Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1984, Section A, Page 2, Image 2

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You gotta have Hart
Of the remaining Democrats still actively campaigning
for their party's presidential nomination, Colorado Senator
Gary Hart looks to us to be the best person for the job.
Hart, in an attempt to differentiate himself from the
other Democratic hopefuls, calls himself the candidate of
new ideas. While we may quibble that Hart's ideas aren't
"new," we won't quibble that Hart has a new outlook and
possibly new solutions.
Hart was the only Democrat to bring his campaign to
Oregon and to Eugene. That shows us something; that Hart is
more determined to bring his candidacy to the voters of each
state. He isn't the type of politician who plays the strategic
game and ignores states because they don't have a big
Democratic machine or delegate votes in triple figures.
Walter Mondale represents the same old tried and not
necessarily true Democratic approach. It's time for a new ap
proach in economics, diplomacy and the social well-being of
this country. Hart is willing to try a new approach.
Finally, Hart appears to be the only Democrat who can
put together a campaign that can defeat Reagan and
defeating Reagan is a necessity.
Wheatgerm best medicine
With all this chatter about nursing Eugene back to the
health enjoyed a few short years ago, we believe a mayor
named Wheatgerm is the best medicine.
We understand that Brian Obie is the only real con
tender; that the other candidates are just pretenders to the
position, but, like, jerry "Wheatgerm” Campbell could
loosen-up a November run-off.
What we see as Obie's economic solution — saving
Eugene by creating an appealing climate for new business
and industry — is not, like, holistic enough.
Obviously we'd like to see Eugene's economy healed,
but the best medicine for Eugene, and Obie, may be a dose
of Wheatgerm in a November election.
Burks for Sheriff
To explain it simply — David Burks has courage and we
admire that. He has the courage (not necessarily the political
savvy) to sue Lane County when his department suffers a
serious budget shortfalls. He has the courage to speak out
when he is unable to do the job of law enforcement the state
Burks came up through the ranks of the sheriff's depart
ment and is a proven leader.
Ballot measures
Number 1 — Yes
Number 2 — Yes
Nonpartisan races
County Commissioner 3 — Jerry Rust
City Council, Ward 3 — Deborah Ehrman
Supreme Court justice — Hans Linde
Lane County Dist. Judge — Winifred Liepe
Democratic races
U.S. Senator — Margie Hendriksen
U.S. Representative — Jim Weaver
Secretary of State — Barbara Roberts
State Treasurer — Grattan Kerans
Attorney General — Vern Cook
Republican races
U.S. President — Ronald Reagan
U.S. Senator — Mark Hatfield
U.S. Representative — Bruce Long
Secretary of State — Donna Zajonc
State Treasurer — David Chen
Attorney General — Dave Frohnmayer
State Rep., Dist. 39 — Mary McCauley Burrows
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The Lane County Democrats
are proud to endorse Debra
Ehrman for City Council in
Ward 3. We endorse only in
races where we find differences
among Democrats on bot
tomline party platform issues.
Ehrman's progressive ad
vocacy of issues ranging from
budget decisions to human
rights prove her to be represen
tative of her constituency. For
the past several months, she has
been spending many hours of
her day going door to door, talk
ing with residents of her Central
Eugene and West University
Neighborhood. She
understands the campus and
community mix of citizens in
her area. As a University alum
nus, a long time resident of
Eugene, a respected attorney
and public defender, and an ac
tive Democratic party worker,
Ehrman has worked inside her
community, helping to keep it
strong. As your City Councilor,
she will continue to work for
you. She deserves your support
May 15.
Susan Sowards
lane county democratic
Voting for...
Students don't normally exer
cise their right to vote in local
elections. Whether this is
because they just don't care, or
because they don't think that it
really makes much difference,
the result is the same: someone
else decides for them.
