police beat Here is a list of area crimes reported to the Eugene Police Department during the past two weeks: A male waving a knife at 12th Avenue and Kincaid Street May 14 was arrested for menac ing and assault, according to Of ficer Doug Ashbridge of EPD. A female campus security officer, kicked by the suspect during the incident, was treated and released from Sacred Heart Hospital with minor wounds. Raymond Toll, 34, of 1728 Ferry St., was arrested. Police arrested a suspect for Buddhist offers seminar on death this weekend Tibetan physician and teacher Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche will hold a seminar on "The Psychology of Death and Dy ing" this weekend. Tibetan Buddhists have ex plored the meaning of death for centuries. In his seminar, Rin poche will provide some of those insights. "The most awesome event in your life is death, and death will come without regard to your wealth, beauty, intelligence or fame," Rinpoche says. "Death is inevitable, but how you die — terrifed and confused, or peacefully and with spiritual mastery is within your control." The seminar will be at the Tibetan Library, 1159 Mill St. Seminars run from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2:30-5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Cost is $5 per session. The seminar is sponsored by Yeshe Nyingpo. For more information, call 342-2474 or 942-7270. Correction The Emerald's Thursday story titled "Centurion awards granted" incorrectly stated that the Centurion awards were given by the Student University Relations Council. The awards are actually spon sored by the office of the dean of students, the office of Univer sity relations, the EMU and University housing. exposing himself in the Univer sity library May 7. A burglary occurred at Guido's restaurant, 801 E. 13th Ave., May 14. Coin boxes in a pool table and video machines were broken into. Less than $100 was stolen. The suspects apparently entered the building through a vent in the roof. A transient was arrested for attempted auto theft May 4. James Ray Smith is accused of trying to steal a van registered to the University by attempting to hotwire it. A bomb threat led to the r evacuation of Fenton Hall May 4. No explosive device was found. An athletic bag and contents valued at $171 were stolen from Esslinger Hall May 15. A car stereo system valued at $306 was taken from a vehicle parked at 1544 Alder St. May 14. A car stereo system valued at $685 was taken from a vehicle parked at 15th Avenue and Agate Street May 10. Eleven bicycles were stolen during the period. Compiled By Michael Doke. Soviet speaks Saturday A former speech writer for Soviet Foreign Minister An drei Gromyko is one of the speakers scheduled for a conference on U.S.-Soviet relations to be held in Eugene this weekend. The conference, sponsored by the Willamette World Af fairs Council, begins tonight and will run all day Saturday and Sunday. Former speech writer Ilya Gerol, who now lives in Canada where he writes a syndicated column, will speak on media influence on foreign policy at Harris Hall at 10 a.m. Saturday. Frederick Starr, president of Oberlin College in Ohio and founder of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Rus sian Studies, will give the keynote address at 7 p.m. at the Eugene Conference Center. Events tonight and Sunday will be held at the con ference center. Saturday's events will be at Harris Hall, 125 E. Eighth Ave. Tickets for the conference are $15 or $3 per half-day ses sion. One unit of University credit in International Studies is available for a $26 fee. Registration is available at the door. For a complete schedule, call Ruth Shepherd at 343-7888 or at 484-0709. ^German AUTO BMRVICm _ Since 1963 VWs - MERCEDES - BMWs DATSUN - TOYOTA - AUDI Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays. 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Entry Deadline: Friday, May 21; 5:00 p.m.; 103 Gerlinger May 22, 6:00 p.m. Women's softball diamond Rainy day back-up next day same field Enter Individually or on a team - 3 Men; 3 Women; 2 Men & 2 Women No Cost! No Equipment Needed! huo ^ ■prrprATiONft INTRAMURALS