Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1984, Page 4, Image 4

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    All New
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From Associated Press Reports
Reagan rips
Soviet stand
Ronald Reagan strongly denied
Monday that the United States
had done anything to drive the
Soviet Union away from the
Olympics and complained that
the United States, not Moscow,
is always accused of "doing
something that might cause the
threat of war."
"What have we done to the
Soviets that can compare with
any of the things that they are
presently doing, except tell
them that we're not going to let
them get so powerful that they
can impose nuclear blackmail
on us?" Reagan asked
At a hastily arranged news
conference in the White House
press room, the president
criticized the Soviet Union for
pulling out of the Olympics, for
walking out of U.S.-Soviet arms
control talks, for having an ex
pansionist policy, for invading
Afghanistan, for building up its
strategic forces, and for
shooting down a Korean airliner
carrying‘269 people last fall.
The president denounced the
Soviet boycott of the Olympics,
saying the reason given — not
enough assurance of safety for
Soviet athletes — was "absolute
ly false and we've been able to
prove it."
But he said he would not per
sonally intervene in an effort to
get the Soviets to change their
minds. "Naturally, I would do
anything if I thought it could
have a result, and I have en
couraged citizens' groups and
our people to do this. It is not a
government relations pro
blem," he said.
Eight Communist countries
have withdrawn from the Olym
pics. Poland is not one of them.
Maintaining the United States
was flexible when it came to
arms control, Reagan complain
ed that despite U.S. initiatives,
the Soviets walked out of the
intermediate-range nuclear
force talks and have not yet
agreed to resume strategic arms
reduction talks.
A motion is expected in the
House within the next few days
to delete $2.5 billion for the
land-based intercontinental
missile from a measure
authorizing $208 billion of
military spending in the fiscal
year beginning Oct. 1.
"Without.. .the MX, the in
centive for the Soviets to return
to the negotiating table is great
ly reduced," Reagan said. "The
Soviets hope that once again
our modernization efforts will
be curtailed. To falter now
would only encourage the
Soviet Union to ignore our arms
control efforts."
drop threat
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Kid
nappers of an American couple
withdrew their death threat
Monday and announced they
were releasing the pair, a Sri
Lankan official said. Hundreds
of military and police troops
scoured the countryside into
the night but did not find them.
Tamil separatists who ab
ducted Stanley and Mary
Elizabeth Allen last Thursday
night announced they were
releasing the couple, the Sri
Lankan official said, even
though demands for $2 million
in gold and the release of 20
prisoners had been rejected.
At first, the Tamil separatist
kidnappers had set a deadline
for noon Monday (2:30 a.m.
EDT) to kill Stanley Allen, 36,
and vowed to kill his 29-year-old
wife six hours later if the Sri
Lankan government did not
meet the demands. The kidnap
pers claimed the recently mar
ried couple from Columbus,
Ohio, worked for the CIA.
The kidnappers claimed to be
members People's Liberation
Army, an underground ally of
the the Eelam People's Revolu
tionary Liberation Front. The
front issued a statement Mon
day announcing the impending
release of the Allens and ex
pressing hope the Sri Lankan
government would make "a
matching gesture" by meeting
the demand for the release of 20
Tamil "political prisoners."
Court denies
church worker was convicted
Monday of conspiring to
transport two illegal aliens from
El Salvador as part of a growing
sanctuary movement that is
causing friction between the
church and the federal
Stacey Lynn Merkt, 29, show
ed no emotion when the verdict
was read after almost 17 hours
of jury deliberations. She later
comforted one of the
Salvadorans, Brenda Sanchez
Galan, who sobbed on her
"I'm not a criminal, and
neither are those arrested and
deported by the INS (Immigra
tion and Naturalization Ser
vice)," Merkt said later. "It's a
sad day when church people in
this country are persecuted for
helping refugees, but in El
Salvador they'd be dead."
She could be sentenced to up
to 15 years in prison and fined
$6,000. U.S. District Judge
Filemon Vela set sentencing for
June 27.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert
Guerra said Merkt probably
would be given probation
because she is a first-time
"I think the verdict was fair
under the facts and the law," he
said. "If people don't like the
law, they must go through the
proper procedures for changing
Merkt, along with a nun, a
newspaper reporter and three
Salvadorans — one an
18-month-old child — were ar
rested on a rural South Texas
road on Feb. 17 after border
patrol agents stopped the
group's Catholic diocese-owned
Chug with
the best
PORTLAND — Oregon of
ficials say they're concerned
about a gravity-fed device an
advertisement says would
enable a drinker to swallow 40
ounces of beer in three
The device, called the Chug
King, has been advertised in
tliers distributed on the campus
of Oregon State University in
Corvallis and at other schools,
officials said Monday.
Swallowing beer as rapidly as
the ads proclaim could cause
loss of consciousness and
possibly death in some people,
said K.C. Humphrey, deputy ad
ministrator of the state Traffic
Safety Commission.
Humphrey said the Traffic
Safety Commission is concern
ed about any product that en
courages excessive drinking.
Food Service
Now there are
TWO Food Vans
to serve you
** Freshly Baked Croissants
** Sandwiches
•s Fresh Fruit
** Hot and Cold Drinks
Look for our new food van at Chapman
Hall. 8 am 2pm
We re still at our regular location at the
Library turnaround 9:30 am 2 pm
Pane 4
iimtdry spending in me Fiscal
crturcn ana the federal courages excessive drinking.
gotta run.
Everybody s running in America's Love Run. You don't have to be an
Olympic champion to join. Set a reasonable goal ... then ask friends,
neighbors, and business associated to pledge 5C or more to the Muscular
Dystrophy Association for every mile you run during June. Run
anywhere you'd like — and at any time.
Send in the registration form below along with your $5.00 tax deducti
ble entry fee (check payable t MDA), and we ll send you an official T
Shirt. Sponsorship Form. Runner s Log, and complete instructions.
Registration Form
Running Club Atliliation (it any)_
T-shirt Size (circle one) S M L XL
Return Registration with your S5.00 tax deductible entry tee (check
payable to MOA) to. MDA, 1670 Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401
America's Love Run.
To benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association
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