SWIMMING POOL COMPLETELY FURNISHED Spacious one bedroom apartments Laundry facilities and off street parkingv2 block to bus stop on direct line to LCC All from only: $160 Summer rates Close to U of O and downtown STOP IN AND TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD STREET APT’S (973 Hilyard) 485-0721 A JP North Apartment Home 2829:6-4 RIDGEWOOD APARTMENTS Renting for summer and fall. Furnished units near music building. Studio, one and two bedrooms, and a house 688-5769 _2811 :tfn LOW SUMMER RATES At the Student's Cooperative Associa tion. Rates include quality conventional and Vegetarian meals and all utilities 8 weeks-Double $350, Single $430 11 weeks-Double $450. Single $530 2866:6-4 SUMMER SUBLET Fully furnished one bedroom. Garden space Olive and 15th area Utilities and cable included $195 Call Carol. 342-4700525 Reserve your apartment NOW for the summer 1331 High Street FURNISHED STUDIOS Campus downtown area, private bath, share kitchen with one other UTILITIES PAID $125 Manager 344-0315. Bennett Management Co. 485-6991. _2864:tfn UNFURNISHED 1 and 2 BEDRROM UNITS at 1340 Mill Street Summer rate $170-$200. Large patio, coin laundry, parking. 485-7279 5-23 ALL UTILITIES One,two, five and six bedroom suites. Partially furnished, Parking 687-1098 (M FOR RENT Two bedroom furnished apartments. Summer rates One block from campus, 1414 Alder Call 342-3019 5-23 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075. 821 tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus. See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271 $130. 1666:tln LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month, 485-8859.2700:tfn SPECIAL SUMMER OFFERING! Quads at 553 E 18th. Carpet, drapes, laundry facilities, off-street parking. 3 month lease for just $225, payable in ad vanced or $99 per month on month-to month agreement. Stop by No 7 or call our office. Jennings and Co. 683-2271 2729:5-31 $99 Month Large Modern Quads next to University 1866 Harris, 343-1009 2862:tfn Houses For Rent 3-PLUS BEDROOM HOUSES FOR RENT Summer rates 1 Vi blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083. 2641 Tfn FOUR BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE touching Skinner's Butte trees, June 1 - Sept 15. $225/month. 485-0010/686-5008 _5-25 LARGE 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Close to campus and downtown. Available June 15th. Rent $400 No deposit. Call 344-2125. _ 5-25 SMALL HOUSE CLOSE TO CAMPUS. Sublet for summer, $140 mo. plus utilities (low) Late evenings, 342-6248 5-25 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM two bath house with patio garden washer dryer and dishwasher. Summer sublet $375 a month negotiable. Call Carol 342-4700. 5-25 SE HILLS DUPLEX FOR SALE 9%% fixed rate, assumable loan. Excellent for owner occupied Large side - 2 bedroom, 1V2 bath, double garage Small side-2 bedroom, 1 bath, single garage Decks, porches, privacy $79,500 3983 and 3987 Onyx 343-8157 or 935 4103 5-23 Pets FREE PUPPY Needs home, part terrier, 345-26105-24 Lost & Found FOUND Black and white spotted dog campus area. Medium size about IV2 years. Call Brad 344-3795. 5-26 LOST TAN LEATHER Shoulder bag at Outdoor Beer Gardens Please return. EMU lost/found or call 343 0817. 5-23 LOST VW KEY ON LEATHER RING 5 16 on track behind Hayward 345-4665.5-23 NIKON CAMERA CASE last week on campus Reward!! Call 688-0182 after 6 pm5-25 FOUND Camera in EMU Women's bathroom. Please call and identify. 683-6672 after 5 pm 5-24 Food & Drink (■real Orcjjon ltd Compan}) OPEN DAILY TILL MIDNIGHT 13th Ave. at High St. 344 522 Eugene. Oregon °o-op FRESHLY SQUEEZED JUICES Available at The Kiva, Red Barn. Sundance. Sahalie and other fine natural food stores The gourmets choice of fruit and vegetable juices 174 Almaden 3440967 r i tVENTS THE RACE SUNDAY, JUNE 3 8 Kilometers of FUN Don’t forget the post RACE tailgate party at Autzen Stadium FREE BUDWEISER and PEPSI ENTER NOW FREE WINDSURFING FILMS WED. NITE 5-23, 7:30 pm At Instructional Media Center Studio D. Information on sales, rentals and lessons in the Eugene area also will be offered. For more info., call Jim 344-1990 Come find out about PE class offer ings and the possibility of making boardsailing a club sport.5 23 BASEBALL MEETING An organizational meeting will be held on Wed., May 30 at 4 pm EMU Room 112 to put together a 1984-85 Club Sports team All interested players are invited. Call Club Sports x 3733. 