Classifieds For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater. Like new. Make offer. Call 485-3139 in evenings. tin CRAZY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Pioneer SX-737 receiver, Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and Iwo DLK l'/i speakers, $250. IBM Correcting Selec tric II with tons of supplies and seven elements, $700. Larry, 686-4344 days, 683-8185 eveningstfn WATERBED WITH BOOKCASE head board, padded rails, and accessories $125 485-3046.5-9 LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL WED DING SET? Low. low prices on guaranteed quality diamonds. DAVID 343-3842,501 AIRFARE TICKET TO EAST COAST $165 Must be used by June 6th For in fo call Mary-Ellen, 689-5314 5-9 OLYMPIA 77 Correcting Typewriter $900 new, $450 or best offer 485-045-4 2657:5 11 CESSNA 150 Recent annual, good con dition, extras, $5500 747-6723, owner _2654:5 11 ROUNOTRIP AIRLINE TICKET good for anywhere in Continental US Call 342-8121, best offer5-9 MOVING, MUST SELL Stereo speakers $40. Olivetti Typewriter $20, Down Bag $15, and more Rick 484-6224 eves.5-11 MOVING DAYS - MUST SELL K.E.S. Speakers, Phillips turntable (212 electronic). Kenwood D C. stereo in tegrated amplifier (90 Watts), Sansui AM/FM stereo tuner TV 217 BEST OF FER, also records, couch, kitchen table, chairs, stools, kitchen supplies, books, clothing, etc. Robert 683-6116, before noon, after 6 pm._ 5-11 26” SCWINN VARSITY like new Black/White TV, rechargable battery pack. Reasonable 343-1218 evenings. 5-11 OLYMPIA REPORT DELUXE Electric typewriter $225. Gemeinhardt open hole, silver head Joiut Flute $250 Ge meinhardt piccolo $175. All prices negotiable. 344-3354, keep trying. 5-11 ROSSIGNOL 150 SKIIS Asking $60 or best offer Lisa 344-0109 or wk, 345-5566 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th I WOULD LIKE to buy portable, electric typewriter Call Connie 484-4271 5-9 Services QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO'S COPIES 344 7894 860 E. 13th 2445:5-10 Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III. Call Mina between 8 am and 10 pm at 726-9824851:MW T6C PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels Graduate school approved 687 9326, Cyndi 2178MWF TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 _575WHFM WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quali ty workr Correcting Selectric II Various type elements Graduate School Ap proved Call Doris 484 1094 1041 UWH TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, Including statistical Law papers. Resume Composition, & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast, Proles sional, Quality Service, Guaranteed WordStyles 6 Typescripts BRANDY 484-6044 CINDY 484 5454 ____1098 tfn ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available « Fast-Guaranteed Accurate 484 1646 _ 748 tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sol Grad approv ed Near campus 344-0759. 513:lln DYNAMIC TYP IN G S E R VIC E Guaranteed Quality work Pickup and delivery available 485-3914 58311 n TYPING Professional Accurate Time ly Call Sharon 344 2341 or 3430745 _5-17 MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings form letters 343 3924 ___ 2638 6 4 PROFESSIONAL QUALITY AND EX PERIENCED for your typing needs IBM , Correcting selectric Graduate specialist Reasonable Carolyn Sher rell 344 7231 _____ 2656 5-U PRO TYPINGTEDITINO ON VACATION May 3 through May 14 Jennifer 485 3883 __ __ 698, tfn TYPING: 15 years experience Papers dissertations editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 888-3983.514 tin TYPING Pick up and delivery available IBM Correcting Selectnc Celt 747 1269 2837 tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8 30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345-2289 2168:tfn FOR SALE IBM Correcting Selectric II. Comes with plenty ol supplies and several elements Has ALWAYS been under IBM service contract $700 or best offer Larry, 686-4344 days, 683-8185 even ings.tin Now apply this formula: KRAZY KATS copy shop PLUS KOOAK copier equals world's finest photocopy ing. Bring in your RESUME, THESIS, DISSERTAION. We ll copy it to perfec tion with style and care. Lowest prices Come see us! 1219 Alder. 2599:5-16 Instruments ROLAND JX 3P Polyphonic Syn thesizer. New $900 484-9453 evenings 2636:5-11 Sound Systems WHAT A DEAL!! Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp RT-115S cassette deck and two DLK 1 Vi speakers-alt for only $250. Call today! Larry, 686-4344 days, 683-8185 even ings.tin Jim’s Electronics STEREO REPAIR AUDIO SERVICES 1627 Pearl Street 343-7863 Monday thru Friday 9 am-6 pm Saturday 9 am-1 pm 627:5-11 Photography WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Profes sional quality - reasonable prices. Johr Dutton. 