et al. MEETINGS CIRCLE K SERVICE CLUB meets tonight at 6.30 p m Meetings are held at 1653 Agate. All interested welcome to attend. Any questions call Laura at 485-3692. AD CLUB MEETING: Hear about all the exciting things happening: Party and barbeque next weekend, competi tions. internships, luncheon, and elections of new of ficers. This meeting will be a fun one (unlike the last). The meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. today in 301A Allen. All members and interested students please attend. LECTURES "THE RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS OF THE MEANING OF CULTURAL CONTACT” is the title of a lecture to be given by Prof. Charles Long tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 107 Lawrence. Conversation with Prof Long is open from 3 1 to 5 p.m. today at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid St. “THE STUDY OF FOLKLORE IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES” is the title of a panel discussion tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 177 Lawrence with University Faculty and visiting folklorists from Hungary and Germany. WOMEN IN FINNISH SOCIETY is the title of a lecture to be given by Elina Haavio-Mannila of Finland tonight at 7;30 p.m. in the EMU Forum Room “THE CAUSE AND CONTROL OF RAIN, TORNADOS AND PLATE TECHTONICS” is the title of a lecture to be given by Mr. Peterson. Monday, May 7, at 7 p.m. Call 726-8775 (evenings) for location INTERVIEWS JOB OUTLOOK FOR THE 80’S: A special workshop being offered at Career Planning & Placement will be held today at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. This workshop will pro vide a discussion on the 'hot" career prospects for the current decade and will be presented by Dr. Larry Smith in 237 Hendricks. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS with tuition reimbursement for Liberal Arts majors are now available in the areas of Personnel, Public Relations, Parks and Recreation, Computer Science, and Research. More information is available in Career Planning and Placement. MISCELLANEOUS “EFFECTIVE APPROACHES TO HEALTH CARE AND COST CONTAINMENT”is the title of a free seminar sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Personnel Manage ment Association. The seminar will by held May 8 at the Valley River Inn. Registration materials are available in 209 Gilbert. THE HALF DAY ON THE JOB PROGRAM is being sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity Thursday, May 10. This annual program offers business students an opportunity to be matched with the field of their choice and receive hands-on experience with ap plied management and operations. The students will spend the morning at the host business with a represen tative The program will end at the Eugene Hilton with a luncheon banquet and a keynote speaker. Thirteen field choices are offered students and applications, available at the College of Business main office, are due today. PRE-MEDS: Application Workshops scheduled in 341 Gilbert Monday and Tuesday, May 7 and 8 at 6 p.m. Classifieds For Sale QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater Like new Make oiler Call 485-3139 in evenings tin CRAZY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK V/2 speakers. $250 IBM Correcting Selec tric II with tons ol supplies and seven elements. $700 Larry 686-4344 days. 683-8185 evenings tin MUST SELL '81 Honda Passport Ex cellent $400/of(er 683-2145 evenings. _ 5-4 APPLE II PLUS Computer system (New baby, need cash) 64K. 80 col , 2 discs, B-W monitor, Apple Silentype printer and Transtar daisy printer, plus soft ware (v ard processing, spread sheet and games) $1750 687 1055.2585 5-4 GRATEFUL DEAD TICKETS 2 Mez zanine for Monday $40 each. I’ll haggle Rick, after 3:30 485-9180.5-4 1981 HONOA SR MOPED Good condi tion Runs great $250 Call 686-5179 ask lor Warner5-3 NEVER SEEN THE GRATEFUL DEAD? 2 tickets lor Sun.. May 6, 686-3466, Mike 5-3 WATERBED WITH BOOKCASE head board. padded rails, and accessories $125 485-30465JI ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. Large platen, clean, durable See 1544 Alder street No 86 Make oiler 5-4 DOWN SLEEPING BAG. Trailwise slimline, weight 3 lbs Used once New $270, sell $150 686-5125 days 5-4 HONDA TRAIL 90 1966 Affordable town motorcycle Needs work Best offer 461 2351!M BRAND NEW SPARE WATCH Seikos men s digital waterproof with alarm, stopwatch. $55 or best offer, 687-0446 5-4 TWO GRATEFUL DEAD TICKETS FOR SALE. Good seats for Sunday night 485-6045 5-4 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 361 West 5th _ 613M-F WANTED: Small recorder to tape lec tures Will pay lair price Burl, 686-6033 __5-3 VINTAGE AND CONTEMPORARY CLOTHNG. import, good prices OLD FRIENDS, 1128 A Alder. 