1 COLLEGE STUDENTS: GET SMART! Sell Avon. Earn good money, set your own hours. CALL AVON TODAY: 746 6422 Avon GALA is accepting applications for two co directors for the 84-85 academic year Deadline for applying is May 24, at 5 pm Pick up applications at Suite 318. EMU Affirmative Action/ Equal Oppor tunity Employer2699:5-17 MANAGER All 1 bedroom apartments across from campus. Experience not re quired Send resume to PO Box 10861 97440 2702:5-18 Roommates ROOMMATE NEEDED House in West Eugene, $164 plus utilities, prefer female 344-2473 evenings/weekends 2696:6-4 - 1 n LARGE. SUNNY ROOM in a house shared with 3 others Rent $118 month Available June 1 Call 343-5278 even ings. 5-'5 For Rent CAMPUS 1 BEDROOM $150 Spacious, really nice. No pets or children. 750 E. 18th. 345-7987, 687 8205, and 687-05652659:tfn 1414 E. 18th SUMMER RATES Clean, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. 2 blocks from campus. Furnished, unfur nished From $150. Call Sabin, 683-2160 Lamson Associates 2689:6 4 COMPARE Large clean furnished 1 bedroom apart ments across from campus. 800 E. 18th. Summer rate $150/mo Call 484-4103 2703:tfn STORAGE FOR RENT. Share with friends Ask about our special economy U-Lock-lt, 343-8017508 DON’T WAIT Reserve for fall and sum mer now. Summer rates $160. All apart ments. 2 Bedroom, large, very clean Wholly furnished, disposal, dishwasher, laundry, sundeck, covered parking 683-8919.2627:tfn FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275 485-6322 485 0062. 344-1625.332:tfn 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion, carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry. Call manager 345-7419 IPM REALTOR 485 8258 _ 1827:tfn ”1331 HIGH STREET Furnished Studio private bath-share kitchen with one other. Utilities paid. $160 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 4856991 _ 1938:tfn ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building -Walking distance to campus : i -Spacious apartments New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care. For appointment call 484-7441. *3 __2156:tfn 'I UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im f mediate occupancy or place yourself on t waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo., 1 IS bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished j2 bedroom $116/mo Future openings expected all areas. Contact UO Hous m ing Dept 686-4277._2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid. Share kitchen with one other Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities avalable. From $168. 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tfn CAMPUS AREA Newly 1 bedroom apartment in 5 plex. Roomy, laundry facilities, ready to go. 1884 Garden Ave. No D. Jennings & Co. 683-2271 _1667:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house $109 and $119. Manager 345-1037. IPM, 1111 Pearl, 485-8258.1681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished. Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl __2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning Private refrigerator Dishwasher. Near campus Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl _2535:tfn EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom Excellent location Freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus ten blocks Unfurnished, no pets, no children. 2045 Willamette. $200. 345-7987. or 344-2469 2549:tfn STUDIO'S FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE Summer rales. 1 Vt blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara al 345-90832642tfn THE STUDENT'S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION offers low cost room and board for summer/fall 1984 For in formation on a progressive living alter native call: Campbell Club: 686-5189 or Janet Smith House: 686 4261 1698:5 14 SUMMER SUBLET Large 2 bedroom, close to campus, fully furnished and ap plianced. available mid June.344-9083 5-14 CAMPUS SUMMER RATES Spacious, very nice. 1 and 2 bedroom unit $150 - $200 Unfurnished, hot water included, no pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-79872721 :tfn FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom apartment Pleasant, close to campus 608 E 15th One year lease $170/$160 a month. First, last, cleaning deposit Serious/graduate student preferred References Available June 1 485-1511 days, 686-2222 evenings 2723:5-18 PARR TOWER is now accepting applications for Fall 1984 housing. We offer room, board and more at rates lower than dorms or apart ments. Call John at 345-9163 or drop by 1648 Alder for more information. 5-18 Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service 686-1075. 821:ttn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid Roomy, close to cam pus. See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271 $130 1666:tfn LARGE QUADS Available now through summer $89 a month 485-8859 2700:tfn SPECIAL SUMMER OFFERING! Quads at 553 E. 18th Carpet, drapes, laundry facilities, off street parking. 3 month lease for just $225. Payable in advance or $99 per month on month to month agreement. Stop by No. 7 or call our office. Jennings and Co. 683-2271. 2729:5-14 Houses For Rent SUMMER SUBLET, furnished house, two bedrooms, next to campus. Ex tremely reasonable. 343-1218. 5-15 3-PLUS BEDROOM HOUSES FOR RENT Summer rates 1'/2 blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083 2641 :tfn Pets IDEAL COMPANION FOR STUDENT 7 month old German Shepherd. Obe dience trained. Needs home, space to run. $50 or offer. 688 1906 2728:5-18 Lost & Found LOST GOLDEN RETRIEVER 1 year old. last seen in Springfeld. East Eugene. 741 1556. 5-14 Events Spring Fever Outdoor Program trip board offers ex citing adventures! Raft trips on Oregon Rivers, bike tours in the San Juan Islands, Sea Kayaking on Vancouver Island. To sign up or find out more, stop by Outdoor Program, basement of EMU 686-4365 2677:5-14 EMU Cultural Forum presents The 14th Annual Willamette Valley Folk Festival May 18, 19. 20 MOUNTAIN FRESH Dr. John D. Wilson will discuss water purification on Monday, May 14th at 7:30 pm in 107 Lawrence Hall. FREE! Sponsored by Outdoor Program 686-4365. _2678:5-14 VIC PERLO MARXIST ECONOMIST, SPEAKING ON: THE CURRENT WORLD CAPITALIST CRISIS May 14 7:30 pm Monday U of O Campus, Room 101 EMU Among Professor Perlo's books are: The Empire Of High Finence The Economics of Racism. _5JA. EMU Cultural Forum Presents Ancient Indian Art Kulz Lopez Kalkoatl Aztec Artist will discuss Art. Religion and Visions May 14, 7 pm, Forum room. EMU 2649:5-14 UNWORLDLY JAPAN A LECTURE DEMONSTRATION ON CLASSICAL NOH DRAMA Tuesday. May 15, 7-8:45 pm EUGENE PUBLIC LIBRARY No admission charge Prolessors Karen Brazell, of Cornell University, and Laurence Kominz. from Portland Slate, were trained under traditional Noh Masters in Japan, and have performed and taught Noh and Kyogen, Japanese theatre forms developed in medieval Japan. They will demonstrate dance. acting and recitation techniques, focusing on the way in which dance functions as narrative in the theatre forms DANCE AND MIME AS NARRATIVE A WORKSHOP IN TRADITIONAL JAPANESE DRAMA Wednesday, May 16, 4:30-6 pm GERLINGER ANNEX 353 No admission charge Barzell and Kominz will show videotapes and instruct participants in elementary Noh and Kyogen (comic elements) acting techniques. Sponsored by College of Arts and Sciences. Asian Studies, Asian Stu dent Association, Theatre, Repertory Dancers, and Oregon Committee for Humanities. 2742:5-16 EMU PROGRAM CONSULTING OFFICE INVITES YOU TO A FREE PREVIEW ARTICHOKE Directed by Frank Geltner Very Little Theatre Tuesday May 15, 8:15 pm (24th and Hilyard-first come basis) 2748:5-15 THE CURRENT DEVELOPMENT OF EAST EUROPEAN CITIES a free slide-lecture Adolf Karger Tuesday May 15, 3:30 pm., EMU Forum 2738:5-14 ICE CREAM SOCIAL Students and faculty are invited to Gerlinger Lounge on Tuesday, May 15, at 4 pm for FREE ICE CREAM 2690:5-14 TODAY May 14 5:30 pm THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN NICARAGUA * Joan Acker, Director Center for the study of Women * Colette Craig, Linguistics Dept. Tour Leader of Women's Tour to Nicaragua ,Cheryl Hunter, President, Lane Women's Political Caucus 1236 Kincaid, 484-5867 _5-5-14 ISRAEL ROLE IN LATIN AMERICA by Steve Goldfield 12 noon. Wed May 16 Room 167 EMU O.AS 5-16 Entertainment University Theatre's Second Season presents the Pacific N.W premiere of Caryl Churchill's 1982 drama Top Girls This provocative play examines the unique and very difficult choices women often face as they attempt to reconcile their personal and profes sional ambitions With biting wit and powerful drama, this play takes a fascinating look at an age-old problem brought up to date for the modern woman. MAY 3-5,10-12,17-19 ARENA THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 PM. ALL TICKETS $2 Call 686 4191 to reserve your tickets _ 2568:5 18 University Players Theatre 4:30 Presents: Sunday Costs Five Pesos and A Marriage Proposal 2 one-act comedies about the sometimes hilarious misunderstan dings between the sexes. May 14 and 15 at 4:30 Pocket Playhouse in Villard Hall $1 donation at the door 2711:5-15 Freshly ground gourmet coffee. On ly 15« a cup. . 10(t refills THE BIG DIPPER DOES IT AGAIN! 