Controversy Continued from Page 2B At the same candidates’ fair, Rutherford said his campaign workers only wanted to emphasize that the McMinnville representative, who moved from Iowa to Oregon with his parents at age 7, is a virtual life-long Oregonian. He said that they came up with the slogan ‘‘before we had even heard of David Chen.” Amid all this, there have been issues raised that are central to the job of Treasurer. Chen supports those who have sued the state for investing public employee pension funds in U.S. corporations that operate in South Africa. Considering the explosiveness of the South African political situation, Chen says investing there is not only immoral, it’s risky. Rutherford opposes divestiture. He says in vestments should not be made based on politics, and that black leaders here and in Africa have said that U.S. money exerts a positive influence on better working and living conditions for blacks. Rutherford says he would set up a special fund in which public employees who opposed South African investment could put their retirement funds for investment elsewhere. Cargo is somewhere in between. He says the state must be held responsible for its investments, but is wary of pulling out of South Africa. By Brooks Oarreff Make an informed decision when you vote tomorrow. Read the candidates9 statements about these important issues. The ASUO sent requests for answers to several ques tions to candidates for the following positions. The questions varied according to position. ASUO agreed to publish the first 50 words of each answer, and that they would not make changes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. U.S. Senator Question asked candidates: 1) What are your qualifications for this position? 2) Do you support the present policy of requiring financial aid recipients to certify that they have registered for military service lie the Solomon Amendment)? Mark 0. Hatfield(R) Current position: U.S. Senator Response 1) Three terms of service in the Senate, previous service as Governor, Secretary of State, member of Oregon Legislature. Previous experience as college professor and Dean of Students. Response 2) I do not support this and attempted in a number of ways to reverse this unfortunate action. Although it may not have created the burden for college officials that had been predicted, it is unnecessary and unwise to continue to enforce the registration law. Congress should set aside both the...(limit) Sam KahKD) Current Position: Retail sales Response 1) My devotion to Humanity's greatest ac complishments, including the scientific, artistic and political fruits of Judeo-Christendom's Golden Renaissance in Europe, of which that Beacon of Hope (Lafayette) which is our Republic is one, is my best asset, qualifying me to serve and promote the public good. Response 2) I believe in strong schools, a varied press, universal military training, industrial progress and ordinary citizens habitually holding public offices as forming safeguards against tyranny. In itself, draft registration is imperfect, and may enforce policies contrary to national interests. Yet, being crucial to preparedness, I must support the Solomon Amendment. Sherry Reynolds(R) Current position: Small Business Owner Response 1) I know that only God can help us. Also, if you are to avoid eternal torment in the “lake of fire" you must Repent and trust Christ as your Lord (Boss) and Savior. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Response 2) No. There should be no draft. Wars are started by the international banking cartel in order to reap profits. If we put the bankers, munitions manufacturers, and politicians on the front lines there would be no wars. General Smedley Butler was correct. He said “War is a racket.” John Schiess(R) Current position: Substitute teacher Response 1) I know my “oath of office” better than all other can didates—the Constitution, the enemy foreign, & the enemy domestic. These are the three issues never debated in an elec tion! I fulfill all constitutional requirements. Response 2) Yes! Many have died for this country and never received those benefits. Why should we give benefits earned by others to those who have not and would not risk their lives in ser vice to this country. Did not submit requested statement: Margie Hendriksen(D) Ralph Preston(R) U.S. Representative Questions ashed same as for Senate candidates John Newkirk(R) Current position: Newpaper Editor, Candidate Response 1) I know the true problems that the people in the 4th District are faced with, and I have the answers and the solution, further that my True and Only Concern, is For The People and Fighting for Our Human Rights and Maintaining Human Dignity, With Equal Rights and Equal Pay for Women. Response 2) No; To start with, I do not believe in the registration, Draft or otherwise, we are not at War, I believe that any one who wishes to further their Educational standards should be given what ever assistance is available, including financial help; If it were not for our Educator’s, Schools...(limit) James Peterson(R) Current position: Reforestation worker Response 1) 39 year old American citizen who is an inhabitant of The State of Oregon. Response 2) Citizens of the U.S. are afforded rights unequalled in history; Rights guaranteed by the blood of your ancestors. American citizen duty is to guarantee those rights for Future generations. The law requires you to register for military draft; That you must do or loose your Subsidy from the same body...(limit) Jim Weaver(D) Current position: U.S. Representative Response 1) Incumbent. Have worked for mutual, verifiable nuclear freeze. Support sharp reductions in military spending. Passed 1.2 million acre Oregon Wilderness bill in House. Support sensible spending policies, including expanded aid for education, students. Response 2) Oppose Solomon Amendment—voted against in Congress. Will work to defeat any similar measure. Did not submit requested statements: Gene Arvidson(R) Bruce Long(R) State Treasurer Questions asked candidates: 1) What are your qualifications for this position? 2) Do you support or oppose divestiture of State System ot Higher Education fund from South African companies? David F. CargofR) Current position; Businessman/Attorney Response 1) Experience. As a former Governor of New Mexico I chaired that state’s Investment Council for four years. I pioneered economic development long before it became a “buzz word.” I am the only candidate who has not been feeding at the public trough for the last 10 years. Response 2) Immediate divestiture could throw millions of Blacks out of work adding to their misery. Instead Oregon should vote our shares in South African firms putting management on notice that apartheid is morally wrong. We could use our economic clout to change South African policy. Apartheid is morally reprehensible and...