University Players Theatre 4:30 Presents: Sunday Costs Five Pesos and A Marriage Proposal 2 one-act comedies about the sometimes hilarious misunderstan dings between the sexes. May 14 and 15 at 4:30 Pocket Playhouse in Villard Hall $1 donation at the door 2711:5-15 Beer Gardeners Show your stamped hand at the Waterworks Canoe Co. 1395 Franklin Blvd. x4386 and rent a canoe for $1.50/hr (Friday only) 2717:5-11 Ananda Marga Presents The Graduate Dustin Hoffman stars in this hilarious social satire about an inexperienced college graduate who returns home to confront the "reality” of middle class America. Mike Nichols won an Oscar for his imaginative direction, and the sound track by Simon and Garfunkel is one of the best ever. Sat/May 12 180 PLC 7 & 9 pm $1.50/$1 2693:5-11 “Notorious” Ingrid Bergman “Notorious” Cary Grant “NOTORIOUS!” ALFRED HITCHCOCKS MASTERPIECE OF MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE Sat May 12, 7 & 9 pm 177 Lawrence $1.50l$1. Presented by Student Campaign for Disarmament 2691:5-11 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ARTIST CRIS WILLIAM SON in concert with TRET FURE Saturday, May 12 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets at EMU Main Desk. Mother Kali's Books. Earth River Records $5 UO Students $7 General Public American Sign Language interpreting (Childcare by reservation, call 686-4373 by May 10) wwwwww«MmM|wiywiw NEXT TO UO BOOKSTORE EVERY SATURDAY NOON-2 pm with LISA & ALAN flute, recorder and guitar. CLASSICAL & SOME JAZZ BARNEY’S BURGERS & BEER •COORS & BUD on lap • Bottled imprts •Lunch & dinner •HOMEMADE SOUPS • Burgers & sandwiches •Salad •Dart board •Pool tables •Big screen TV •Video games BARNEY CABLES 484-7085 375 E. 7th at EDXSON& BAR,: FRIDAY & SATURDAY Cool’r 9:30 pm-2 am FRIDAY A BOY AND HIS DOG This kinky tale of survival in the year 2024 traces the sexploits ot Vic and his canine companion, Blood, in a post-atomic wilderness. MAY 11 180 PLC 7 and 9 pm -SATURDAY A sizzling social commentary by Australian director Phillip Noyce, HEATWAVE, involves a confrontation between builsers and modest income residents in central Sydney that un folds as a complex, provocative thriller during a sweltering Christmas Down Under. MAY 12 150 Geology 7 and 9:15 pm SUNDAY The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe A young violinist unknowingly becomes the decoy in a cutthroat bat tle between political spies. Though his life turns to mayhem, all through it THE TALL BLOND MAN remains a naive and lovable modern-day Buster Keaton. French with English subtitles MAY 13 180 PLC 8 pm ONLY ALL SHOWS Students-Adults $1.50 __Children $1 *- ■ fcj ■■ aU A Atriume-I^. AJNtsPlAk i O07-O7J5 COMEDY ON THE LINE Live comedy on stage at Cinema 7 FRIDAY May 11 at 7:30 & 9:30 SATURDAY May 12 at 2 pm only No children under 12 admitted C1NCMA7 SrSS Saturday through May 17 Ingmar Bergman's classic Seventh Seal SAT 8 pm SUN-THURS 7 pm All shows Sunday reduced admis sion with 2 pm matinee. PLUS Werner Herzog's Nosferatu SAT 9:45 pm SUN-THURS 8:45 pm SUN Matinee 3:45 -FRI-SAT MIDNITE Strangers in Love XXX-Over 18-separate admission J® rumen ICE CREAM (r)ie£k 0PEN C/Vi2 fri&sat TILL MIONIGHT 13th • Hilyard 619F THE BIJOU V f 492 E. 13th 686-2458 Whence Mountains Tremble "The epic When The Mountain Trembles takes us into the heart of the Guatemalan guerrilla movement.” J. Hoberman Village Voice PLUS NICARAGUA: Report from the Front FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:30 pm SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:30 pm NO SAT-SUN Matinees this week CISCAP benefit May 18 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY TIBET A Buddhist Trilogy An independent British film crew spent years making this impressive program - four hours of film documenting never-before photographed, never-to-be-forgotten rituals. SAT-SUN 2 pm Admission $5f$4 with student ID ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE Roman Polanski’s REPULSION This rare showing of a psycho-horror cult classic contains plenty for film buffs and horror fans. Stars Catherine Deneuve. WEDTHURS 11 pm $1.95 FRI-SAT midnite $2.50 Personals TELEVISION & TYPEWRITER RENTALS by week, month or term UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid 686-4331 1593:WF IF YOU'RE IN DOUBT about pregnancy call Birthright. Free testing 687-8651 623:F FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questions about abortion - the procedure, the cost, and local referral - call National Abortion Federation Hotline toll free. 