This year, with an exciting
P4ge 2, Section A
Managing Editor
News Editor
Assistant News Editor
Editorial Page Editor
Photo Editor
Sports Editor
Sidelines Editor
Entertainment Editor
Assistant Entertainment Editor
Night Editor
Associate Editors
Higher Education
Departments and Schools
Student Government
Reporters Costas Christ Diana Elliott
Slemhauei Dand Stone Steve Turcotle
News and Editorial
Display Advertising and Business
Classified Advertising
Debbie Howlett
Sandy Johnstone
Frank Shaw
Brenda Thornton
Cort Feinatd
Michael Clapp
Doug Levy
John Healy
Angela Allen Morgan
Kim Carlson
Cort Fernald
Doug Nash
Melissa Martin
Jim Moore
Julie Shippen
Brooks Dareff
Michael Doke
Paul Enett Brent Par Lon
Lo>s Yoshishige
686 3712
686 4343
686 4381
686 5511
primary election in progress,
more students may be voting
than would be in a normal, non
primary year. When students
vote this May 15, they will also
have an opportunity to vote in
some important local elections,
including Mayor and City Coun
cil of Eugene positions. These
positions directly affect the
quality of our lives here in
Eugene, and student votes are
very important — to the can
didates, and to the students.
Debra Ehrman is a candidate
for Ward 3 (which includes the
area around the University) and
should be elected to the Eugene
City Council. She was my
predecessor as president of the
Student Bar Association, here at
the University, and as a former
student, Ehrman understands
our concerns and needs.
Ehrman is presently an attorney
with the Lane County Public
Defender’s office, where she
has continued her record as an
extremely hard-working ad
vocate for the rights and in
terests of others. Ehrman more
nearly represents the kind of
person we, as students would
want to represent us on the
Eugene City Council. A vote for
Ehrman is in our best interests,
and I highly recommend her to
the students at the University.
Ken Ford
pres., student bar assoc.
Puppet show
Last Wednesday, Pres. Ronald
Reagan in a nationally televised
speech asked the American peo
ple to support his Central
American policy. He asked us to
help stop the "communist reign
of terror" and to "support
freedom in this hemisphere.”
Who is Reagan asking us to
support? Do these people really
represent freedom? If Reagan
was to do his homework, he
would find that he is asking us
to support rich puppets of U.S.
corporations and of our govern
ment. In El Salvador, he would
find that 80 percent of the land
is owned by 2 percent of the
people. He would find that U.S.
corporations own 60 percent of
all the industry in El Salvador.
He would find that the govern
ment he is asking us to support
is sponsoring, with our money,
death squads that have killed
40,000 people in the past five
According to Reagan, all peo
ple in Central America who do
not approve of their govern
ments, do not like starvation,
would like to have a home, and
are asking for the basic human
rights of life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness are com
mies. Come on folks, let's not
swallow all the rhetoric and pro
paganda without question.
So when Reagan asks for more
of our money, let us ask what
for. Why should we wish to op
press fellow human being in
Central America? Why is the
government of El Salvador using
napalm and white phosphorous
on their own people? (For
details on this read the National
Catholic Reporter May 4, 1984.)
Dave Zauner
senior, anthropology
On May 8, I heard Lyndon
LaRouche, a fringe candidate for
the Democratic party nomina
tion for president, call Henry
Kissinger a Soviet agent. This
statement came in a radio spot
bought on KZEL-FM 96 radio
LaRouche is an extreme racist
whose National Labor Party is a
forum for his extremist views.
He views all non-Germanic peo
ple as part of a conspiracy to
subvert America.
I remember being severely
harassed (while waiting in a
Seattle airport terminal) by
some of his Labor Party people
13 months ago and know for a
fact that his party people are not
interested in abiding by the con
straints of the democratic
system in this country. I was
photographed and spat at
because some of his people
become somehow convinced
that I was Jewish.
My comment is that LaRouche
and his Labor Party people
should be treated with con
tempt if all they want to do is
libel and slander governmental
servants because of their
paranoid fantasies. Don't let
distaste for Dr. Kissinger's
policies take away from
understanding that Kissinger
was slandered because he is
Andrew Beckwith
graduate, physics
Monday, May 14, 1984