Calendar For the week of May 25 - May 31 FILM FRIDAY, 5-25 "The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie" 180 PLC. 7 and 9 p.m. $1 50 and $1. "Rebel Without a Cause" 150 Geology. 7 and 9:15 p.m. $1.50 and $1 Cinema 7: “Streamers' at 7:30 p.m. "Catch 22" ai 9:40 p.m. $3.50. Bijou: “Enire Nous" at 7:15 and 9:30 p.m. "Liquid Sky” at midnight $3.50. SATURDAY, 5-26 Cinema 7: (See Friday's listing) Bijou: "Entre Nous" at 4, 7:15 and 9:30 p.m “Liquid Sky" at midniqht. $3 50. SUNDAY, 5-27 "Cabaret" 180 PLC 8 p.m $1.50 and $1 Cinema 7: "Streamers" at 2 and 7 p.m. "Catch 22” at 4:10 and 9:10 p.m. $2:50 Bijou: “Entre Nous" at 4, 6:30, and 8:45 p.m. $3.50. MONDAY, 5-28 Cinema 7: “Streamers" at 7 p.m. "Catch 22” at 9:10 p.m $3.50. Bijou: "Entre Nous" at 6:30 and 8:45 p.m. $3.50. TUESDAY, 5-29 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) Bijou: (See Monday's listing) WEDNESDAY, 5-30 Cinema 7: (See Monday’s listing.) Bijou: (See Monday's listing) THURSDAY, 5-31 Cinema 7: (See Monday's listing) Bijou: (See Monday's listing) MUSIC FRIDAY, 5-25 Student Recital: David Bledsoe, trom bone. Gerlinger Hall Alumni Lounge. 8 p.m Free. Community Center for the Performing Arts: "Fantasy on Parade (Don't Dream It, Be It)’’ costume extravaganza, music by The Cashiers. Doors open at 9 p.m. $3.50. All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible Adult refreshments downstairs with i.d. Call 687-2746 for further info. Black Forest: The Porcupines. $1,50. Jo Federigo's: Bill Sabol Trio 10 p.m Lone Star: Smash. 9:15 p m Shilo Inn: Apogee. 9:15 p.m. SATURDAY, 5-26 Saturday Market: Tree People, original music. Noon. O'Carolan’s Consort, original music. 1:15 p.m. Free. Community Center for the Performing Arts: Arousing Spirit, reggae. Doors open at 9 p.m. $3. All ages welcome, wheelchair accessible. Adult refreshments available downstairs with i d. Call 687-2746 fOT fur ther info Jo Federigo’s: (See Friday s listing) Lone Star: (See Friday's listing) Shilo Inn: (See Friday’s listing) SUNDAY, 5-27 Jo Federigo’s. Jam Session with Bill Rhoades and Blues Deluxe. 10 p.m. MONDAY, 5-28 Oregon Country Jamboree. Soreng Theatre, Hult Center. 7:30 p.m. Call 687-5000 for reservations and further info. Jo Federigo’s: (See Sunday’s listing) Lone Star: (See Friday's listing) Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing) TUESDAY, 5-29 The Clash. McArthur Court. 8 p.m $9 and $10 for University students, $10 and $11 general. Tickets available at EMU Main Desk, Earth River Records, and Everybody's Records. Student Recital: Dale Bradley, cello. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Free. Jo Federigo's: Stan Fink Quartet. 10 p.m. Lone Star: (See Friday's listing) Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing) WEDNESDAY, 5-30 Student Recital: Nathan Waddell, string bass. 198 Music. 8 p.m. Free. Student Recital: Melissa Jensen, piano. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Free. Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday's listing) Lone Star: (See Friday's listing) Shilo Inn: (See Friday's listing) THURSDAY, 5-31 An Informal Outdoor Concert with the Oregon Wind Ensemble and the Sym phonic Band. EMU Courtyard. 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Musical Smorgasbord. 198 Music. 12:30 p.m. Free. Student Recital: David Golden, organ. Beall Concert Hall. 8 p.m. Free. Student Recital: Annette Duke-Leong, piano. 198 Music. 8 p.m. Free. Jo Federigo's: (See Tuesday’s listing) Lone Star: (See Friday’s listing) Shilo Inn: (See Friday s listing) THEATRE “Stolen Moments” by Damon Jones. Pocket Theatre, Villard Hall. May 25. 4:30 p.m. $1. An hour of comic entertainment featuring University theatre students. “To The Chicago Abyss” by Ray Brad bury. Pocket Theatre, Villard Hall. May 25. 8 p.m. $1. Survivors of a devastated world gather to hear the reminiscences of an old man. Held Over! “On the Edge" Upstairs at the Brass Rail, 453 Willamette. May 25, 26, 31, June 1,2, and 7-9. 9 p.m. $4. An evening of original comedy, music, vignettes, im provisations, and assorted shenanigans. Call 342-2298 for reservations and further info. Artichoke" Very Little Theatre, 2350 Hilyard. May 25-26, 31, and June 1 and 2. 8:15 p.m. $5. An eccentric comedy. Call 344-7751 for reservations and further info. Auditions for a new dance and theatre company. The following plays will be per rv-,- r\ Photographs by Helen Lottridge are on display at the Camerawork Gallery in the Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland until June 1. formed this summer: "The Soldier's Play" by Fuller, and “Trouble in Mind" by Childress. The plays will be directed by Bob Manning. Black men are especially en couraged to try-out. The dance company will be run by Kathrine Petersen. Auditions are May 30 and May 31 at 6 p.m. in the Ar tists Union, 985 Willamette. Call 344-6175 for further info. DANCE "Modern Nights" performed by the Eugene Baliet. Soreng Theatre, Hult Center. May 25 and 26 7:30 p.m. $6.50, $8.50, and $10.50. This program of modern ballet theatre will showcase the talents of five local choreographers: Toni Pimble, Riley