Lily Tomlin's coming and that's the truth — phhhhhhh The indomitable sister Boogie Woman, known professionally as Lily Tomlin, appears in Eugene al the Hult's Silva Hall on May 14. The concert will benefit, in part, the nuclear freeze spon sored by Women for Disarmament and Citizens for Lasting Security. The 472 freeze-benefit tickets are available at Marketplace Books in the Fifth Street Market, Paper Traders at Southtowne, Paradox Books on 13th Avenue by campus and Mother Kali's on Fifth and Blair. Tickets are $16.50, $13.50 and $10.50. After the concert, freeze diehards can attend a champagne reception for Tomlin. The extra $25 reception cost is tax deductible. Top-notch seats have been reserved for those attending the reception. For further information and reception tickets, call 343-8548. Photo courtesy of Michael Childers Topgirls' ends Second Season “Top Girls," the last of this year's Second Season productions, makes its Northwest premiere Thursday, May 3, at the Arena Theater in Villard Hall. British playwright Caryl Churchill's 1982 work tells the story of Marlene, the newly promoted manager of the Top Girls Employment Agency. To celebrate her success, she holds a dinner party and invites some of history's most prominent women. Top girls, she learns, have all had to pay the price for power and success in the modern world. The play is directed by graduate student Lyn da Czajkowska who starred as Joan in this year's University Theatre production, "Saint Joan." Cza jkowska directed last year's Second Season drama, "Slow Dance on the Killing Ground." The cast includes Kimberly Anderson, Shan non O'Keefe, Nancy West, Tina Richey and Nancy Julian. The set design is by Faber de Chaine, and costumes are designed by Jeanette de Jong. Performances run May 3-5, 10-12, and 17-19. Tickets are $2 and can be ordered through the theater box office at 686-4191 from noon to 4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Photo by Michael Clapp Kim Anderson and Tina Richey play in the Se cond Season production of Caryl Churchill's "Topgirls." Recycle t-his paper Oregon Daily Emerald shortcuts HI-TECH HfllRCUTTlflG 342-7664 / 966 OAK STREET It’s at Track Town. Look for details in Wednesday's ODE. ☆ TUNE-UPS ☆ BRAKES ☆ FUEL INJECTION n i a s e certified general mechanic PHONE 485-8226 1917 FRANKLIN CLOSE TO CAMPUS ■■■■■ BY THE TIME YOU FINISH READING THIS AD, JOHN MAY HAVE RAPED AGAIN. Every three minutes That's how often a rape occurs in the U.S. But don’t think that just because you never walk alone at night, you're safe. Because most rapes are Committed by guys like John. Next door neighbor. Lab partner. Even boyfriend. Not just some maniac in a dark alley. In fact, studies show that 7 out of 10 victims knew their rapist before the crime. And considering that 90% of all rapes go unreported, you can bet that guys like John will continue to rape. And get away with it. But you can fight back. Call the Rape Crisis Network. Well teach you how to protect yourself against rape. Now read this ad again. And think about John's next victim. Don't let it be vou. RAPE CRISIS NETWORK 485-6700 Htajtin tuurlm <4 (X NEXT BEST THING TO MOM’S murau KOI COOKIN'? For the month of May Monday and Wednesday AM Special • 7 - 11:30 a.m. FREE small Cinnamon Roll with the purchase of one of 12 different omelettes! We make our own Bread, Chili, Soup, Cornbread, Blueberry Muffins, Hamburger Buns, Biscuits, Cinnamon Rolls, Cookies and Pies 7:00 - 4:30 Mon. - Fri. • 1249 Alder • 484-2956 (Next to the Hair Loft)