Cheerleaders rally for respectability They risk taunts, work hard, and are out there to perform By David Carlson Of the Emerald Ignoring the risks of being dubbed "airheads” and of being hit with ice cubes thrown by irate fans, 45 people tried out for the University rally squad this year. The group of 45, six men and 39 women, was gradually reduced over four days by a panel of six judges who questioned the cheerleading candidates about their sports knowledge and judged their dance skills. When the tryouts finally concluded, seven women and three men were chosen for next year's squad. Rally squad adviser and former Universi ty cheerleader Mike Maulding says the in itial careful selection — and hard work dur ing the season — pays off. "I admit my bias," Maulding says, "but people who have seen all the Pac-10 rally squads rate Oregon's the best along with USC." He says this is especially impressive when coupled with the fact that the Univer sity of Southern California squad has help from professional Hollywood choreographers. "Our choreography comes from our talent, from the fact that we become very close friends and from camps that we at tend," Maulding says. In August, some University squad members will attend a National Cheerleading Association camp in Berkeley to learn the latest rally squad moves. The summer also brings a rigorous train ing schedule. The squad will work out five days a week, seven hours a day. During the school year the squad practices for two hours three or four days a week, Maulding says. Despite the demanding schedule, people are attracted to the rally squad because of their love of sports and because the Univer sity squad emphasizes dance, he says. "In the past we primarily did pyramids and gymnastics, but dance ability is now very important and these people love to dance," he says. Returning cheerleader Nancy Loo, a jour nalism major, says she enjoys all aspects of cheerleading. "I love to dance, I love to stay in shape and I love to perform," she says. Loo says she also likes the public rela tions aspect of cheering. The squad members represent the University at parades and fashion shows, and appear for public service organizaions such as the Lion's Club. Architecture student Scott Miler, a se cond year rally member, says he doesn't mind being a free goodwill ambassador for File Photi> Like all University sports teams, the rally squad puts in long hours of practice and training before taking to the football field. the University or all the hard work — as long as he gets to perform. "Performing in front of thousands of people is a trip," Miler says. Miler says one drawback to performing in the limelight is the danger of flying objects. "You have to put up with ice cubes flying by your head because you're caught in the crossfire between the fans and the players and refs," he says. Kym Easton, who is studying telecom munications, echoes Loo and Miler in her love of performing and dancing and finds the stereotype of the dumb blond cheerleader objectionable. "You can't really be an airhead or a dingbat because dancing takes a lot of time, work and dedication," Easton says. Loo strongly agrees and says "I'm not blond, I'm not dumb and I have a higher CPA than most people I know." et at. MEETINGS WOMEN IN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. meets tonight at 7 p m at East Broadway Pizza (or a dinner meeting. Officer elections for next year will be discussed All members and interested students are encouraged to attend THE ASIAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION will meet this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the second floor lounge of Friendly Hall All interested students and faculty are welcome. “ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LEADERSHIP, FRIEND SHIP AND SERVICE?” If so, there will be an open meeting for Alpha Phi Omega today in EMU Century Room A All interested are wholeheartedly welcome CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST will hold its weekly meeting, Prime Time, tonight at 8:31 p.m*. in 101 EMU. Campus Crusade for Christ is a nondenomination Chris tian organization. Everyone is welcome to join us. THE POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDENT UNION journal committee will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Emerald office in the library. Please be prompt This is an impor tant meeting ASKLEPIAD MEETING tonight at 7:30 p.m at the Chi Psi Fraternity. It is important that all members attend. LECTURES “THE CAUSE AND CONTROL OF RAIN, TORNADOS ANO PLATE TECHTONICS” is the title of a lecture to be given by Mr. Peterson. Monday, May 7, at 7 p.m. Call 726-8775 (evenings) for location “TWO VIEWS OF CONTEMPORARY HUNGARIAN FOLKLORE: THE VILLAGE MUSEUM AND THE URBAN DANCE REVIVAL" is the title of a slide-and-video lecture to be given by Profs. Zoltan Fejos and Peter Nieder