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Perfect Writer’“Software yHiinko's copies 860 E 13th 344-7894 coupon vtitUi ihr s coupon Your choice of tomato or meat sauce, soup or salad, served with fresh bread and ice cream Spaghetti j Dinner 3?° i i coupon 4740 Main | in Springfield ■ 747-7900 j IslOdDOD: Student disputes court's validity Ridenour may ignore hearing officer s decision By Jim Moore Of the Emerald A recommendation by a Constitution Court hearing officer, Brad Bosomworth, apparently has satisfied most of the parties involved in an elec tion violation complaint, but the person most af fected says he doesn't consider the recommenda tion valid or legitimate. In a conclusion based on testimony given at a fact-finding hearing May 7, Bosomworth recom mended to the court that four students col laborate on a letter of apology and one individual perform two hours of maintenance work. But that individual, Dave Ridenour, who said Sunday he had not yet heard from the court, does not intend to adhere to the recommendation. "I'm certainly not even going to respond to it until I've heard from the Constitutuion Court," he says. "It's a silly little, juvenile court and has no bearing on reality." And even if the court were to accept the recommendation and make a similar ruling Ridenour might not comply. "If it were handed down as a court ruling, depending on my mood, I might appeal," he says, or he might ignore the ruling entirely. The hearing was the result of an election com plaint filed April 24 by Marina Yu, president of the University Democrats, against the College Republicans and associated individuals. At issue was an advertisement and election flyer attributed to "College Democrats" urging stuaenis lU V(Jltr IIU uii a uanui 1111 a j u i c accMiig funding to be used in University relations with the United States Students Association. Bosomworth determined the only violation was of election rule 6.3E: "Any referendum cam paign posters or flyers must clearly identify the sponsoring organization or individual somewhere on the front of the poster." Based on testimony at the hearing, Bosom worth said, "Mr. Ridenour was thus the sponsor of the flyers and the flyers should have indicated that. "I recommend that Mr. Ridenour bear the brunt of the responsibility for the violation. I thus recommend that Dave Ridenour serve two hours — I assume he spent as much time in the im proper activities — of maintenance service under the supervision of the EMU director and provide verification of said service to the Constitution Court before 5 p.m. June 8, 1984." Further, Ridenour and students Mike Cross, Dan Goulet and Bill Guise, who distributed flyers, must "submit copies of a collective letter of apology to ASUO Pres. Mary Hotchkiss, Constitu tion Court Chair Dave Gibson and the complain tant Marina Yu before 5 p.m. May 14, 1984," Bosomworth said. While Bosomworth found the individuals guil ty, he said the College Republicans were not guilty. In contrast to Ridenour, Yu, Paul Matthews, president of the College Republicans and Guise each found the decision at least satisfactory. Hart makes last stop, leaves state GRESHAM (AP) — Sen. Gary Hart visited a retirement home Correction Thursday's headline "Vignoul: don't sign" may have been misleading to some readers. In fact, Financial Aid Director Ed Vignoul said students do not need to sign the selec tive service form in their federal student aid reports. The Emerald regrets any confusion the headline may have caused. in Gresham on Mother's Day before flying out of Oregon and wrapping up the only Oregon campaign swing by any major candidate before Tuesday's primary. Hart and his wife, Lee, and their son, John, ate breakfast Sunday at the Fairlawn Towne and Care Center, a home for the elderly. The Harts sat at a table with residents of the home and chat ted with them during the meal. Afterward, Hart spoke briefly to the audience, noting that the country has an obligation to provide programs for the elder ly in return for their contribu tion to society. Hart cut short his Oregon visit by one day, canceling plans to return to Oregon after Sunday's flight to California and opting to fly back to Nebraska instead. Both Oregon and Nebraska have primaries Tuesday. While in Oregon, Hart spoke at a rally in Salem, gave a speech at a Port of Portland terminal, held a rally in downtown Eugene and gave a speech in Beaverton. On Saturday, Hart rafted on the Deschutes River near Bend. He used the occasion to claim that a second term for Pres. Ronald Reagan would mean four more years of selling off the nation's resources. L Fountain Court Cafe Luncheon Specials Served Daily 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All Specials $1.95 Monday Baked Ham Hawaii with pineapple Hungarian Goulash Sweet Potato Buttered Noodles Buttered Corn French cut green Beans Tuesday Spaghetti with meat sauce and a slice of garlic bread Teriyaki Chicken Steamed Rice Buttered Peas Zucchini and tomatoes Thursday Concordia Spaghetti Beef Stroganoff Buttered Noodles Buttered Broccoli Mixed Vegetables Wednesday Salisbury steak with gravy Turkey Broccoli casserole Whipped Potato Buttered Rice Brussel Sprouts with sauteed bacon Harvard Beets Friday Seafood Platter with fish, shrimp, oysters Stuffed Green Peppers Buttered Rice Potatoes Au Gratin Buttered Spinach Corn on the cob i*b Mexican Food Bar Burrito Supreme/Fried Burrito Taco A Enchiladas Spanish Rice A Refried Beans Salad Bar By the ounce 15‘ Chef’s Choice Soup Bar Two special soups and Chili served daily STUDY in CHINA * / l\v / An information meeting for students interested in studying in Beijing, China will be held: Tuesday, May 15 3:30-5:00 p.m. Room 108-109 EMU. Application deadline for Fall term 1984 participants is May 25, 1984.