Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 16, 1984, Section A, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon daily . _
The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Frl
day evcept during e«am week and vacations by the Oregon Daily
Emerald Publishing Co at the University ot Oregon Eugene OR
The Emerald operates independently ot the University witji
offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a
member of the Associated Press
General Staff
Advertising Manager Susan Theten
Classified Advertising Larry Swanson
Production Manager Victoria Koch
Controller Jean Ownbey
Ad tales: Rachel Bellamy, Cmdi Blagg Laura Buckley Julie
Butrtce David Kosse, Jo Meeks Roberta Oliver Richard Skeen
Production Laurie Beeharas. Shade Cassidy, Michael
ctepp Kelly Cornyn, Kathy Gallagher. Carrie Greaves C Hanson
Christy Horning. LeeAnn Lovgren Leoh Neely Kelly Nett Mark
Pynes Michele Ross Margaret Salonika Debbie Stott Tim Swill
inger Colleen Tremaine Hank Trotter. Kathy York
Managing Editor
News Editor
Assistanl New* Editor
Editorial Page Editor
Photo Editor
Sport* Editor
Sidelines Editor
Entertainment Editor
Assistant Entertainment Editor
Night Editor
Associate Editors
Higher Education
Departments and Schools
Student Government
_Cosies Christ Diana Eltioii.
Sleinhauer David Slone Steve Turcoite
News and Editorial
Display Advertising and Business
Classified Advertising
Featuring fine
1 1:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Mon.-Thurs.
11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Fri. & Sat.
4:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m., Sun.-Thurs.
5:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m., Fri. & Sat.
1275 Alder
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Bands of
Holy rock bands, Bat
man! Was that Bette Middler
rocking out at the EMU
Ballroom Tuesday night?
And was that Boy George
with Culture Club?
Maybe not, but the pack
ed crowd at the '84 Greek
Week air band contest didn't
seem to mind as they
boogied to the likes of the J.
Geils Band, Aretha Franklin
and The Archies.
And when the scores
were counted, the Alpha
Chi's took first with a near
perfect impersonation of
Bette Midler (pictured
right) Kappa Kappa Gamma
took second with Gladys
Knight and the Pips and Chi
Omega took third with
Aretha Franklin.
In the fraternity competi
tion, Kappa Sigma placed
first in the fraternities with
their Culture Club imitation,
Delta Tau Delta took second
with the Blues Brothers and
Theta Chi snagged third.
Photo by Frank Shaw
Emerald hires advertising manager
The Emerald announces its new advertising
department manager, Susan Thelen, who replaces
previous manager Darlene Core.
Thelen returns to the Emerald after nine mon
ths as an advertising representative for The Dalles
Chronicle. Prior to that, Thelen worked for three
years as a student in the Emerald's advertising
She estimates having successfully handled
between 84 and 9T accounts while working at the
Chronicle. Because of the paper's smaller size,
Thelen was also involved in taking pictures,
typesetting, layout and other production
"I was very lucky to assume this position
because I had the previous background," Thelen
Officers nominated
The Student University Affairs Board met
Thursday and nominated members for the
positions of chair and vice chair for the 1984-85
ac ademic year and nominated one member for
the University Senate vice presidency.
Karin Keutzer and Sara Tenney were
nominated for chair, and James Kirkland, Bill
Snyder, Matthew Fick and Jeff Pennington
were nominated for vice chair.
Meanwhile, Larry Sebring was nominated
for the University Senate vice presidency.
Elections are scheduled for the May 25
SUAB meeting.
says. “It wasn't like I got the job because I used to
work here," she adds.
Currently, there are seven students working
in advertising, but she will add two positions
soon, including an internship, she says. "I'm
always looking for good, motivated students to
work up here," Thelen says.
Though the period at the Emerald was helpful
in understanding working with students, Thelen
says it was her experience at the Chronicle — in
the real world — that provided her with a more
professional attitude.
"It was important for me to make that break
from Eugene so I could come back again," she
In our effort to unravel an error in the
"laundry list" of candidate endorsements, we
inadvertently put Democrat Ron Eachus in a
Republican race. We regret (oh how we regret)
any inconvenience this may have caused.
Also, a story in Tuesday's paper incorrectly
stated that the University Springfest is being
sponsored by the Student University Relations
Council. In fact, this week-long celebration of
springtime activities is being sponsored by a
coalition of various campus groups.