et ai MEETINGS COLLEGE REPUBLICANS will meet tonight at 7 p.m in EMU Century Room F. County Commissioner Can didate Tonie Nathan will be speaking. FACULTY COLLOQUIM IN SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE FUNDING will have a brown bag meeting with Dr. Roberta Miller of COSSA in 338 Gilbert today from noon to 1:15 p.m UNIVERSITY SCUBA CLUB meets at 7:30 p.m. in Room 101 EMU to discuss Northwest diving. LECTURES “MUSIC EDUCATION IN HUNGARY" is the title of a lecture to be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 177 Lawrence by Prof Randall Moore. Admission is free. SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY is the topic of a lecture to be given at 7 p.m. tonight at the Eugene Public Library by Dr. Susanne Schumann. The lecture is free and is part of the third Carol Judge Memorial Lecture Series. •SPACE-BASED DEFENSE SYSTEMS: THEIR FEASIBILITY AND STRATEGIC IMPACT" is the title of a lecture to be given by Dr. Keith Payne tonight at 8 p m in 150 Geology. Free to the public and sponsored by the Faculty Arms Control Group. INTERVIEWS INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Summer position at Tektronics for a senior or graduate student in Human Resources Management. Resume, cover letter and list of related course work must be received by the Career Planning and Placement Service by May 1 This is a paid position. Come to 221 Hendricks Hall for more information. CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Sign up at 7.30 a m. on Wednes day rn Room 224 Hendricks Hall for the following recruiters: MAY 9 Port Angeles Public Schools (For teachers: Elementary&Read Specialist&Spec Ed&Home and fami ly life&Sec Math&Sec Sci&Vocational-A mech&Carpen try) Group Meeting: 9 a m., Rm. 108, EMU May 9 VR Business Brokers — Group meeting only: 7 p.m., Rms 110-111, EMI (For selling businesses) May 10 Hillsboro Union High School District 3JT (For Teachers: JH and SH Soc studies&JH and SH Math&CS&SH English&JH and SH Handicapped Learner&JH typing) May 10 U S Comptroller of the Currency (For National Bank Examiner) SIGN UP FOR THE FOLLOWING RECRUITERS at 7:30 a m. today in 244 Hendricks Hall: PLEASE SIGN UP IMMEDIATELY if interested in inter viewing with the following recruiters: Apr 30-May 2 Peace Corps recruiting Office (For Peace Corps Volunteer) Group Meeting: 4/30 12:30 p.m., Forum Room, EMU. Film: 4/30 3:30 p.m., Forum Room, EMU April 30 Jefferson County School District (For Jr High Teachers: Math/Eng/Counseling/Special Education) May 1 Arthur Andersen & Company (For Winter '84 Ac counting Internship) May 1 Economics Lab (For Sales Trainee) May 1-2 Electronic Data Systems Corporation (For Systems Engineering Development) May 1 K mart Apparel (For Management Trainee Pro gram) Group Meeting: 4/30 7-8:30 p.m., 108 EMU (Atten dance req. to interview) May 1-2 U.S. National Bank of Oregon (For Career Development Training Program) May 2 Jay Jacobs, Inc. (For Management Trainee) May 3,4 Tigard School District 23J (For Teachers: JH Band/JH & SH Eng/Math/Sci/Learning Specialist) Group Meeting: 5/3 9-10 a m., Room 12, Hendricks Hall May 3 U.S. Air Force (For Pilot/Navigator/ Meterology/Comm Electronics) MISCELLANEOUS THE CHEESE AND BUTTER DISTRIBUTION WILL BE HELD IN THE EMU May 1-2 We need students with trucks and strong backs willing to put in some time at the warehouse loading and unloading trucks. We also will need students to help with the loading and off loading of the trucks and to assist in the distribution at the University. The warehouse volunteers will be needed today, May 1 and 2. If you would like to assist in this pro ject, please contact Bill Snyder at the ASUO, x3724. A HERSTORICAL PARADE will kick off the 1984 Women's Symposium today. We will march in com memoration of our foremothers from the UO Bookstore to the Courtyard where we will speak for the women history has kept silent. Come as your herstorical heroine or come as you are. “EFFECTIVE APPROACHES TO HEALTH CARE AND COST CONTAINMENT” is the title of a free seminar sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Personnel Manage ment Association. The seminar will by held May 8 at the Valley River Inn Registration materials are available in 209 Gilbert. THE GRADUATE TEACHING FELLOWS FEDERA TION is sponsoring two slide shows on the Labor Move ment in Central America on Tuesday night from 7-9 p.m in 101 EMU. Come and celebrate International Worker's Day with us. Free