Anyone for Crazy 8s? I he two-tone movement is alive and well in Corvallis, Oregon. Corvallis? The Crazy 8s, who hail from Corvallis, will be playing the Outdoor Beer Garden in the Alder Street tennis courts today starting at 4 p.m. There is a $1 admission charge. This eight-piece band has been playing up and down the I-5 corridor since 1982, when elements of The Sneakers and The Cheeks merged to form The Crazy 8s. The band's present line-up consists of Todd Duncan, alto sax and lead vocals; |oe Johnson, tenor sax and vocals; Mike Regan, bass guitar; Casey Shaar, keyboards and vocals; Carl Smith, percussion and vocals; Tim Tubb, trombone and Photo courtesy of Wreckless Entertainment vocals; Mark Wanaka, guitar and vocals; and Rick Washington, drums. The "8s" play a spicy form of Jamaican reggae, classic urban soul and English skat. To call. The Crazy 8s' music danceable is an understatement. Lecture to focus on waste site The geography department will sponsor a presentation on America's first permanent nuclear waste repository Thursday at 4 p.m. in 106 Condon Hall. Richard Phillips, a graduate teaching fellow in the University geography department, will show color slides of tunnels, shafts, rock exposures and dune fields at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, near Carlsbad, New Mexico. Phillips recently issued a report about WIPP, which is designed to receive all the plutonium waste from the nuclear weapons program. In his report, Phillips contends government agencies are hiding geologic reports and data un favorable to the WIPP site, which is now being ex cavated in bedded salt formations. In his presentation, Phillips also will show cor rect and incorrect maps and geologic cross sections, as well as color aerial photographs, gravity surveys, borehole data and water balance analysis. Coffee and refreshments will be served at 3:30 p.m. Phillips welcomes questions and suggestions during and after the presentation. Course set for 10K charity race. The third annual Country Run, a 10K race and two-mile fun run which winds through the scenic roads off Lorane Highway, is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. The run will benefit the Eugene Outreach Boys and Girls Aid Society, assisting pregnant unwed girls with adoption, foster or group home care and family counseling. The program is staff ed with volunteer teams who maintain a 24-hour hotline that receives an average of 150 local calls per month from girls needing help. All registered participants will receive a free T shirt after paying an $8 registration fee. Entrants can register at Nike Eugene, Feets in the 5th Street Public Market or Feets Plus in the Fifthpearl Building. The deadline for entering on the day of the race is between 8:15 a.m. and 9 a.m. For more information, call 484-7052. Classifieds For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater. Like new. Am moving soon and need to sell. Will take best offer. Call 485-3139 in evenings.tfn QUALITY DIAMOND RINGS My prices are about V2 of retail value! Call today. David 343-3824.5A8 NO RAPE, ASSAULT nor abuse with the chemical defense device Only $10 to ASP, Box 7271, Eugene. 97401 5-17 QUALITY DIAMOND RINGS. My prices about Vi of retail value! Call today. David 343-3842.5-21 Thrift & Gift Shop 2839 Willamette Street Hours: 10 4 pm FINAL SALE Thursday, May 17 ONLY Closing for the summer. Everything must be sold. All merchandise 50% off. 1-4 pm A dollar a bag. Hurry in! Last day. C! :p •"'I reopen in August. Spon sored by the Junior League of Eugene 2756:5-17 FUN COTTON CLOTHES great COLORS AND STYLES also FUTONS Plus a wide assortment of accessories Eugene Trading Co 651 E. 13th 344-7006 2 blocks west of campus 10% off clothing with this ad 2755:6-1 MUST SELL: Down sleeping bag Good to 20 above zero $85.60 Watt Vox Guitar amp $225. 10 speed World Sun Tour $90. Jon 485-5175._ 5-18 MUST SELL Pioneer SX-434 receiver, AWIA cassette deck, two Atlantic speakers $300. Hohner HP 341 Acoustic Guitar w/ hardshell case $300. Queen' size futon $40. Douglas eves. 344-7702. 5-18 1975 HONDA CB125S $350 Call Jim 485-6331 5-22 X-LONG DOUBLE BED For sale. Make offer - call x4470 days. 343-6611 nights._ 5-22 GARY HART on the mall and local press conference is available on Video Cassette from Stafford and Assoc 790 Willamette. 683-5455. 5-21 1000 WATT SUPER HALIDE $147. and up. Guaranteed Agrilite. 998-3218. 2788:6-4 WATCH TV WHILE YOU TAN! Black and white TV with rechargable battery pack $60 (8-10 pm evenings only) 343-1218. 5-21 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th 613:M-F 1 FREE Soda plus 10° OFF any slice Offer good Monday through Friday 11:30-Midnight Mon. Fri. 3:30-Midnight — Weekends 1211 Alder on Campus 686-9598 Sy's New York Pluaj Lazar’s Bazar 9th Anniversary SALE BUY ONE GET ONE (on selected items) Ohus Triple qj Beam Scales. WITH COUPON 164 W. Broadway ; Downtown Eugene FREE clip, paper, or incense with this coupon Lazar’s « » °° ° ' O ° Planning an Event? Need help with publicity? ODE Graphic Services!! o o La . a, o o la-*: ° s>< o o ° 0° 00 O 3 0 °o O ° ° 0. 0° o " O o o » ® oo l w ASUO Films presents Drug Paranoia Might at the Movies! with I «Reefer Madness ' «The Mystery of the Leaping Fish (AKA “The Cocaine Comedy”) •Plus More! Thursday May 17 7:30 & 9:00 p.m. 150 Geology • Admission $1.50 jturn Food Service Sk ’’ ' French Roast Coffee Yoplait Yogurt Hot Soup Vegetarian Sandwiches Gyros Sandwiches Open 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. V “Reminder:” Diners have first priority for Skylight Refectory tables between 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Enjoy A COLLEGE DEGREE . . . FOR WHAT? Individuals with a passion for improving the status quo should know about a career training program in social activism called LIFE COURSE PLANNING. Researched and developed over the past 14 years, Life Course Planning is an educational prototype for proactive problem solving and planned change in all aspects of life (e g., marriage, family, and career). It is being offered as a supplement to a Master’s or Doc toral degree by Life Course Options, Inc., an Oregon grown non-profit educational and research organization. Life Course Planning is the product of a pioneering social experiment in Mentoring and Extended Family conducted by the staff of Life Course Options in their own lives. The staff personally experimented with these concepts in order to discover their value for solving con temporary career and relationship problems .-The positive results of this “activist” approach to problem solving led to the development of Life Course Planning and enabled Life Course Options to verify' the efficacy of its program before offering it to others. Life Course Options is looking for a select number of graduate stu dents, academics, and professionals to participate as Apprentices in a longitudinal study of its career training program. The objective of the study is to empirically demonstrate Life Course Planning's potential for teaching people how to prevent, rather than tall victim to, the social and economic problems they face in today’s rapidly changing world. In exchange for participation, individuals will receive an edu cation in Life Course Planning, free of charge, and be afforded a unique opportunity to join a social experiment in Mentoring and Extended Family. To be eligible, you must be ready to make a long term commitment to your personal and professional success, willing to experiment with new ideas, and able to change yourself as the first step toward impro ving the status quo. If you feel you qualify, CALL (503) 245 1725 or send a resume and cover letter stating your reasons for wanting to participate in this study to Anne Wilkinson, Executive Director. A Non-Profit Educational and Research Corporation 9513 S.W. Barbur Blvd., Suite 147 Portland, Oregon 97219 i Need Help with publicity7 ODE Graphic Services!1 ^ ’ •