2865:5-30 B.S.U. Elections 6:30 pm Wednesday, EMU Forum Room 2840:5-23 EAT LESS STAY HEALTHY International studies show a wide varia tion in cancer incidence from one coun try to another. Studies of migrnt popula tions suggest that nutrition rather than environmental chemicals plays a major role in these differences. For example, Japanese who migrate to the US have increased breast cancer, but decreased stomach cancer. This is because Americans eat more fat than people in Japan Colon cancer also correlates well with fat consumption and it is inversely connected to fiber ingested: eat more fiber and have less chance of getting colon cancer. The most general protective measure against cancer is reducing calorie in take. Eat less and stay healthy appears to be a good rule of thumb. The biggest risk factors, though, are smoking and drinking alcohol For those interested Prof. Catherine Wilson From Alchemy to Chemistry Rm 331 Sci II Thurs. May 24th 2871:5-23 JEWISH STUDENTS! HELP PLAN AN EXCITING FALL TERM Come to JSU’s last meeting of the 1984 Academic year Day:Thur May 24 Time: 6:30 pm, Place: Century Rm A Treats to follow 2870:5-24 Asian Pacific American Heritage Week TODAY 101 EMU 7:30 pm Film ■ “FRECKLED RICE” A film about a 12 year old Chinese boy from Boston Chinatown. A film in Cantonese with English subtitles. 2842:5-23 The King of Gonzo Returns HUNTER S. THOMPSON Fear and Loathing in MacArthur Court May 24th 8 pm MacArthur CrAirt, UO Campus General Admission Tickets are on sale at: EMU Main Desk Everybody's Records and Tapes Earth River Records $3 UO STUDENTS $4 GENERAL PUBLIC Presented by The EMU Cultural Forum 686-4373 2765:5-23 Entertainment THE RACE Sponsored by NIKE BRONSON TRAVEL BRITISH AIRWAYS FRONTIER AIRLINES SHEPPARD MOTORS PEDAL POWER BICYCLES KDUK REGISTER-GUARD BUDWEISER PEPSI EUGENE HILTON KODAK AND YOU ENTER NOW AT SPORTSTOWN 5-23 ASUO FILMS Presents THE Cultural Event of the Year Highlights from the New York WORLD’S WORST FILM FESTIVAL Includes: PLAN NINE FROM OUTER-SPACE 7:30 ONLY Voted the worst movie ever made! THE TERROR OF TINY TOWN 9:00 ONLY (The world's first musical-western with an all-midget cast! PLUS a Ronald Reagan blooper short (We said the WORLD'S WORST and we mean it!) Thursday, May 24 150 Geology $1.50$1 2869:5-24 TONITE The EMU Cultural Forum and RISE present HURRY TOMORROW A documentary film about involun tary psychiatric treatment in a state mental hospital. By Richard Cohen and Kevin Rafferty. A former mental patient will speak about his treat ment after the show. Wed. May 23, 177 Lawrence, 8 pm Only $1.50 Students'/!Adults 2872:5-23 r THE BIJOU * 492 E. 13th 686-2458 Now New Seats!! Coming Soon-Expresso Bar, Posters, Magazines, Booksll Director Diane Kurys has crafted an intricate, teasingly subtle drama about two women (played with chic and delicacy by Isabelle Huppert and Miou-Miou) in the "man's world" of 1950s France. FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:45 pm SAT-SUN Matinee 4 pm { ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE LIQUID SKY The funniest, craziest, dirtiest, most perversely beautiful, science fiction film ever made. WEDTHURS 11 pm FRI-SAT midnite BONNIE RAITT Live & In Concert June 12 8 pm Silva Concert Hall Reserve tickets $12.50 $11.50 Available at: Everybody’s Records (Eugene, Albany and Corvallis). Valley River Records and the Hull Center Box Office Produced by Double Tee Reggae Music from Seattle SUN DANCE at the BEER GARDEN Fri, May 25th 4-7 pm in the EMU dining room ID Required FREE FREE FREE 2868:5-23 ^ A -TT Atr/umfridq m fc»7 -0733 Eugene premiere through May 24 Heart like a wheel SHOWS at 7 and 9:15 pm Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral - call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll tree. 1 800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F 468: MWF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright. Free testing. 