of charge. PEACE CORPS RECRUITERS Come talk with former volunteers from Kenya, the Dominican Republic, Liberia, the Marshall Islands and Uganda. Information tables will be set up today and tomorrow in the EMU main lobby A i Group Meeting will be held at 12:30 today in the Forum j Room; a slide show of Kenya will be held at 3:30 p.m. to day, also in the Forum Room. Pick up an application and bring it completed to interviews at 244 Hendricks. Call 686-3235 for appointment STUDENTS WITH HART All those interested in elec ting Gary Hart are welcome to help out. Come to 242 Gilbert at 6 p.m. tonight. STOP THE MADNESS. A RALLY AGAINST U.S. IN TERVENTION sponsored by ASUO, Alliance to Counter Militarism, UO Women's Symposium and ten other com munity and student groups, will be held today, the 9th anniversary of the end of the U S. war on Vietnam To be held in the EMU Courtyard, the rally will include speakers, poetry and music, with the music beginning at 11:30 a m. and the rally at noon. THE HALF DAY ON THE JOB PROGRAM is being sponsored by the Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity Thursday, May 10. This annual program offers business students an opportunity to be matched with the field of their choice and receive hands-on experience with ap plied management and operations. The students will spend the morning at the host business with a represen tative. The program will end at the Eugene Hilton with a luncheon banquet and a keynote speaker. Thirteen field choices are offered students and applications, available at the College of Business main office, are due today. ALPHA PHI OMEGA National Service Fraternity is holding an open house May 1 at 6:30 p.m. in EMU Cen tury Room F Everyone welcome. INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Summer position at Tektronics for a senior or graduate student in Human Resources Management. Resume, cover letter and list of related course work must be received by the Career Planning and Placement Service by May 1. This is a paid position. Come to 221 Hendricks Hall for more information. MULTI CULTURAL FRIENDSHIP PROGRAM Needed are adults and children (ages 5-15) of various ethnic backgrounds to participate in program for Spring term at the University of Oregon YWCA. Contact Don Ward at 686-4440 for more information. DO YOU WANT TO GET INTO UPPER-DIVISION JOURNALISM CLASSES? If you’ve completed, or are close to compoleting, 90 total hours, it’s time to apply to the Journalism School and become a full-fledged Jour nalism major Planning ahead is the key to graduating on time. The peer advisors will be in the Allen Reading Room tomorrow to do 90-hour reviews Stop by between 3:30 and 5 p.m. to find out where you stand Classifieds PICK UP THE PHONE! If you have VISA or MASTERCARD you can now phone in your Emerald Classified ad and have il billed lo your account Just give us a call by 1 pm the day before you want the ad published and watch a small invest ment bring big returns! EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS 686-4343 MasterCard For Sale BRAND NEW SPARE WATCH Seiko men's digital waterproof with alarm, stopwatch $55 or best offer 687-0447 QUEEN SIZED WATERBED with mat tress, liner and heater Like new Make offer. Call 485-3139 in evenings tfn CRAZY LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Pioneer SX 737 receiver. Sharp RT 1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1V2 speakers. $250 Schwinn Le Tour. $75 IBM Correcting Selectric II with tons of supplies and seven elements. $700 686 4344. ask for Larry __ tfn MUST SEE 350 HONDA Looks and runs excellent, extras, great mileage. $475 or BO 345 9651_4 30 OUEENSIZED WATERBED Mattress, heater, liner, rails. Excellent condition $135 or best offer Alex 34-7040 4-30 MOVING SALE X-C skis/poles 3 speed bike, new backpack, desk, chair, sleep ing bag. table. Misc. books and albums. For further info call Mary 343-5019 Keep trying. Prices are negotiable. 5-2 IS IT TRUE you can buy |eeps for $44 through the U S. Government? Get the facts todaylCall (312) 742-1142. ext *534. 4-30 Buy & Sell THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy-Sell-Trade Used electric guitars and amplifiers, 361 West 5th 613 M-F Instruction MAY OPENINGS guitar, piano, bass lessons 344-5530. John Sharkey All styles_1724:4-30 Piano Tutoring and instruction Teacher experienced in many styles of music Susan Kennedy 683-3743. 