Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1984, Section B, Page 3, Image 11

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The Eugene Ballet
presents "Modern
Nights" this weekend at
the Soreng Theatre.
Tickets are $6.50, $8.50
and $10.50, and student
discounts are available.
See the calendar for
more information.
"Peter Pan," a summer
festival musical, is com
ing to the SiJva Hal! on
August 4. Early ticket
buyers will recieve a dis
count when buying four
or more tickets, which
are now available at all ^j|
Hult Center outlets.
Prices range from $5 to
Rumor has it that Rank
and File might possibly
open for The Clash at
MacArthur Court this
Tuesday. Tickets are still
available at all Cultural
Forum outlets: $9.50 and
$10.50 for students.
Come to the Cabaret old
chum. It's playing Sunday
in 180 PLC for one show
only at 8 p.m. Admission
is $1.50 for adults, $1 for
children. This glittery Bob
Fosse film stars Liza
KWAX FM 91.1 presents
The Chicago Symphony
with Garcia Navarro con
ducting, Thursday at p.m.
Stravinsky Symphony in
C; Debussy "Images" (Set
3) for Orchestra, and
others will be performed.
Suffering produces stark poetry
Third Rail 6:
A Review of International
Literature and the Arts
Uri Hertz, Editor and
100 pp., $5.00
University alumnus Uri Hertz,
who holds a master's degree in
comparative literature, has
given birth to the 1984 issue of
"Third Rail." Another University
alumnus, Steven White, who
has a master's degree in
Spanish, has also made a
substantial contribution to this
interesting and varied collection
of work. And |uan Epple, a
Chilean who teaches Latin
American literature here, is
represented Dy tour poems
translated by White.
As my mother wrote me
recently after receiving a copy
of “Third Rail," “The subject
matter is very somber, dealing
as it does with poetry and inter
views about Vietnam, Chile,
Nicaragua. Some of the poetry is
very stark. I have found the
general effect of the book rather
depressing. But it is put up very
nicely and attractively."
The material is interesting
because it comes out of the suf
fering that is a universal ingre
dient of human experience. But
the forms suffering and its
transformation and
transcendence can take are
often highly individuated. So, in
a section ot post-eartnquaxe,
postwar Japanese poetry
translated by John Solt and
others, Solt explains that
Japanese "postwar poets
created new forms of expres
sion to hold their pain." From a
stanza of one of Ryuichi
Tamura's poems (in Solt's
I shouldn't have learned words
A world without words
If we lived in a world where
meaning didn't mean
Wouldn't it be great?
In contrast, Takahashi
Shinkichi's poem "Cloud," also
^translated by Solt, presents the
transcendence of a moment
beautifully outside meaning.
Continued on Page 6B
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