Travel EUROPEAN SUMMER FLIGHTS From $599, round trip Eugene Travel 687-2823 2335:5-4 ft! hive t si i\ pwei Smi 744 E. 13th second floor Smith Family Book building BARGAIN ONE WAY FARES Eugene-San Fransisco.$100 Eugene-New York.$225 Eugene-Denver.$100 Seattle-London.$374 Eugene-Anchorage.$319.52 683-5577 Rides & Riders MOVING TO L.A. after 5-15. If you have extra space In a truck/van. I’ll share drive and $. Call Dennis 686-3510 or 342-1020 eves. 5-1 Opportunities ALASKAN JOBS: For information, send SASE to Alaskan Job Services. Box 40235. Tucson. Arizona 85717.5-2 THE BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT an nounces the HUESTIS undergraduate summer research fellowship. This fellowship provides a stipend of $1500 to allow advanced undergraduate biology majors an opportunity to pur sue independent research. Applica tions should include a brief description of proposed research and a brief nar rative of the student's academic history, honors, future interests and career goals. Applicants must also have been provisionally accepted by a biology faculty sponsor in whose laboratory the research would be con ducted. The faculty sponsor should pro vide a letter of recommendation, and commentary on the student's qualifica tions and the merit of the proposed research. Other faculty referees should be listed, but they need not provide let ters. Applications must be received in the Biology office (See Elsie Mumback) by May 10. 1984.2466:4-30 THE BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT an nounces the MARY ALDEN SCHOLAR SHIP. This scholarship provides an award of $750 to a junior or senior biology major for tuition and expenses during fall term, 1984 Applicants will be judged on the basis of merit Ap plications should include a copy of all academic work done at Oregon and at other universities, two letters of reference from people who know the students's work, and a statement of professional interests and goals. Ap plications must be received in the Biology office (see Elsie Mumbach) by May 10, 1984. 2469:4-30 Help Wanted COLLEGE STUDENTS: GET SMART! Sell Avon. Earn good money, set your own hours. CALL AVON TODAY: 746-6422 Avon STAFF POSITIONS/INTERNSHIP-, available with the SURVIVAL CENTER, student Enviromental Organization in areas of: •Wilderness •Journalism •Wildlife *Media •Energy ‘Accounting •Legislation ‘Toxics •Recycling ‘Management Applications due May 4 for the 84-85 school year Work-Study available Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities and nature enthusiasts encouraged to ap ply. 1668:5-4 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING AC CEPTED for openings in the ODE Pro duction Department for Fall Term Typesetter - must be familiar with typesetting terminology, and have meticulous work habits. Ad paste up tech • previous experience in paste-up preferred, must have well rounded design sense, as well as an eye for spacial uniformity. Photo technician - requires knowledge of darkroom processes, including photo printing and film development. Previous experience with a process camera also helpful. Afternoons and evenings. News Paste-up tech. - requires little or no experience. Applicant must have ability to learn quickly and follow direc tions. Late evening position. These are student positions, ail ap plicants must be enrolled in at least 6 hours. Applications close May 18. Posi tions will be filled by June 4th. For further details or to pick up applica tions - - 300 EMU Oregon Daily Emerald Office. Please pick up and leave ap plications with front desk receptionist. