et al. MEETINGS ALPHA KAPPA PSI, professional business fraternity, meets tonight at 7 p.m. in 338 Gilbert. Don’t forget to wear your pin. (20HONORS COLLEGE STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD will be meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in 301 Chapman to discuss the Senior Reception and next year's orienta tion; all Honors College students interested in par ticipating in these activities, please attend BUSINESS STUDENTS INTERESTED IN JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT are invited to an applied management meeting today at 3:30 p.m. in 101 Gilbert. LECTURES CAREERS IN PUBLIC RELATIONS, is the title of a workshop featuring three influential public relations pro fessionals: Sandra Gleason of Cawood Communica tions; Bridget Baker, Promotions Director of the Register-Guard; and Tim Birr, Acting Director of Public Relations, City of Eugene. The workshop will be held to day at 2:30 p.m. in 332 Gilbert. This event is sponsored by the Rhetoric and Communication Association “FOCUS YOUR EDUCATION” is the title of the se cond of two workshops to be held today from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Stop by 141 Straub or call 686-4936 to sign up or get more Information. INTERVIEWS SIGN UP AT 7:30 A.M. ON WEDNESDAY in 244 Hen dricks Hall for the following recruiters: May 22-23 K Mart Corporation (for Management Trainee) Group Meeting: 521 7 p.m., 108-109 EMU (Atten dance required to interview) May 22 Medford School District (For HS Adv Math/Span/Germ/Bus-Office Educ/Lang Arts/HS Boys PE/JH Girls PE/School Nurse/Handicapped Learner/JH Dean of Students/JH Integrated Sci) Group Meeting: 1:30-2:30 p.m , 110 EMU May 22 Northwestern Mutual Life (For Professional Sales Representatives) May 23 Portland Police Department — Group Meeting: 1-2 p.m., 108 EMU/2-3 p.m. is reserved for Drop Ins May 24 U S. Air Force (For Pilot/Navigator/Meterology/Communication Electronics) May 24 Fidelity Union Life (For Sales or Management Trainee) May 25 Western Pacific Properties, Inc. (For Commer cial Real Estate Sales teading-Broker) May 30 Lincoln County School District (For 1 Elem (1-6) 2 Secondary-Lang Arts/Math/Sci) Please sign up immediately if interested in interview ing with the following recruiters: May 15 Chef Francisco (For Cycle Count Analyst) May 15 Oregon Bank (For Commercial Credit Analyst Training Program) May 16 Longview Public schools (For Elementary-all levels/Middle School and Secondary/Middle school Counselor/Psychologists — K-12) May 16 Olympia Public Schools Personnel Co-Op — Group Meeting only: 3 p.m., 108-109 EMU May 16 IDS Marketing/American Express — Group Meetings only: 3 p.m., 112 EMU or 7:30 p.m., 112 EMU. Sign up is necessary. May 16 Standard Insurance Company (For Sales Representative) May 17 Aetna Life Casualty (For Prime Agent Pro gram) Group Meeting: May 16, 7-8 p.m., 108 EMU May 17 Lincoln County School District (For all areas of Special Education/Counselor's) May 17 Pietro's Corporation (For Management Trainee) May 17 Price Waterhouse & Company (For Winter Ac counting Internship) Completed company applications req) MISCELLANEOUS MASTER OF FINE ARTS DEGREE The University of Oregon Museum of Art and The School of Architecture and Allied Arts are pleased to announce the annual ex hibition of works by candidates for the MASTER OF FINE ARTS DEGREE. Exhibition dates run from May 13 to June 10. The closing reception will be June 10 from 3-5 p.m. Museum hours are noon to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Closed holidays. GERMAN STUDENTS GOING TO THE COAST May 19-20 on the 2nd German language retreat: please pick up your information sheet from Helmut Plant, 312 Friendly, x4059. PEACE CORPS: Campus Rep. will have an information table at the Street Faire in the Breezeway. There are still openings available beginning this summer. WHITEWATER ENTHUSIASTS are forming a local chapter of the Northwest Rafters Association (NWRA) A representative from the Portland chapter will be present to discuss the organization And Ron Mattson will be showing his slides of the Bio-Bio River and the ill-fated 1983 Ken Warren China expedition. The meeting and slide show will be Thursday, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. at the Westmoreland Community Center, 1545 W. 22nd There will be no charge for the event. Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ODE Office, 300 EMU UO Bookstore Stamp Counter EMU Main Desk SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby OEADLINES: Ads must be placed by 1 pm one working day prtor to publica tion. Display classified ads that require camera work must be placed by 1 pm two working days prior to publication ERRORS: The ODE cannot be responsi ble for more than one day's incorrect advertising insertion. The ODE'S liablili ty for typographical errors, incorrect in sertions or omissions in advertising shall be limited solely to the cancella tion of charges for such portion of the space occupied by the error If your ad appears incorrectly, call 686-4343 before 1 pm for correction in the next day's issue RATES: Rates are 15 cents per word for the first day and 12 cents per word for subsequent consecutive days the ad is run without change. Minimum cahrges are $1.50 for the first insertion and $1.20 for consecutive insertions PAYMENT: All ads must be paid in ad vance unless a billing agreement has been established with us. DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS are available in the ODE office, 300 EMU PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA or MASTERCARD EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 For Sale DRUMS-4pc Stewart with Camber cym bal and hat. Great beginners set Good shape $450,or make best offer 683-2152 9-1,7-IOpm__ GARY HART on the mall and local press conference is available on Video Cassette from Stafford and Assoc 790 Willamette 683-5455 5 21 QUALITY DIAMOND RINGS. My prices about Vi of retail valuel Call today David 343-3842 _ 5 21 Thrift & Gift Shop 2839 Willamette Street Hours: 10-4 pm FINAL SALE Thursday May 17 ONLY Closing for the summer Everything must be sold All merchandise 50% off 1-4 pm A dollar a bag Hurry in! Last day Shop will reopen in August. Spon sored by the Junior League of Eugene ___ _ 27565-17 10 SPEED RALEIGH E-up.rl. !: -• Very good shape $95 345-5317 5-16 TW018" by 36" WOOD DESKS Sale S45 each Like new Call 344-2543 after 5 pm___ 5-16 TYPEWRITER Portable. Underwood Great shape Spells perfectly $50 345-5317_ __ _S16 MUST SELL: Down sleeping bag Good to 20 above zero $85 60 Watt Vox Guitar amp $225 10 speed World Sun Tour $90 Jon 485-5175 5 18 1975 HONDA CB125S $350 Call Jim 485 6331_ 6-22 MUST SELL Pioneer SX434 receiver. AWIA cassette deck two Atlantic speakers $300 HobnerHP34l Acoustic Guitar wl hardshell case $300 Queen size futon $40 Douglas eves 344-7702 5-18 AMTRAK TICKET FOR SALE From East coast to West coast One-way $150 Must use last half of June 686 9982 _ M6 X-LONG DOUBLE BED For sale Make offer caff <4470 days. 343-6611 nights . S-22 A Brown shag rug for sale by the original owner padding included. $50 Call 663-1860 MO RAM, ASSAULT nor abuse with the chemical defense device Only $10 to 4SP. Bo* 7271. Eugene, 97401 _$17 QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater. Like new. Am moving soon and need to sell. Will take best otter. Call 485-3139 in evenings ttn QUALITY DIAMOND RINGS My prices are about V2 of retail value! Call today David 343-3824 5-18 FUN COTTON CLOTHES great COLORS AND STYLES also FUTONS Plus a wide assortment of accessories Eugene Trading Co 651 E. 13th 344 7006 2 blocks west of campus 10% off clothing with this ad 2755:6-1 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th 613;M-F WANTED: TIMEX -SINCLAIR COM PUTER Call Greg 484 1249 5-18 Services RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tfn DON'T THROW IT Let Me^SewIt Men ding patches, very reasonable rates Cali Ann 683 1595 5 16 OUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO'S COPIES 344 7894 860 E.13 Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Cali Mina between 8 am and 10 pm al 728-9824 _851 :MW T&C PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels Graduate school approved 687 9326, Cyndi _2178MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 575WHFM Carol’s Professional Typing Sarvica Monday-Frlday 8 30-4 30 Evenings by appointment only 345 2289 _2168:tln Now apply this formula