-COUPON FREE Foot-long (single meat) HAM TURKEY with purchase of one foot-long Volcano Supreme Valid daily 3-9 pm 5-15-84 «SUBMP 13th and Hilyard Houses For Rent SUMMER SUBLET, furnished house two bedrooms, next to campus. Ex tremely reasonable. 343-1218. 5-1E SOUTHEAST EUGENE Small 3 bedroom house, with garage. Room foi garden, view, $350 plus deposit. Drive by 4830 Whiteaker. 484-5209 2667:5-11 Lost & Found LOST GOLDEN RETRIEVER 1 year old last seen in Springfeld, East Eugene 741-15565-14 Events Nepal Whitewater The First Descent of the Karnali Exciting Multi-Media Thursday, May 10 7:30 pm EMU Ballroom FREE An Outdoor Program Event j2646:5-10 THE RIGHT BRAIN REVOLUTION Bill O'Hearn will show you how.. Thursday May 10, 7:30 pm, St Thomas Episcopal Church, 1465 Coburg Road Ticket donations a door $5 5-10 The Nineteenth Annual NORTHWEST REGIONAL KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP will be held Saturday, May 12 at Sheldon High School. Eliminations start at 12:00, finals begin at 5:00 and will include self-defense and weapons demonstrations5-11 ICE CREAM SOCIAL Students and faculty are invited to Gerlinger Lounge on Tuesday May 15, at 4 pm for FREE ICE CREAM 2690:5-10 BTRRTREK * FESTIVAL ★ A 2-HOUR TREK-A-THON STAR TREK BLOOPERS All three outrageous reels in color NEVER SHOWN ON TV Official Star Trek quiz 2nd pilot TV opening, Behind scenes previews and morel! Eugene Hilton Inn 66 E. 6th Friday, May 11 7 and 9:15 pm Outdoor Spring Fever >r ProgramTrip board offe Program Trip board offers ex citing adventures! Raft trips on Oregon Rivers, bike tours in, the San Juan Islands. Sea Kayaking on Vancouver Island To sign up or find out more, stop tw Outdoor Program, basement of EMU 666-4365 2677:5-14 MOUNTAIN FRESH Dr John D. Wilson will discuss water purification, on Monday, May 14th at 7:30 pm in 107 Lawrence Hall FREE! Sponsored by Outdoor Program 686-4365 2678.5-14 1984 BEAUX ARTS BALL NILE NOUVEAU An Egyptian Ecstacy with The Milkmen Saturday May 12, 9 pm Cambell Club 1670 Alder Street $3 50 in advance, $4 at the door Tickets available in Lawrence at Student Services and the AAA store 3rd floor Best Costume prizes! _ 2686:5-10 EMU Cultural Forum presents The 14th Annual Willamtette Valley Folk Festival May 18, 19. 20 Eugene Councl for Human Rights in Latin America STARTING AGAIN! HARD TIMES LUNCHES $2 Thursdays 11:30 on ECHRLA 1236 Kincaid Next to the UO Bookstore_ Who was Rolling Stone Songwriter of the year? T-BONE Who was The Village Voice and Trouser Press Songwriter of the year? T-BONE Who captured album of the year by Time, Trouser Press and Rolling Stone? T-BONE with special guest Billy Rancher Friday May 11 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets at EMU Main Desk. Earth River Record. Everybody's Records. Eugene. Corvallis. Portland $5 UO Students $6 General Public Presented by The EMU CULTURAL FORUM _!_2633:5-7 CANDIDATES FAIR Meet the candidates. Ask them questions Snag their pamplets, bumper stickers, and lawn signs. Make an informed decision May 15 10:00 • 2:30 pm 167 EMU May 10 and 11 Speakers: Bill Rutherford Ruth Bascom Kappy Eaton Tom Hardwick Waymon Poole Jerry Rust Cynthia Wooten Dave Sweet Joyce Nichols Ron Ciasullo Tonie Nathan John Schiess George Stahakis Barbara Kienlen Shirley Whitehead GET YOUR VOTER PAMPHLET AT THE CANDIDATES FAIR Sponsored by ASUO and SUAB _2675:5-10 Entertainment JAZZ/BLUES Records-Books CAT’S MEOW JAZZ & BLUES CORNER Special order specialists Efithpearl Bldg. 5th & Pearl HF Wednesday & Thursday MAY 9th & 10th LOS FALCONS Where else but... BJ Kelly’s 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across From Capus 683-4686 _2665:5-10 GO RAFTING! $15 McKenzie day trips. Professional guides & gear Group rates Wild Water Adventures 895-4465 ... 