Internships Experience: how to get it if you haven’t found it yet By Angela Allen Morgan Of the Emerald "Get your experience elsewhere and then apply to us." The refrain is too familiar. This particular quote comes from June Goldberg, chief of reseach at Life Magazine. She explains the bind so many publications — and businesses — find when hiring entry-level people. Businesses lack time, money and resources to train; students seeking jobs lack training. "Twenty years ago when Life was a weekly, we had the resources and time to train a novice," Goldberg says. "Today the magazine is a monthly with an editorial staff of 45 rather than 300. It's not fair to suggest that someone might join us without some experience." But how does a student get it if you haven't gotten it? One answer is an internship. Internship pay is often nothing to brag about. In fact, many interships don't pay at all. And often the work is menial donkey-duty that falls below ex pectations. But the professional contacts established and the sophistication gained from working in an office or "real world" atmosphere gives students an extra edge in the full-time job search. Plus, students can receive academic credit from the University for internship work. Though the issue of how many credit hours interns should be awarded is under consideration, most departments give at least three hours of credit for intern experience, says Debbie Chereck, assistant director of Career Planning and Placement. The business school, Chereck says, allows a student to earn up to nine credit hours, and the ESCAPE and Community Action programs are even more flexible about credit hours earned for off-campus work. The best places to look for in ternships are the University departments. Most depart ments, such as the School of Journalism and the business school, work closely with pro fessionals to secure one term and year-long opportunites for students. Career Planning and Place ment is another source. Since spring 1983, the office has pro Continued on Page 8B r Take Your Parents Out To Breakfast! PARENTS WEEKEND BREAKFAST „ « SPECIAL $275 "houst HAM & EGGS with hash browns & toast or pancakes L 1525 Franklin Boulevard Across From Campus Eugene’s popular breakfast place kas a new dinner menu. Dinner served only at Willamette Tke Glenwood Restaurant 1340 Alder 2588 Willamette We serve the flavor of Eugene JAMES GALWAY Annie’s Song and Other Galway Favorites including Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5/Liebesfreud “Carmen” Fantasy/La plus que lente Charles Gerhardt/National Itc/l RED SEAL $6.99 LP & Tape $6.99 LP & Tape JAMES GALWAY NOCTURNE THE CANADIAN BRASS High, Bright, Light and Clear hedseal THE GLORY OF BAROQUE BRASS ItCil $6.99 LP & Tape Everybody ’s and RCA Bring You the Classics Come in and visit our new Classical Room! ALL OTHER CLASSICAL LP’S AND TAPES IN STOCK ON SALE 40 East Fifth Phone 6870761 HOURS: Mon-Thurs 9 am-10 pm Fri-Sat 10 am-10 pm Sun 12 pm-6 pm JAMES GALWAY SONG OF THE SEASHORE Includes: PACHELBEL Canon* Hallelujah Chorus‘Toccata and Fugue*Trumpet Voluntary • SOUSA A Collection • FATS WALLER A Handful of Keys $6.99 LP & Tape 6.99 LP & Tape and Other ncii RED SEAL having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified