BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2536:tfn ONE BEDROOM $180 Like new, in ex cellent condition. Fully applianced. Quiet, adult living in beautiful parkside surroundings. On bus and bike route. No pets, 4th and Jefferson. Call 683-62502769:6-4 SUMMER SUBLET May 28 • Aug 25 older home converted duplex. 2 bedrooms upstairs 344-8696 5-24 SECLUDED LARGE two bedroom apartments Beautifully land scaped and real quiet. Laundry facilities and off street park ing. SUMMER RATES ONLY: $220 Close to UO and music school with easy access to bus lines Stop in and see us today! ERIN APTS (1948 Harris) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2828:6-4 THE STUDENT1 COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION offers low cost room and board for summer/fall 1984, For in formation on a progressive living alter native call: Campbell Club 686-5189 or Janet Smith House 686-4261:1698:5-21 SWIMMING POOL COMPLETELY FURNISHED Spacious one bedroom apartments. Laundry facilities and off street parking'^ block to bus stop on direct line to LCC. All from only: $160 Summer rates Close to U of O and downtown STOP IN AND TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD STREET APT’S (973 Hilyard) 485-0721 A JP North Apartment Home 2829:6-4 SUMMER SUBLET Fully furnished one bedroom. Garden space. Olive and 15th area Utilities and cable included. $195 Cal I Carol, 342-47005-22 AIR CONDITIONED N UP FOR SUMMER! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available at DRSTICALLY REDUCED summer rates Breathtaking views, open courtyard, FREE CABLE, laundry facilities, covered parking and FREE UTILITIES. All this from only $100 Vi BLOCK TO UO CAMPUS 10 minutes on bus line to LCC, STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! WOODSIDE MANOR (1810 HARRIS) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home 2826:6-4 VERY NICE LARGE one bedroom. Cam pus one block. Nice carpets, drapes, laundry facilties. Unfurnished. Hot water included. No pets, no children. 750 E. 18th. $150 345-7987, 687-8205 2832:tfn CLOSE IN Completely furnished quads close to UO campus Clean and veryquiet with plenty of off street parking. FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 V2 block to buslines. STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! KINCAID QUADS (1863 KINCAID) 683-3005 A JP North Apartment Home 2833:6-4 EXCLUSIVE DELUXE Completely furnished quads. Sign up now for summer and save! Quiet and clean with off street parking and FREE CABLE AND FREE UTILITIES. SUMMER RATES ONLY $12 Close to UO and downtown TALK WITH US TODAY! HILYARD ST. QUADS (1742 Hilyard) 683-7497 A JP North Apartment Home 2848:6-4 SPACIOUS LIVING FOR LESS Completely furnished large studios, one and two bedroom apart ments HUGE courtyard complete with deck and bit in barbeque. Laundry facilities and off street parking. ALL THIS FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Right on UO campus yet secluded and quiet. COME IN AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE UNIVERSITY MANOR (750 E.14th) 33-8302 A JP North Apartment Home 2834:6-4 $115 A Month! Chelsea House Cooperative is now ac cepting summer applications. Call Terry or Brian 343-80945-23 1255 MILL STREET Summer rates. 2 bedroom furnished, no lease All modern appliances including dishwasher, and disposal Free cable TV, balconies, covered parking laundry, heated outdoor swimming pool. $210-$255 month. Call Ken Shulman after 5:30 pm. Phone 345-4322 2790:tn LARGE DELUXE, one and two bedroom apart ments Quiet and convenient Laundry facilities and off street parking ALL FROM ONLY $150 Summer Rates Close to UO and shopping TALK WITH US TODAY! CAMPUS VILLA (1445 E. 19th) 683-7497 2849^6-4 SUNDECK BEAUTIFUL QUADS AT BARGAIN PRICES! Completely furnished with private v2 baths FREE UTILITIES, FREE CABLE covered parking and laundry facilities. SUMMER RATES ONLY $99 Across the street from U of O. SEE US TODAY! ALDERSGATE (1436 ALDER) 344-8302 A JP North Apartment Home 2825:6-4 BARGAIN PRICES! SPOTLESSLY CLEAN AND completely furnished quads. FREE CABLE. FREE UTILITIES covered parking and laundry facilities SUMMER RATES ONLY $89 Across the street from U of O STOP IN AND SEE US TODAY! ALDERSTREET QUADS (1360 Alder) 343-3599 A JP North Apartment Home 2847:6-4 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075 821 :tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271. $130. 