'Spinal Tap' is heavy satire on heavy metal Heavy metal rock isn't dead, but Rob Reiner's sav«t‘te, rude and teroi tously satirical psuedo-documentary "This Is Spinal Tap" may have given it a near critical blow. Director and co-writer Reiner co-stars as Marti Di Bergi, the director of this "rockumen tary." Di Bergi remembers this band from their early days in the '60s, when they were not only "one of the most creative rock bands, but one of the loudest." His dream is to capture the band's first U.S. tour in six years on film. "This Is Spinal Tap" covers this disastrous tour through concert footage, soul-searching interviews and candid behind the-scenes sequences. The film is so successful that, if you're not careful, you might wind up forgetting that the whole thing is a farce. "This Is Spinal Tap" is actually the brainchild of four col laborators: Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer, who also portray the three major members of the band, and Reiner. The band Spinal Tap is their creation, a fic titious heavy metal rock group that is trying for a comeback. The group is not without its problems, of course, bad music notwithstanding. Their concert dates are canceled by the dozens and the distribution of their latest album, "Smell the Glove," is held up in the U.S. because of its sexist cover. The biggest problem occurs, however, when the girlfriend of lead singer David St. Hubbins (McKean) shows up and begins disrupting the relationships in the group. All this drama unfolds hilariously and quite believably in the film because it actually looks and feels like a genuine documentary. The actors of "Spinal Tap" ad libbed scenes after working out the premise to give spontaneity to the dialogue, and they actual Cat's Meow Jazz & BIues Corner Jazz & Blues, ReqqAe & Gospel Reconds Books, Tapes & CoUector's Accessories In ihi FihUpiAul BuildiNq FifTk & PearI • EuqENE 686-8742 "AT LAST, A STORE FOR THE TRUE COLLECTOR." ly performed the concert numbers live. The result is a film with a genuinely realistic, natural feel. The bite comes in the content — rude song lyrics to such hits as 'Big Bottom" and "Sex I Farm"; pithy, shallow remarks during the interviews; nar cissistic attempts at musician ship (particularly in Tufnel's abysmal guitar solos); and the silly, maudlin storyline of the tour. The funny thing about it all is that it works and it works well. The film is a brilliant piece of satire that doesn't stop at heavy metal music. Reiner and com pany, who also wrote all the songs, take digs at 'bOs folk rock, pretentious 70s music and documentary films in general. If not the most polished, "Spinal Tap" is the most bizarre and original film of the year. Playing at West 11th. Sean Axmaker come To our SECOND ANNUAL Saturday, May 5 & Sunday, May 6. Help us celebrate National Hospital Week by visiting Sacred Heart General Hospital this May 5 & 6. Sacred Heart Is your com munity hospital and our greatest concern and expertise is in keeping you well. Free health screening tests will be provided. visit with our jolly friend, "Nutrlblrd" about good health habits. Enjoy meeting our hospital clowns at the Laughter Booth. Enjoy the free popcorn, pop, and balloons. Sign up to win a variety of prizes including running shoes, a 13-week session weight control program, an infant car seat, health classes, athletic apparel, health club mini-memberships, health books, and much more. Speakers, displays, hospital tours, and films will be regularly scheduled. Take advantage of our Health Fair and see how much fun good health can be. DISPLAYS AND SCREENING TESTS visit Our Ask the Doctor Booth Test Your Heart Blood Pressure Check Blood sugar Test Learn About Diabetes Short Stay Procedures and Equipment Fetal Heart Monitoring Family Birth Center Options Skin cancer Check The Cancer Care Center Ambulance Display Lung Function Check smoke stopper's Program Check Your Foot Problems stress Check Relaxation Exercises Fitness information Check Your % Body Fat Health care for Children Height & weight Checks Nutrition information Sacred Heart s Lifeline for Elderly and Handicapped poison Emergencies Blood Type Check A Look at intensive Care Computerized Health Appraisal Laughter Is the Best Medicine Visit with our Hospital Clowns Posture Check Aids for the Speech impaired Computers In Rehabilitation 4 SPEAKERS & MOVIES SATURDAY ~ 12:00 "Commitment to caring at Sacred Heart" — Movie 12:30 "Allergies: A common Problem" — Speaker 1:30 "Coming Back: Rehabilitation at Sacred Heart" — Movie 2:00 "You and Your Blood Pressure" — Movie 2:30 "The Creat American Diet: Healthy or Hazardous?” — speaker 3:30 "Life Habits" — Movie 4:00 "Teenage Substance Abuse" — Speaker SUNDAY 12:00 "Mental Health services: A New Look" — Movie 12:30 "Coping with Depression”— Speaker 1:30 "Look Before you Eat" — Movie 2:00 "Hawn Eye center Services" — Movie 2:30 "Arthritis: Basic Facts” — Speaker 3:30 "Exercise and Your Healthy Heart" — Movie 4:00 "Poison Prevention" — Speaker visit us between 11:00 a.m. & 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 5th, or Sunday, May 6th. There is lots of free parking in the Diamond Lot at 13th & Patterson. it’s free, it’s informative, and it's good for you. TOURS Sign up for tours In the main lobby at the Information table. Tours will de part every hour 12-5 p.m. Radiology Radiation Therapy Family Birth Center Short Stay unit Rehabilitation Laboratory and Respiratory Therapy Surgery ASK THE DOCTOR BOOTH SCHEDULE Saturday, May 5 11:00 Pediatrics 12:00 OB/Gyn 1:00 Allergy 2:00 General Surgery 3:00 Dermatology 4:00 Urology 5:00 Family Practice Sunday, May 6 11:00 Family Practice 12:00 Cardiology 1:00 Pulmonary 2:00 Orthopedics/ Sports Medicine 3:00 Gastroenterology 4:00 Neurology 5:00 Psychiatry SACRED HEART GENERAL HOSPITAL 1255 HILYARD STREET POST OFFICE BOX 10903 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 686-7074