KRAZY KATS copy Shop PLUS KODAK copier equals world's lineal photocopy Ing Bring In your RESUME. THESIS. DISSERTAlON. We ll copy It to perfec lion with style and care Lowest prices Come see us! 1219 Alder 2599 5-18 TYPING Prole il Ai urate Time ly Call Sharon 344-2341 or 343 0745 __ 5-17 MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalised mass mattings form letters 343 3924 2638 6 4 Professional Typing Term papers law papers, resumes masters. IBM correcting seleciric, last accurate 85* double space page 344 5856 __ 2731 518 PROFESSIONAL OUALITY AND SECRETARIAL EXPERIENCE IBM Cor reeling seleelrlc Graduate specialist Reasonable Carolyn Snerrell 344-7231 2780 5 18 SUPER TYPING Faat, accurate, neer campus Norma 345-6006 688-3872 (message) 275» MWF WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quali ty work Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved. Call Doris 484 1094 1041:UWH typing & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical Law papers. Resume Composition, A Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast, Profes sional. Quality Service, Guaranteed WordStyles & Typescripts CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 484 6044 ^q96Mn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate 484-1646 _ DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE TYPING. PHOTO COPY and SERVICE our Speciality Pick up and Delivery available Ken or Penny 485-3914 5B3:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% dis count with current ID _tin PRO TYPING/EDITING Experl at theses and dissertations 2 blocks from UO No job too small Jennifer 485-3883 898Hn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688 3983 51-1 tin “typing Pick up and delivery available IBM Correcting Selectric, Call 747 1269 2637 tin Instruments TRADITIONAL JAPANESE KOTO FOR SALE! Almost new with music and ac cessories Hand made Call Julia. 343 1586 5-16 Sound Systems MUST SELL Pioneer SX 3500 Amp Realistic Minimus 11 speakers Small unit but powerful sound $160 Jon, 4855175 5-18 Books 80,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 40-50% olf list prices •Texlbooks»Clitt Notes •Magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th _362:lln Back by popular demand! BARGAIN TEXTBOOK TABLE Books 25f and up at the UO Bookstore 2734:5-16 Bicycles 2 CRUISERS 24 CW and 24 GT Both show chrome, good quality parts Ready to race or cruise Best offer over $250 (.an J45 7490 2762 5-21 FOR SALE: 23 ' BICYCLE In good working condition Selling for $75 Call 683 3511 5-17 SECOND v-tn NATURE ^ BICYCLES •Nlshikl/Cycla Pro Coinage Dealer • Full Line BMXfCruieer • Reconditioned Bikes Our Specialty •Expert repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups • Frame Repair 343 5362 1712 Willamette St BUY*SELL*TRADE ORANGE RALIEGH INTERNATIONAL 22'/2 Campy equipped, best offer, Gary 461-2137_ 5-17 MEN'S 12 SPEED BIKE. 23". Biachi. Ex cellent condition. $150. 683-0808 eves. 5-17 Cars & Cycles RED 1979 VESPA P200E 1800 Miles Phone 484-5674 or 345-7144 5-18 75 DATSUN B210 2 door, 4 speed. Good condition, must sell $1600 ONO 3 42j 4 446 Dan 5 18 1958 FORD PICKUP Needs work but runs $250 342-6541 5-18 1971 MGB Reliable transportation, con vertible fun Looks good, runs great $1,875 686-2143 after 5 pm 5-18 Auto Repair I’ll Tune-up Any Car for $10 plus parts Complete car care foreign and domestic KEN'S MOBILE TUNEUP 698 7170 5-18 Opportunities ALASKA Jobs and travel information! Write Alasco, Box 30752, Seattle WA 96103 _5J7 POSITION AVAILABLE 1984 85 Career Development Internship Program Coordinator Fall through Spring Terms Credit and pay available for minimum of 12 hours of work per week In the Office of Career Planning and Placement as the CDIP Coordinator Full position description is available in 24 Hendricks Hall Workstudy not a prerequisite Submit cover letter and resume to Gary Peiss c/o Career Planning and Placement on or before Wednesday, May 23 Final candidates will be interviewed Tues day.May 29 2768:5 23 Help Wanted APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for openings in the ODE Pro duction Department for Fall Term Typesetter must be familiar with typesetting terminology, and have meticulous work habits Ad paste up