1666:tfn LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month, 485-8859.2700.tfn SPECIAL SUMMER OFFERING! Quads at 553 E. 18th. Carpet, drapes, laundry facilities, off-street parking. 3 month lease for just $225, payable in ad vanced or $99 per month on month-to month agreement. Stop by No 7 or call our office Jennings and Co. 683-2271 2729:5-31 Houses For Rent 3-PLUS BEDROOM HOUSES FOR RENT Summer rates 1V2 blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083.2641:tfn 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE bet ween Onyx and Emerald on 21st. $300 per month plus utilities. Available June 10th ■ Sept 20th. Call Jim 485-6331.5-22 SMALL HOUSE CLOSE TO CAMPUS Summer sublet, $150fmonth plus utilities (low). Late evenings, 342-6248. __5-21 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM two bath house with patio garden washer dryer and dishwasher. Summer sublet $375 a month. Call Carol 342-4700, 5-21 SE HILLS DUPLEX FOR SALE 9%% fixed rate, assumable loan. Excellent for owner occupied. Large side - 2 bedroom, 11/2 bath, double garage. Small side-2 bedroom, 1 bath, single garage. Decks, porches, privacy $79,500 - 3983 and 3987 Onyx.. 343-8157 or 935 4103. 5-23 Events GO GONZO GONZO GONZO HUNTER S. THOMSPON May 24th 8 pm MAC COURT Author of Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Hell’s Angels and other offbeat works of 'gonzo'' Journalism Tickets on sale now! Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum 686-4373 2852:5-21 STUDY IN SPAIN Information Meeting Wednesday. May 23, 3:30 pm Forum Room. EMU 2858:5-21 YES IT’S FEAR AND LOATHING in MCARTHUR COURT MAY 24th 8 PM TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW A Cultural Forum Event 686-4373 2853:5-21 Islamic Art Exhibit The Muslim Students Association presents an exhibit of Islamic art and cultural artifacts in the Dads Room at the EMU next Monday and Tuesday, May 21 and 22. From 9 am to 6 pm, on Monday and 9 am to 5 pm on Tues day Among the works on display will be paintings and ceramics by Dr. AH Dawahkly, the visitor at the U of O who is an associate professor of art and art education at the University of Saudi Arabia. Free admission. 2820:5-21 Friends of Latin American Culture and EMU Cultural Forum presents MARGARET RANDALL reading A POETRY OF RESISTANCE A Central American Perspective Monday, May 21 8 pm Room 167 EMU Tickets at EMU MAIN DESK and MOTHER KALI'S $1.50 Students $2. General Public For information on Booksigning and other activities call 484-0827 2759:5-21 AS YOUR ATTORNEY I ADVISE YOU TO BE AT HUNTER S. THOMPSON Thursday May 24th 8 pm for FEAR AND LOATHING IN MCARTHUR COURT Tickets on sale now at the EMU Main Desk $3 UO Students $4 General Public A Cultural Forum Event 683-4363 2815:5-22 FACULTY ARMS CONTROL GROUP presents Freeman Dyson Author of 'Weapons and Hope, Disturbing the Universe’ speaking on WEAPONS AND HOPE A physicist’s view of the arms race May 21, 8 pm 150 Geology FREE 2809:5-21 Entertainment University Players presents OLD TIMES by Harold Printer Conflicts arise between husband and wife when her old roommate visits and memories are stirred. In Pocket Playhouse Villard Hall 4:30 May 21, 22 $1 Donation at door 2818-5-21 ^KZAM fni: KZAM Welcomes BONNIE RAITT Live & In Concert June 12 8 pm Silva Concert Hall Reserve tickets $12.50 $11.50 Available at: Everybody’s Records (Eugene, Albany and Corvallis), Valley River Records and the Hult Center Box Office Produced by Double Tee nr nt sr i» ar jt a. THE BIJOU J J1 GET CULTURE CHEAP Chamber Music Series tickets at 40 % otf to UO Students till July 1 School of Music Room 140. Phone *5678 Sponsored by Committee for Musical Arts 2835:5-22 CINCMA7 SroS Eugene premiere through May 24 Heart like a wheel SHOWS at 7 and 9:15 pm 492 E. 13th Director Diane Kurys has crafted an intricate, teasingly subtle drama about two women (played with sheik and delicacy by Isabelle Huepperl and Miou-Miou) in the "man's world" of 1950s France. FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:45 pm SAT SUN Matinee 4 pm p C0FF|1 Freshly ground gourmet coffee On ly 15« a cup. 10« refills. THE BIG DIPPER DOES IT AGAIN! 