Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office. 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main Desk SUA8 Booth in the EMU Lobby DEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one working day prior to publica tion Display classified ads that require camera work must be placed by 1 pm two working days prior to publication. RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change Minimum cahrges are $1.50 for the first insertion and $1.20 for consecutive insertions PAYMENT: All ads must be paid in ad vance unless a billing agreement has been established with us DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available in the ODE office. 300 EMU PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA or MASTERCARD EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater. Like new Am moving soon and need to sell. Will take best offer Call 485-3139 in eveninqs tfn FUN COTTON CLOTHES great COLORS AND STYLES also FUTONS Plus a wide assortment of accessories Eugene Trading Co 651 E. 13th 344-7006 2 blocks west of campus 10% off clothing with this ad _2755:6-1 | 1000 WATT SUPER HALIDE $147 and up Guaranteed Agrilite 998-3218. 2788:6-4 NEED DOORS ($10 each) or Hospital Bed ($45) Call 345-1100 or 343-15115-25 SEARS ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER 5 mon ths $140, CTV 13" 6 months, $100 344-44335-25 DYNASTAR OMESOFT 190cm SKIS Soloman 727 Bindings $125. USD Scuba regulator and pressure guage, $125., USD Bouyancy Compensator $50 Call anytime 683-6555, 686-4596, ask lor James!5-31 BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND, sapphire and pearl engagement ring, size 7, $100 Call eves, 484-69675-25 LARGE DOGHOUSE for sale Used once Excellent condition Call Kathy 484J3915 alter 6 pm 5-24 NIKORMAT with 50mm lens. (100 00) 10 speed (75.00); Boat, 10' pram (100.00) ___5-25 This is your last chance to buy TREY GUNN’S Cassette-LP Food for thought Only 20 copies left Available at Face the Music and Earth River Records 529 SUPER SINGLE WATERBED with bookcase headboard padded rails, and accessories^ $85 485 3046 5 29 DIAMOND RING SALE Quality 1/5 Carat diamond ring and band Only $325 Grant's Jewelry 343-3842. 5-31 MANUAL TYPEWRITER, Casio Pocket Calculator. AM/FM Stereo Radio headphone Radio Shack phone Good condition 345-5195 (evenings). 5-24 SEARS PORTABLE ELECTRIC typewriter, good condition $160 485-3078. Abby_525 SMITH-CORONA, all electric, portable cartridge typewriter $175 Call Now! 683-4211 5-25 Buy & Sell THE BUY $ SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th 613 MF Services RESUMES RESUMES RESUME! Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tin STORAGE CLEAN, SECURE STORAGE FACILITIES Student discounts available Call 883 5453 6 4 ??MOVING?? YOU LOAD-WE DRIVE An alternative to the rent a-truck move Call 683-5453 6-4 EDITING BY PROFESSIONAL WRITER MBA Extensive academic writing ex oerience $10 hr $50 minimum 343-0399. evenings 5-31 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINK OS COPIES 344 7894 860 E 13th 2445 5-24 JUST IN TIME FOR FINALS Experience ed Spanish Tutor Alt ievefa. low rales 342 $210___ . 125 Typing PROFESSIONAL, ECONOMICAL typing proves word processing as superfluous Typed copy always proof ed by Ruth. 345-56141449:UH TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 575:WHFM WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quali ty work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements. Graduate School Ap proved. Call Doris 484 1094. 1041:UWH TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical Law papers. Resume Composition, & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast. Profes sional, Quality Service. Guaranteed WordStyles & Typescripts BRANDY 484 6044 CINDY 484 5454 1098:tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed Accurate 484-1646 748tin DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE TYPING.'PHOTO COPY and SERVICE our Speciality. Pick up and Delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 583:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% dis count with current ID tfn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved. IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983.514:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30 4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345-2289 2168jt_fn MASTER TOUCH' Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings form letters 343-3924 _ _2638:6-4 Professional Typing Term papers, law papers, resumes, masters, IBM correcting selectric, fast accurate 85« double space page 344-5856 2731:5-25 FAST, PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM Correcting Selectric Graduate School Approved Call Paula Demong 484-9405 2539:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST REASONABLE RATES 344 6502 Best reached early evening until 10:30 pm6-4 BEST TYPING-WORD PROCESSING Papers, resumes; Low cost, fast. 