sports Myers, Groenendaal make splashes at Twilight Meet By Steve Turcotte Of the Emerald The Oregon Twilight Meet's claim to fame has traditionally been its Twilight Mile. Saturday at Hayward Field, Oregon's Dub Myers upheld that tradition for the second consecutive year, roaring by Athletic West's Larry Mangan in the final 50 meters to win in 3:58.24 But Myers was not the Twilight Meet's only claim to fame. Claudette Groenen daal made sure of that, turning in a sizzl ing 2:02.26 to win the 800 and highlight the Oregon women's portion of the meet. Myers, who outkicked Mangan last year in the Twilight Mile, had a tough time repeating. The Oregon sophomore looked like he would fade to third when first Mangan, and then Athletic West's Randy Wilson blew by him with 100 meters to go after he had led most of the last lap. But Myers put on a late burst starting at the top of the homestretch to catch first Wilson, and then Mangan, who clocked 3:58.36. “After I started to pick it up, I realized I had more than I thought," said Myers, who roared by Mangan in the last few meters. "When there is someone in front of me, I have this feeling inside that says 'I can get this guy.' It doesn't always work, but that's how I feel." r Oregon senior jim Hill added the other impressive Oregon win, taking the lead in the 3,000 meters with more than a mile to go and then holding off a late bid by Athletic West's Vince Draddy. Hill, who ran 7:48.82, had hoped to get close to former Oregon star Rudy Chapa's American record of 7:37.7. But Kevin Ryan, the race rabbit, slowed down too much on the second lap. On the last lap, Draddy made a move to make up the 20 meters Hill had on the field. Draddy moved to within five meters of Hill, but Hill held him off. "I had no idea how far they were behind me — I couldn't hear them coming,” said Hill. "But I heard 'Vince is coming, Vince is coming.' I'm glad I looked backed, because he might have caught me.” Another outstanding Oregon mark was turned in by Bobby George in the javelin, with a PR throw of 240-5. Groenendaal owned her race by taking the lead from the start, racing through a 58.6-second first lap, and coming home in 61.4 seconds. Saturday's race, she said, was all part of her master plan for an NCAA 800 crown. "I'm trying different kinds of races,” said Groenendaal, who ranked as the best collegian at 800 meters this season until Tennessee's Joetta Scott ran a 2:01.15 at the Pepsi Meet in Los Angles Sunday. Oregon's Dub Myers was heads above the crowd in the Twilight Mile at Hayward Field Saturday. He won in 3:58.24. Oregon's Joaquim Cruz was at the Pepsi Meet, too. He finished second in the mile — barely — to Steve Scott. Scott ran a blaz ing 3:52.99, Cruz a 3:53.00. Croenendaal's course to a possible NCAA 800 crown has been steady this season. She began the season with fast times, and Saturday she tried to quicken her pace even more. "Tonight, I wanted to go out and run a fast 600 meters and see what I could do," she said. "I started tying up a little at the end but I felt good. I just wanted to experi ment and see what would happen." ' "She looked great," Oregon coach Tom Heinonen said. "She slowed down in the last straightaway but kept her form." Groenendaal's performance over shadowed an impressive 400-meter win for freshman Cam Talton. The former Washington high school sprint champ, better known for her work in the 100 and 200, clocked a PR 55.2 to win the 400. Otherwise, Oregon got an NCAA qualifying 4:20.75 from Kim Roth in the 1,500 meters, and Lisa Nicholson narrowly missed the NCAA's 59.40 requirement with a 1:00.16 in the 400-meter hurdles. 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Adver tising positions available tor summer and academic 1984-85 year We are looking for freshmen and sophomores to fill positions in our advertising department Besides selling ad space, you will be designing ads, maintaining client contact and learning how to solve your clients' advertising needs and pro blems In effect, you will be a one person "Agency " Here's your chance to get one step closer to your career goals and gain in valuable experience while doing so These postions are paid on a com mission basis and require at least 20 hours per week You must have the use ot a car In order to apply. If your career goal Is in marketing, sales, public rela