4 30 Services STATES MOTEL, Portland $21 20 night ly. 1 or 2 persons Free indoor pool, gym, phone, HBO 2620 N E 82nd Ave 255-0103. . 5-7 RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Qualified typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge. Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% discount with current ID tfn NEED A TUTOR? Want to improve learn ing skills? the EDUCATIONAL OPPOR TUNITIES PROGRAM offers many ser vices: Advising. Counseling. Credit Courses, and more. Must be low in come Eligibility quickly determined. Call 686-3232, or stop by 207 Emerald Hall 2270:5-8 ROLFINC Jon Carroll Certified Roller 683-3639 FREE EVALUATION Typing EXPERIENCED TYPIST Using IBM Selectric III Call Mina between 8 am and 10 pm at 726-9824 851 MW TYPING/EDITING Call Sara 686-0739 _675:WHFM ELITE TYPING SERVICE Word processing now available Fast-Guaranteed Accurate 484 1646 _ 748.1 In PROFESSIONAL TYPIST: Statistical specialist IBM Corr Sel. Grad approv ed. Near campus. 344 0759. 513:1 fn DYNAMIC TYPING SERVICE Guaranteed Quality work. Pickup and delivery availably 465 3914 583:tln T&C PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word processing specialists, all levels Graduate school approved. 687 9326, Cyndi 2178:MWF TYPING & WORD PROCESSING EDITING • GRAPHICS Theses/dissertations papers, diagrams, tables, including statistical Law papers, Resume Composition, & Mass Mailing Specialists. Fast. Proles sionat. Quality Service, Guaranteed 345-2400 Wordslyles & Typescripts CINDY & BRANDY 1098 tin PRO TYPING/EDITING Expert at theses and dissertations 2 block from UO No |Ob too small Jennifer 485-3883 898 tin TYPING: 15 years experience Papers, dissertations, editing Graduate School approved IBM Selectric Pickup and delivery Call Carole al 688 3983.5 Mjttn TYPING Patrice 342-5238 _ _ _2052 tin Carol's Professional Typing Service Monday-Frlday 8:30-4:30 Evenings by appointment only 345 2289 2168:tfn RESUMES RESUMES RESUMES Quali ty typeset resumes by ODE Graphic Services. We will give your job search the professional edge Call 686-5511 or come by 300 EMU Students 10% dis count with current ID. tfn EXPERIENCED, PROFESSIONAL TYPING Pickup/delivery. Call Molly anytime. 747-43384 30 FOR SALE IBM Correcting Selectric II. Comes with plenty of supplies and several elements Has ALWAYS been under IBM service contract $700 or best offer 686-4344. ask for Larry. tfn MASTER TOUCH Word Processing theses, dissertations resumes, reports, papers personalized mass mailings form letters 343-3924 2518:5-1 P r< 4 T $ s 5 K P 4, [ w si D [ Instruments ROLAND TR808 Drum Machine $650 Yamaha Synthsizer with Flight Case $1750, 485-1359 after 5 pm 5-4 2‘ Al til (tv Pioneer SX-737 receiver. Sharp RT-1155 cassette deck and two DLK 1% speakers-all for only $250 Will also sell L individual components. Call today! " 686-4344, ask for Larry. _ tfn c< Sound Systems WHAT A DEAL!! . .. , ..I OLK AUDIO SPEAKERS. Like new tail, $480 sell for $300. Call Marc. 15-9649.j>-1 MO LARGE PIONEER SPEAKERS 120/offer. Sony Walkman, with 2 mini reakers, $45. 344-4262.5-4 rEREO FOR SALE HK450 Harmon ardon tuner-amp. JBL L-19 speakers, oneer PL-516 turntable. System $600 15-4748 4-30 Photography EDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Profes onal quality ■ reasonable prices. John Jtton 344-6750 5-10 Books 60,000 BOOKS IN STOCK All selling 25% off list prices New Books-Textbooks-Cliff Note Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE 768 East 13th 362:tfn Bicycles VISCOUNT Excellent condition. loy cranks, gears, shifter New seat, es, forks. $110 or best offer. 342-5135 ike). 4-30 Cars & Cycles YAMAHA MOPED Low miles, ex Kent condition, $350 343-0393. 4-30 L Scenic Whitewater Raft mg & Guided Flyfishing Trips DAY, HALF DAY, & EVENING TRIPS Group Roles Member- Spencer Guide Service 1c Kenz R »ver Guides , c .. , >re<,o„Gu.d.>&Pac|,„„ BobS^" licemedGuide lcK.n2,.flyt,.h.r. 747-8153 DIM SUM Ev«ry Sunday^ 11 a.m. 3 p.m. DIM SUM LUNCH $J95 And Try Us for Dinner Regular Lunches, Too CHINA BLUE Restaurant 879 E. 13th 343-2832 Peak Season Flights to Britain from $499 round trip t UCiENE IK \\ H (>87-2823 KM t. I tth -1' 1 FREE Soda j plus ■ 10* OFF i any slice i Offer good Monday through Friday 11:30-Midnight Mon. Fri. 3:30-Midnight - Weekends | 1211 Alder on Campus j 686*9598 Sy's j NewJTork Pl«aj ° L0 o* « % . ® • • J O • ----— *• •*!*'• '* • ' Planning an Event? Need help witI , % I,**,’ .*\ • • V * V * ., ODE Graphic Services!! . .•. 4C. ; oo 0