686-08125-2S NO! It's not too late Thesis, Disserta tions, Copies -Fast personal service. Famous Kodak copy quality, only 6(t/page on cotton bond OPEN Memorial Day. 10-4 KRAZY KATS, 1219 Alder, 344-KATS. 2868:5 29 Instruments TOP OF THE LINE Takamine Classical Guitar (Hirade) $300 344 2486 5-29 Sound Systems Jim s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1827 Pearl Street 343 7863 Monday thru Friday 9 am-6 pm Saturday 9 am 1 pm 627 5 25 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 40-50% oil list prices •Textbooks*Clifl Notes»Magazines» USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362:lfn Bicycles MITZUTANI 10 speed Excellent condi lion, sun-tour equipped, sealed bearing hubs, leather seat. $140 343-6647 after 9 pm 5-25 2 MEN’S TEN SPEEDS 21” and 25" $60 each Good campus Bikes Call Sallyor Jill 343 8094 5 25 FUJI S-12-S Men s 10 speed, 22 frame Great condition $225 Call Laura 683 4211 Keep trymql 5-25 23" RALEIGH ORAN PRIX Sunlour parts $150 21 Molobecane 3-speed classic $75 345-1929 5-24 SECOND r-rv ~ NATURE BICYCLES • NishlkI/Cycle Pro Cotnago Dealer • Full Una BMXrCrulser • Reconditioned Bikes Our Specialty I •Expert repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups *343-5362 1712 Willamette St, BUY*SELL*TRADE FOR SALE 10 speed shogun. Very good condition $85 Call Bill at 686-61405-24 Recycled Bike Works We offer a complete selection of quality parts and service at everyday low prices All repairs are guaranteed We carry everything for all of your bicycling needs 774 E. 11th 485-5886 Just 2 blocks from campus We speak fluent bicycle! Cars & Cycles 1969 VW VAN, runs well $600 344-5273 or 686 2669 message5-25 73 TOYOTA COROLLA, New clutch, good gas mileage Needs some work, $850 or best offer 485-3352, after 7:30 pm, keep trying5-25 72 FIAT 128 WAGON Rebuilt engine, must sell. $795 or best offer. 343-8049 (evenings)5-24 1970 DODGE STATION WAGON Good condition, V-8, new tires. $750. 686-5008. 485-00105-29 BLUE 1976 DATSUN B-210. 2 New tires, battery. $1100 344-44335-25 ’74 DATSUN PICK-UP Red with in sulated canopy, sheepskin seat covers. Ready to roll for $1200! Call Rory 485-4675._ 5-25 '78 SUZUKI GS550E - Windshield, backrest, riding gear Waiting for first $800! Call Rory 485-4675 5-25 Auto Repair Fiat. Datsun. Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Audi, Porsche and VW SANDPIPER IMPORT SERVICE 2795 Willamette 343-9427 353:H I’ll Tune-up Any Car for $10 plus parts Complete car care foreign and domestic KENS MOBILE TUNEUP 689-7170 r Travel STUDENT TRAVEL Budget flights. Eurailpasses. Int'l stu dent ID cards. AYH cards. Work abroad. Language Centers and much more Write or call for free travel catalog Council Travel 1314 NE 43rd street, No 210. Seattle. WA 98105 (206)632-2448 Mil FACULTY LOOKING for drive away to East Coast mid-July — AAA Member Call J. Stroman. Evenings, 345-8542 5-25 FLYING TO CHICAGO June 26? For a cheap ticket call Kathy. 484-0915. after 6 pm Women only__5-24 TICKET TO RALEIGH, NC via Dallas Last 3 weeks of June. $150 344-9865 5-25 TjB hl\( I \V( Sll\ 744 E. 13th y second floor Smith Family Book building ONE WAY BARGAIN FARES Eugene-Oklahoma City $125 Eugene Chicago $199 Eugene-Allanta $220 683-5577 Opportunities INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Fall and winter terms (2 term commitment, 3 credits per term) Will develop skills in vocational counseling. )ob search skills, group facilitating and career planning Qualifications Graduate stu dent or upperclass student in related field, effective communication skills Send resume and cover letter to Kathy Weinmnan or Tom Fauria, Career Plann ing and Placement, 244 Hendricks Hall Deadline Wednesday May K) 2838 5 29 STUDENT CAMPAIGN FOR DISARMA MENT (former S N.u.F.F.) is now accep ting applications tor the position of coordinator for 1984 85 Job descrip tions and application forms are available al the S C O office in Suite 1, EMU Deadline for applications is May 30. 1984 5 pm S C D is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer 2867 5 25 ALTERNATIVE TO GRADUATION For desired details call David M Wagner 5 29 Help Wanted DIRECTOR U of O Crisis Center 40 GTF September 1984 June 1985 Prior Crisis counseling and supervisory experience Job description and applications available at Counseling Center x 3227 Application deadline May 28 An equal opportunity employer 2719 5 25 CRISIS COUNSELORS Work study U of O Crisis Center Summer and Fall posi tions available Prior crisis counseling experience $5 50/hr Job description and applications available at Counsel ing Center x3227 Application deadline May 25 An equal opportunity employer __ •_2719:5-25 SHORT ORDER COOK 8 am 2 pm Ex penance In cooking necessary Will work into higher position 5 days a week Send resume to Barney Cables PO Box 11234 Eugene. Oregon 97401 _ 2863 5 25 LOVING BABYSITTER wanted lor my 10-month old on campus References Call Jackie al 686 3531 belote 2.305-25 