ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building Walking distance to campus -Spacious apartments -New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care. For appointment call 484-7441. 2156:tf n UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo., 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous mg Dept 686-4277.2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid Share kitchen with one other. Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities avalable From $168 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tfn UAMHUb AntA Newly 1 bedroom apartment in 5 plex. Roomy, laundry facilities, ready to go 1884 Garden Ave. No.D. Jennings & Co. 683-2271 1667:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house $109 and $119 Manager 345-1037. IPM. 1111 Pearl, 485-82581681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished Covered parking. Prime location 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl ___2536:ttn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning. Private refrigerator. Dishwasher Near campus Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485 8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom. Excellent location Freshly painted, new carpel, drapes. Campus ten blocks Unfurnished,, no pets, no children. 2045 Willamette, $200 345-7987 or 344-2469 2549:tfn STUDIO'S FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE Summer rates. 1 Vi blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-90832642:tfn CAMPUS 1 BEDROOM - $150 Spacious, really nice No pets or children 750 E. 18th. 345-7987 2659:lln 1414 E. 18th SUMMER RATES Clean. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, 2 blocks from campus. Furnished, unfur ntshed From $150 Call Sabin, 683-2160 Lamson Associates 2689 6-4 COMPARE Large clean furnished 1 bedroom apart ments across from campus 800 E. 18th Summer rate $150/mo Call 484- 4103.2703:tfn STORAGE FOR RENT. Share with friends Ask about our special economy U Lock-lt, 343 80175-18 CAMPUS SUMMER RATES Spacious, very nice, 1 and 2 bedroom unit $150 • $200 Unfurnished, hot water included, no pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-79872721:tfn FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment Pleasant, close to campus 608 E. 15th One year lease. $170/$ 160 a month. First, last, cleaning deposit. Serious/graduate student preferred References. Available June 1. 485- 1511 days, 686-2222 evenings. 2723:5-18 PARR TOWER is now accepting applications for Fall t984 housing We offer room, board and more at rates lower than dorms or apart ments Call John at 345-9163 or drop by 1648 Alder for more information 5-18 SUBLET FOR SUMMER Completely fur nished all utilities paid 3 bedroom $300/mo 583 E 13th 683-4964 5-18 ONE BEDROOM $170 Water and gar bage paid. Walk to U of O 485-3913.5-18 ONE BEDROOM $180 Like new. in ex • cellent condition Fully applianced Quiet, adult living in beautiful parkside surroundings. On bus and bike route No pets, 4th and Jefferson. Call 345-9272 or 485-4023.2769:6 4 COZY AND LARGE 2 BEDROOM APT Near campus. Fireplace and swimming pool Available June 15th Call 683-1341 5d8 NEAR CAMPUS Quiet two bedroom and townhouse with private patio Carport, laundry, diswasher. Also one-bedroom. Summer rates available 344-7434 5-16 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075. 821 :tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus See at 553 E 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271 $130. 1666:tfn LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month, 485-8859.2700:tfn Houses For Rent 3-PLUS BEDROOM HOUSES FOR RENT Summer rates 1 Vi blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083 2641 :tfn FACULTY HOUSING 1136 E 20th Adjacent campus, spacious, ideal, 4 bedroom, 2'h baths, full basement, dark room, fully furnish ed Grande piano, stereo Lease 1 or 2 years Available Sept 1st $650-$750 a month Negotiable 485-1511 days or 686-2222 nights.2766:5-18 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE bet ween Onyx and Emerald on 21st. $300 per month plus utilities Available June 10th Sept 20th Call Jum 485-6331 5-22 Pets IDEAL COMPANION FOR STUDENT 7 month old German Shepherd, Obe dience trained Needs home, space to run. $50 or offer. 