345-1414 Services RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686 5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID Ifn STATES MOTEL. Portland 121 20 night ly 1 or 2 persons Free indoor pool, gym. phone HBO 2620 N E 82nd Ave 255 0103 5-7 NEED A TUTOR? Want to improve learn mg skills'5 the EDUCATIONAL OPPOR TUNITIES PROGRAM offers many set vices Advising Counseling Credit Courses, and more Must be low in come Eligibility quickly determined Call 686-3232. or stop by 207 Emerald Hall_2270 5 8 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO'S COPIES 344 7894 860 E 13 __ 244653 PARENTS Need a break’ Let Counsel ing Psych Grad Mom provide weekend overnlte childcare 12 hours 110 References 342 4094 before 8 am Trades considered 5-4 Typing ♦ROFESSIONAL. ECONOMICAL typing proves word processing as superfluous Typed copy always proof ed by Ruth 345 5614 1449 UH T V PIN O/E DITING Call Sara 886-0739 575 WHFM WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quail ly work Correcting Seleclric 11 Various type elements Graduate School Ao proved Call Doris 484 1094 1041 UWH TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations, diagrams, papers, tables, including statistical Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast Profits sional. Qualify Service, Guaranteed WordStytes A Type Script* CINDY 484 5454 BRANDY 4848044 1098 fin ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed-Accurate 484-1646 748:tfn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel Grad approv ed Near campus. 344-0759. 513:tfn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup and delivery available 485-3914 583:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% dis count with current ID tfn PRO TYPING/EDITING ON VACATION May 3 through May 14 Jennifer 485-3883 898:tfn TYPING: 15 years experience Papt. \ dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 688-3983.514:tfn TYPING Patrice 342-5238 2052:tfn Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345-2289 2168:ttn FOR SALE IBM Correcting Selectric II. Comes with plenty of supplies and several elements. Has ALWAYS been under IBM service contract $700 or best offer Larry. 686-4344 days, 683-8185 even ingstfn PROFESSIONAL QUALITY AND EX PERIENCED for your typing needs IBM Correcting selectric. Graduate specialist Reasonable Carolyn Sher rell. 344-7231 _ _ 2570:5-4 Now apply this formula KRAZY KATS copy shop PLUS KODAK copier equals world s finest photocopying Bring in your RESUME, THESIS. DISSERTAION We ll copy it to perfection with style and care Lowest prices Come see us! 1219 Alder _ 2599:5 16 Written Impact Essential Writing and Design Specializing in copywriting, editing, word processing, graphic design Con sultants to Eugene businesses for two years, we now extend our services to the student community 962 E. 18th 485 5175 2610:5-3 Instruments ROLAND TR808 Drum Machine $650 Yamaha Synthsizer with Flight Case $1750. 485 1359 after 5 pm 5-4 Sound Systems WHAT A DEAL!! Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp FIT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK IVY speakers all lor only $250 Will also sell individual components Call today! Larry. 6864344 days. 683-8185 even ings tin Photography WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Proles sional quality reasonable prices John Dutton 344 6750 5-10 Books 60.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% oft list prices New Books Tent'. nks-Clitt Note Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLO SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 382 I tn Bicycles nk^T6®ifiAMi! 20 womens 10 speed* rack and fenders good condition $150 686-5125 days 5 4 SECOND NATURE BICYCLES • Niehiiri/Cycle Fro Coinage Dealer • Full Line BMX/Cruifter • Reconditioned Bike* Our Specially •Expert repairs •Free Appr«*i*aH •Coelom Buildups •Frame Repair 343 5362 17*2 WtUemeile St BUY»SELL»TRADE Cars & Cycles 821983 VW SCIROCCO for sale, under 8,000 miles in very clean condition. Want to sell for the end of the year Phone 345-5454, 345-1111.5-7 ‘73 850 GUZZI w/ fairing & bags. $1200. 