OREGON COMMENTATOR is accep ling applications for 1984-85 staff posi tions Applications, available from Richard Burr, Dane Claussen, or at EMU 203, are due at noon. May 24 Positions are Publisher, Editor, Managing Editor, Associate Editor(s), Graphics Editor, Contributing Editor(s), Production Manager, Business Manager, Advertis ing Director, and Circulation Manager Applicants need not be politically cor rect. 5-24 THE 1984-84 ASUO Executive is cur rently seeking applicant for: COORDINATOR OF PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COORDINATOR OF UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS Positions are stipended and offer ex cellent experience and responsibility. Applications and job descriptions are available in The ASUO office, Suite 4 EMU. They are due no later than 5 pm. May 30 ASUO is an affirmative ac tion/equal opportunity employer. _ 2873:5-25 MUSICIANS WANTED for all girl band. 937-2753 2880:5-25 I COLLEGE STUDENTS: GET SMART! Sell Avon. Earn good money, set your own hours. CALL AVON TODAY: 746-6422 Avon Roommates SHARE 2 8DRM HOUSE close to cam pus. Fireplace, great location. Utilities paid $132 50. 342-6351 Susan/Elizabeth. 5-25 ROOMMATE NEEDED House in West Eugene, $164 plus utilities, prefer female, 344-2473 evenings/weekends __2696:6-4 AVAILABLE JUNE 15, 3 blocks from UO. 2 rooms (couple OK) Partially fur nished $93/month per person plus utilities Share house with gay couple. 683-8657 5-24 ROOM ATE NEEDED. Two bedroom apartment Six blocks from campus Air-conditioned Utilities paid $80 Call Ken, 342-5178 evenings.5-25 LIVE NEAR Bike path, female with females, clean $150. 747-4654 5 24 TWO ROOMATES NEEDED $90 and $100 rent. $60 deposit, no lease Fall price same Don 344 7591 5-25 FEMALE ROOMATE wanted to share unique 2 bedroom apt June 8th until? $125/mo plus utilities Lots ot win dows, close to campus. Call 484-5197 (keep trying). 5-31 For Rent The following will be available approx imately June 15 and may be seen by appointment only FURNISHED S80-room with kitchen use, utilities in cluded. 21st and Harris $150/$160-one bedroom apartment, 16th and Ferry $160-one-bedroom apartment. 13th and Alder $197--contemporary studio with bedroom loll, available now. 921 W 4th UNFURNISHED $150/205-one- or two-bedroom, 19th and Kincaid S180-studio cottage. 16th and Mill $1851200-one- or two bedroom, 17th and High $195-one-bedroom, private deck, 967 Patterson $200-one-bedroom, 13th and Alder $250--two-bedroom duplex with fireplace, 26th and Harris $250-elegant two-bedroom with fireplace 967 Patterson $375--three bedroom duplex with fireplace, 21st and Harris $800 seven bedrooms, appliances, 1857 University. AVAILABLE JUNE 1 $300-two bedroom cottage with sauna. Springfield (Both of Ihe above have good access to the UO via bike path) Call Joy. 686-1130, LAMSON ASSOCIATES _2791 tin DON'T WAIT Reserve tor fall and sum mer now Summer rates $160 All apart ments, 2 Bedroom, large, very clean Whofly furbished, disposal, dishwasher laundry, sundeck, free covered parking 683-8919 _ 2627 ttn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275 485-6322 485 0062 344 1625 332:tln 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion carpets, drapes appltances. off street parking and laundry Call manager 345 7419 IPM REALTOR 485-8258 __ 1827 ttn ONE BEDROOM $180 Like new in ex cetlent condition Fully applianced Quiet adult living in beautiful parkside surroundings On bus and bike route No pels, 4th and Jefferson Call 6836250 _ 2769 6 4 SUMMER SUBLET May 28 Aug 25 older home converted duplex. 2 bedrooms upstairs 344-8696 5-24 ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months •Security building •Walking distance to campus ■Spacious apartments •New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care. For appointment call 484-7441. 2156:tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment, 2 bedroom $140/mo., 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept 686-4277.2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid Share kitchen with one other. Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities available From $168. 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house. $109 and $119 Manager 345-1037 IPM. 1111 Pearl, 485-8258 1681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms Uni quely furnished Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning. Private refrigerator. Dishwasher. Near campus Ask manager for summer rate 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn STUDIO'S FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE Summer rates. 1V2 blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083.2642:tfn 1414 E. 18th SUMMER RATES Clean, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 2 blocks from campus. Furnished, unfur nished. From $150. Call Sabin, 683-2160. Lamson Associates 2689:6-4 COMPARE Large clean furnished 1 bedroom apart ments across from campus. 