muller tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 177 Lawrence. INTERVIEWS INTERVIEWS Sign up at 7:30 a m. on Wednesday in Room 224 Hendricks Hall for the following recruiters: MAY 9 Port Angeles Public Schools (For teachers: Elementary&Read Specialist&Spec Ed&Home and fami ly life&Sec Math&Sec Sci&Vocational-A mech&Carpen try) Group Meeting: 9 a m , Rm. 108, EMU May 9 VR Business Brokers — Group meeting only: 7 p.m., Rms 110-111, EMI (For selling businesses) May 10 Hillsboro Union High School District 3JT (For Teachers: JH and SH Soc studies&JH and SH Math&CS&SH English&JH and SH Handicapped Learner&JH typing) May 10 U S. Comptroller of the Currency (For National Bank Examiner) SIGN UP FOR THE FOLLOWING RECRUITERS at 7:30 a.m. today in 244 Hendricks Hall: PLEASE SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY if interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters: Apr 30-May 2 Peace Corps recruiting Office (For Peace Corps Volunteer) Group Meeting: 4/30 12:30 p.m., Forum Room, EMU. Film: 4/30 3:30 p.m.. Forum Room, EMU April 30 Jefferson County School District (For Jr High Teachers. Math/Eng/Counseling/Special Education) May 1 Arthur Andersen & Company (For Winter '84 Ac counting Internship) May 1 Economics Lab (For Sales Trainee) May 1-2 Electronic Data Systems Corporation (For Systems Engineering Development) May 1 K mart Apparel (For Management Trainee Pro gram) Group Meeting: 4/30 7-8:30 p.m., 108 EMU (Atten dance req. to interview) May 1-2 U.S. National Bank of Oregon (For Career Development Training Program) May 2 Jay Jacobs, Inc, (For Management Trainee) May 3,4 Tigard School District 23J (For Teachers: JH Band/JH & SH Eng/Math/Sci/Learning Specialist) Group Meeting: 5/3 9-10 a m., Room 12, Hendricks Hall May 3 U.S Air Force (For Pilot/Navigator/Meterology/Comm Electronics) MISCELLANEOUS SOCIOLOGY MAJORS: The Peer Advisors are looking for new recruits for 1984-85 Receive 1-3 credits, counseling experience. Come to 709 PLC for more infor mation or call 686-5012. THE CHEESE AND BUTTER DISTRIBUTION WILL BE HELD IN THE EMU May 1-2 “EFFECTIVE APPROACHES TO HEALTH CARE AND COST CONTAINMENT” is the title, of a free seminar sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Personnel Manage ment Association. The seminar will by held May 8 at the Valley River Inn. Registration materials are available in 209 Gilbert. THE GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWS FEDERA TION is sponsoring two slide shows on the Labor Move ment in Central America tonight from 7-9 p.m. in 101 EMU Come and celebrate International Worker's Day with us. Free of charge THE HALF DAY ON THE JOB PROGRAM is being sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity Thursday, May 10. This annual program offers business students an opportunity to be matched with the field of their choice and receive hands-on experience with ap plied management and operations. The students will spend the morning at the host business with a represen tative. The program will end at the Eugene Hilton with a luncheon banquet and a keynote speaker Thirteen field choices are offered students and applications, available at the College of Business main office, are due today. THE BAPTIST STUDENT UNION sponsors a free lunch every Tuesday from noon to 1 p.m. at the Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid (across from PLC). Today's lunch will be served in the library Everyone is invited. ASUO WOMEN’S SYMPOSIUM ACTIVITIES Women in Politics Internationally, 10 a.m„ Forum Room Politics of Upward Mobility, 11:30 a m., 108 EMU Noon Gig, “Girls Like Us," Courtyard Feminization of poverty, noon. Forum Room Grassroots Organizing, 12:30, 101 EMU Gender Gap, 1:30 p.m., 108 EMU Women and Alternative Media in Mexico, 2 p.m., Forum Room Sex Discrimination and the Law, 3 p.m., 108 EMU Nuclear Annihilation will trivialize Feminism, 4:30 pm., 101 EMU Issues 84, 7 p.m., Dad’s Room Classifieds PHONE ORDERS WELCOME WITH VISA or MASTERCARD EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 For Sale DRUMS-4 pc Stewart with Camber cym bat and hat Great beginners set Good shape*450,or make best offer 6832152. 9-1,7-IOpm__ QUEEN-SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater Like new Make otter. Call 485-3139 in evenings tfn CRAZY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1 Vi speakers. $250 IBM Correcting Seise trie I! with tons ot supplies and seven elements. *700 686-4344. ask tor Larry __ _tfn MOVING SALE X-C skis/poles 3 speed bike, new backpack, desk, chair, sleep ing bag, table. Mine books and albums For turther info call Mary 3435019 Keep trying, Prices are negotiable 32 MUST SELL 81 Honda Passport Ex cellent S400fof1er 6832145 evenings WET 2001 COMPUTER 8K RAM he* screen and tape recorder Asking 1175 Dave 485 9186 31 Buy & Sell -Tftf*uyTW?LL"gflffg*i Buy-Sell Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers 181 West 5th 613M-F WANTED: Small recorder to tape lec lures Will pay fair price Burt, 646 0033 5-3 Instruction guitar Instruction: biu Eugene recording artist, offers Instruc tion for all levels. 