687-8736. 5 4 MUST SELL Excellent '81 Honda Passport $400/offer. 683-2145 even ings^5-4 ‘73 TOYOTA $600 Corolla 2-Door in Good Repair, call James 344-4399. 5-4 CLASIC GOLD 1963 VESPA Scooter 150 cc. MOD! $350 or best offer 683-4240 5-4 FOR SALE 2 motorcycle helmets, $15 and $25 Mark 485-9442 5-3 Auto Repair Fiat, Datsun. Toyota, Honda. Subaru, Audi, Porsche and VW SANDPIPER IMPORT SERVICE 2795 Willamette 343-9427 Travel EUROPEAN SUMMER FLIGHTS From $599, round trip Eugene Travel 687-2823 2335:5-4 BOSTON OR NEW YORK Airline ticket $170 Janice 342-5367, evenings: 343-8425.54 ONE AIRLINE TICKET: Eugene to NYC, one way. Usable June 2-9. $250. 485-0419 before 8 am. 5-8 Opportunities SUMMER JOBS See the man at the Job Location & Development office, 1511 Agate 2574:5-15 SUMMER SCHOOL IN SPAIN Program for sale Call Debbie. 343-1104 2596:5-4 Help Wanted APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for openings in the ODE Pro duction Department for Fall Term Typesetter must be familiar with typesetting terminology, and have meticulous work habits Ad paste up tech previous experience in paste up preferred, must have well rounded design sense, as well as an eye for spaclal uniformity Photo technician requires knowledge of darkroom processes, including photo printing and film development Previous experience with a process camera also helpful Afternoons and evenings News Paste up lech, requires little or no experience Applicant must have ability lo learn quickly and follow direc tions Late evening position These are student positions, all ap plicants must be enrolled In at least 6 hours. Applications close May 18 Posi tions will be tilled by June 4th. For further details or to pick up applica tions ■ 300 EMU Oregon Daily Emerald Office Please pick up and leave ap plications with front desk receptionist The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunlty/Affirmative Action Employer All qualified persons en couraged to apply_5-18 SAW MILL FILER Must be able to bench saws as well as fitting Please send resume with references to: Scott Findlay. Byd Lumber Corp., PO Box 112 Sedrowolley WA 98284 2544 5 3 MOTHER’S HELPER WANTEO for New Vork City area 19 years or older, must drive, non-smoker Start in August lor 8 months • 1 year Opportunity to travel Experience and references necessary Write Marsha Veit. 11 Garden Ridge Chappaqua, NV 10514, 5-4 LOVING. EXPERIENCED SITTER tor Children ages 14 months and 4 years Three mornings, some afternoons South East Eugene, own transportation References call 485-4040 2571:5-7 in- Oregon Oatiy Emerald advertising department is looking for a student to be CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER for summer term The suc cessful applicant will have a background in office management and newspaper production and will be able lo work at least 20 hours per week The person selected for this job will run the entire classified advertising depart ment this summer and will share the job with another student beginning next tall term Applications close at 5 pm Fri day May tl Application forms are available al the ODE reception desk, 300 EMU The Emerald is an Equal Op portunity/Aftirrnative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged lo apply 511 STAFF POSITION Sf INTERNSHIPS available with the SURVIVAL CENTER, student Enviromental Organization in areas of: •Wilderness •Journaliam •Wildlife «Media •Energy «Accounting •Legislation ‘Toxics •Recycling ‘Management Applications due May 4 for the 84-85 school year Work-Study available Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Women, minorities and nature enthusiasts encouraged to ap ply 1668:5--* NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION MANAGER Full-time position, in charge of super vising the Oregon Daily Emerald com posing room, including daily newspaper typesetting and commercial graphic services Experience in newspaper production methods for off set printing essential. Position also en tails personnel management and phototypesetting machine maintenance. Apply by resume and let ter to Oregon Daily Emerald, Board of Directors, P O. Box 3159, Eugene, OR 97403 by May 10, 1984 Starting pay bet ween $900-$1200 per month depending on experience