344-6750 5 1C Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 40-50% oft list prices •Textbooks*Cliff Notes*Magazines* USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362:tlr Bicycles 1983 BIANCHI STRADA Men s 19 many accessories, newly overhauled $170 or best offer, Kristina 683-5670 5-1 SECOND x t\ NATURE BICYCLES • Nishiki/Cycle Pro Coinago Dealer • Full Line BMX/Cruiser • Reconditioned Bikes Our Specialty •Expert repairs •Free Appraisals •Custom Buildups • Frame Repair 343-5362 1712 Willamette St. BUY»SELL»TRADE Cars & Cycles MUST SELL 1980 Yamaha 850 Venturei Loaded. Showroom condition. Make ol fer Evenings and weekends 484-504C _ _ __ 2639:5-1 1982 HONDA MOPED 1000 miles, e. cellent condition Red, with helmel $400 or be3t, 484-4020 _5 1980 MOB LIMITED EDITION Blac Electric Overdrive Low miles $490C 344-8302 message_ ’73 TOYOTA $500 2 door Corolla in good repair Ca James 344-4399. 5-1 Wanted WANTED Tent In good shape prelerabl 3-4 person and waterproof 485 7327 c 344 8302 Help Wanted SUMMER WORKSTUDY POSITIONS for Receptlonlst/Tour Oulde Pick ui applications at Work Study Office am return to Admission Counter on the s< cond floor of Oregon Hall by 4pm, Ma 15th Information and Tour Service! RENT IN EXCHANGE tor childcare La: ly A M occasional evening Nor smoker, must own car Reference) Start June Call Nancy 344 9025 ever Inga. __ 5-1 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION MANAGER Full-time position. In charge of supe vising the Oregon Daily Emerald con posing room, including dail newspaper typeselling and commercu graphic services Experience I newspaper production methods for of set printing essential Position also er tails personnel management an p h o t o t y p a s a 111 n g macltin maintenance Apply by resume and is tar to Oregon Daily Emerald, Board c Directors. PO Box 3159. Eugene, Ol 97403 by May 10. 1964 Starting pay be ween $90011200 per month dependtn oh experience Job begins June 1.196 The Oregon Deity Emerald in an Equi Opportunity Employer Women minorities and the handicapped are er couraged to appty St LIVE IN HELP FOR SUMMER or perma nent Room, board, car plus $125/mo. to help care for twin 18 month old children Lots of tree time and plenty of privacy in large colonial home. Call Lin da; 683-8700.2662:5-11 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED lor openings in the ODE Pro duction Department for Fall Term. Typesetter must be familiar with typesetting terminology, and have meticulous work habits Ad paste-up tech - previous experience in paste up preferred, must have well rounded design sense, as well as an eye tor spacial uniformity. Photo technician - requires knowledge of darkroom processes, including photo printing and tilm development Previous experience with a process camera also helpful. Afternoons and evenings. News Paste-up tech, requires little or no experience Applicant must have ability to learn quickly and follow direc tions. Late evening position. These are student positions, all ap plicants must be enrolled in at least 6 hours. Applications close May 18. Posi tions will be filled by June 4th. For further details or to pick up applica tions - - 300 EMU Oregon Daily Emerald Office Please pick up and leave ap plications with front desk receptionist. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Af(irmative Action Employer. All qualified persons en couraged to apply.5-16 RICHES, FAME, EXPERIENCE! Adver tising positions available for summer and academic 1984-85 year. We are looking for freshmen and sophomores to fill positions in our advertising department Besides selling ad space, you will be designing ads, maintaining client contact and learning how to solve your clients' advertising needs and pro blems. In effect, you will be a one person "Agency." Here's your chance to get one step closer to your career goals and gain in valuable experience while doing so. These postions are paid on a com mission basis and require at least 20 hours per week You must have the use of a car in order to apply. If your career goal is in marketing, sales, public rela tions. advertising or business, this is an excellent opportunity Applications close May 22 Application forms are avalable at the Oregon Daily Emerald reception desk, 300 EMU For more information, see Susan Thelen, Advertising Manager The Emerald is an Equal Opportuni ty/Affirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 5-22 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications for all staff posi tions for 1984-85. The deadline for ap plying for managing editor and news editor is May 10 at 5 pm Applications for all other positions are due May 17 at 5 pm Applications and job descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald office, EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are: Managing Editor News Editor Editorial Page Editor Photo/Graphic Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Associate Editors: Features State Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities Community Politics The Oregon Daily Emerald is an affir mative action, equal opportunity employer __5-17 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION 1ST Regular part time position, evenings Resumes to Personnel. PO Box 11707 Eugene. I 97440 814 LEADERSHIP POSITION The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has openings for I Public Schools and Community Service Division Heads These positions re quire interpersonal communicattion, group process, self-motivation and the . ability to motivate others Respon . sibihties include training and supervis ing 6-10 coordinators, placing 200-300 University volunteers in the public schools or community services each term problem solving, documentation of division business, curriculum f development, and participation in ' several committees This is a unique opportunity to gam skills in policy mak Ing. consensus decision making, public relations, group facilitation, and pro blem solving Compensation: Credit and Work-study options are available Committment Is a minimum ol 25 hours per week Applications are available in the ESCAPE office (327 EMU) and are 1 due on May 11th al 5 pm For more In ' formation contact Dan or Kathy al 1 686 4351 Affirmative Action/ Equal Op portunity Employer 2652:5-11 I I I t JOBS WORK FOR A LIVABLE WORLD Earn credit, arorkstudy/stipend and valuable experience with the Survival Canter, student environmental organization, in areas of •Wilderness •Wildlife •Energy •Legislation •Recycling •Journalism •Media •Accounting •Toxics •Management Applications due May 11 tor the S4 school year Affirmative Action Employer Women, minorities and nature lovers encouraged to apply 686 4356. Suite 1, EMU Survival Center _ Opportunities SUMMER JOBS. See the man at the Job Location & Development office. 1511 Agate.2574:5-15 ALASKA SUMMWER JOBS Good money SJ. Parks, Fisheries, wilderness resorts, logging and much more . Sum mer employment Guide. 1984 listings. $4.95. NOrthQuest, 300 Union Ave, Bldg. 12. Campbell, CA 95008. 5-10 ALASKA Jobs and travel information! Write: Alasco, Box 30752, Seattle WA 98103. 5-17 Roommates ROOM AVAILABLE in three bedroom house; 3300 Alder, *80/mo. 345-2436. 5J2 ROOM IN QUIET HOUSE near campus. Dishwasher, laundry facilities. No pets, children. $105. Available 6-1. 345-7339. 5-9 For Rent HOUSES FOR RENT Summer rates 1 Vi blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara. at345-9083 2641 :lfn SUBLET FOR THE SUMMER FOR; UNDER 100 BUCKS Rent a wonderful, quiet, studio-cottage 9 blocks west of campus. Completely furnished and with 2 cats. Cali Bob at 485-6365 before 9:30 am or after 10 pm. __5-9 CAMPUS 1 BEDROOM - $150 Spacious, really nice. No pets or children 750 E. 18th, 345-7987, 687-8205, and 687-0565. 2659:tfn WHERES THE BARGAIN? Here at 735 E 17th, Vi block west of campus! One bedroom apt unfurnished/furnished, summer $155-$165, fall $190-$200 Minus discounts for prompt pay and lease Reserve now! 343-2114, 344-1583 501 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275 485-6322. 485-0062 344-1625.332:lfn 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion, carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry Call manager 345-7419 IPM REALTOR 485 8258 1827:tfn 1331 HIGH STREET Furnished Studio private bath-share kitchen with one other Utilities paid $160 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 485 6991 1938:tln' PRIVATE BATH! EXTRA LARGE beautifully furnished deluxe campus quads AIR CONDI TIONED, FREE CABLE, FREE UTILITIES. Covered parking, laundy facilities, refrigerator in each room. Pro mpt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $149 month HALF BLOCK TO CAMPUS & SHOPPING SEE OUR QUADS, BEFORE YOU RENT ANYWHERE ELSE! YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! CAMPUS QUADS 751 EAST 16th 345-1272 A J.P. North Apartment Home ____2137 tin BEST FOR LESS! PLUS FREE CABLE! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available tor fall Breathtak ing views, open courtyard. AIR CONDI TIONED, laundry facilities, covered parking & FREE utilities Prompt maintenace guaranteed Excellent on site management. ALL THIS FROM ONLY: $129 Vi BLOCK TO U OF O CAMPUS 10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE ! Woodside Manor (18th and Harris) 683-3005 A J.P North Aparment Home _2139:t!n FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE! For Only $125 SPOTLESSLY CLEAN modern deluxe campus quads Completely furnished Next to U of O campus and university shopping, covered parking and laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED. Excellent management STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1360 Alder Si 345-3599 A JP North Apartment Home 2141 :ttn ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugens Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building •Walking distance to campus -Spacious apartments -New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care For appointment call 484-7441. 