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MA-32JS By Steve Turcotte Of the Emerald Some familiar faces that had been gone so long finally made their appearance Saturday after noon at Hayward Field. Kathy Hayes, Kim Roth, Grace Bakari and Shari Collins, who had been injured this season, competed for Oregon's women's track team for the first time and led the Ducks to a pair of dual meet victories. Oregon knocked off Fresno State 97-39 and dumped Oregon State 98-38, improving its season record to 5-0 and leaving open the possibility for a national-dual meet title. “We had a lot of personal bests and a lot of good performances today," said Oregon track coach Tom Heinonen. "We also got some of our key competitors back into action." For Heinonen, it was especially pleasing to see distance runners Roth and Hayes back in the fold after injuries nearly forced them to redshirt this season. Hayes, the collegiate record holder at 3,000 meters, won that race Saturday in a time of 9:14.19, qualifying for the NCAA meet and the Olympic Trials. Hayes left the field early and ran her own pace for much of the seven-plus laps. "I felt no pain at all," said Hayes, who's been sidelined with tendinitis, a stress fracture and a broken finger. "I ran as hard as I could, I would have liked to have run about 9:10, but I'm dead tired." Hayes tackles the 5,000 next weekend in the Oregon Relays, an event in which she was the NCAA runner-up a year ago. Roth, too, had been sidelined, although she raced twice this season in the 3,000. Her 1,500 Saturday was her initial attempt at that distance and she said she felt good about winning in a time of 4:25.06. "I decided to go out a little fast because I was really nervous," said Roth . "I didn't really care about the time —■ I just wanted to see what I could do." "Kim is back where she was in February now," Heinonen said. Bakari, the Ghana native, ran on teammate Brenda Bushnell's shoulder for a lap and three quarters before turning on the speed to win in 2:10.62. The 800 is a new event for Bakari because she was a sprinter before injuring an achilles ten don two years ago. "I was very scared because I haven't trained for it (the 800)," Bakari admitted. "I can train for it now and maybe get it down to two minutes." The 800 will probably be Bakari's event now, as she would like to qualify for her country's Olympic team in the half-mile. Collins, the redshirt sophomore, had been shelved with a variety of ailments from stress frac tures to knee injuries. But now, she appears to have regained her health and with some practice, could possibly reach her 6-1 best. Collins leaped just 5-5 in the double dual, but that was an achievement in itself because she hadn't even cleared a height in practice the day before. "The only height I have made was 5-0 in prac tice a couple of days ago," said Collins, who has a best of 6-1. "I was pleased with my jump today, I just wanted to make a height." Oregon also had some other outstanding per Photo by Brian Erb Kim Roth put injuries aside as she returned to Hayward Field and gave Oregon a 1,500-meter victory Saturday. formances against Fresno State and Oregon State. Freshman janell Thorsland sped to personal bests in the 100 and 400 hurdles and in the long jump. In the long jump, she got off a leap of 19-8'A before scratching in the finals. In the 100 hurdles, she gave Oregon State's Carina Westover all she could handle before finishing second in 14.32. And in the 400 hurdles, her time of 1:03.27 was a best by a second. “I really want to get the NCAA mark in the long jump," said Thorsland, who needs a 20-4 jump to do so. "I have jumped 20 feet before but I have scratched. I know I can do it." Oregon sprinters Cam Talton and Tracy Raade traded wins in the 100 and 200, with Talton winn ing the 100 (10.21) and Raade the 200 (24.66). Ingunn Holden won the 400, clocking a 57.8, and the Ducks won both relays, capturing the 400 in 47.12 and the 1,600 in 3:53.64. SY'S I NEW YORK PIZZA FREE CAMPUS DELIVERY WEEKLY SPECIAL 6869598 Just order any size delicious pizza and receive 2 FREE Toppings! Your choice of Regular or Sicilian crust. Delivery hours: 5:30-Midnight Two Free Drinks with every delivery Coupon good for weekdays Monday-Thursday 1211 Alder • On Campus • 686-9598 MMdd MUM MSTMMHT Featuring fine SZECHUAN & CANTONESE Dining Buffet: 10:00 a m. • 8:00 p.m. Mon. Thurs. 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Fri. & Sal. Dinner: 4:30 p m, • 10:00 p.m. Sun. Thurs. 5:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 1275 Alder Orders to Go 683'8886 Sit down....take a load off your feet.... with an ODE