeck. free covered parking 683 8919 2627 tin FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 10 $275 485-6322 4850062 ,144 1625_______332: tin ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening m 3 months -Security building Walking distance lo campus Specious apartments New carpels, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who cere For appointment call 464-7441 2156 Tin 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion, carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry Call manager 345-7419. IPM REALTOR 485 8258 1827:tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo., 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo. Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept 686-4277.2449:tfn The following will be available approx imately June 15 and may be seen by appointment only: FURNISHED $80--room with kitchen use, utilities in cluded, 21st and Harris. $150/S160-one-bedroom apartment, 16th and Ferry. $160--one-bedroom apartment, 13th and Alder $197--contemporary studio with bedroom loft, avalilable now, 921 W. 4th. UNFURNISHED $150/205-one- or two-bedroom, 19th and Kincaid $180-studio cottage. 16th and Mill. $185/200--one- or two-bedroom, 17th and High. $195-one-bedroom, private deck, 967 Patterson $200-one-bedroom, 13th and Alder $250--two-bedroom duplex with fireplace, 26th and Harris. $250--elegant two-bedroom with fireplace, 967 Patterson. $375--three-bedroom duplex with fireplace, 21st and Harris $800-seven bedrooms, appliances. 1857 University. AVAILABLE JUNE 1 $300--two-bedroom cottage with sauna. Springfield (Both of the above have good access to the UO via bike path) Call Joy. 686-1130, LAMSON ASSOCIATES 2791 :tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house $109 and $119. Manager 345-1037. IPM, 1111 Pearl. 485-82581681:tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for, land 2 bedrooms Uni quely furnished Covered parking Prime location 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl _2536:lfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning Private refrigerator Dishwasher. Near campus. Ask manager for summer rate 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn STUDIO'S FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE $ 135/mo , 1 Vi blocks from cam pus. laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083_ _2642:tfn 1414 E. 18th SUMMER RATES Clean. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 2 blocks from campus Furnished, unfur nished From $150 Call Sabin, 683-2160 Lamson Associates 2689 6-4 COMPARE™ Large clean furnished 1 bedroom apart ments across from campus 800 E. 18th Summer rate $150/mo Call 484-4103. 2703:tfn OWNER MANAGED Campus summer rales for spacious, very nice. 1- and 2-bedroom units $150 $200. Unfurnished hot water included, no pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-7987, 2721 :tfn ONE BEDROOM $180 Like new, in ex cellent condition Fully applianced Quiet, adult living in beautiful parkside surroundings On bus and bike route No pets, 4th and Jefferson Call 683-6250 2769:64 1255 MILL STREET Summer rates 2 bedroom furnished, no lease All modern appliances including dishwasher, and disposal Free cable TV, balconies, covered parking laundry, heated outdoor swimming pool $210 8255 month. Call Ken Shulman after 5 30 pm Phone 345-4322 2790:tn $145 SUMMER RENT Reserve now a nice quiet campus one bedroom Carpet, drapes, storage, park ing^ Gary 683-3377 2787 tfn DRASTICALLY REDUCED TERRIFIC COMPLETELY FURNISHED One and two bedroom apartments Ex tra large, quiet FREE CABLE complete with laundry facilities and oft street parking SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER RATES FROM ONLY $155 Located next to UO campus On direct bus line to LCC and downtown TALK WITH US TODAY STUDENT COURT(95i e 19th) 344- 5503 A JP North Apartment Home 2846 6 4 VERY NICE LARGE One and two bedroom apartment* $150*175 Ex cellent location, campus 10 blocks 2045 Willamette, near Safeway Laundry facilities Unfurnished No pets No children Available June 10-15 345-7987, 344 2469 __2831 tfn PRIVATE BATH Completely furnished, air conditioned quads with private refrigerator FREE UTILITIES, covered parking and laundry facilities ALL THIS FOR ONLY: $109 Summer rates Vi block to U of O and tennis courts TALK WITH US TODAY! CAMPUS QUADS (751 E.16th) 345- 1272 A JP North Apartment House __ 282764 FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid. Share kitchen with one other Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities available From $168 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tln SUMMER SUBLET Gorgeous 3-bedroom townhouse, 5 min walk to campus. Garbage disposal, dishwasher, parking, sun deck. Very af fordable Call 485-52945-29 TWO BEDROOM townhouse. Near cam pus, quiet. Private patio, carport, laun dry, dishwasher. Reasonable. Also 1-bedroom Nice! 344 74375-29 2 & 3 bedroom apts. Unfurnished, 3 blocks from campus on LCC busline 2 bedroom duplex with yard & laundry facilities. 