2156:ttn UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo, 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo. Future openings expected all areas Contact UO Hous ing Dept. 686-4277.2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid Share kitchen with one other. Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities avalable. From $168. 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 ___2433:tfn CAMPUS AREA Newly 1 bedroom apartment in 5 plex. Roomy, laundry facilities, ready to go. 1884 Garden Ave. No.D. Jennings 8 Co. 683-2271 1667:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house. $109 and $119 Manager 345-1037. IPM, 1111 Pearl, 485-8258.1681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Peart 2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad. Air condi tioning Private refrigerator. Dishwasher. Near campus. Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom. Excellent location Freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus ten blocks. Unfurnished, no pets, no children. 2045 Willamette, $200. 345-7987, or 344-24692549:tfn DON'T WAIT Reserve for fall and sum mer now. 2 Bedroom, large, very clean Wholly furnished, disposal, dishwasher, laundry, sundeck, covered parking 683-89192627:ttn STUDIO’S FOR RENT STARTING IN JUNE Summer rates, 1Vi blocks from campus, laundry facilities, call Barbara at 345-9083. 2642:tfn Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075. _821:tln FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid Roomy, close to cam pus See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271. $130. 1666:tfn Houses For Rent SUMMER SUBLET, furnished house, two bedrooms, next to campus Ex tremely reasonable. 343-1218. 5-15 SOUTHEAST EUGENE Small 3 bedroom house, with garage Room for garden, view, $350. plus deposit Drive by 4830 Whiteaker 484-5209 2667:5-11 Pets FREE KITTENS 10 weeks old Very healthy, have been vet checked 484-6304, keep trying evenings. 5-10 Lost & Found LOST GOLDEN RETRIEVER 1 year old Last seen in Springield. East Eugene 741 1556. 5-9 Food & Drink FRESHLY SQUEEZED JUICES Available at The Kiva. Red Barn, Sundance. Sahalie and other fine natural food stores The gourmets choice of fruit and vegetable juices 174 Almaden 344 0967 (■null Ort»fjoii llurfjer ('oni|>aii}j OPEN DAILY TILL MIDNIGHT 13th Ave. at High St. 344622 Eugene. Oregon Events THE RIGHT BRAIN REVOLUTION Bill O'Hearn will show you how Thursday May 10, 7:30 pm, St Thomas Episcopal Church, 1465 Coburg Road Ticket donations a door $5 C®'Cp v£\S JUIC£ 5-10 Spring Fever Outdoor Program trip board offers ex citing adventures! Raft trips on Oregon Rivers, bike tours iri the San Juan Islands, Sea Kayaking on Vancouver Island. To sign up or find out more, stop by Outdoor Program, basement of EMU. 666-43652677:5-14 MOUNTAIN FRESH Dr. John D. Wilson will discuss water purification on Monday. May 14th at 7:30 pm in 107 Lawrence Hall. FREE! Sponsored by Outdoor Program 686-4365.2678:5-14 Nepal Whitewater The First Descent of the Karnali Exciting Multi-Media Thursday, May 10 7:30 pm EMU Ballroom FREE An Outdoor Program Event 2646:5-10 IFC and PHI DELTA THETA Presents KASHMIR at the 3rd Annual All Greek STREET DANCE May 11th 7:00 - 10:00 $1.50 day of the show at the door Corner of 15th & Kincaid __5-11 PROFESSORS’ PRESIDENTIAL FORUM Come hear professors Kloniski, Milton and Abbott debate over Modale, Hart and Jackson Wednesday May 9th 7:30 pm 167 EMU Sponsored by University Democrats _5-9 ASIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE WEEK AASU Presents May 10 JANICE MIRIKITANI Outstanding Asian American poet will give a reading of her work on: Thurs, May 10 at 7pm in EMU Forum Room She is the author of Awake in the River and contivuting editor of AYUMI, Time to Greez, AION magazine and Third Worl Women May 12 SEATTLE TAIKO GROUP This exciting and energetic group of per formers present a uni que fusion of the Asian American experience and the traditional rhythm of Japan upon TAIKO (Japanese drums). Experience all the sights and sounds! Sat. May 12 at 2pm in EMU Room 167 also A display of art work by leading Asian Am. artists. ___5JL Spring Fever Outdoor Program trip board offers ex citing adventures! Raft trips on Oregon Rivers, bike tours in the San Juan Islands, Sea Kayaking on Vancouver Island. To sign up or find out more, stop by Outdoor Program, basement of EMU 686-4365 _ 2677:5-14