800 E. 18th Summer rate $150/mo Call 484 41032703;Hn CAMPUS SUMMER RATES Spacious, very nice. 1 and 2 bedroom unit $150- $200. Unfurnished, hot water included, no pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-7987 2721 :tfn AIR CONDITIONED SIGN UP FOR SUMMER! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available at DRASTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, FREE CABLE, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE UTILITIES. All this from only $100 '/1 BLOCK TO UO CAMPUS 10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! WOODSIDE MANOR (1810 HARRIS) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home 2826:6-4 CLOSE IN Completely furnished quads close to UO campus Clean and very quiet with plenty of off street parking. FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 Vi block to buslines STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! KINCADE QUADS (1863 KINCAID) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home _2833:6-4 Reserve your apartment NOW lor the summer 1331 High Street FURNISHED STUDIOS Campus downtown area, private bath, share kitchen with one other UTILITIES PAID $125 Manager. 344-0315 Bennett Management Co. 4856991 2864tfn UNFURNISHEO 1 and 2 BEDRROM UNITS at 1340 Mill Street Summer rate $170-5200 Large patio, coin laundry, parking 485-72795-23 ALL UTILITIES One,two, five and six bedroom suites. Partially furnished, Parking 687-1098 6-4 FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished apartments Summer rates One block from campus 1414 Alder Call 342-3019 _ 5^ COZY 2 BEDROOM on E 15th Fireplace & Pool 683-1341 (Evenings) 5-25 UNIVERSITY AREA 239 E. 14th. Large 5 Bedroom house with basement, fireplace, hardwood floors and yard. Available June 18th $495 plus deposit. Call 688-6096 6-4 $100/MONTH. Quiet studio apartment. All utilities paid. Last month plus $50 deposit. No shower/tub. Near 16th and Jefferson. 61 EXCLUSIVE DELUXE Completely furnished quads. Sign up now for summer and save! Quiet and clean with off street parking and FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES. SUMMER RATES ONLY $80 Close to UO and downtown TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD ST. QUADS (1742 Hilyard) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2848:6-4 SPACIOUS LIVING FOR LESS Completely furnished large studios, one and two bedroom apart ments HUGE courtyard complete with deck and built-in barbeque. Laundry facilities and off street parking. ALL THIS FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Right on UO campus yet secluded and quiet. COME IN AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE UNIVERSITY MANOR (750 E.14th) 344-8302 A JP North Apartment Home 2834:6-4 LARGE DELUXE, one and two bedroom apart ments Quiet and convenient. Laundry facilities and off street parking ALL FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Close to UO and shopping. TALK WITH US TODAY! CAMPUS VILLA (1445 E. 19th) 683-7497 2849:6-4 SUNDECK BEAUTIFUL QUADS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Completely furnished with private V2 baths FREE UTILITIES. FREE CABLE covered parking and laundry facilities. SUMMER RATES ONLY $99 Across the street from U of O SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE (1436 ALDER) 344-8302 A JP North Apartment Home _ 2825:6-4 BARGAIN PRICES! SPOTLESSLY CLEAN AND completely furnished quads. FREE CABLE, FREE UTILITIES covered parking and laundry facilities SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 Across the street from U of O STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! ALDERSTREET QUADS (1360 Alder) 343-3599 A JP North Apartment Home __ 2847:6-4 SECLUDED LARGE two bedroom apartments. Beautifully landscaped and real quiet Laundry facilities and off street park ing SUMMER RATES ONLY: $220 Close to UO and music school with easy access to bus lines. Stop in and see us today! ERIN APTS (1948 Harris) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2828:6-4 SWIMMING POOL COMPLETELY FURNISHED Spacious one bedroom apartments. Laundry facilities and off street parking V2 block to bus stop on direct line to LCC. All from only: $160 Summer rates Close to U of O and downtown STOP IN AND TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD STREET APT’S (973 Hilyard) 485-0721 A JP North Apartment Home 2829:6-4 RIDGEWOOD APARTMENTS Renting for summer and fall. Furnished units near music building. Studio, one and two bedrooms, and a house 688-5769_' 2811:tfn LOW SUMMER RATES At the Student's Cooperative Associa tion Rates include quality conventional and Vegetarian meals and alt utilities. 8 weeks-Double $350, Single $430 11 weeks-Double $450. Single $530 Camp bell House, 686-5189 or Janet Smith House, 686-4261, ask for membership coordinator 6-4 SUMMER SUBLET Fully furnished one bedroom Garden space Olive and 15th area Utilities and cable included $195 Call Carol. 342-4700 5-25