688-1906 2728:5-18 Lost & Found LOST: RIGHT HAND BASEBALL GLOVE near SW corner of Hayward Field on Fri evening, 5-11. Of great sen timental value. REWARD, Max 485-9129 5d6 LOST Single key on an orange key ring. Lost sometime on Monday afternoon near bookstore. Call 687-8114 or 683-9132 (evenings) 5-17 Food & Drink a( Oiffjon ltm*f|4»r Com pa ill) OPEN DAILY TILL MIDNIGHT 13th Am. at High St. 344 522 Eugene. Oregon 'IF c^\S JUICE CaO/ FRESHLY SQUEEZED JUICES Available at The Kiva, Red Barn, Sundance, Sahalie and other fine natural food stores The gourmets choice of fruit and vegetable juices 174 Almaden344 0967 Events GET READY FOR MAX’S CRIBBAGE TOURANAMENT SUNDAY MAY 20th Doubles with double elimination $5 per team. For more info Call 485-6731. 2727:5 18 The King of Gonzo Returns HUNTER S. THOMPSON Fear and Loathing in MacArthur Court May 24th 8:00 pm MacArthur Court. UO Campus General Admission Tickets are on sale at: EMU Main Desk Everybody's Records and Tapes Earth River Records $3 UO STUDENTS $4 GENERAL PUBLIC Presented by the EMU Cultural Forum 686-4373 2765:5-23 —Festivals Special!!!— Bring this coupon Large Smoothie - $1 or Large Cooler - 75$ Lulu’s Smoothies 2775;5-.ia ISRAEL ROLE IN LATIN AMERICA by Steve Goldfield 12 noon, Wed. May 16 Room 167 EMU O.A.S _506 Come Lunch with Us at the Willamette Valley Folk Festival Today thru Sunday on East Lawn of EMU featuring • Dana's Cheesecke • Ritta’s Burritos •Loven Oven Calzone •Homestead Lemonade •The Great Falafel •Veggies Heaven •Lulu’s Smoothies •Oodles of Noodles •Chicken and chips •Nice Rice •Oregon Cafe • Delicious Knishes •and More! UNWORLDLY JAPAN A LECTURE DEMONSTRATION ON CLASSICAL NOH DRAMA Tuesday, May 15, 7-8:45 pm EUGENE PUBLIC LIBRARY No admission charge Professors Karen Brazell, of Cornell University, and Laurence Kominz, from Portland State, were trained under traditional Noh Masters in Japan, and have performed and taught Noh and Kyogen, Japanese theatre forms developed in medieval Japan. They will demonstrate dance, acting and recitation techniques, focusing on the way in which dance functions as narrative in the theatre forms DANCE AND MIME AS NARRATIVE A WORKSHOP IN TRADITIONAL JAPANESE DRAMA Wednesday, May 1C, 4:30-6 pm GERLINER ANNEX 353 No admission charge Barzell and Kominz will show videotapes and instruct participants in elementary Noh and Kyogen (comic elements) acting techniques. Sponsored by College of Arts and Sciences, Asian Studies, Asian Stu dent Association, Theatre, Repertory Dancers, and Oregon Committee for Humanities.2742:5-16 Friends of Latin American Culture and EMU Cultural Forum presents MARGARET RANDALL reading A POETRY OF RESISTANCE A Central American Perspective Monday, May 21 8 pm Room 167 EMU Tickets at EMU MAIN DESK and MOTHER KALI'S $1.50 Students $2. General Public For information on Booksigning and other activities call 484-0827 2759:5-21 EMU Cultural Forum presents The 14th Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival May 18. 19. 20 Jim Scott and Nancy Rumbell Guitarist and Oboist with the Paul Winter Consort and leaders of their own group Radiance Special Feature Slides and Music from Jim’s Recent Tour of Nicaragua With Holly Near Benefit Concert for the Council on Human Rights in Latin America. Thur, May 17, 7:30 pm. 1236 Kincaid, Eugene Sliding Scale Donation S3-$4 50 5-17 Entertainment a<- E0LSONS BAR,: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY CURTIS SALGADO & IN YO FACE 9:30 pm-2 am A \r 4740 MAIN in Springfield * 747 7900 BICYCLING Free Workshops May 16 • Bicycle touring equipment and clothing May 17 Bicycle repairs and maintenance 7:30 pm OUTDOOR PROGRAM 2771:5-16 MAX’S presents THE MILKMEN Saturday 9:30pm 550 E. 13th _2726.5 1 B jrjTrjr r THE BIJOU ' 492 E. 13th 686-2458 When Hie ! Mountains Tremble "The epic 'When The Mountain Trembles' takes us into the heart of the Guatemalan guerrilla movement ” J. Hoberman Village Voice PLUS NICARAGUA: Report from the Front FRI SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN THURS 6:30 and 8:30 pm SAT-SUN Matinee 4:15 pm CISCAP benefit May 18 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE LIQUID SKY The funniest, craziest, dirtiest, most perversely beautiful, science fiction film ever made. WED THURS 11 pm FRI SAT midnite Benefit showing for Committee in Solidarity with Central American People WHEN THE MOUNTAINS TREMBLE and NICARAGUA Report from the Front The first film of the CIA’S backed contras and their war against Nicaragua. Excellent Bijou Theatre, 13th & Ferry FRIDAY ONLY. May 18. 