GOING TO GONZO? There still are tickets available for tonight's "Evening of Ques tions and Answers Political in Nature with Dr. Hunter S. Thompson" in Mac Court. The question and answer session will begin at 8 p.m. Tickets are $3 for students, $4 for the general public. Thompson's journalistic career consists of many strange and wondrous marvels since its inception in 1959 with a stint as a TIME magazine correspondent on the sweltering Carribean beat. Thompson has been a con tributing editor to Rolling Stone, High Times and other national publications. Thompson is best known for his "Fear and Loathing" books and the Doonesbury character "Duke," modeled on Thompson's lifestyle. This question and answer ses sion with Thompson from his unique and seldom seen point of-view is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence brought to the University by the EMU Cultural Forum. Tickets are available at the EMU Main Desk and other outlets. And remember — you said you'd buy them when we asked. CPR course offered CPR Lifeline will be offering an American Heart Association certified cardiopulmonary resuscitation course Thursday. I he course will be taught by an emergency medical technician and will include information on the two types of rescue CPR as well as airway obstruction aid. The cost of the course is $10. It will be held at the Eugene Clinic at 1162 Willamette Street from 6 to 10 p.m. in the doctor's dining room. Preregistration is required. For more informa tion, call the CPR Lifeline at 726-9692. Folklorist will speak Germany's most distinguished folklorist will talk about the importance of identity, Thursday, in a free public lecture, 7:30 p.m., 167 EMU. Hermann Bausinger, University Tubingen pro fessor, will talk about the meaning of ethnic, national and group identity, why the concept has become so im portant and how folklore is related. The event is sponsored by the Folklore and Ethnic Studies program. Golden Palm awarded CANNES, France (AP) — German Director Wim Wenders Paris-Texas" on Wednesday won the coveted Golden Palm, the top prize of the annual Can nes Film Festival. The 10-member jury headed by British actor Dirk Bogarde awarded its Special Grand Prix to “Intimate Diary” by Hungarian Director Marta Mpt7amc MEETINGS CIRCLE K SERVICE CLUB will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m at 1653 Agate St. New members will be inducted and a roller skating parly will follow. Come see Ralph B. skate All interested are welcome to attend. For more information call Laura at 485-3692. THE 1984 STUDENT HOMECOMING COMMITTEE will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Johnson Hall Con ference Room (2nd floor). All interested students are invited to attend. SCHOLARSHIP MEETING A meeting will be held in the EMU Forum Room today at 3:30 p.m. to discuss selection criteria and application procedures for 1985-86 Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall and Mellon Scholarships. Applicants must be juniors, seniors or graduate students. IFC will meet today at 4:30 p.m. for a final vote on the Athletic Department contract. Room to be announced. LECTURES “THE DOMESTICATION PROCESS, AS IL LUSTRATED WITH MAIZE” is the title of a lecture to be given by Prof. Karl Johannesson tonight at 8 p.m. in Gerlinger Lounge. The lecture is free of charge and will be followed by a brief meeting and reception. “SINGLE PARENTING” is the title of a FREE workshop sponsored by Child Care Inc., to be held tonight from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the day care center, 169 N. Washington. Child care is free of charge on ad vance notice. For more information, contact Jodi at 344-1165. “REMAINS TO BE SEEN: A HISTORY OF DINOSAURS IN THE PRESS” is the title of a lecture to be given by Journalist Geordie Duckler, who will com bine his interests in the press and in zoology in this slide show/lecture, to be held today at 4:30 p.m at the Museum of Natural History, main exhibit area. “ARCHITECTURE SWITZERLAND,” an international exhibition, will be on display from May 21 through June 1 in the Lobby of Lawrence Hall. INTERVIEWS SUMMER INTERNSHIP available at Shearson American Express for a student interested in a brokerage career. Sign-up immediately for Tuesday May 29 interviews. You must have a completed resume and application to sign-up. Credit available. More information can be obtained in 221 Hendricks. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS with tuition reimburse menl for Liberal Arts majors are now available in the areas of Personnel, Public Relations, Parks and Recreation, Computer Science, and Research- More information is available in Career Planning and Placement. MISCELLANEOUS OSSHE FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAM IN BEIJING applications are due May 25. Chinese language in structions at three levels are available. CHINA FOR A YEAR? The Tianjin Institute of Economics and Finance is accepting aplications for teachers in the following subjects: Economics, Inter national Economics, Management, International Business, Marketing, International Mercantile Law. Ph D. or MA. desirable but not reguired; practice and experience necessary. For details call Dr. Jung, x4006. WHEN YOUR VOLVO NEEDS SERVICE... ...bring it to a Specialist! Alpinei^^rt / /Service \ ^ The volvo Specialist Located at 12th & Main in Springfield Call 726-1808 for an appointment or just drop by. All Work Guaranteed C- -■ ff FULBRIGHT GRANTS MARSHALL SCHOLARSHIPS RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS MELLON SCHOLARSHIPS CMS WHO DID you HIRE TO DO THE CHAMBER MU51C 5£RlE5 AD5? OH, HE'S 600D...\ I STUPEMtl SEASON TICKETS TOR l‘18il-85i40%0FF IF PURCHASED PURCHA5: YOUR TICKETS mtheUofO SCHQOLofMUSICRoowH^O vveRev- th£7eome look, there HE IS NOW! HEY12U!! rum**' J*> m! VOU CAN ee THE PROUD tfUNEK op ms pine BAUONV Se*T..RwSi»rT INAU. COLORS OMt Site fits all you camdR've'ekavat... before ruirj PHONE 686-5678 MOZART WILL HAUNT YOU FOR THAT, JANiNE*. ^EVERttwi N6 MUST 6t0l V oruNDUKLD by the COnnlTTEx. for MU51CAL ART5 STUDY AND RESEARCH AWARDS FOR 1985-86 Attend a meeting to find out about: • Application Procedures • Deadlines • Criteria for Selection • Interview Procedures 3:30 p.m. • Thursday, May 24 • Forum Room EMU For further information: FULBRIGHTS: Office of Internation Services 330 Oregon Hall, 686-3206 MARSHALL, RHODES, MELLON: Office of the Dean College of Arts and Sciences 114 Friendly Hall, 686-3902 Looking for some more GEAR???? Check the ODE Classifieds