5 blocks from campus. 1 block LCC busline. 1 bedroom garage apt. Utilities & laun dry included. Pets considered. Call 484-5322 545 APARTMENT IN sunny south Eugene Washerfdryer, lovely view, fireplace, two bedrooms $250/month. 343-5778 after 6:005-25 AIR CONDITIONED SIGN UP FOR SUMMER! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available at DRASTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, FREE CABLE, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE UTILITIES. All this from only $100 'h BLOCK TO UO CAMPUS 10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! WOODSIDE MANOR (1810 HARRIS) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home 2826:6-4 CLOSE IN Completely furnished quads close to UO campus. Clean and very quiet with plenty of off street parking. FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 Vi block to buslines STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! KINCADE QUADS (1863 KINCAID) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home 2833:6-4 EXCLUSIVE DELUXE Completely furnished quads Sign up now for summer and save! Quiet and clean with off street parking and FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES. SUMMER RATES ONLY $80 Close to UO and downtown TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD ST. QUADS (1742 Hilyard) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2848:6 4 SPACIOUS LIVING FOR LESS Completely furnished large studios, one and two bedroom apart ments HUGE courtyard complete with deck and built-in barbeque Laundry facilities and off street parking. ALL THIS FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Right on UO campus yet secluded and quiet COME IN AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE UNIVERSITY MANOR (750 E. 14th) 344-8302 A JP North Apartment Home 2834:6-4 LARGE DELUXE, one and two bedroom apart ments. Quiet and convenient Laundry facilities and off street parking ALL FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Close to UO and shopping TALK WITH US TODAY! CAMPUS VILLA (1445 E 19th) 683-7497 2849:6-4 SUNDECK BEAUTIFUL OUADS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Completely furnished with private Vi baths FREE UTILITIES, FREE CABLE covered parking and laundry facilities. SUMMER RATES ONLY $99 Across the street from U of O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE (1436 ALDER) 344-8302 A JP North Apartment Home 2825:6-4 BARGAIN PRICES! SPOTLESSLY CLEAN AND completely furnished quads FREE CABLE, FREE UTILITIES covered parking and laundry facilities SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 Across the street from U of O STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! ALDERSTREET QUADS (1360 Alder) 343-3599 A JP North Apartment Home _ 2847:6-4 -2 BEDROOM” $325 FALL RATE Spacious, nice, unfurnished, campus one block, no pets or children 345-7987 2876:5-31 S100/MONTH. Quiet studio apartment. All utilities paid. Last month plus $50 deposit. No shower/tub. Near 16th and Jefferson SECLUDED LARGE two bedroom apartments. Beautifully landscaped and real quiet. Laundry facilities and off street park ing SUMMER RATES ONLY: $220 Close to UO and music school with easy access to bus lines. Stop in and see us today! ERIN APTS (1948 Harris) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2828:6-4 SWIMMING POOL COMPLETELY FURNISHED Spacious one bedroom apartments. Laundry facilities and off street parkingVi block to bus stop on direct line to LCC. All from only: $160 Summer rates Close to U of O and downtown STOP IN AND TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD STREET APT’S (973 Hilyard) 485-0721 A JP North Apartment Home 2829:6-4 RIDGEWOOD APARTMENTS Renting for summer and fall Furnished units near music building Studio, one and two bedrooms, and a house. 688-57692811 :tfn LOW SUMMER RATES At the Student's Cooperative Associa tion. Rates include quality conventional and Vegetarian meals and all utilities. 8 weeks-Double $350, Single $430. 11 weeks-Double $450, Single $530. Camp bell House, 686-5189 or Janet Smith House, 686-4261, ask for membership coordinator6-4 SUMMER SUBLET Fully furnished one bedroom Garden space. Olive and 15th area. Utilities and cable included. $195. Call Carol, 342-47005-25 Reserve your apartment NOW lor the summer 1331 High Street FURNISHED STUDIOS Campus downtown area, private bath, share kitchen with one other. UTILITIES PAID $125. Manager 344-0315. Bennett Management Co. 485-69912864:tfn ALL UTILITIES One,two, five and six bedroom suites. Partially furnished, Parking 687-1098 6-4 COZY 2 BEDROOM on E. 15th Fireplace & Pool. 683-1341 (Evenings). 