1473 E. 19th 343 8023 Personals FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright. 687-8651. 623:M FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion • the procedure, the cost, and local referral • call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F. 468:MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confidential. Call 686-4488 358 MF rrSTREADY THE SUMMER SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pick one up today! Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office 2855:6-4 ALPHA PHIS Go for it Seranade 5-21 A. SPRING TERM STUDENTS FOR ONLY $20... Receive continued use of the SHC through summer term IF you are living in Eugene this summer AND not attending summer school BUT returning fall term. Pick up a fee form at the Front Desk at the Student Health Center 686-4441__ SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. tfn DID YOU KNOW Even though you are enrolled Spring Term, you need to file an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD if you’re planning to attend courses during the SUMMER SESSION. There is still time to do it, so stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar’s office. 2795:5-25 SALE! MAY 21-MAY 26 20% to 50% off selected item^ trom our large stock ot: •stuffed animals»posters* •cards*stationery»mobiles» •wind-up toys»art supplies* •t-shirts*stickers*etc« JABBERWOeKY CARDS • GIFTS MON FRI 10-5:30 1 308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484 0530 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don't forget to file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar's Office _2794:5-25 GOLDENHEARTS All past Sig Ep Goldenhearts invited to a wild reunion dinner, May 22, 5 pm. We miss you! Alcohol incentive! Please RSVP5-21 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO'S COPIES 344-7894 860 E. 13 2446:5-22 BEAT THE DRUM FOR THE UO Here's two reasons why! 1 The National Science Foundation has designated the UO as one of the three original centers of excellence in science. 2. Two graduates have been awarded Nobel prizes, in physics and medicine. OREGON CARES FORGOTTEN ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registar's Office 2856:6-4 SPRING POSTER SALE 25% off All posters May 18-25 § 446 East 13th 1JV.1 10-6 Mon-Fri 10-5 Saturday 342 8339 Next to the Bijou WEST SIDE cast and crew You were and are fantastic. Love P 5-21 KELLY McCULLOUGH Happy Birthday. We love you Your friends at N.C.C.5-21 ALY Happy Birthday Cutie. Our friend ship means so much to me. Thanks Love ya. Carolyn5-21 MARY, MARY, QUITE CONTRARY It must be learned, you must be wary. Don't leave behind your things so dear, or people will talk, lest you fear. Earr ings, keys, checkbook, bra... Must be careful, don’t tell ma! Alpha Love, Heather and Ang.5-21 GRADUATING SENIORS Get a free UO Alumni T-shirt and learn of the benefits you’ll receive as an alumni. Tuesday, 7 pm in the EMU Dad’s Room. 2813:5-21 KEITH HAPPY 21 er Love Jennifer 521 IT’S NOT TOO LATE To file you INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for the SUMMER SESSION Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar’s Offic.__2857.6-4 FRAT RAT You're real nice. Thanks from AD 5-21 ERIN HEINKE IS 21 CINDY We will always love you. We know it's late, but Happy Birthday and Good luck in Hawaii From A and J5-21 THE ALPHA DELTS wish to con gratulate CYNDI AND TIM on their pledging Love ya guys! 5-21 TRACKS T.I.M. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed 1 ■ .. .."1 THANKS FOR C0H