5dzJ CINEHA7 SPSS May 5 through 10 Humphrey Bogart, Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet in The Maltese Falcon SUN THURS SHOWS at 7 pm PLUS Orson Welles' Citizen Kane SUN THURS SHOWS at 8:50 pm ASUO Films Presents Johnny got his gun Thursday, May 10 7 and 9 pm 150 Geology $1.50/$1 _268:5-10 at EDISOS& BAR,: FRIDAY & SATURDAY Cool’r 9:30 pm-2 am 4740 MAIN ■ in Springfield * 747-7900 4 ”7 AYHum^ida I 607-0726 COMEDY ON THE LINE Live comedy on stage at Cinema 7 FRIDAY May 11 at 7:30 & 9:30 SATURDAY May 12 at 2 pm only No children under 12 admitted ' 1£ “Notorious” Ingrid Bergman “Notorious” Cary Grant “NOTORIOUS!” ALFRED HITCHCOCKS MASTERPIECE OF MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE Sat May 12, 7 & 9 pm 177 Lawrence $1.50/$1 Presented by Student Campaign for Disarmament —2691:5-11 Ananda Marga Presents The Graduate Dustin Hoffman stars in this hilarious social satire about an inexperienced college graduate who returns home to confront the "reality" of middle class America. Mike Nichols won an Oscar for his imaginative direction, and the sound track by Simon and Garfunkel is one of the best ever Sat/May 12 180 PLC 7 & 9 pm $1 60/$1 _ 2693:5-11 ■FRIDAY A BOY AND HIS DOG This kinky tale of survival in the year 2024 traces the sexploits of Vic and his canine companion, Blood, in a post-atomic wilderness. MAY 11 180 PLC 7 and 9 pm -SATURDAY A sizzling social commentary by Australian director Phillip Noyce, H EATWAVE, involves a confrontation between builsers and modest income residents in central Sydney that un folds as a complex, provocative thriller during a sweltering Christmas Down Linder. MAY 12 150 Geology 7 and 9:15 pm -SUNDAY The Tall Bland Man With One Black Shoe A young violinist unknowingly becomes the decoy in a cutthroat bat tle between political spies. Though his life turns to mayhem, all through it THE TALL BLOND MAN remains a naive and lovable modern-day Buster Keaton. French with English subtitles MAY 13 180 PLC 8 pm ONLY ALL SHOWS Students-Adults $1.50 Children $1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS ARTIST CRIS WILLIAM SON in concert with TRET FURE Saturday, May 12 8 pm EMU Ballroom Tickets at EMU Main Desk. Mother Kali's Books. Earth River Records $5 UO Students $7 General Public American Sign Language interpreting (Childc^e by reservation, call 686 4373 by May 10) University Theatre s Second Season presents the Pacific N.W premiere of Caryl CHurchill's 1982 drama Top Girls This provocative play examines the unique and very difficult choices women often face as they attempt to reconcile their personal and profes sional ambitions. With biting wit and powerful drama, this play takes a fascinating look at an age-old problem brought up to date for the modern woman MAY 3-5,10-12,17-19 ARENA THEATRE (Villard Hall) 8 PM. ALL TICKETS $2 Call 686-4191 to reserve your tickets 2568:5-18 f THE BIJOU < (T * y f(T0f yyrffg.f rtcgfM 492 E. 13th 686-2458 HELD OVER FINAL DAY CARMEN ★ ★ ★ V2 "Carmen sizzles with passion Kathleen Carroll New York Oaily New1 Bizet's sensual drama blazes anew .-s a present-day dance company finds life parallels art all loo well Stars An tonio Gades, Spain's foremost dancer Rated R(Brief nudity and adult theme) SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:30 pm MISER MONDAY $2.50 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY TIBET A Buddhist Trilogy An independent British film crew spent years making this impressive program - four hours of film documenting never before photographed, n ver-to-be-forgotten rituals SAT-SUN 2 pm Admission $5f$4 with student ID ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE Roman Polanski’s REPULSION This rare showing of a psycho-horror cult classic contains plenty for film buffs and horror fans. Stars Catherine Deneuve. WEDTHURS 11 pm $1.95 FRI-SAT midnite $2.50 Personals BECAUSE PEOPLE CARE Free pregnancy testing. Confidential. Bir thright, 687-8651. 623:H MY OH MY was the Dateful Gread good Tuesday or nol.Stella? HEY YA BIG BLACK piece a dried up bone “Beep". Congrats on yer K-sig membership. From the PENTHOUSE PUDS. 510 BUSY MAY 20 Come to the t