5-25 UNIVERSITY AREA 239 E. 14th Large 5 Bedroom house with basement, fireplace, hardwood floors and yard Available June 18th. $495 plus deposit. Call 688-6096 _ _6-4 WHERE'S THE BARGAIN? Here at 735 E. 17th, Vi block west of campus! One bedroom apt unfurnished/furnished, summer $155-$165, fall $190-$200 Minus discounts for prompt pay or lease Reserve now! 343-2114, 344-1583. _6-4 PARIS 18e! Beautiful studio for rent from Spet 1„ 1984 till March 15, 1985 Call Susanne 686-1675 evenings. 6-1 UNFURNISHED 1 AND 2 BEDROOM units at 1340 Mill St. Summer rate $170-200 Large patio, coin laundry, parking 485-7279 _ 6-4 SUMMER RATES STUDENT PLAZA 945 E. 19th Clean 1 bedroom, carpeting, paneling, off-street parking laundry. Only $149/mo. summer Resident manager No 2, 342-9184 or call: Jennings and Co. Property Management Inc. 683-2271 __2905:6-18 3 BDRM HOUSE — Interior, exterior cedar, fenced area, garden space. Across from park near 24th and Univer sity St Summer rate at $350. 2427 Miami Ln. 343-9377 6-1 r 3 UADS AMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075. 821:tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus. See at 553 E 18th No 7 or call Jen ninQS and Co. 683-2271. $130 1666:tfn LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month, 485-8859.2700:tfn SPECIAL SUMMER OFFERING! Quads at 553 E. 18th. Carpet, drapes, laundry facilities, off-street parking. 3 month lease for just $225, payable in ad vanced or $99 per month on month-to month agreement Stop by No 7 or call our office. Jennings and Co. 683-2271 2729:5-31 $99 Month Large Modern Quads next to University 1866 Harris, 343-1009 2862:tfn Houses For Rent 3-PLUS BEDROOM HOUSES FOE RENT Summer rales 1 Vi blocks from campus, iaundfy facilities. Col! Ssrbara at 345-9083. 2641 :tfn FOUR BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE touching Skinner's Butte trees, June 1 ■ Sept 15 $225/month. 485-0010/686-5008._5^ LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Close to campus and downtown. Available June 15th. Rent $400. No deposit. Call 344-2125.5-25 SMALL HOUSE CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Sublet for summer, $140 mo. plus utilities (low) Late evenings. 342-6248 5-25 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM two bath house with patio garden washer dryer and dishwasher. Summer sublet $375 a month negotiable. Call Carol 342-4700. 5-25 Pets FREE TO A GOOD HOME. 1 year old. male siamese/tabby. 683-2557/683-5518 5-29 Lost & Found FOUND Black and white spotted dog campus area. Medium size about 1VS years. Call Brad 344-3795.5^ NIKON CAMERA CASE last week on campus. Reward!! Call 688-0182 after 6 pm5-25 REWARD for the return of a blue suit case and contents, most specifically antique jewelry, including my grand mother’s engagement ring and many other pieces of sentimental value. Suit case was on top of a green Toyota park ed on Alder St. near 11th. It was missing at 11:30 pm May 22. No questions ask ed. Call 345-1414 between 10:30 am and 5:30 pm to arrange exchange 2894:5-30 Market Basket Hi-energy BEE POLLEN HONEY on tap 79« lb beautiful candles and gifts 128 E. 11th HONEY HEAVEN 344-5039 591 :F I -1 Events THE RACE SUNDAY, JUNE 3 8 Kilometers of FUN Don’t forget the post RACE tailgate party at Autzen Stadium FREE BUDWEISER and PEPSI ENTER NOW -25 BASEBALL MEETING An organizational meeting will be held on Wed , May 30 at 4 pm. EMU Room 112 to put together a 1984-85 Club Sports team. All interested players are invited Call Club Sports x 3733. 2865:5-30 IN DEFENSE OF WOMEN is a 20 minute video exploring the issues women face in learning to de fend themselves against physical at tack. Friday May 25th at 11:30, noon, 3:30, and 4:00 in room 101, EMU FREE! Sponsored by WOmen's Referral and Resource 2878:5-25 ASUO and University Democrats present Congressman JIM WEAVER speaking on Reagan’s foreign policy 12:30 p.m., May 29 EMU Forum Room 5872:5-29 WITCH DOCTOR, Stick Against Stone, Cargo Cult Five Bands. Project Space 39 E. 10th. This Saturday 26th 5-25 SONG AND DANCE TROUPE AUDITIONS May 29, 4:00 p.m. 186 Music School Prepare 1 min. song - unaccompanied Entertainment JAZZ/BLUES Records Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ & BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Fifthpearl Bldg. 5th & Penrl __ HF University Players Present ‘Stolen Moments’ by Damon Jones An hour of comic entertainment featuring University theatre students May 24, 25 at 4:30 $1 donation at the door Pocket Theatre, Villard Hall 2882:5-25