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For complete details and application, mail this coupon or call toll-free 1 “8©©"*854'“© 195 (in Pennsylvania c all 412-624-6021) SEMESTER AT SEA U.C.l.S. Forbes Quadrangle 2E University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Plea*e wnd me Ihe St’rmlt'f a» Sfii vMWhnok and apptu alum t i vvrn1 r. . .... rrnrrrrrrrr 1iri * I't'A'rrri".;.. opinion _ Facts of life not like fantasies Some things are just better left alone — un said, undone and even unheard of. They can never live up to expectations — especially regar ding affairs of the heart. The first blow to my dreams came at the tender age of 16. The mere thought of holding hands with a select member of the opposite sex was tantalizing. Then came that first movie date. There is little worse than sweaty hands — except holding someone else's sweaty hand. editor's note brenda thornton I always thought walking with a love in the light spring rain would be so romantic. A fan of old musicals, I would sigh when Gene Kelly danc ed his way through the gutters and puddles. Then I moved to Eugene. The reality of trudg ing everywhere drenched to the skin knocked that notion out of my head. I know better now. There's little charming about wet socks, soaking hair and the sniffles. Still, my fantasy endured un til a rainy day this spring when someone told me I looked like a drowned rat. Thanks a whole lot, Gene. Along the same line, a recently married friend confided that showering with a partner isn't all it's reported to be. "You drop the soap and you have to figure out how you're going to pick it up with finesse," she lamented. "Lately when my husband suggests a shower I tell him to go on, I'll be right in." Maybe that's how to know when the honey moon's over. Then there's the ocean scene in From Here To Eternity. The pound of the surf, the couple ent wined so no one can tell whose limbs belong to whom, the unbridled passion. Someone forgot to tell the director that sand mixed with friction hurts. And wet sand between bodies can cause severe pain as opposed to passion. Or so a California friend told me. Hot tubs and saunas aren't much better. Sure, they soothe tired muscles for the first 15 minutes. After that you simply perspire to the point of dehydration. I don't know anyone who looks at tractive sweating like a pig. Unfortunately, saunas aren't the only places to determine how swinish your companion can be. Sharing cookies, candy bars and other delec tables is an unpleasant experience at best when your portion turns out to be one bite — con sistently. That's it — always just one small bite and the rest disappears before you even swallow. A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou is fine — if thou isn't famished. Perhaps the fault lies not with romantic niceties but with me. I'm not big on mush; I just don't get ga ga when I fall in love. In general, public displays of affection — PDA — aren't my style. In fact, I always feel slightly nauseated when I happen across couples mugging one another in public. As my little brother says, "That's 'sgusting." Still, I am curious. How do they do it? How do they kiss and walk at the same time without chip ping their teeth? Ah, the great mysteries of love. Brenda Thornton is the Emerald's assistant news editor. letters Deserved praise I am writing this letter to draw deserved attention to the ac complishments of ASUO Presi dent, Mary Hotchkiss. Hotchkiss has brought caring, responsive, and involved leader ship to the University. She has led a stalwart campaign for higher education, fighting on behalf of the rest of us students who could only muster enough courage and energy to verbally support her efforts to stop fur ther budget cuts. She has taken unequivocal stands on blatant sexism (e.g., the EMU's tribute to posterity) and bigotry at the University. She has restored the presidency of the ASUO to a respectable position among the University’s administration, and established an open and friend ly dialogue with Pres. Paul Olum. And, as a vanguard of questioning authority, she has restored vitality and interest in many an apathetic student who would rather bury his or her head in the sand than think or question. Some may not agree with Hot chkiss' politics. No wonder: she has shaken up the tradition of the good old boys here at the University. It is easy to take the accomplishments of Hotchkiss for granted. After all, the University has not trickled down the drain; the College Republicans and GALA are still receiving their 10 cents from every student (albeit, the Students for Bestiality are not — not enough sheep in the flock, I guess); and the sign in the EMU remains unchanged, though we can no longer pass by it in ig norance of its sexist implications. And to Julie Davis, may you continue in the honorable tradi tion of Mary Hotchkiss. Melissa Mentzer graduate, English Tke Little Ocean This week's special: MEOMS 10 *1.50 Special Ends Friday May 25th Next to Radio Shack 687-0682 Oregon doily emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald »» published Monday through Fn day e*cepf during e#am week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at I he University ot Oregon Eugene OR 97403 The Emerald operates independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Pres** General Staff Advertising Manager Susan Theien Classified Advertising tarry Swanson Production Manager Victoria Koch Con trotter Jean Ownpey AO Sates Rachel Bellamy Ciodt Siagg taura Buckley June Botnce David Kosse «>© Meeks Roberta Oliver Richard Skeen Production Laurie Becharas Sharia Cassidy Michael Cfapp Ketty Cornyh Kathy Gallagher Carrie Greaves C Hanson Cbrtafy Homing LeeAnn tovgren Lawn Neety Kelly Neff Mark Pynes Michele Russ Margaret Solontfea Debtee Stott T»m Swill »nger Colleen Tremaine Hank Trotter Kathy York Editor Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Editorial Page Edtloi Photo Editor Sports Editor Sidelines Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Night Editoi Associate Editors Higher Education Derailments and Schools Student Govemmeni Featoies Politics Community Reporters Costas Christ Diana Elliott Stemnauei David Slone Steve Turcotte News and Editorial Display Advertising and Business Classified Advertising Production Circulation Debhie Hewlett Sandy Johnstone Frank Shaw Bienda Thornton Cort Fernald Michael Clapp Doug Levy John Healy Angela Allen Morgan Kim Carlson John Healy Doug Nash Melissa Martin Jun Moore Julie Shippen Brooks Darett Michael Doke Paul Ertell Brent Paz Lon Lois Yoshishige 686 5511 686 3712 686 4343 686 4381 686 5511 Wella Perms Haircut included A m Reg. $40.00 Haircut £ q Reg. $11.00 Solar Nails & r* Reg. $35.00 20 W. 25th • 342-7661 Expires June 1, 1984 coupon pi FREE Soda j j plus j S1 OFF any I V slice Offer good Mon. thru Sun. 11:30-Midnight Mon. • Fri. 3:30-Midnight Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 686-9598 Sy's New York Pizza ■