687-8651. 623:W MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 11 th _ 001WHF IT’S NOT TOO LATE To file you INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for the SUMMER SESSION Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office. 2857:6-4 SHIP YOUR STUFF SF/BAY AREA Truck leaving Wednesday night. Also want riders. 344-8342 (686-5002 message)5-23 LIBBIE Only you have the key to my chains. I'm not into bondage THAT GUY 5-23 CAPTAIN KIRK AND PINKY JEFF Thanks for the bet Shasta weekend (even though the drive down was a blurr) Was it worth the $20 breakfast, $120 shopping spree, rafts and glasses, love candle, hour houseboat lecture, red peace pipe, 5 course dinner, Benson Hour, right turn circles, the captain on skis, freaking out, our favorite four letter word, sunburns, overpacking, and the $20 chair? We know it was! You are the perfect dates. Catherine and Janet.5-23 THETA PLEDGE CAROL I'm your new Bg Sis and here are several clues. Pinks my favorite color, DHS my home. Theta beach my hangout. Come over for din ner tomorrow and my secret will be told.5-23 AMY How about lunch after class? JOE 5-23 VUARNET Sunglasses, new $40-$55 NEW GE NUINE SHEEPSKIN SEATCOVERS Best quality you can buy. Tan or grey $60-$70. Phone 484-2731.5-23 J. CARLOTTI Happy 20th HSU 5-23 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don't forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office 2794:5 25 IT’S READY THE SUMMER SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pick one up today! Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office 2855:6-4 FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registar's Office 2856:6-4 WAY TO GO RICKY LEE CONGRATULATIONS 25 BIG ONES 5-23 TELEVISION & TYPEWRITER RENTALS by week, month or term UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 1593WF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Get fast, dependable service Siegmund’s Cleaners 821 E. 13th Ave. UW SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. _tfn DID YOU KNOW Even though you are enrolled Spring Term, you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD if you're planning to attend courses during the SUMMER SESSION. There is still time to do it, so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's office.2795:5-25 MARCIA MGMT is almost over! Good luck on your papers I'll be thinking of you BRIAN _5^3 JOE A disastrous Sat night for your war drobe The Velcro came off your hat and your shirt well at least in was only recycled beer! A memorable even ing. what I can remember! And I am not a "pop-off' The purpose of this per sonal? Just to ask may Ip lease have my shirt back? K. 5-23 WILL THE 1,567 people who voted for me for mayor please send their name and address to Dave Sweet, 590 W 12th Eugene, 97401 THANKS.5;23 KAPPA ALPHA THETA SENIORS: like the song says, thanks for the memories! And thanks for 4 fan tastic years! LdVe, Sister Mary Kathryn. 5-23 KEVIN WILSON Thanks for the Shasta Sun! More good limes ahead I love you Kirsten5-23 ANDY Since 9th grade till now you are the twinkle of my eye. Love, "Elvira" 5-23 HAZEMASTER One more for the Road: Mary, Mary, you're so wild and scarey, You've given Fiesta' a whole new dimension. Talk ing, Thrashing, Hazing, and Laughing What follows graduation, Detention?! THRASHMASTSR.5-23 HEY KYLE Where’s the tennis ball? In my court or yours? 5 23 Are you someone who’s never gotten a personal? Are you awesome in a cage? Do you have gnarly hips? Do you know what’s red and bubbly and whines at the win dow? Maybe this one’s yours 5-23 rs BLOOM COUNTY T.I.M. IF YOU ASK MZ -WHICH YOU WOULVU'T- IV SAY 6MNO our umeaiveR that amtsTRY sex was your MOST BONC HtAPeP IPSA SINU GMNb HIM THAT STOW COMMZX. Nowne'smm AROUNP WITH OCHCT/C 6H6IHURM6 .. PNA... aWMOSOMS...! PON'T UKe ITf by Berke Breatheo WOULP YOU UKe TO KNOW WHAT YOUR SON IS TRYINO TO PO RI6HT now r Hes mm to amw A.vm-mjtp HAMSTtR* THAT'S WHAT !