Grannan, David Berkey, Doug Zalud Mackie and Larry Sutton. The works in clude "The Demon" to Hindemith's score, "Three Scenes With Woman,” “Dance on Glass" to the music of Philip Glass, Grand Piano Pas De Deux" and a piece choreographed to Aaron Copeland’s music. Call 687-5000 for reservations and further info. ADVANCE Six local musicians (to play trombone, violin, cello, reed instruments, electric bass, and guitar) are needed for the Univer sity Summer Season of Carnival Theatre. Musicians will perform contemporary rock music for “I’m Getting my Act Together and Taking it on the Road” and traditional early American music for “Tintypes." Call John Mansfield at 345-9163 for further info. The Lane Regional Art Council s Artists In-Education Program is seeking artist ap plicants. The program integrates working visual, theatre, literary, environmental, and newer media artists into the everyday life of school (also museums, libraries, com munity centers) sites in Lane County. Ap plications available at LRAC, 411 High, 97402 through the deadline, June 8. Call 485-2278 Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday for further info. Registration for the Oregon Country Fair is now being accepted. Crafts people and food-booth operators should write the Oregon Country Fair, P.O. Box 2972, Eugene,97402 MISCELLANEOUS FRIDAY, 5-25 “Peasants as Primitives: Chinese Pea sant Painters 1958-1976" lecture by Ellen Johnston Kaing, Maude Kerns Profressor of Oriental Art 177 Lawrence 4:30 p.m. Free. Call 686-3611 for further info. SATURDAY, 5-26 Saturday Market: A special guest ap pearance by The Oregon Llamas. Craft demonstration on the spinning of llama wool. All day. RADIO KWAX-FM, 91.1: "University Street" on Friday at 11:45 a m. "Chicago Lyric Opera: The Flying Dutchman' by Richard Wagner" on Saturday at 11 a m "The Bob and Ray Public Radio Show" on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. "Carnegie Hall Tonight: Vien na Boys Choir” on Saturday at 7 p.m. "Playhouse 91: ‘Five Red Herrings' featur ing Lord Peter Wimsey” on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. "KWAX Presents: Eugene Symphony Orchestra with Nathaniel Rosen, cellist" on Monday at 8 p.m. “Art Access" on Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. "A Night at the Opera: Francesca da Rimini' by Rachmaninoff" on Wednesday at 10 p.m. KLCC-FM, 89.7: "Modern Mono" on Fri day at 11:30 p.m. "Saturday Cafe" on Saturday at 9 a m. “Blackberry Jam” on Saturday at 6 p.m. "A Prairie Home Compa nion" on Saturday at 7 p.m. "New Dreamers” on Monday at 11 p.m. "Brad bury's 13” dramatizations of Ray Brad bury's short stories, on Thursday at 7:30 pm KRVM-FM, 91.9: "Radio Classics" old time radio programs, each Monday Saturday at 10 p.m. and Saturday at 11 a m. "Radio 80's" each Monday-Friday at 10:30 p.m. and Sunday from 2 p.m.-midnight. "Cruisin' " on Sunday at noon. CONTINUING University Art Museum: Annual Art Stu dent exhibition including the works of 18 advanced fine art students in various media. Through June 10. Call 686-3027 for further info. University Museum of Natural History: Raven's Cousins: Traditional Arts of the Native Northwest." Through Dec , 1984 Book and Tea: Constructional Paintings and Prints by Karen Kiefer-Boyd. Through May 25. Keystone Cafe: "Friday and Flowers: A Showing" through June 27. Gallery 141 in Lawrence Hall: Paintings by Shannon Kennedy and Craig Kirby. Through May 25. Printmaking by Coral Mack and Terry Fox, and an installation piece by the advanced ceramics classes. May 29-June 1. Reception Tuesday at 7 p.m. Photography at Oregon Gallery, Univer sity Art Museum: Works by Monterey area photographer Martha Pearson Casanave Through June 3. Zone Gallery, 411 High St.: "Self-Image, a Group Show" composed of over 60 works in various media by as many artists. Through June 14. Maude Kerns Art Center: "Recent Works" by Ted Orland and David Bayles (Henry Korn Gallery); "Drawings" by Mark Seder (Platform Gallery); and "Mono Prints" by Nancy Jones (Mezzanine). Through June 1. Willamette Science and Technology Center: 20 Prize winning photographs from the 1983 Nikon “Small World" photomicrography contest. Through July 8. Call 484-9027 for further info. Compiled by Bob Webb 686-INFO TAPE 651 The calendar deadline for The Friday Edi tion is Monday at noon. Try out complete line of delicious whole grain - breads - pastries - granolas Visit our store and save more Solstice Bakery Collective 350 E. Third, Eugene, Oregon 97401 ^HOTTEST^^ SPORTS GAMES IN TOWN! ^ Track & Field ^ Punch Out is Vs. Tennis ^ 10-Yard Flight is* Alpine Ski is Pole Position II Also ... Spy Hunter and Elevator Action CHECK IT OUT! 13th Street Game Room 880 13th Street • 345-5566 HEALTH PEER ADVISOR POSTIONS AVAILABLE Gain experience in... ^Promoting Wellness ^Outreach Programs (^One-On-One Health Advising 2 Term Practicum in Dept, of Health Education Please call Martha Carey, Health Educator 686-4441 at the Student Health Center —emu Food Service Beer Garden TODAY Featuring: SUNDANCE 4-7 p.m. in the Dining Room Budweiser on tap: Pitchers of Beer $2.50, Cups ,75c Burritos 50