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified persons en r>(MironoH f r\ onnlir R. 1 ft THE ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PRO GRAM is seeking two Graduate Teaching Fellows, one lor its' Public Schools Division and one for its' Com munity Services Division. This position involves responsibility for training and supervising 6-10 field coordinators and indirect responsibility for 200 volunteers in 30 public schools or com munity service agencies each term. A high level of energy and motivation is required Experience in teaching, com munity services, or volunteer programs is preferred Applicants must be enroll ed in a graduate program, and be com mitted to experiential learning, faculty student collaboration, peer supervi sion, and consensus decision making. For further information on the posi tions. their compensations, and ap plication materials, contact Vicki Koch or Mary Brown at the ESCAPE office, room 327 EMU. ext. 4351, or Dennis Pataniczek at the College of Education, ext. 3481. Applications close at 5 pm, Friday May 4th. (ESCAPE is an equal op portunity employer and follows Affir mative Action guidelines.) 2510:5-1 4-J HANDICAPPED SWIM PROGRAM needs male volunteers. Swimming abili ty not as important as dependability. Monday and Wednesday 3:15-4:30 pm. Easter Seal Pool. Call Joan Kelly, 687-32532501:5-1 SAW MILL FILER Must be able to bench saws as well as fitting. Please send resume with references to: Scott Findlay, Byd Lumber Corp., PO Box 112. Sedrowolley WA. 98284 2544:5-3 MOTHER’S HELPER WANTED for New York City area. 19 years or older, must drive, non-smoker. Start in August for 6 months - 1 year Opportunity to travel Experience and references necessary. Write Marsha Veit, 11 Garden Ridge. Chappaqua, NY 10514.5-4 WANTED: Person with equipment to DJ wedding July 7th. Approximately 5 hours. $5.50/hr plus food, drink and good time. 344-2831 after 5 pm. 5-2 Roommates LOOKING FOR MALE OVER 21 to share beautiful home in Hendricks park area with 4 others. Rent $117 Call 484-7215. 5-1 For Rent PRIVATE BATH! EXTRA LARGE beautifully furnished deluxe campus quads. AIR CONDI TIONED. FREE CABLE, FREE UTILITIES. Covered parking, laundy facilities, refrigerator in each room. Pro mpt maintenance GUARANTEED! FOR ONLY $149 month HALF BLOCK TO CAMPUS & SHOPPING. SEE OUR QUADS, BEFORE YOU RENT ANYWHERE ELSE! YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID! CAMPUS QUADS 751 EAST 16th 345*1272 A J.P. North Apartment Home __2137:tfn BEST FOR LESS! PLUS FREE CABLE! DELUXE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED quads now available for fall. Breathtak ing views, open courtyard. AIR CONDI TIONED, laundry facilities, covered parking & FREE utilities. Prompt maintenace guaranteed • Excellent on site management. ALL THIS FROM ONLY: $129 Vi BLOCK TO U OF 0 CAMPUS - 10 minutes on bus line to LCC. STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY THIS IS SUCH A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE ! Woodside Manor (18th and Harris) 683*3005 A J.P. North Aparment Home __2139:tfn FREE UTILITIES! FREE CABLE! For Only $125 SPOTLESSLY CLEAN modern deluxe campus quads. Completely furnished. Next to U of O campus and university shopping, covered parking and laundry facilities. Prompt maintenance GUARANTEED. Excellent management. STOP IN TODAY! Alder Street Quads 1360 Alder St. 345*3599 A JP North Apartment Home 2141 :tf n FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED one and two bedrooms close to campus, $195 to $275. 485-6322. 485-0062. 344-1625_ 332:tfn 611 E. 11th 1 Bedroom, convenient loca tion. carpets, drapes, appliances, off street parking and laundry Call manager 345-7419. IPM REALTOR 485-8258 1827:tfn 1331 HIGH STREET Furnished Studio private bath-share kitchen with one other. Utilities paid. $160 BENNETT MANAGEMENT CO. 485-6991 _ 1938:ttn ENJOY HIGH RISE LIVING Eugene Manor 1st opening in 3 months -Security building -Walking distance to campus -Spacious apartments -New carpets, drapes Eugene Manor-managed by people who care For appointment call 484-7441. 2156:ttn UO FAMILY HOUSING Possibility of im mediate occupancy or place yourself on waiting list. Westmoreland furnished apartment; 2 bedroom $140/mo. 1 bedroom $111/mo. Amazon unfurnished 2 bedroom $116/mo Future openings expected all areas. Contact UO Hous ing Dept 686-4277.2449:tfn FURNISHED STUDIOS Utilities paid Share kitchen with one other. Private bath, covered parking and laundry facilities avalable. From $168. 