1473 E. 19th 343 8023 BICYCLING 3 Free Workshops May 15 - Slide show bicycling in the San Juans May 16 - Bicycle touring equipment and clothing May 17 - Bicycle repairs and maintenance 7:30 OUTDOOR PROGRAM 2740:5-15 cincma7 Saturday through May 17 Ingmar Bergman's classic Seventh Seal SHOWS at 7 pm PLUS Werner Herzog's Nosferatu SHOWS at 8:45 pm ''st'T igy r ary w r if y * THE BIJOU *1 492 E. 13th 686-2458 When THE Mountains Mammal "The epic ‘When The Mountain Trembles' takes us into the heart of the Guatemalan guerrilla movement " J. Hoberman Village Voice PLUS NICARAGUA: Report from the Front FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN THURS 6:30 and 8:45 pm CISCAP benefit May 18 Personals ALL STUDENTS PLEASE ATTEND the free Faculty-Student Ice Cream Social, Tuesday, May 15, 4-5:30 pm, Gerlinger Lounge5-15 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO S COPIES 344-7894 860 E. 13th 2446:5-15 THE BIG DIPPER The Only Choice! New Sale Buy 1 topping, get 1 tree on any size of our thick-crust pizza. PLUS 2 FREE DRINKS! TOPPINGS Canadian bacon tomato pepperoni * onions green pepper olives pineapple ** mushrooms extra cheese Italian sausage "cost less ••extra charge PRICES Small.$4.70 (with 2 toppings) Medium.$6.90 (with 2 toppings) Large.$9.10 (with 2 toppings) Extra Large.$11.30 (with 2 toppings) FREE DELIVERY CALL 343-8023 after 5 pm Offer good through May VOTE BAXTER, WARD 7 CITY COUN CIL Favors Establshing Council Seat for U of O. Pd: Bax ter5-14 Attention Greeks Order of Omega The nationally recognized Greek honorary is on campus now. Applica tions and information sheets are available in Suite 5. EMU. Application deadline is May 18. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are encouraged to apply 2651:5-16 • UO SPRINGFEST '84 • • t-8. isjjQNidds on • UO SPRINGFEST STARTS TODAY! 11:30 Live music Noon Kick off events 12:15 Belushi Jello eating Contest Join the fun at the EMU Courtyard! FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy testing at Birthright 687-8651 623 M FOR ANSWERS_TO”YOUR questions about abortion the procedure, the cost, and local referral • call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F. 468:MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confidential Call 686-4488358 MF SPECIAL $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. . tfn • UO SPRINGFESI 84 • • pa. isadSNiddS on • YOU ARE INVITED to meet the Presi dent and Vice Presidents of the U of O and the students and staff of Johnson Hall today!!! JOHNSON HALL OPEN HOUSE, 3:30-5 pm. Refreshments will be pro vided. See you there_ IF YOU’RE AN UNOERGRADUATE weho enjoys helping other students, you may want to become a Peer Adviser for Undeclared Students in the Office of Academic Advising and student ser vices. Applications available 164 Oregon Hall Deadline to apply is May 16 2660:5 14 Jesse Jackson Democrat tor President You can join the Rainbow Coalition and put your vote to work for Jobs, Peace, and Justice You can register to vote now You can make history tomorrow Vote on May 15 for JESSE JACKSON Paid for by Jesse Jackson for Presi dent Committee Kay Sohl, Treasurer; 985 Willamette St. Eugene _5-14 JOHN I'm offended He hasn't changed me I still like you just as much, bud DANA 5-14 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Is proud to announce its new members Megan Morfitt, Becky Buckley. Pam Melcher _ 514 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Welcomes its newest pledge Carole Bernhard 5-14 f WICI MEMBERS: The candidates forum for next years officer selections will be held Tues day, May 15. at 7 pm. 301-A Allen Hall. Bring a statement of why you are in terested, your qualiications. and sug gestions for WICI improvement. All current officers must attend. 2746:5-15 BEAT THE DRUM FOR THE UO Here's two reasons why! 1 The graduate program in school and community health ranks third in the nation. 2 The doctoral program in art educa tion is one of the top two in the nation. PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an ear ly pregnancy test that is 99% ac curate Call for appt. 344-9411 2455:5-14 IS YOUR TOGA READY? It's time for the big event! Watch Animal House" then dance to the Commotions! Wednesday, 7 pm in the EMU Ballroom. Costume Prizes! Admission $2.50._2737:5-14 MISS MONTANA You look good in red. Purple is your color too 5-14 Dorm Democrats Vote Sarah Lichtenstein Precinct person Paid: Alan Contreras _5-15 SOW Thanks so much for the surprise! I love you Punkie5-14 ANNE MARGARET Sweet bottom, Hap py Birthday Babe! No more innocent teenage fun. Better get ready for some adult decadence. Love, JJR.5-14 GAR I love you, I love you alot, I love you so much. .Charles. 5-14 PAUL KIRNAK Happy 21st birthday Thank you for all the fun we have together. I love you, Chris 5-14 TRACKS T.I.M. BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed i r . 11 ■■■■ ■ *1 i. ■■■■■■■■■!■■ I just think of n. flyuefl INSTRUCm. ROMS KWH'S younsesT mtm. mm n mb to mm kk yoga instructor. mvs JUST MAT' YA KNOW, I JUST PON'T think mne m worn eNom to moumcy pescmee imr nancy's REPCTION MUST HM SiCN TO THIS JOYOUS ANNOUNUmlT...