7:15 & 9:30 5-18 University Theatre's Second Season presents the Pacific N W. premiere of Caryl CHurchill's 1982 drama Top Girls This provocative play examines the unique and very difficult choices women often face as they attempt to reconcile their personal and profes sional ambitions. With biting wit and powerful drama, this play takes a fascinating look at an age-old problem brought up to date for the modern woman MAY 3-5,10-12,17-19 ARENA THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 PM. ALL TICKETS $2 Call 686-4191 to reserve your tickets 2568:5-18 TONIGHT at BJ Kelly's EASTMAN 1475 Franklin 683-4855 2763:5-16 €IN£HA7 2SE$£ Saturday through May 17 Ingmar Bergman's classic Seventh Seal SHOWS at 7 pm PLUS Werner Herzog's Nosferatu SHOWS at 8:45 pm Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral • call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free 1-800-2230618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F. 468 MWF IF~YOU’RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright Free testing. 687-8651 623:W MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt: 344 7039 360 E. 11th 001WHF TELEVISION ft TYPEWRITER RENTALS by week, month or term UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 __ _ 1593WF HAVE A DIRTY SLEEPING BAG? Get fast, dependable service Siegmund's Cleaners 821 E. 13th Ave. UW SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. tfn .• UO SPRINGFEST '84 • • P8, !S3d9NlddS OR • ANIMAL HOUSE and TOGA PARTY! Watch U of O’s favorite movie then dance to the Commotions Tonight 7 pm EMU Ballroom $2.50 Prizes! Prizes! Attention Greeks Order of Omega The nationally recognized Greek honorary is on campus now. Applica tions and information sheets are available in Suite 5, EMU. Application deadline is May 18. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are encouraged to apply. 2651:5-16 TO THE PERSON WHO ACCIDENTAL LY borrowed my keys last Wednesday night from the Delts, their return would be greatly appreciated I'm tired of walk ing^ 5-16 AMY PRATT Happy Birhday! I hope it is wild and out of hand. Get psyched for May 15, 1985 Love Margot.__516 AMY PRATT You’re a kind girl who likes ho-made vegatable soup Happy Birthday LUV THE DEADWEIGHTS 5 16 Meglaflane & Sarahh Good luck in pac-10's! Veil loud but don't gel too dark BROOKE_5-16 PHI PSIS TOM AND ERIC One more day of work, then it's fun in the sun! Love. your Shasta HD dates._5-16 KARLA Happy Birthday, gal You're one hwlluva person and twice as much a pal_CC^ _5-JI6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY "PIPPI" (A day late). The NSHP Coordinators_5-16 Happy Birthday John Zishka Hope you have a great day -KA 5-16 BURL SAYS Oregon crew tasted Au and Ag in Regionals Let s go for the gold in Pac-KTs. Have a hot road trip to Sacramento5-16 CONGRATULATIONS to the men ot Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity on their completion of over 1000 hours of community service this year 5-17 Kappa Alpha Theta congratulates Mark and Leslie On their pinning 5J£_ DIG ARCHAEOLOGY THIS SUMMER Learn basic archaeological excava tion techniques while toning the body and expanding the mind with fascinating outdoor scientific research this summer in An thropology 408: Fieldwork Meets MUWHF 7:30-16:00, June 18-Aug. 10; 12 credit hours, Field camp in Willamette National Forest near Oakridge. Non-majors welcome, prerequisites flexible Enrollment is limited, so act now. Call 686-5102 for more information.2772:5-18 UO CREW At Pac-10's only Sacramento's weather will be hotter than you! Row hard! Love, Denise.5-16 UO CREW Give it your all in Sacramen to! And have a good time!Margaret.5-17 B LOO M COUNTY'S PENGUIN OPUS on sale now at Hirons. Also Garfield, Ner mal, Arlene, and Odie.5-18 OREGON CLUB SPORTS CRES Regionals were just the beginning Pac-10’s are going to be the best. Sacramento is hot, so are we Row long and strong!2776:5-16 CARRIE-Congratulations on the job I'm looking forward to working with you and giving you s—! Larry didn't tell you about one of his biggest problems(me) did he Naner Naner paste up techfLuv,Swine boy. /hortcut/ TRACKS T.I.M. BLOOM COUNTY ujeu-j you have toot wo/ce ot mac*/ionI i cneese or top pambu-.u/hAt'll it bp? fc>Ti M AH' mu 50 •HMs-mNew - aemsTMXT, 0H.urm.Y4 EINSTEIN * rnYNIU. | / / AN IHTmSVHO' pemcme from mcMFmR I SCIENCES. L _#?-A ,L Vi by Berke Breathed