THE KING OFGONZO RETURNS HUNTER S. THOMPSON (Raoul Duke) FEAR and LOATHING in MacARTHUR COURT MAY 24, 1984 8:00 p.m. MacArthur Court University of Oregon Campus PRESENTED BY THE EMU CULTURAL FORUM General Admission Tickets are on sale at: EMU Main Desk, Everybody's Records and Tapes (Eugene: Portland, Corvallis. Bend), Earth River Records. $3.00 U of 0 Students $4.00 General Public r i i i ■■ Coupons In the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. 1 I I I inter/national From Associated Press Reports Israeli jets hit Lebanon BEIRUT — Israeli warplanes bombed and strafed targets in eastern Lebanon less than two miles from the Syrian border on Sunday and Israel said its pilots scored direct hits on a "terrorist base" for pro-Iranian Moslem extremists. One Moslem was reported killed. Beirut radio stations said the jets attacked positions around the villages of Janta, Deir el Chazal and Reit in the eastern Bekaa Valley, about 1.2 miles from Syria. The area, which is occupied by Syrian troops, houses camps of Iranian Revolutionary Guards who came to Lebanon in 1982 to fight on the side of Palestinian guerrillas against Israeli occupa tion forces in south Lebanon. The Israeli military command in Tel Aviv said the target was a terrorist base near Janta. It said the pilots scored direct hits on buildings that served as a stag ing area for attacks, but did not say what group controlled the base. All planes returned safely, the command said. Lebanese security sources and the Christian Voice of Lebanon radio station said a camp oc cupied by militiamen of Hez bollah was hit. Hezbollah — Par ty of God in Arabic — is made up of Lebanese Shiite Moslem fundamentalists who have been trained and armed by the Ira nian Revolutionary Guards. One of the militiamen was kill ed, said the security sources, speaking on condition they not be identified. They said militiamen would not disclose details about damage to the camp. It was the 10th Israeli air strike in Lebanon this year. The last was April 7. The security sources said six planes were involved in the latest raid 8 three attacking while the other three circled above to provide cover. The type of aircraft was not disclosed. Two hours earlier, at noon, an Israeli soldier was wounded in a grenade attack on an Israeli patrol in Sidon, a Lebanese port city 25 miles south of Beirut. Reporters who arrived moments later saw an Israeli soldier with a bandage on his face and two wounded Lebanese. Ill woman still held MOSCOW — The government stepped up its publicity cam paign Sunday against Yelena Bonner, wife of dissident Andrei Sakharov, calling her an embit tered and greedy person who violated Soviet law and in stigated her husband's hunger strike. In its attack, the government newspaper Izvestia, confirmed that the Communist police were acting against Bonner and that Sakharov himself was “punish ed for anti-Soviet activities." Sakharov, a 62-year-old physicist who won the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize, has been confined since 1980 to the clos ed city of Gorky in what Soviet officials usually portray as a measure designed to protect his poor health. Friends say he began a hunger strike May 2, and that his wife reported he was taken from his home by authorities five days later. There has been no word on his current whereabouts or state of health. Sakharov was fasting to pressure the government to let his wife, who suffers from a heart condition and eye ailment, leave the country for medical treatment. Bonner also began fasting on May 12, friends say, and authorities told her this month she is under investiga tion for anti-Soviet slander and cannot leave Gorky. Izvestia blamed Bonner for Sakharov's dissident activities, calling her a "petty, embittered and greedy person who is ready to sell and betray everything and everybody for the sake of her own profit." Riots kill 83 in India BOMBAY, India — Army troops were sent into Bombay early Monday to quell Hindu Moslem rioting that has killed at least 83 people, injured more than 200 and left thousands homeless in four days of bloodshed. "Our forces were getting tired and we needed more men. The situation is very tense," said police spokesman P.M. Sawant. He said more than 1,200 peo ple have been arrested. Police, with orders to shoot law-breakers on sight, killed six rioters and wounded five in Bombay's northeast Govandi section Sunday. Officials said mobs set fire to shops, homes and vehicles and hurled stones at trains and police. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sent Home Affairs Minister Prakash Sethi to the riot-ravaged city of Bhiwandi, 35 miles nor theast of Bombay, where more than 1,200 buildings were burned. Violence continued late Sun day in Bombay, an Arabian Sea port city of 8.5 million, despite an 8 p.m.-to-5 a.m. curfew in several areas. At least 21 people have been killed in Bombay since the sec tarian battles began Thursday night in Bhiwandi. Police say 62 others perished in areas outside Bombay. Fountain Court Cafe Luncheon Specials Served Daily 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All Specials $1.95 Monday Fried Chicken Italian Piccata Veal Steak in tomato sauce Mashed Potato Spaghetti Noodles Corn on the Cob Broccoli Mexican Food Bar Burrito Supreme/Fried Burrito Taco 4 Enchiladas Spanish Rice 4 Refried Beans Tuesday Meatless Lasagne New England Dinner: Corned Beef, Cabbage, baby Carrots, Potatoes Stewed tomatoes Garlic bread Thursday Peppered Beef Vegetable meatloaf Fried Noodles Rice French-cut green beans Club Spinach Salad Bar By the ounce 15' Wednesday Barbecued Grilled Lamb burger Grilled Pork Loin Fried Potato Wedges Whipped Potato Mixed Vegetables Creamy cole salad Friday Seafood Platter Turkey with dressing and gravy Fried Potatoes Sweet potatoes with marshmallow topping Cauliflower Buttered Peas Chef’s Choice Soup Bar Two special soups and Chili served daily Kodak film. Because time goes by.