r I I w»* ZZP**A 1 i».. nS^!%c,ai / f»hen ln.°up0* for „ UndaV I | 6«6-9S9fi | » 2 p»ee r«» I / Ppln9sl / m 7* °e^Very ufftJ/ar °r S/cn m ^LA^°^rs^t^tc^ I * O PeH*ery 2 6«S-9S98 f I Food Service Beer Garden TODAY Featuring: CROW 4-7 p.m. in the Dining Room Budweiser on tap: Pitchers of Beer $2.50, Cups .75c Burritos 50c, Corn Dogs 50c Join the coffee achievers of America Hold on tight to your dream one night, she sat under her blue quilt in the chair with the TV on and the sound off and the rock’n’roll sta tion on the FM dial screaming out Slick Black Cadillac and drank a glass of water every Fifteen minutes saw the little girls on the screen surfer golden hunks of California mean sweating in the sun the Jhirmak angel, the L’Oreal angel, the Chanel No. 5 angel, the Helena Rubenstein angel, the Esprit angel, the black leather angel the roscy red wet lips of the speakers fold out and pulse and twitch convulsively like cunt screaming out teeth broken sticks fingernails rings crashing waves of vibrations coming to you live head games including Last One Back In The Womb Is A Rotten Egg parental discretion advised to watch two boys fall in love with each other (but they didn’t even show anything, no tongues or anal coitus or even a flamboyant shirt) when was the Two Girls Fall In Love movie coming out? (of the closet) she wore a button on her lapel that read Closet Decadent thought (too much, she thought) about the dreams that had always promised to eventually manifest themselves Someday I'll_be a_go to_ just watch the commercials today, it was the preppy look the demeanor of quiet grace and intelligence that somehow seemed to be a prerequisite (her life was one big prere quisite fulfillment never once believing she’d pass the test to get into the course at the 400 level) wanting to try truth in astronomy and puppies a baby on the screen in a plastic box with its eyes bandaged when would her babies grow? when would she bake bread and plant flowers and sterilize bottles? would she ten years into the future, be watching "That's Entertainment" on a black'n’white TV a black'n'white pinafored Judy Garland lip synching Sunday Bloody Sunday? would she be baking brewer's yeast bread and growing babies in sunshine with womyn lovers hoping that someone would get her message in the bottle that read “fruh-fruh-fruh-fruh-fruh" washing up on the shore, eyes swimming over typewriter paper over a half finished manuscript while a half quart of milk and a half empty can of spinach sat molding in the refrigerator spinning over and over in her saline. Writing the story that was begging her to write it hold on to her desires, her ambitions it could happen if she wanted it bad enough she had passion, desire, the unfulfilled craving wish a mild curiosity, an open mouth wanting to be filled with the sweat of ice cream love a golden-curled, black lipped Rita come on. Cary, just fuck her let 'em wonder she laughed, her head tilted back oh the gram was hitting now and the revolution reverbed tipping its hat. picking up its guitar to play she felt the salty sweat run down off her forehead into her mouth sugary with iced tea ectoplasmically diffusing into a future where Fred Astaire danced with coat racks (real talent there, Fred) the fascination of crawling onto ceilings (dont you feel a little silly Fred? a grown man, really) Esther Williams spiraling around with Tom and Jerry made her want a new drug one that wont make me siek my mouth too dry my eyes too red JUDY WAS STILL ON she had better learn how to enjoy being alone because the future teemed with solitude Bing was working for the weekend James was standing in the middle ot life with his hands behind me one, two, three, four Maurice sang every breath you take and she (ooh and it makes me) wondered what if she was beautiful and still no one found her attractive? (oh this one-sided war waged in th name of beauty 199 999 999:1) against the beast of the future, pulling the quilt over her eyes she vaporized the tears with her blowdryer and the I'V and the stereo steaming, oozing, melted and she silently sank into the night by Lori Stephens THERE’S A SALE EACH AND EVERY DAY! Pick a day, any day! THERE’S A SALE AT ROCK BOTTOM JEANS. The same TOP-QUALITY BRAND NAME JEANS for guys, gals and kids you'd find anyplace else.. But at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! New shipments of the LATEST FASHIONS arriving daily! EVERYDAY DISCOUNTS From 20% AND UP TO... OUR TEN-STORE BUYING POWER SAVES YOU MONEY!! EUGENE, 339 E 11th, Open 10-6 Mon-Sat, 12-5 Sun VALLEY RIVER ANNEX, (near BI-MART) 10-6 Mon-Sat, 12 5 sun SPRINGFIELD MALL. Open 10-9 Mon-Fri, 10-6 Sat, 12-5 Sun The jeans you d pay a fortune for, anyplace else! STUCK AT SCHOOL THIS WEEKEND! Weekend Special at the Fishbowl Deli: (See) Cup of Soup with the purchase of any Deli Sandwich! Don't Forget the Fishbowl is still a great place for soft drinks, coffee, pastries, yogurts and more! J