opinion You worm This is an open letter — no, it is not a letter, it is a rage, an angry incensed, nauseated, disgusted, epithet-hurling rage against the small-minded reac tionary son-of-a-bitch who effaced the budget graph painted on 13th Avenue. I would love to meet you; I've never spoken to a worm before. And were I to meet you I'd ask what could possibly motivated you to such an obscene act. Had the graph been sloganeering from a group you disagree with I could see a little counter sloganeering, but this graph was, as they say, just the facts ma'am. Apparently you don't ARE YOU GRADUATING? Then finally, here’s something for nothing!! Come get your FREE UO Alumni T-Shirt at “Study Break” Tuesday, May 22, 7 p.m. E.M.U. Dad’s Room Leave your checkbook at home and learn about nation wide UO Alumni chapters and what benefits you’ll receive from them and the Association. Enter Individually or on a team 3 Men; 3 Women; 2 Men & 2 Women No Cost! No Equipment Needed! uo RECREATION & IlNTRAMURALS Home Run Derby Free painter hats to all participants! Entry Deadline: Friday, May 21; 5:00 p.m.; 103 Gerlinger May 22, 6:00 p.m. Women's softball diamond Rainy day back-up next day same field Oregon doily emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Fn day except during exam week and variations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University ot Oregon Eugene OR 97403 The Emerald operates independently ol the University with otlice9 on the third floor ot the Erb Memorial Union and is a membe' ol the Associated Press General Statt Advertising Manager Susan Theleo Classified Advertising Larry Swanson Production Manager Victoria Koch Controller Jean Ownoey Ad Seles Rachel Bellamy Cind> Blagg Laura Buckley Julie Suffice David Kosse Jo Meeks Roberta Oliver Richard Skeen Production Laurie flee haras Sharia Cassidy Michael . Clapp Kelly Cornyn Kathy Gallagher Carrie Greaves C Hanson ! Christy Horning Lee Ann Lovgren Latin Neely Kelly Neit Mark Pynes Michel# Ross Margaret Solonike Debbie Stoii Tim Swill inger Colleen Tremaine Hank Trotter Kathy York Editor Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Editorial Page Editor * Photo Editor Sports Editor Sidelines Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Night Editor Associate Editors Higher Education Departments and Schools Student Government Features Politic* Community Reporters Costas Chttsl Diana Etliotl Stemhauer David Stone Steve Turcotle New* and Editorial Display Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production Circulation Debbie Howled Sandy Johnstone Frank Shaw Brenda Thornton Cort Fernald Michael Clapp Doug Levy John Healy Angela Allen Morgan Kim Carlson Cort Fernald Doug Nash Melissa Martin Jim Moore Julie Shippen Brooks Daietf Michael Doke Paul Enel! Brem Par Lori Lois Yoshishige 686 b51l 686 3712 686 4343 686 4381 686 5511 like the promulgation of facts. Maybe you ought to slip into your brown shirt and put a CIA supplied cattle prod where the sun don't shine and ZAP yourself all the way to El Salvador or Afghanistan where you can get a good look at repression. And your act, you stinking slimeball, was an act of repres sion different only in degree from a Soviet tank in Kabul or the dirty work of U.S.-backed death squads in El Salvador. Something in these facts scared your little crypto-fascist mind. Well, I got scared too. Because when I looked at that long yellow line by far the longest of the bunch, the one representing U.S. defense (ha) spending, the one that ran from Kincaid Street all the way to the EMU I could see our country's priorities. And they're as sick as you. Ross West Disappointed I was very disappointed in the coverage of Jesse Jackson in the May 14 Emerald. Jackson is a legitimate can didate in the Democratic Na tional Primaries. He has ar ticulated many of the frustra tions and hopes for non-white and white people (like myself). Your reporters did a good job of detailing the positions of Gary Hart and Walter Mondale. But you committed two jour nalistic errors. First, in not in cluding Jackson in the com parison piece with the other two Democratic candidates. Second ly, in not detailing his positions at all, but rather filling the piece on him with biography and scandal. I would ask you to look at this again to see whether my asser tion is correct. If you do agree that an error in judgement was made, please ask yourselves why this happened. Roscoe Caron Eugene What a guy I am acquainted with Dave Ridenour and his dedication to the College Republicans. His love for Mom, apple pie, Ronald Reagan, MX missies and lower corporate taxes is also well known. But I was quite surpris ed to hear of his involvement in a campaign to misinform the public about College Democrat causes. This is especially sur prising since it links the "highly esteemed" Ridenour with Dan Goulet and Michael Cross of Students For Bestiality fame. Obviously the College Republicans don't get the atten tion they deserve through con ventional means. They must think that by deceiving people their own popularity will be heightened. I don't think so fellows. To paraphrase Douglas Green, another College Republican, I believe Ridenour is merely "demonstrating his in securities" not to mention his arrogance. Steve Carrigg physical education At odds Perhaps more than two students are at odds with the University library. And is it possible that the library is at odds with the students? I've been harassed by library policies, which never seem to be explicitly stated, fined for lost books which still reside in the stacks, and subject to the whims of staff mentality. I tend to believe that the library is in direct competition with the University, but I'm not getting an education from the library experience. And a recent meeting with George Shipman wasn't worth the time spent there. I'm currently registering a complaint with Sharon Gorden of the Grievance Committee. Are there other students with complaints? Mark Tarka senior, chemistry Unfortunate In a letter to the editor on May 7, Beth Wright expressed her disappointment and frustration about not being able to enroll in the courses she wanted in the School of Journalism. I agree with her that this is regrettable and unfortunate. When she came to see me at the end of the registration period, there was little I could do except plead with individual faculty members to admit one more person. By that time, though, there were long waiting lists and it would have been un fair to give her priority over students who had waited for a quarter or more for the same course. What Wright failed to unders tand, though, is that the School of Journalism does not have unlimited ability to add names to class lists. Our classes are already over-subscribed and na tional accrediting standards mandate that there be a specified teacher/student ratio. The faculty of the school has one of the highest teaching loads in the University and can not be expected to do more. When she asks “What are pro fessors being paid to do?" I would respond by saying, just what they are doing — teaching seven courses a year, producing many articles and books as well as doing considerable amount of public service work. Her quarrel is not with in dividual faculty members, but with the overall funding pattern of the University and the slowness of this and other in stitutions to redistribute resources to areas of greatest need without undermining those programs that are central. I would add that the president and provost have done their level best to help us meet our needs, but we still cannot pro vide the level of service we think desirable. The School of Journalism is one of several programs in the University that regularly must turn away qualified (even ex emplary) students because it cannot cope with the demand. To the University this means a loss of revenue at a time when money is being spent to recruit more students. Wright would probably say none of this makes sense, and who could dispute that? Everette Dennis dean, journalism get into nature, recycle this paper ^ ^ (