735 E. 14th Manager 344-0219 2433:tfn CAMPUS AREA Newly 1 bedroom apartment in 5 plex. Roomy, laundry facilities, ready to go. 1884 Garden Ave. No.D. Jennings & Co. 683 2271 1667:tfn 475 E. 15th is proud to show large, clean quads, and rooms in a house $109 and $119. Manager 345-1037 IPM. 1111 Pearl, 485-8258.1681 :tfn THE STUDENT’S COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION offers low cost room and board for summer/fall 1984. For in formation on a progressive living alter native call: Campbell Club: 686-5189 or Janet Smith House: 686-4261.1698:MHF BLACKSTONES MANOR has a hot deal this summer for land 2 bedrooms Uni quely furnished. Covered parking. Prime location. 687-0684 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2536:tfn 430 E. 15. Comfortable quad. Air condi tioning. Private refrigerator. Dishwasher. Near campus. Ask manager for summer rate. 485-2130 IPM Co, 485-8258 1111 Pearl 2535:tfn STUDENT PLAZA 945 E. 19th. Spacious 1 bedroom apart ment close to campus. Laundry facilities, appliances, carpet and drapes. Manager in No. 2, 345-9184 or 683-2271. Jennings and Co. 2480:4-30 EXTREME Y LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom. Excellent location. Freshly painted, new carpet, drapes. Campus ten blocks. Unfurnished, no pets. 2045 Willamette, $230. 344-2469 or 345-7987. 2549:tfn CAMPUS ONE BEDROOM Very nice, large, available now Unfurnished, no pets, $170. 750 E. 18th. 687-0565, 687-8205, 345-7987. 2550:tfn Quads CAMPUS COURT QUADS 1544 Alder. Free maid service. 686-1075 _ 821:tfn LARGE MODERN QUAD next to Univer sity. All utilities paid. $129/mo. 1866 Harris. 343-1009, 344-8941 2326:tfn FURNISHED, PRIVATE BATH, Water and garbage paid. Roomy, close to cam pus. See at 553 E. 18th No 7 or call Jen nings and Co. 683-2271. $130. 1666:tfn Houses For Rent VERY CLEAN newly decorated IV2 bedrooms, unfurnished house, West Eugene, no dogs, $225 plus deposit. 343-2331 evenings. 1723:tfn Lost & Found EZ MONEY for return of gold ring with green stone. One side has “76" and other has “BA". Inside, N.D.P. Call Nancy 485-5892 or 689-2021 5-3 PEACE CORPS AREA RECRUITERS ARE HERE! SEE AREA AND CAMPUS RECRUITERS 4-30. 5-1 and 5-2 FOR INFORMATION APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN FOR TWO-YEAR ASSIGNMENTS BEGIN NING THIS SUMMER. WORK EX PERIENCE OR COLLEGE TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS MAY QUALIFY YOU FOR PLACEMENT •Agriculture • Forestry • Math • Biological Sciences • Physical Sciences • Industrial Arts •Special Ed. • Animal Husbandry •Civil Engineering • Nursing, Health, Med. Tech. •TEFL • Fisheries (experience or Sci. Major Minor) INFORMATION TABLE: 4 30 5-1 9 am-3 pm, EMU Main Lobby SLIDE SHOW: Kenya. 4-30 3:30 pm. U of O Forum Rm. FILM: Dominican Republic. 4-30 7 pm. Eugen Public Library GROUP MEETING: 4-30 12:30 pm. U of O Forum Rm INTERVIEWS: 5-1. 5-2 Career Plann ing and Placement. 244 Hendricks Hall. 9 am-4 pm. CALL NOW TO SIGN UP FOR IN TERVIEWS. MUST BRING COM PLETED APPLICATION TO INTERVIEW. 686-3235 ARE YOU EXPERIENCED OR NOT YOU SHOWED IT ONCE BUT WE FORGOT MAIL ART SHOW DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 10 Send in/ bring your image/response, postcard/xerox, drawing, picture of mom etc. All work accepted. Deliver to: EMU Cultural Forum, Suite 2, EMU 1686:4-30 JEWISH STUDENT UNION presents ISRAELI CULTURE WEEK Monday Holocaust Show Film 7 pm 137 Gilbert Tuesday Slide show Water conservation in desert climates of ancient and modern Israel 7 • 8:30 pm Century Room B Wednesday slide show A historical view of Jerusalem & the 3 main religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity 7 • 8:30 pm 204 Villard 2566:5-4 SYLVIA FRANKEL Holocaust Show Film 7 pm 137 Gilbert Sponsored by JSU 2545:4-30 QUALITY 7 DAYS A WEEK KINKO’S COPIES 860 E. 13th 2446:5-1 344 7894 WHITEWATEF RAFTING Free seminar on whitewater rafting clothing, equipment safety, and the Raft Co-op Wednesday, May 2 7:30 pm Outdoor Program Room, EMU Sponsored by U of O Outdoor Progra 686-4365 for more details 2548:5 RAFT CO-OF Trip Initiators’ Clinics May 1 and 3, 7:30pm Outdoor Program Rm Attendance at both sessions require for access to co-op rafts For more ii fo all 686-4365 2547:5 CYCLING TEAM MTG. Mandatory budget meeting, Rm 11: EMU, 7-8 pm, Tues., April 1. 