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M-F. 468: MWF PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotline, 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confidential Call 686-4488 358 MF tog/Tparty“ "Animal House" at 7 pm.! Then dance to the Commotions! Wednesday, EMU Ballroom. Costume prizes! Ad mission: $2.502692:5-11 IFC, Panhellenic, and Phi Delta Theta Present PORTLAND’S FINEST ROCK BAND KASHMIR at the 3rd Annual STREET DANCE FRIDAY May 11 7-11 pm $1.50 day of the show at the door Corner of 15th & Kincaid _:_5JJ_ ALL STUDENTS PLEASE ATTEND the free Faculty-Student Ice Cream Social, Tuesday, May 15, 4-5:30 pm Geriinger Lounge5-15 STAN BOX AND CHRIS HODGE Let the good times roll! Liz and Martha 5-11 THE BIG DIPPER New Sale Buy 1 lopping, get 1 free on any size of our thick-crust pizza. PLUS 2 FREE DRINKS! TOPPINGS Canadian bacon tomato pepperoni 'onions green pepper olives pineapple * * mushrooms extra cheese Italian sausage 'cost less "extra charge PRICES Small.$4.70 (with 2 toppings) Medium.$6.90 (with 2 toppings) Large.$9.10 (with 2 toppings) Extra Large.*11.30 (with 2 toppings) FREE DELIVERY CALL 343-8023 after 5 pm Offer good through May A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR GRADUATING SENIORS! PEACE CORPS has urgent need for graduates with expertise or coursework in the following disciplines for two-year overseas assignments beginning this summer: AGRICULTURE FORESTRY MATH BILOGICAL SCIENCES PHYSICAL SCIENCES INDUSTRIAL ARTS SPECIAL ED ANIMAL HUSBANDRY CIVIL ENGINEERING MURSING, HEALTH, MED TECH TEFL FISHERIES (experience or science major) The deadline for applying for these openings is NOW! For your applica tion. contact: MARSHA SWARTZ U of O Peace Corps Coordinator Career Planning and Placement 244 Hendricks Hall 686-3235 MOTHER’S DAY IS MAY 13 We have gifts to suit every budget-* from bookmarks to coordinated desk accessories. And, of course, a wide selection of Mother s Day cards. JABBERWOCKY CARDS • GIFTS MON-FRI 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484-0530 TO THE PERSON WHO TOOK MY BIKE from in front of Prince Pucklers last Thursday: It's sentimental value is great. I would like it returned; if I don't receive it by next week, I'll go to the police with your description, 683-1274 5-11 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO’S COPIES 344-7894 860 E. 13th 2446:5-15 Rick Criswell Happy Birthday My love for you is like a Blue Cow. Sincerely, Gertrude. P S. The Gang sends its love. 5-11 WARNER Mr Macho is turning into a wimp! I couldn't resist! Let's have a ter rific vacation at the beach NEJ. 5-11 YALE You made my birthday incredibly beautiful. Thank you. And don't forget, the Bulldogs will always be champions. Melissa 5-11 TO LAURA Can you believe it's been a whole year!? Went so quick. Happy An niversary! Love, Ann Marie. 5-11 JOHN, BOB, JEFF, JON, RON. AND BRIAN Looking forward to wild times this weekend! Love. Your Crescent Lake Dates5-11 Happy One Year Anniversary Laura! Love, Ann 5-11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! S. 511 VOTE BAXTER. WARO 7 CITY COUN CIL Favors Establshing Council Seat tor U o( O. Pd.Baxter5-14 R.C. 60 days, much love, from one Cor ny person to another, thanks RP 5-11 We Have The Lowest Airfares To Europe! For Free Color Brochure, Write to: Campus Travel - Box 11387 St. Louis, MO 63105 5-11 MAKE MONEY! RAGS TO RICHES buys, consigns, and trades secondhand clothing for men and women. For appt: 344-7039 360 E. 111h 001:WHF Kappa Sig, B & B Get psyched for Crescent, sun or snow Bring your long Johns and shorts, cause we just don't know. But whatever the weather, it's gonna be hot'. With da quiris and you. how could it not? Love, Delta Gammas’ L & L (‘Sa-weet’) 5HI1 Attention Greeks Order of Omega The nationally recognized Greek honorary is on campus now. Applica tions and information sheets are available in Suite 5, EMU. Application deadline is May 18. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are encouraged to apply. 2651:5-16 TONIGHT Don’t miss an evening with T-BONE BURNETT “Every night is a real strange event. My shows aren’t real serious. I try to make it enjoyable” EMU BALLROOM 8 PM Opening Solo Billy Rancher 2710:5-111 ? ?n n. ♦ ? O o If you think you know who the Mystery Duck is, call ext. 5555, or stop by 202 Johnson Hall and submit your guess. Grand prizes will be awarded to the first three correct guesses. The Mystery Duck will be honored and prize-winners announced at the SPR INGFEST opening ceremony, Monday at noon in the EMU courtyard. Enjoy SPRINGFEST! MYSTERY DUCK CLUE No. 5 I'm off to the Olympics again this year, although it's not 'till summer time is running by_ 15$ COFFEE 15$ COFFEE 15c COFFEE 15$ COFFEE 15$ COFFEE 15$ COFFEE Freshly ground gourmet coffee On ly 15$ a cup 10$ refills THE BIG DIPPER DOES IT AGAIN! 1473 E. 19th 343-8023 REMINDER FRESHMEN: Social Impres sions Study Session 3 May 7 through May 11 Details room 302 or room 404 Straub2650:5-11 IF YOU'RE AN UNDERGRADUATE weho enjoys helping other students, you may want to become a Peer Adviser for Undeclared Students in the Office of Academic Advising and student ser vices. Applications available 164 Oregon Hall. Deadline to apply is May 16 2660:5-14 UO SPRINGFEST Kick-off the week with music and the Jello-Eating contest! Monday, 11:30, EMU Courtyard, 2709:5-11 BEAT THE ORUM FOR THE UO Here's two reasons why! 1 Forty-eight UO track and field athletes have competed in the Olym pic Games since 1908 2. UO will host the 1984 Olympic Scientific Congress, the academic prelude to the Olmypic Games GIGI ANDRENINI is turning “21” Sunday, May 13. Birthday kisses would be greatly appreciated. Be on the lookout for this cute, little, Italian chick. Love, Gigi and Leanne. 5-11 MISS PETERS: Are you paying attention to personals about your face? 5-11 MARK O. HATFIELD SUPPORTERS: Those interested in canvasing for the senator on Saturday, the 12th, call 686-6243__ 5 11 MICKY & KIRSTEN Looking forward to good times at Shasta Although we will miss Ren nie's. But what's four night away from Rennie's when we will be with two beautiful ladies that we love so much. P S. Pick us up at Rennie's after the chug. With love your Phi Psi J A HP.P.'s_ _5-11 HAZEMASTER Fiesta! Thrashmaster _5-11 SUZANNE STALICK Congratulations on winning the 1983-84 OUTSTANDING GREEK SERVICE AWARD We re happy for you! Love, The Pi-Phi’s __5J2 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHLEEN ONO Love, Erin, Kathy, Chris, Gilbert and Trace _ 5-11 PHI DELTS Thanks for the great din ner and nice sweatshirts LOVE, EDE, HEATHER, AND LIZ. 5-11 THETA BECKY Congratulations, you made it! Hope "I" week was fun. We re happy to have you as a terrific new member! Have fun! Love, Mary Frances. 5-11 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed LS immA m soueONe nense ■mi /M6 JUST WHAT in slu£ sums is 001N' on mm me women in mis MR*' • i * flrppnn n.iilv Fmpr. YgAW/ mrs him m CHCKS T WHfiT'S Alims mmx t\mr mmoML ilrl ..lU-mwmnr is'irs’mumm. mum vHved" i can't mv. CReepm back My GOP (Mg'VB unui?// bOTTVoer cutrr uHT emeu MCK IN wi i mi -me mim Houee. eorfflm \ MUM!)/ i Pm.m scene nr 'bob's m m ecesH mm-r smy mm my mm/.., 1 AH W/HtP .mem hulks of Fmmreo mchuomw aiy romt© av m siNues men otute as me we of m sexu/t moumoN QUICKLY meets.. s<6H... .mbtc mm-tt-.ALom in m cow, ceuemmmafite sos. meait..poe5NT MYBOPY mno bum hy KRxm smce morn7 ves.Mmmsom. whom mere-to men, me than m sew m mmx fcm mms of me off me'sum cxmry srvp somz hmmourn! I MtnmN*HT\ ' OF TRIVIAL'