(limit) Bill Rutherford(R) Current position: State Treasurer Response 1) Incumbent State Treasurer, in addition I grew up in a small family business which I still own in Yamhill County, I have been Chief Executive Officer of a Regional Investment Banking Firm, Member of the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange, lawyer and four term Legislator. Response 2) The State system has no direct investment in South Africa. The pension funds made from time to time be invested in American companies which do business in South Africa. The divestment of these investments from the fund, would have no im pact upon the racial policies of the South African government...(limit) Did not submit requested statements: David Chen(R) Grattan Kerans(D) John Smets(R) Secretary of State Questions asked candidates: 1) What are your qualifications for this position? 2) Do you support or oppose a twenty day cut off for voter registration? Jim Gardner(D) Current position: Oregon State Senator and attorney Response 1) I have consistently received the highest job perfor mance ratings of any senator in polls conducted by “The Orego nian” newspaper. Also, I have served as chairman of the legislature’s Economic Development Committee and the Educa tion Budget Committee. Response 2) I oppose a 20-day cutoff for voter registration. I believe such a cutoff would disenfranchise people who move in the last 20 days before an election. Jack Reynolds(D) Current position: Independent Businessman Response 1) I realize that the only way to save our nation is to return to God. How? You must turn from sin and trust Jesus Christ (GOD) as your Lord and Savior. If you don't the Bible teaches that you suffer eternal torment forever. Avoid Hell. Trust Jesus Christ (GOD) today. Response 2) I oppose this suggestion. Every effort should be made to insure maximum citizen participation. Last day voter registration allows those who move just before an election to vote. The twenty day cut-off is designed to prevent lower socio economic people from voting. Keep last day voter registration. Barbara Roberts(D) Current position: Legislator/House Majority Leader Response 1) Broad experience in elective office as County Com missioner, school board member and legislator. Worked 15 years in business accounting and office management. Leadership on important committees and boards. Majority Leader of the Oregon House of Representatives. A proven record as a strong decision maker and a politically courageous leader. Response 2) I believe the 20 day voter registration would un necessarily disenfranchise thousands of Oregonians. Maximum registration opportunity is important to Oregon voters, but I would support proof of residency in the last 12 days and a one day cut-off to permit election officials to conduct election day activities. Wilbur A. Bishop(R) Current position: Public Relations & Pol. Campaign consultant Response 1) 34 years in public affairs as a newspaper editor & Publisher; campaign director in more than 45 major campaigns in eluding 5 winning state-wide in Oregon; mayor of Tigard, 4 terms; vice president of Oregon's largest Saving & Loan and a member of its management committee. Response 2) I support a 7 to 10 day cut-off for voter registration. I support registration up to the last possible time for county clerks or election officials to confirm and place on the voting rolls. I also support a requirement for 30-day residency in order to vote in local or state elections. Tom Hardwick(R) Current position: Small businessman Response 1) I am a graduate of Merritt Davis School of Commerce with an accounting background. More importantly, I feel that my business experience over the past 20 years qualifies me for the position. I have demonstrated leadership in business over both good times and extremely bad times. Response 2) I support it, however I believe that unless its tied to a verifiable 30 day residency requirement, it fail short of our needs. I want each voter who votes our wallets to live here, pay taxes here and be willing to be governed by the candidate he votes into office. Did not submit requested statements: Steve Anderson(D) Donna Zajonc(R) State Representative Questions asked candidates: 1) What are your qualifications for this position? 2) Do vou support or oppose student control of incidental fee monies? District 39 Ron Eachus(D) Current position: District Representative for Congressman Jim Weaver Response 1) 8 V2 years as aide to Congressman Weaver with focus on energy and environmental issues. Staff in 1973,1974 and 1981 State Legislature. Served on board of Lane County Progressive Agenda. Member River Road/Santa Clara Citizens’ Advisory Team. 15 years of political activity in Eugene area. Response 2) I strongly support it. As Daily Emerald Editor in 1968-69 and ASUO President in 1970-71 I fought hard for student control. When I was ASUO President student government hired an attorney to sue the State Board for control of student fees. Most existing ASUO programs were started then. Doris Hall(D) Current position: Self-employed-brokerage Response 1) Governmental experience as legislative aid—Sen. Hendriksen, Equal Employment Opportunity Officer—U.S. govern ment, plus a BA & MA in Anthropology with nearly a degree in Business & graduate work in Financial Management & Accoun ting. I have a solid academic & experiential base for making the necessary legislative decisions. Response 2) I would support student control of incidental fee monies. Did not submit requested statement: Carl Dipaolo(R) District 40 Carl Hosticka(D) Current position: U of 0 Professor of Public Affairs Response 1) I am presently serving as the State Representative from this District. I was the only first term member appointed to the Revenue Committee. While the legislature was widely critized the Oregonian described my actions as “a good example of statesmanship...that can restore this Legislature's lost credibility” Response 2) I have already demonstrated by support for this prin ciple by voting for HB2747 when it came before the House of Representatives in the last session. I would be happy to continue my support by introducing and supporting such legislation in the next session. Robert O’Reilly(R) Current position: Management Consultant Response 1) Intensively trained through education, federal ser vice, experience, motivaton, and deep interest in the welfare of every voter/taxpayer in the state of Oregon. Expertise area include government; history; labor; demography; languages (including Russian); psychology; public speaking; economics; foreign trade; geography; higher technology; lumbering; agriculture; and others. My interests are eclectic. Response 2) I support (with university overview) student control of incidental fee monies. By definition, students are learners. If all students knew everything they needed to know, they would not be here. Therefore, student control with, university overview equates with learning to use money wisely while being protected from ir-. retrievable errors by...(limit) Did not submit requested statements: Mitchell Hammerstad(R)