tech previous experience In paste up preferred, must have well rounded design sense, as well as an eye for spacial uniformity, Photo technician - requires knowledge of darkroom processes, including photo printing and film development Previous experience with a process camera also helpful Afternoons and evenings News Paste up tech, requires little or no experience Applicant must have ability to learn quickly and follow direc tions Late evening position These are student positions, all ap pllcants must be enrolled in at least 6 hours. Applications close May 18. Posi lions will be tilled by June 4th. For lurther details or to pick up applica tions 300 EMU Oregon Daily Emerald Office Please pick up and leave ap plications with front desk receptionist The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Alfirmative Action Employer A1I qualified persons en couraged to apply 5-18 DIRECTOR U of O Crisis Center 40GTF September 1884-June 1985 Prior Crisis counseling and supervisory experience Job description and applications available at Counseling Center x 3227 Application deadline May 28 An equal opportunity employer_2719:5-25 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is seeking a creative, energetic individual to till the position of Publici ty and Recruitment Coordinator Thts person will be responsible for in tegrating recruitment strategies at all program levels Application packets are available in the ESCAPE office, 327 EMU and completed packets are due Friday May 18th before 5 pm For com pensation and other information con tact Melissa Young at 686-4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity/Affir mative Action Employer 2735:5-18 EMU CRAFT CENTER is accepting work-study applications for summer term Persons with experience in wood working, jewelry, photo, ceramics, etc, apply at the Craft Center, ground floor, EMU 686-4361 _ 2730:5-16 RICHES, FAME, EXPERIENCE! Adver tising positions available for summer and academic 1984-85 year. We are looking for freshmen and sophomores to fill positions in our advertising department Besides selling ad space, you will be designing ads, maintaining client contact and learning how to solve your clients' advertising needs and pro blems In effect, you will be a one person "Agency " Here's your chance to get one step closer to your career goals and gain in valuable experience while doing so. These postions are paid on a com mission basis and require at least 20 hours per week You must have the use of a car in order to apply. If your career goal is in marketing, sales, public rela tions, advertising or business, this is an excellent opportunity Applications close May 22 Application forms are avalable at the Oregon Daily Emerald reception desk, 300 EMU For more information, see Susan Thelen, Advertising Manager The Emerald is an Equal Opportuni ty/Affirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply __5-22 THE ESCAPE PROGRAM is looking for a coordinator for the Fall and Winter leadership retreats. This position includes responsibilities in all aspects of organizing the events Work study/credit available Min 20 hrs/wk. For more info contact Charles x 4351 Applications available In Rm 327 EMU and are due at 5 pm. May 18. ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Ac lion Employer2743:5 18 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications for staff posi tions tor 1984-85 Applications are due May 17 at 5 pm and are available, with job descriptions, at the Emerald office, EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are Editorial Page Editor Photo/Graphic Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Associate Editors: Features State Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities Community Politics The Oregon Daily Emerald is an affir mative action, equal opportunity employer5-17 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM has openings for assistant Divi sion Heads in the Community Service and Public Schools divisions Some of the resposibilities include the training and supervising of 6-10 coordinators, placing 100-150 University volunteers in public schools and community service agencies, and participating in program meetings Compensation includes credit or work-study options Commit ment is a minimum of 21 hours a week For more information please contact Patty or Madelyn at the ESCAPE office iri 327 EMU or call 686-4351. 