2567:5 Entertainment University Theatre’s Second Seasor presents the Pacific N.W. premiere of Caryl Churchill's 1982 drama Top Girls This provocative play examines the unique and very difficult choices women often face as they attempt to reconcile their personal and pro fessional ambitions. With biting wil and powerful drama, this play take; a fascinating look at an age-old pro blem brought up to date for the modern woman. MAY 3-5, 10-12, 17-19 ARENA THEATRE (VILLARO HALL) 8:00 PM ALL TICKETS: $2 Call 686-4191 to reserve your tickets ?568;5 £ THE BIJOU 492 E. 13th 686-245 CARMEN ★ ★ ★ V!2 ‘ Carmen sizzles with passion." Kathleen Carroll New York Daily News Bizet's sensual drama blazes anew a a present-day dance company find life parallels art all too well. Stars Ai lonio Gadez, Spain's foremos dancer. Rated R (nudity and violence FRI-SAT 7:15 and 9:15 pm SUN-THURS 6:30 and 8:30 pm SAT SUN Matinee 4:30 pm MISER MONDAY $2.50 ★ ★★★★★★★★★ KZEL WELCOMES BIJOU LATENITE REPULSION Roman Polanski's first English language film. Stars Catherine Deneuve. WED-THURS 11 pm FRI-SAT midnite C1NCHA7 SPS& Premiere through May 3 The critically acclaimed zany, charr ing British comedy Experience Preferred But Not Essential SHOWS at 7 and 8:45 pm Personals FOR ANSWERS TO YOUR questic about abortion - the procedure, cost, and local referral - call Natio Abortion Federation Hotline toll fr 1-800-223-0618, 7 am-3 pm, M 468:MI PROBLEMS? Crisis Center, U of O telephone hotli 24 hours-7 days. Strictly confident Call 686-4488 358 I • UO SPRfNGFEST W '4~ • W. iS3J9NI«dS Ofl • IT’S COMING Parents’ Weekend May 18-20 SPRINGFEST, May 18-20 FREE AND WITH CARING Pregnancy n testing at Birthright. 687-8651. 623:M f SPECIAL > $1 CLASSIFIEDS Buy your Emerald classified ad at the SUAB Booth in the EMU Lobby and save. Your first 15 words are only $1. SAVE $1.25 i i- Ads can be placed at the SUAB Booth from 11 am to 1 pm. -1 tfn -1 DEAR PI PHI'S: Come into the BIG DIP PER by May 6 wearing your GREEK let ters and get 25% oft our frozen yogurt! LOVE & KISSES XOXO, DANIEL 1706:4-30 ELECT JACK CRAIG South Eugene County Commissioner. "He kept us out ot WPPSS" Charles Porter, pd: Craig5-1 ELECT Tack CRAIG South Eugene Couty Commissioner) Restore Lane County's Sorely Neglected Park System. pd:Craig5A CAPS AND GOWNS NOW AT THE BOOKSTORE Pick yours up now to assure size availabilty 2563:4-30 MOTHER’S DAY IS MAY 13 We have gifts to suit every budget from bookmarks to coordinated desk accessories. And, of course, a wide selection of Mother's Day cards. TABBERWOeKY CARDS • GIFTS MON-FRI 10-5:30 1308 Hilyard SATURDAY 10-5 484-0530 LAW SCHOOL GRADUATES DEADLINE for ordering reglia at the Bookstore is MAY 1 s _2562:5-1 s PERSONAL COLUMN Single white male, 33 lives in cabin on coast. Friend ly, honest, gentle, Bohemian, 5' 10", 160 lbs. Seeks woman for friendship. Jay Schwartz, 21 NW Hurberl, Newport, Oregon 97365. 265-5035._M SNUGGLES Happy Anniversary! Now on to "someday". I'll always love you, cutie! LOVE, P.4-30 > PLANNED PARENTHOOD has an early 1 pregnancy test that is 99% accurate Call for appointment, 344-94112455:4-30 SEEKING SINGLE WOMEN who are over 30, have never been married and would be willing to participate in In dependent Research questionaire. Please call 687-8239. 5-2 ] ns he ral se. •F. VF BUY 1 CARD GET THE 2nd (of the same or less value) FOR HALF PRICE! MENTION THIS AD Expires 5-4-84 446 East 13th 10 6 Mon Fri 10-5 Saturday 342 8339 Next to the BI)ou SCUBA CLUB ie, al 4F Meeting tonight. 7:30 pm, Rm 101 EMU. Topic: Northwest Diving! Raffle Win ners’ No. 003 and 007. 4-30 T.I.M. BLOOM COUNTY ■ ■ ■■■ " r— by Berke Breathed _ .-—i r--1 TRACKS SO, LIKE VA' vore FOR , MMJ r \ T VOTED FOR Vie LtOST LOO/CAL CANDIDATE... srotKf I ha! why would ANYBODY WANT TO VOTE EOF 5FOCX ? \ grTTM»H mu.'ah over/as we pictbp, it pump nee a raucous caucus /NPeep/... mm, fortunately without concrete results ...for the AMERICAN MEAUCW PARTY NOW HAS THEIR FIRST RRESIPENT1AL CANWATE ...StLl THE CM... ...WHO, AS tVtKYUNK IN IHt. rKtX WORLP MUST SURELY KNOW, IS UNLUCKILY ANPIRREVERSIBLY VEAV AS A HERRIN(p...