tions, advertising or business, this is an excellent opportunity. Applications close May 22 Application forms are avalable at the Oregon Daily Emerald reception desk, 300 EMU For more information, see Susan Thelen, Advertising Manager The Emerald is an Equal Opportuni ty/Affirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply 5-22 THE ESCAPE PROGRAM is looking for a coordinator for the Fall and Winter leadership retreats This position includes responsibilities in all aspects of organizing the events Work study/credit available Min 20 hrstwk For more info contact Charles x 4351 Applications available in Rm 327 EMU and are due at 5 pm, May 18 ESCAPE is an Equal Opportunily/Affirmative Ac lion Employer. 2743:5-18 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications for staff posi tions for 1984-85 Applications are due May 17 at 5 pm and are available, with job descriptions at the Emerald office, EMU Suite 300' Staff positions are: Editorial Page Editor Photo/Graphic Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Associate Editors: Features State Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities Community Politics The Oregon Daily Emerald is an affir mative action, equal opportunity employer. 5_17 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Regular part time position, evenings Resumes to Personnel. PO Box 11707 Eugene 97440__5-14 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM has openings for assistant Divi sion Heads in the Community Service and Public Schools divisions Some of the resposibilities include the training and supervising of 6-10 coordinators, placing 100-150 University volunteers in public schools and community service agencies, and participating in program meetings. Compensation includes credit or work-study options Commit ment is a minimum of 21 hours a week. For more information please contact Patty or Madelyn at the ESCAPE office in 327 EMU or call 686-4351. 2744:5-18 RENT IN EXCHANGE for childcare. Ear ly A M. occasional evening. Non smoker, must own car. References. Start June. Call Nancy 344-9025 even ings;_5-14 SUMMER WORKSTUOY POSITIONS: for Receptionist/Tour Guide Pick-up and return applications to Admission Counter on the second floor of Oregon Hall by 4 pm, May 15th. Information and Tour Services.2673:5-15 DRUG COUNSELOR Half-full time $650/mo M A. or experience necessary. Apply at Whitebird clinic, 341 E. 12th street. 342-8255. Deadline, 5-15-84, 5 pm5-14 DIRECTOfTu of O Crisis Center 40 GTF September 1984-June 1985. Prior Crisis counseling and supervisory experience. Job description and applications available at Counseling Center x 3227. Application deadline: May 28 An equal opportunity employer.2719:5-25 CRISIS COUNSELORS Work study U of O Crisis Center Summer and Fall posi tions available Prior crisis counseling experience $5.50/hr Job description and applications available at Counsel ing Center: x3227. Application deadline: May 25. An equal opportunity employer. _2718:5-25 THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is seeking a highly motivated in dividual to fill the position of Registra tion Coordinator This individual is responsible for implementing an effi cient registration process, training staff members and coordinators in the cor rect registration procedures. The Registration Coordinator must have organizational and administrative skills as well as effective written and oral communication skills Compensation options are negotiable Application packets are available in the ESCAPE of fice, 327 EMU and completed packets are due Monday, May 18th before 5 pm. For further information contact Alesia at 686-4351 ESCAPE is an Equal Oppor tunity/Affirmative Action Employer 2745:5-18 EMU CRAFT CENTER is accepting work-study applications for summer term Persons with experience in wood working, jewelry, photo, ceramics, etc, apply at the Craft Center, ground floor. EMU 686-4361 2730:5-16 THE 1984 1985 ASUO EXECUTIVE IS STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for Coordinator of The ASUO Course Guide and positions in Program Ad ministration and Finance and Student Events Job descriptions and Applica tions are available in the ASUO office, suite 4, EMU. Applications are due in Suite 4 by 5 pm Friday, May 18 ASUO is an affirmative action/ equal oppor tunity employer. 2749:5-16 LA_ .4... 11*.. 1 A t HO A