2744:5 18 GALA is accepting applications for two co directors for the 84-85 academic year Deadline for applying is May 24. at 5 pm Pick-up applications at Suite 318, EMU Affirmative Action/ Equal Oppor tunlty Employer2699:5-17 MANAGER All 1 bedroom apartments across from campus Experience not re quired Send resume to PO Box 10861. 97440 2702:5-18 THE 1984 1965 ASUO EXECUTIVE IS STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Coordinator of The ASUO Course Guide and positions in Program Ad ministration and Finance and Student Events Job descriptions and Applica tions are available in the ASUO office, suite 4, EMU Applications are due in Suite 4 by 5 pm Friday, May 18 ASUO is an affirmative action/ equal oppor tunity employer. 2749:5-16 CRISIS COUNSELORS Work study U of 0 Crisis Center. Summer and Fall posi tions available Prior crisis counseling experience. $5.50/hr. Job description and applications available at Counsel ing Center: x3227 Application deadline: May 25 An equal opportunity employer. 2718:5-25 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is seeking a highly motivated in dividual to fill the position of Registra tion Coordinator This individual is responsible for implementing an effi cient registration process, training staff members and coordinators in the cor rect registration procedures. The Registration Coordinator must have organizational and administrative skills as well as effective written and oral communication skills. Compensation options are negotiable. Application packets are available in the ESCAPE of fice, 327 EMU and completed packets are due Monday. May 18th before 5 pm. For further information contact Alesia at 686-4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Oppor lunity/Affirmative Action Employer. _ _2745:5-18 PERSON TO WORK SATURDAYS 10-4 pm with car to do deliveries. Some on call deliveries during the week. 273 Coburg RoadoiJMy 194_ 2752:5-18 TEMPORARY DELIVERY POSITION 20 hours a week. Own car needed. Call 484-2799 between 10 and 5 pm. 2754:5-16 NEED DRIVER tor round trip from Eugene to Vancouver. WA May 18. Will leave 6 am and return 8 pm. Will pay $50 plus meals 343-7048 _2753:5-16 NIGHT MANAGER (Graduate Teaching Fellow) position in Erb Memorial Union beginning definitely January 1, 1985, or possibly Sptember 15, 1984 Applicants must have achieved graduate status in a degree granting program. Applica tions and further information may be obtained in EMU Administrative Office, M101 Deadline for aplications is May 25. 1984 The University of Oregon is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer2773:5-16 WOMENS RESOURCE AND REFERRAL is now hiring co-coordinator's for sum mer and fall. Workstudy and/or stipend positions available Pick up applica tions at suite 336, EMU Deadline Friday May 25, 4 pm. 2774:5-18 Roommates ROOMMATE NEEDED House in West Eugene, $164 plus utilities, prefer female, 344 2473 evenings/weekends. 2696:6 4 HOUSEMATE TO SHARE semi communal 3 bedroom house at 24 & Columbia House has wood floors, fireplace, nice yard $90/mo plus utilities Call Mitch or Vicky 345-7659 5-18 FEMALE NON SMOKER wanted to share aparment for summer with same. 2 bedroom furnished, dishwasher, gar bage disposal, laundry, sun deck. $80 per mo. plus deposit andVS utilities 5 blocks to campus Call Debra 484 1651 after 5 pm 5-18 For Rent DON'T WAIT Reserve for fall and sum mer now Summer rates $160 All apart ments, 2 Bedroom, large, very clean Wholly furnished, disposal, dishwasher, laundry, sundeck, covered parking. 683-8919 2627:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275. 485-6322 485-0062. 344 1625332:tfn 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion, carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry Call manager 345-7419 IPM REALTOR 485-8258 1827:ttn 1331 HIGH STREET Furnished Studio private bath-share kitchen with one other Utilities paid $160 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 485 6991 __1938.1 hh SUMMER SUBLET May 28 Aug 25 older home converted duplex, 2 bedrooms upstairs 5-24