Job begins June 1, 1984. The Oregon Daily Emerald In an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities, and the handicapped are en couraged to apply 5-10 RICHES, FAME, EXPERIENCE! Adver tising positions available for summer and academic 1984-85 year We are looking for freshmen and sophomores to fill positions in our advertising department Besides selling ad space, you will be designing ads, maintaining client contact and learning how to solve your clients' advertising needs and pro blems In effect, you will be a one person 'Agency." Here's your chance to get one step closer to your career goals and gain in valuable experience while doing so. These postions are paid on a com mission basis and require at least 20 hours per week You must have the use of a car in order to apply If your career goal is in marketing, sales, public rela tions. advertising or business, this is an excellent opportunity. Applications close May 22. Application forms are avalable at the Oregon Daily Emerald reception desk, 300 EMU For more information, see Susan Thelen, Advertising Manager The Emerald is an Equal Opportune ty/Aftirmative Action Employer Women and minorities are encouraged to apply _ 5-22 LEFTOVER WORK STUDY?? Excellent opportunity for two staff workers in the Off-Campus Housing office Take hous ing referrals, meet people, do landlord tenant counseling Sunny office, good co-workers, opportunity tor long-term, including summer Starting S3.91, regular raises, flexible hours Applica tions in Suite 3, due 5 pm May 4 Phone 686-3731 Off-campus Housing is an ASUO. Affirmative-Action, Equal Oppor tunity employer _ 2539 5-4 THE POSITIONS OF CO DIRECTOR for the ESCAPE Field Studies Program have been re-opened Applications are due no later than 5 pm, Monday. May 7 For more information, come by 327 EMU or call 686-4351 and ask tor Ahrea _2587:5-4 EUGENE FAMILY YMCA has childcare positions open for trade tor a family or single membership 686 9622 2523:5-4 THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD is now accepting applications for all staff posi tions for 1984 85 The deadline for ap plying for managing editor and news editor is May 10 at 5 pm Applications for all other positions are due May 17 at 5 pm Applications and fob descriptions may be picked up at the Emerald office. EMU Suite 300 Staff positions are: Managing Editor News Editor EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR PhotofGraphic Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Assistant Entertainment Editor Associate Editors. Features State Higher Education Administration Student Government Student Activities Community Politics The Oregon Daily Emerald is an affir mative action equal opportunity employer 5-17 COLLEGE STUDENTS: GET SMART! Sell Avon Earn good money, se! your own hours CALL AVON TODAY: 746-6422 Avon THE 1984 85 ASUO EXECUTIVE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Staff positions include: Executive Assistant; Publications, Editor; Coordinators, and Assistant; Publications Editor; Coor dinators and Assistant Coordinators in State Affairs, Program Administration and Finance. Student Events, and University Affairs Stipends approx $125/mo for Assistant Coordinators and $175/mo. for Coordinators, or Work study Summer stipends will vary. Diverse qualifications and experience considered; dedicated and motivated students encouraged to apply Applica tions available at ASUO office, Suite 4. EMU. and due there by 5 pm 5-09-84 ASUO is an affirmative action/equal op portunity employer2614:5-8 KINDERCAMP COUNSELOR NEEDED Experience with children Ages 2Vj-6. Athletic background desirable June 11th August 24th. Reply: Janet S c h neide r m an; Eugene YMCA 686-9622 Deadline May 8th 5-7 Roommates MATURE STUDENT. Two bedroom house, fireplace, fenced 1.5 miles to campus, bus and bike $112.50. 343-1335.5-4 WOMAN ROOMMATE NEEDED. Rent 92.50. Call Erica, late eves, 343-0655.5-4 For Rent FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275 485 6322 485 0062 344 1625332:tfn 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion. carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry. Call manager 345-7419 IPM REALTOR 485 8258 1827:tfn 1331 HIGH STREET Furnished Studio private bath-share kitchen with one other Utilities paid. $160. BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 485-6991 _1938:tfn PRIVATE BATH! EXTRA LARGE beautifully furnished deluxe campus quads AIR CONDI TIONED, FREE CABLE, FREE UTILITIES Covered parking, laundy facilities, refrigerator in each room Pro mpt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $149 month HALF BLOCK TO CAMPUS & SHOPPING. SEE OUR QUADS, BEFORE YOU RENT ANYWHERE ELSE! YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID! CAMPUS QUADS 751 EAST 16th 345-1272 A J P North Apartment Home ___________2137:tfn BEST FOR LESS! PLUS FREE CABLE! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available for tall. Breathtak ing views, open courtyard. AIR CONDI TIONED, laundry facilities, covered parking & FREE utilities Prompt maintenace guaranteed Excellent on site management ALL THIS FROM ONLY: $129 Vt BLOCK TO U OF O CAMPUS 10 minutes on bus line to LCC STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE ! Woodside Manor (18th and Harris) 683-3005 A J P North Aparment Home ___2139:tfn SMALL 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED UNIT., Near music building Water, gar bage. heat included References , Ridgewood Apts. 688-5769. 2586:tfn THE STUDENT'S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION offers low cost room and board for summer/fall 1984 For in formation on a progressive living alter native call Campbell Club: 686-5189 or Janet Smith House: 686 4261 1698:MHF NEAR CAMPUS! Two bedroom available in June. Quiet! Private patio, carport, laundry Also will be a one bedroom. Nice but reasonable 344-7434 5-3 FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE! For Only $125 SPOTLESSLY CLEAN modern deluxe campus quads Completely furnished Next to U of O campus and university shopping, covered parking and laundry facilities Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED. Excellent management. STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1360 Alder St 345-3599 A JP North Apartment Home 2141 :tfn ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building -Walking distance to campus -Spacious apartments -New carpets, drapes Eugene manor-managed by people who care. For appointment call 484-7441. __2156:tfn UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list Westmoreland furnish ed apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo., 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo. Future openings expected all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept 686-4277.2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid Share kitchen with one other. Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities avalable From $168. 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tfn EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 1 bedroom Excellent location Freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus ten blocks Unfurnished, no pets, no children. 2045 Willamette, $200. 345-7987 or 344-2469 2590:tfn CAMPUS AREA Newly 1 bedroom apartment in 5 plex. Roomy, laundry facilities, ready to go. 1884 Garden Ave. No.D. Jennings & Co. 683-2271 1667:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house. $109 and $119. Manager 345-1037 IPM, 1111 Pearl, 485-82581681 :tfn BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms. Uni quely furnished Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad Air condi tioning. Private refrigerator. Dishwasher Near campus Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl __ 2535:tfn EXTREMELY LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom. Excellent location. Freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus ten blocks Unfurnished, no pets, no children 2045 Willamette, $200 345-7987. or 344-2469 2549:tfn Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service 686-1075. _821 :tfn LARGE MODERN QUAD next to Univer sity. All utilities paid $129/mo. 1866 Harris. 343-1009, 344-8941, 2326:tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid Roomy, close to cam pus See at 553 E 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271 $130. 1666:tfn Houses For Rent GORGEOUS SMALL HOUSE 4 blocks to campus, vaulted ceiling, skylight, knot ty pine paneling, range and refrigerator, new paint and carpet $260 plus $200 deposit. 683-1610 2600:6-4 Lost & Found EZ MONEY for return of gold ring with green stone One side has “76' and other has BA Inside. N.D P Call Nancy 485-5892 or 689 2021 5-3