344-4237 for appt S-1 Services rETuMtS RfeiuMES Resumes Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tfn STATES MOTEL, Portland, S21 20 night ly, 1 or 2 persons Free indoor pool, gym, phone. HBO 2620 N.E 82nd Ave 255-0103 __ 57 NEEO A TUTOR? Want to Improve learn ing skills? the EDUCATIONAL OPPOR TUNITIES PROGRAM offers many ser vices Advising, Counseling. Credit Courses, and more Must be low In come Eligibility quickly determined Call 6863232. or stop by 207 Emerald Hall 227068 Typing IftbKIJbdNAl. ECONOMICAL typm< proves word processing as superfluous Typed copy always proof ed by Ruth 3455814 I446UH WELL EXPERIENCED TYPIST Do quail' ly work Correcnng Selecmc II Various type elements Gradual* School Ap proved Can Dons 464 1094 1041 UWH ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast Guaranteed Accurate 484-1646 _748:ttn PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist. IBM Corr Sal Grad approv ed Near campus 344-07S9. 513:tfn PRO TYPINQ/EDITINQ Expert at theses and dissertations 2 block from UO No |ob too small Jennifer 465 3883 _ 886:1In TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectrlc Pickup and delivery Call Carole at 668-3983.514 tin TYPING Patrice 342-5236 2052 tin Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday Friday 8 30-4 30 Evenings by appointment only 345 2289 2168tln FOR SALE IBM Correcting Selectrlc II. Comes with plenty ot supplies and several elements Has ALWAYS been under IBM service contract 8700 or best oiler 686 4344. ask lor Larry tin MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings lorm letters 343-T24 _ 2516:5-1 PROCESSIONAL QUALITY AMO EX PERIENCED tor your typing needs IBM Correcting selectrlc Graduate specialist Reasonable Carotyn Sher roll, 344 7231 2570:54 DYNAMIC TYPI NO SE R V ICE Guaranteed Quality work Pickup and delivery available 485-3914 583:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES QualL ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU. Students 10% dis count with current ID tin TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dlssertatlons papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical. Law papers. Resume Composition, A Mats Mailing Specialists. Fast, Profes sional Quality Service. Guaranteed 345 2400 Wordstyles A Typescripts CINDY A BRANDY Instruments ROLAND TRB08 Drum Machine *650 Yamaha Synthsizer with Flight Case *1750, 485-1359 after 5 pm 5-4 Cars & Cycles 8219A3 VW SCIROCCO tor sale under 8,000 miles In very clean condition Want to sell lor the end ol the year Phone 345 5654 , 345-1111 _ _5-4 ‘73 850 GUZZI w/ fairing & bags. $1200. 687-8736. MUST SELL Excellent 81 Honda Passport WOOfoffer 683-2145 even ings 5-4 Photography WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Profes sional quality reasonable prices John Dutton 344-6750 5-10 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% off list prices New Books-Textbooks-Cliff Note Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 766 East 13th 362:tfn Travel EUROPEAN SUMMER FLIGHTS From $599, round trip Eugene Travel 687-2823 Rides & Riders MOVING TO L.A. after 5-15. If you have extra space In a truck/van. I'll share drive and $. Call Dennis 686-3510 or 342-1020 eves 5-1 Opportunities ALASKAN JOBS: For information, send SASE to Alaskan Job Services, Box 40235, Tucson. Arizona 85717._5-2 SUMMER JOBS. See the man at the Job Location & Development office 1511 A9ate _ 2574:5-15 Sound Systems WHAT A DEAL!! Pioneer SX-737 receiver, Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1V4 speakers-311 for only $250. Will also sell individual components. Call today! 666-4344, ask for Larry. _tfn POLK AUDIO SPEAKERS. Like new retail, $480 sell for $300. Call Marc, 485-9649. 5.1 Help Wanted 4-J HANDICAPPED SWIM PROGRAM needs male volunteers. Swimming abili ty not as important as dependability. Monday and Wednesday 3:15-4:30 pm. Easter Seal Pool. Call Joan Kelly, 687-3253. 2501:5-1 SAW MILL FILER Must be able to bench saws as well as fitting Please send resume with references to: Scott Findlay, Byd Lumber Corp., PO Box 112. Sedrowolley WA. 98284 . 2544:5-3 MOTHER’S HELPER WANTED for New York City area 19 years or older, must drive, non-smoker. Start in August for 6 months • 1 year. Opportunity to travel. Experience and references necessary Write Marsha Veit, 11 Garden Ridge, Chappaqua, NY 10514._ 5-4 WANTED: Person with equipment to DJ wedding July 7th. Approximately 5 hours, $5.50/hr plus food, drink and good time 344-2831 after 5 pm. 5-2 LOVING, EXPERIENCED SITTER for children ages, 14 months and 4 years. Three mornings, some afternoons. South East Eugene, own transportation. References, call 485-4040. 2571:5-7